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Free 30 days are almost done. R U RESUBBIN?


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Well, I have 2 days left and I have already unsubbed and uninstalled. Question is for the people who didn't pay for 6 months or a year sub. Are you going to resub to the game?


Strait up are you going to give BW AND EA more of your money for this game?



It all hinges on how the server transfer process goes. If these transfers actually create servers with playable populations I may stay. Otherwise, I"m gone for good. There are too many other good games coming over summer to continually waste my time on a no-populated failure of a game.

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I have not yet decided I am still on the fence. I have had my card in hand for three days now but have not entered any numbers. I have however installed some of my older games to keep me entertained until something else comes up that I want to play. I like the game but I am just getting bored.
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Im paying the damn game to sit still on a dead server doing nothing.


If Bioware wants to gimme another free month to compensate for that, fine, but no way in hell in giving away my money to stay like this for another month.


Maybe i´ll return a year from now to see how things are going.

Edited by EduardoJN
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SWTOR, my first MMO.


After all these years of not playing any MMOs because they seemed boring and repetitive, I found out I was correct and have been missing nothing.


The one thing this game has is the star wars IP. And it was decent enough to hold interest for a few weeks. Then legacy became a big deal. Making multiple characters was heavily encouraged, no it was manditory, everyone has a legacy bar on the main screen- It must be important! So I made a few alts.


Each alt has some class specific missions, but you end up running through the same missions, on the same planets ad nauseum. The first run through was fine (on some planets), the second run through was- well it became tedious so I made another character type to see if it would add anything to the game. I quickly found out, no, no it does not add much.


So I returned to my original character. Leveled to 50- and then.... nothing. With the linear questline, there is nothing left to do when you complete your storyline.


PVP? Its appeal lasted for less than 20 matchs. Certain classes have outrageous advantage, and the fun sucks right out of the game after youve played a handful of matches and the opposing team is mostly made up of that one favored class.


OPS? They are fun the first run, but then they just become dailies. Dailies. Are Dailies what MMOS are all about? Maybe for some people, but for me, I do not like the feeling of running in the hamster wheel, doing the same thing over and over simply trying to get a piece of gear- that probably looks like an anime or gundam suit anyway!


The oversight that hurt the game the most, was the lack of any freeform / sandbox type of content in game- those sort of things keep people interested in the game longer, give them a way to explore and play the game in the way they envision. All without having to just chug through class content.


A lot of things could have been added to help keep players interested. Competitive mini games like swoop or pod racing, casino games- what is Nar Shadda - basically a whole planet dedicated to vice and gambling, and there is not one functioning slot machine or card table? Lttle things like this could have kept players interested longer, even if they were just diversions and breaks from completing the storyline. Another thing- 3D space combat is missing. that was a pretty massive ball dropper.


The biggest disappointment, is the in game participation of the community. If you are asking around looking for a group, often if you have the sound low enough, you could swear crickets are chirping in the background. And only a handful of times (yes less than 5) , have I witnessed and participated in some entertaining banter in chat. One thing I have come to realize is that a lot of Star Wars nerds are just very anti social, even on the internet.


All in all it was a good single player experience, with some multiplayer aspects. I liked playing it, for the first run through, but when my time card runs out I will not be purchasing another.

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If you want the NEW CAR SMELL I suggest TERA. Fun game, lacking end game, but really fun combat.


And no, I am not re-subbing. This over-servered joke of a game can keep the remaining time on my 6 month renewal and hopefully turn it into a real experience for their consumers, or choke on the money they made. 180 mill in box sales, + the abortion of a subscrition fee buys a lot of ********...... and they've been spewing it for 4 months.

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Not sure if I will stay. Probably, just sub for one more month. What really annoys me is the gear color bug. That bug has been around since the game launch and it hasn't been fixed. This is the only game where my gear color changes based on the skin color of your character.. At any rate, I'm probably get bored of running warzones by end of next month for sure. Plus, I will be done leveling my sage, then I have very little desire to finish leveling my other alts.


Basically, what I'm looking for is BW to fix old bugs, population consolation, merges/xfers, smoother game play, and more game content. I don't see BW fixing old bug reducing game lag due to poor game engine, or adding significant content. I will probably cancel after one more sub month.

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I put a 60 day time card I got from a mate a day before my free 30 days kicked in as I unsubbed as a protest to get the survey when you unsub. If there not real change on the PVP front I won't be re-subbing or adding anymore time to my account and I will leave SWTOR. That said since I did all this I mainly been playing Tera-Online since PVP in SWTOR just an't no fun playing against 6sentinal/mara 2x healer teams.
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At this point I couldn't care less if they put in a Conjurer and a Mariachi band to save subs. I can see the way this game is going and the ongoing silence from the devs makes it worse. This game will be ****-up before the end of the year and believe me, it hurts like a mutha to say that. :(
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Well, I have 2 days left and I have already unsubbed and uninstalled. Question is for the people who didn't pay for 6 months or a year sub. Are you going to resub to the game?


Strait up are you going to give BW AND EA more of your money for this game?


I'm going to keep playing until the end.

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Well I noticed in the 1.3 Q&A something that we got from the developrs that we have never gotten before. Time frames. I might be jumping the gun here but honestly it seems like with those layoffs this game might just start to do a 180. Hopefully the new community management team will actually relate and talk to us. Make a feel in the loop for once instead of leaving us in the dark. I'm not saying this is going to happen however if it does I will stick with this game. I realize this game was released about 8 months too early. With that being said I will give it 1 more month to see what happens with it.


I also realize that I am on the fat man so I am not experiencing the distaste and fustration that most of you are. I want you guys to know that I feel for all of you and I hope your server transfers come within the next few weeks. <3

Edited by Zergnaut
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