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Free 30 days are almost done. R U RESUBBIN?


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Already unsubed. got a few days left. Im in one of the larger guilds and several people logged on lat night main subject of discussion. When does everyones sub run out. most of the guild hase had enough of BW and the piss poor way they hve handled pvp and end of storyline content. Guilds most active talk right now is what the GW2 guild will be called
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I'm staying, no matter what people say I really like the game.


I like the game as well and i realy have no qualms with the content. But unfortunatly i do have a problem with not having anyone around to do the content with.


So i have already unsubbed untill transfers are implemented. And to take this long to get the transfers out is either incopetence or intentional theres no other viable reasons than them two .And thats just sad

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I like the game as well and i realy have no qualms with the content. But unfortunatly i do have a problem with not having anyone around to do the content with.


So i have already unsubbed untill transfers are implemented. And to take this long to get the transfers out is either incopetence or intentional theres no other viable reasons than them two .And thats just sad


That question's already been answered. It was incompetence. Why do you think they fired so many off the dev team?


It'll get better.


(It has to.)

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You know nothing of my commitment nor do you have the right to accuse me of such.


Secondly I put my time in. Look @ my subscribe date vs yours bud.


I agree with him. If you are not willing to give a new game time to work out bugs, fill in more content. And get itself on track you have no commitment to the game. Only joined in hopes of finding a WOW killer and maybe a Star Wars game. I love this game and will be here until the servers go off line. Now tell me I haven't been here long as you.

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I like the game as well and i realy have no qualms with the content. But unfortunatly i do have a problem with not having anyone around to do the content with.


So i have already unsubbed untill transfers are implemented. And to take this long to get the transfers out is either incopetence or intentional theres no other viable reasons than them two .And thats just sad


Except perhaps to work out name and legacy name issues? who gets to keep what? will it prevent a character from being able to transfer from one server to another if one already exist on that server? Do you know these answers and how to resolve them so every one is happy and can keep their Unique name?

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That question's already been answered. It was incompetence. Why do you think they fired so many off the dev team?


It'll get better.


(It has to.)


ofc it will get better, the game idea and starwars lore is a very strong base, too bad it was handled so badly(all the layoffs is useless since the mistakes has been made in the top, lead game designer and the money dude that said it was time to launch game before it was rdy) both are still on the payroll of BW and EA, sadly **** allways run downwards :(

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unsubbed, still have a few days of the free 30 days or would have been out already. I tried to play an alt and see new content but the lack of other players is just too depressing for me to stick with it.



I can't see paying $15 a month for a game missing some of the key features that are now considered basic in the MMO world. Sure, I can understand that some features can take some time but a transfer tool should have been ready at launch to cover the known 10 to 20% loss every MMO has after their launch. For 95% of the players, this is a single player game, the "MM" is missing from this "MMO".



It is estimated that SWtor has lost around 50% of their subs and are going further down every day, the bleeding can only be stopped by closing at least half of the servers and offering a cross server LFG tool. Closing servers will give people at least the feel of other players on the game and a cross server tool will let people find groups at all times of the day instead of only 4 hours (at best) during the evenings.

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Except perhaps to work out name and legacy name issues? who gets to keep what? will it prevent a character from being able to transfer from one server to another if one already exist on that server? Do you know these answers and how to resolve them so every one is happy and can keep their Unique name?


That is the first I have ever seen someone give a valid reason why server transfers have not been initiated yet. (besides failure to implement a common feature to MMOs and poor design and lack of planning)


Though if legacy names are what is holding up server transfer, than that is a hilarious blunder, and again indicates that the planning is atrocious. Patch 1.3 should have been patch 1.2 and vice versa. What were they thinking?

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I'm here until the doors close. Its not perfect by any means and neither will be any mmo's to come. Many will go to the next big thing only to be let down and move on to the next afterward. Star Wars is the universe I will remain in, this will be here for a long time. It will be here, evolved and better, ready and waiting for the ones who figure out they want to give it the second look that it will deserve in the future and that the other games are just not as special as first thought. To those leaving good luck and happy hunting, for those on the fence, keep watching, for those of us remaining keep the faith and enjoy things as they come.:wea_01:
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Well, I have 2 days left and I have already unsubbed and uninstalled. Question is for the people who didn't pay for 6 months or a year sub. Are you going to resub to the game?


Strait up are you going to give BW AND EA more of your money for this game?


Short answer: No.


Slighly longer answer: Sadly, It's just not the right game for me. They peed too much console into my MMORPG cheerios.

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Except perhaps to work out name and legacy name issues? who gets to keep what? will it prevent a character from being able to transfer from one server to another if one already exist on that server? Do you know these answers and how to resolve them so every one is happy and can keep their Unique name?


Delude it all you want if thats what helps you hang in there great. But the pop issues have been steadily getting worse since march here it is 4 months later and still no time frame other than early summer. Wich will make it at least 5 months total. Theres no exscuse for that. It should not take 5 months to correct a problem thats causing the game to hemorage subs like a severd artery. And if it does then its purely intentional or utter incopetence. theres no other reason for it.

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That question's already been answered. It was incompetence. Why do you think they fired so many off the dev team?


It'll get better.


(It has to.)


Cost cutting measure perhaps minimize losses by cutting down to a core team to keep it ticking over

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I don't buy into the whole, "it's legacy that keeps them from being able to do transfers."


This is no excuse for them allowing their game to deteriorate into what it has.


Legacy was something that could have waited. It is, at it's core, nothing more than a way for them to add content that should have already existed anyway and to create time and credit sinks that wouldn't have been necessary if the other content had been strong to begin with.


Transfers, on the other hand, were time sensitive. Note that I used the word "were."

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Much to my regret I paid for six months so my time runs until August but I will be reallocating my entertainment dollars and time to something more interesting and fun. Leveling Alts got old by the time I got the 3rd one to 50 and the 4th one to 40. And finding that once you hit 50 the whole story driven concept is totally replaced by the same old grind of group instances (FPs and OPS) plus a handful of boring dailies.


Population is a problem for those who remain in the game but what is missed by so many folks is the question of why did servers that were heavy populations and healthy to begin with rapidly bleed population away, you cannot blame that on too many servers. The exodus started for some other reason, or probably many other reasons, and the feeling of empty servers just added more fuel to the exodus as remaining folks got sick of long pvp queues and hours to find a group for FPs.


My server, Telos Restoration Project is so dead that nobody even looks for FP groups anymore, only 4 50s on the whole Imp side Tuesday night at prime time this week and only 46 total folks on the whole server Imp side. And not a single one was in a FP, WZ or OP.

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Well, I have 2 days left and I have already unsubbed and uninstalled. Question is for the people who didn't pay for 6 months or a year sub. Are you going to resub to the game?


Strait up are you going to give BW AND EA more of your money for this game?


I well be. I can see why people would stop to they can move there toon(s). I also they there are thing that is needed in the game but, I have fun and as long as I am having fun I well stay.

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Delude it all you want if thats what helps you hang in there great. But the pop issues have been steadily getting worse since march here it is 4 months later and still no time frame other than early summer. Wich will make it at least 5 months total. Theres no exscuse for that. It should not take 5 months to correct a problem thats causing the game to hemorage subs like a severd artery. And if it does then its purely intentional or utter incopetence. theres no other reason for it.



Its true. Who cares if they get to keep their legacy name? In the very least servers shoud have been merged, and any identical name issues worked out by either the first created character keeps their legacy name the later has to pick an alternate name.


How many possible duplicate names are there? Consider that number of people is far smaller than the number of people who were disgruntled because they initially rolled on a full server, and then ended up on a completely bled out empty server.

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Still have several months left on my sub, but I doubt I will be resubbing at the end of it. Server population has taken a massive hit, the game just isn't as fun with less people around. Edited by Dinadan
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