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Official Q&A Thread for June 1st, 2012 Q&A Blog Post

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Are there any plans to add Exotech Stim/Adrenal Schematics to the Daily Comms Vendors or even a boss kill? I have consistently raided story & hardmode/nightmare mode's with my guild every week since the game was launched, and I still don't have all of the Exotech Stim Schematics. Honestly, I have not seen one drop since February. I'd like a more sure-fire way to get Exotech Stim Recipes so I don't have to nag my Raid group to kill every trash mob for the slight chance of getting another schematic. Edited by Anamodiel
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In the Future updates could we see new Planets coming to the Old Republic like Kamino, Geonosis, or any other planets in the Dromund or Ilum Systems? Also this merger could lively things up on my server again, because pretty much there is no PVP on my Server at the moment :(. Also one last thing could we be getting Higher Levels for our character raised to say level 60 :rak_02::rak_02::rak_02: Edited by JedCore
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In relation to character transfers, I'd really like to know whether there will be options to transfer your characters from the low populated server you used to play on to the high-populated server you re-rolled on?


I say this because I've recently joined a guild of top guys n gals who have relocated to my server. My server is really busy but I'm concerned they won't be able to bring the level 50s they've invested time and effort in to, to my server to play as well. I'd like to see people have the ability to transfer a character to whatever servers they have already made characters on. But to prevent abuse of this system maybe have a cut-off date so you have to have made a character there before the 15th of May for example?


What do you guys think?

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First off, I love this game and I know you guys are working hard to make it great, but it seems we are in trouble here folks. There are many issues and ALOT of 'dissention in the ranks', and I'm afraid this wonderful game is in the midst of a downward spiral.

When will you acknowledge server population issues and inform us of a plan of action to fix it?

Will you start to be more open and communicative with us?

What are you doing to revitalize this game and bring it up to it's full potential? i.e. like it was at launch.


Thank you for time BioWare.

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Can we please PLEASE have a legacy cargo bay ?


The game obviously encourages playing alt characters but the passing of gear/mats/credits between them is becoming tedious. It is by far my single biggest desire in the game.

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I am big on pvp play and recently returned to the game after a couple months off. My primary server is as good as dead with server activity flatlining on 'Light' for the last 20 days. I conclude that if I want to pvp I will have to reroll on a new server. Will the server transfers will allow me to consolidate my primary characters with the character from the new server onto whatever server is designated to receive the character transfers? Edited by thendavesaid
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Perhaps this has already been asked (I admit, I didn't read every post previously made in this thread), but here goes anyway!


This is about how the character transfers are going to work:


What happens if I want to transfer characters onto a single server, but there are two different legacies? Will I have the ability to combine these together under a single, new legacy?


Thank you!

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I love Hutball. Would love to see an option to queue for individual Warzones. Instead of having to queue for all three and getting one randomly that you don't necessarily enjoy. Personally, I take joy in all of them, but do favor Huttball. Any chance that there will be a feature like this in the future? Edited by qhostface
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It's probably been asked loads of times but...


Is there any news about getting more bars added soon? What with all the legacy skills and emotes there is no room at all, so please add more asap. ty. :)

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after spending so much time seducing my companion, are there any plans to allow them to be added to the legacy family tree. Why would i start a relationship, knowing that i can only choose another of my characters as a spouse.
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This a question regarding Ranked Warzones and team size. It is still your intention to allow team sizes other than a full group of 8 to queue for Ranked Warzones? If you have decided to do away with solo queues would it atleast be possible to allow groups of 4 to queue and perhaps match them agaisnt other groups of 4?
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As I understand it social armor will scale to the armor type of the character so medium/heavy armor wearers won't sacrifice protection to have the look they want. Will this apply to companion characters too?



I reckon that's one of the social armour sets you get for fleet commendations. Not sure which one, though.


That's the Republic Pilot uniform. Requires Social III and each piece is costs around 200 fleet commendations (I think). It is available from one of the starship upgrade vendors at the fleet.

Edited by Gavin_Kelvar
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Are there ANY plans to address the current sound issues many, many, MANY players are having when playing the game over continuous periods of 1 hour or more. The current issue is that sounds start to drop out of the game after a period of time (generally but not exclusive to) 1 hour or more of continuous play. This becomes more evident the more a player "zones" in various game play enviroments. The problem is also not confined to just one instance or location in game as it can occurs vitually anywhere.
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What is the reasoning behind, (and are there any plans to change), the way you can buy level 20 and level 40 pvp gear before reaching these levels but you can't purchase battlemaster or war hero gear before 50 and store it? As it is, on my server at least, there are a group of republic players in full augmented war hero gear who literally make winning a game impossible when playing against them. As a result, fresh 50s on the empire side have a hard time grinding 50 and 60 commendations per match to save up for BM gear. I've also noticed fresh 50s on the republic side gear up quite fast as a result of the frequent wins. Allowing people to buy BM gear before level 50 would surely balance this problem out and would also fairly benefit those who level through pvp and currently have to sit at the commendation cap with nothing to spend them on. Edited by Hochspitch
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As a role-player, I'm concerned with making my own stories and having fun as many non-human species. The human-ness of all the species in the game is actually less appealing to me. So my question is, will we, despite what you've said previously, have some less-human species to choose from to play?
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Will exotech and energized boots and gloves crafted and stored since 1.2 be reverse-engineerable for augment kits when 1.3 hits?


In other words:


Is there any point in me holding onto all the crafted armor I have made that did not get an augment slot, so I can RE them to get kits?

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Might it ever be possible to connect your legacy family tree to another player's? For example, right now, I can list one of my alts as an "ally" or "rival", but it's kind of trivial since those two characters can never be in the game simultaneously. I'd much rather have the ability to mark my friend''s character as an ally/rival/sibling/etc. since we play together often.
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