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Layoffs at Bioware What does this mean for content


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Just take a look at your post for a while.


People complained

People complained

People complained

People complained

People complained

People complained

On and on...


People complained about everything. Sometimes the complaints were valid. Sometimes the complaints were completely stupid. In my very honest opinion, this game never deserved half the crap that was thrown at it. Your post just looks so sad. This is the MMORPG genre now. No patience. And this will carry on to the next big thing. And the next after that. Worn down by complaints and no patience.


You know we all pay to play this game , BW asked us for our input then ignored us completely unless what we said was positive. If it was negative in any way shape or form they deleted the post and banned the poster. We pay to play this game WE HAVE THE RIGHT to complain and to be angry when ignored

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If you look at WAR and SWTOR they peaked (and dropped in largely the same way), just SWTORs peak was higher.


EQ1 (like LOTRO and EvE) is a bit different as they were slow and sustained builds.


In fact it's getting a bit worrying with the parrallels between WAR and SWTOR now. :(


WAR collapsed quickly, largely thanks to WotLK coming out so quickly after it's own launch. SWTOR sustained it's numbers far longer especially in Europe where the collapse really didn't come until in April. Still in late March all except four PvP servers reached at least Standard each day in Europe. In NA SWTOR's decline was quicker.

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You know we all pay to play this game , BW asked us for our input then ignored us completely unless what we said was positive. If it was negative in any way shape or form they deleted the post and banned the poster. We pay to play this game WE HAVE THE RIGHT to complain and to be angry when ignored






It seems to be that paying customers are not allowed to complain. We are privilaged to give them our hard earned cash to "access their servers" and should take what we get. I don't subscribe to this view. I, as the customer, can complain about a product, attempt to get improvements made, and or move on. At this time I don't wish to move on and I hope that the game improves. It seems that there are those here that no matter what happens will be appologists for EA/BW. That is a valid view point but, it in no way "trumps" the oppoistion view.

Edited by Urael
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I wouldn't call a nest of adders continously chanting "Tortanic" and "SWTOR hits an iceberg" for six months a community... :p


Box sales aren't irrelevant, they (and game shop) are the only things that the Great Messiah GW2 has - which a lot of people would want SWTOR to be too.


I am gonna’ reply in reverse order.


You and I obviously don’t agree on box sales…if this were a single player game or a console game I would agree…but it isn’t. This is supposed to be an MMO, and you can’t be considered a successful MMO if you can’t keep and active playerbase and the subscription fees that go along with them. It’s not how many box’s you sell in the first month, it how many subs you have at the end of the first year.


As far as the community goes there are just as many rabid fanboiz that shriek and yell when someone dares to post something that they consider a criticism …neither extreme is helpful, but you need to acknowledge both sides of the coin when talking about this games forum community. I won’t argue that it isn’t toxic, because it clearly is, just pointing out it is both sides that have made it this way.

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You know we all pay to play this game , BW asked us for our input then ignored us completely unless what we said was positive. If it was negative in any way shape or form they deleted the post and banned the poster. We pay to play this game WE HAVE THE RIGHT to complain and to be angry when ignored


Most of your post is, frankly, nonsense. The atmosphere here on the forums would have been better if Bioware would have acted like you claim. They won't ban you for posting that, won't they?


And even if you "HAVE THE RIGHT to complain" that doesn't meant that you have to complain and complain and complain all the time. You know, input can be positive or constructive too... :D

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WAR collapsed quickly, largely thanks to WotLK coming out so quickly after it's own launch. SWTOR sustained it's numbers far longer especially in Europe where the collapse really didn't come until in April. Still in late March all except four PvP servers reached at least Standard each day in Europe. In NA SWTOR's decline was quicker.


WARs subs grew for the first 3-5 months, then collapsed, pretty much just like SWTORs, so far.


EU numbers were also strong in WAR.


The big difference is WAR was getting development lay offs before it even went Live, where as SWTOR has had 5 months of Live before it started.

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WARs subs grew for the first 3-5 months, then collapsed, pretty much just like SWTORs, so far..


No. WAR launched in mid-September and at the end of the month reached it's highest number of subscriptions. By mid-October it was already in decline, having lost 50 000 subscribers, and by late December it had lost 500 000 subscribers.

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there's a depressing truth to this.


I think a portion of ToR supporters supported it for no other reason than that it stood a good chance (pre-launch) to be the WoW killer.


i imagine ToR pre-launch to be some really sexy silhouette of a woman walking down the hall. Only, once she actually comes into view, you realize it's all a trick of the shadows.


It looked good from far, but it's far from good.

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You know we all pay to play this game , BW asked us for our input then ignored us completely unless what we said was positive. If it was negative in any way shape or form they deleted the post and banned the poster. We pay to play this game WE HAVE THE RIGHT to complain and to be angry when ignored


Where did I say you don't have the right to complain? Complain all you want. Complain, complain, complain. What I'm saying is that I do not think for a moment that the complaining, many times fueled by unreasonable expectations and lack of patience, will stay with SWTOR and that it will wear down this genre.

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No. WAR launched in mid-September and at the end of the month reached it's highest number of subscriptions. By mid-October it was already in decline, having lost 50 000 subscribers, and by late December it had lost 500 000 subscribers.


Even the official statements are the same. :eek:

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The following was released in a blog in October 2010.... I think. Lots of trolling ensued, but look today at whats happening, and see if this person wasn't shedding light on the situation, and people just brushed it off as a disgruntle employee.


And you know what they’re most proud of? This is the kicker. They are most proud of the sound. No seriously. Something like a 20Gig installation, and most of it is voiceover work. That’s the best they have. The rest of the game is a joke. EA knows it and so does George Lucas,they’re panicking , and so most of Mythic has already been cannibalized to work in Austin on it because they can’t keep pushing back launch.


Old Republic will be one of the greatest failures in the history of MMOs from EA. Probably at the level of the Sims Online. We all know it too ……


/tin foil hat

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And even if you "HAVE THE RIGHT to complain" that doesn't meant that you have to complain and complain and complain all the time. You know, input can be positive or constructive too... :D


I have been taught that silence can be taken to mean consent and that positive comments can be taken to mean you are correct. Also while I agree that all negative comments should be constructive it is hard to do so when you start a topic and take all the time to type it up only to have it locked and "consolidated", I think that makes people just make short seemingly non sensical complaints because what's the point of typing the whole thing up if it is going to get locked and "consolidated"?

Edited by Tuscad
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You know we all pay to play this game , BW asked us for our input then ignored us completely unless what we said was positive. If it was negative in any way shape or form they deleted the post and banned the poster. We pay to play this game WE HAVE THE RIGHT to complain and to be angry when ignored


You should go check out the Blizzard WoW forums if you think Bioware has silenced you in some way. ALL negative posts on Blizzforums are almost immediately closed and, more often than not, completely deleted. It's almost as if they have a forum algorithm that runs and if it sees too many of the same words or phrases just auto deletes the posts.


Here they leave these long ridiculous threads going for way too long, funnel all the multi-posters to the same thread and let you all sit and spew and spew and spew. Luckily there's an ignore function of the forums

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Here they leave these long ridiculous threads going for way too long, funnel all the multi-posters to the same thread and let you all sit and spew and spew and spew. Luckily there's an ignore function of the forums

write something slightly negative about GZ, or berryman.. and put your own statement to the test.

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The level of denial in this thread is astounding.


I guess I shouldn't be surprised though. This type of behavior has been going on since forever.


People brought up a ton of issues in the beta. "lolz, it's only beta" was copy/pasted from thread to thread.

People complained about a ton of bugs. "The game is only X weeks/months old" they said.

People complained about the poor engine optimization. "It must be you, I have no problems" we were told.

People complained about the lack of features. "You have unrealistic expectations" they laughed.

People complained about the content being paper thin. "Entitlement generation strikes again" they mocked.

People complained about the meaningless crafting. "The crafting is revolutionary" they insisted.

People complained about the linear design. "The linear design is a feature" they laughed.

People complained about the server populations dropping. "Server population is growing" they claimed.

People complained about the Ranked Warzone fiasco. "This was not a bait and switch" they argued.

People complained about the direction of the game. "Nothing is wrong, the game is fine" they implored.

People complained about the lack of open world PvP. "If you don't like it, leave" they ordered.

People cited the drop in subs as proof that something was amiss. "The subs haven't dropped" they maintained.

People cited other games that shared a similar path. "This game doesn't have those problems" they asserted.

People cited layoffs as an indication of trouble. "Layoffs could be good for this game" they pleaded.

People left the game in droves. "Where did everyone go?" they wondered.



I agree. Denial and arrogance is why the game is failing.

SR, who some are praising, and his minions were a firewall between us and the Devs. Image is everything. And negative or critical opinions look bad to investors and potential new gamers.


But, despite their "massive god-like powers", censorship will never stop the exodus. Ever.


The smartest thing to do is to listen. But they won't. I would make sure people were heard and the game improved so I could continue to have my minimum wage job.


MOST IMPORTANTLY, no matter how you spin it, a game with this IP and financial backing should NOT be in the position it's in. Layoffs and bleeding subs is NOT a good thing, no matter how they dress up the words.

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I have been taught that silence can be taken to mean consent and that positive comments can be taken to mean you are correct. Also while I agree that all negative comments should be constructive it is hard to do so when you start a topic and take all the time to type it up only to have it locked and "consolidated", I think that makes people just make short seemingly non sensical complaints because what's the point of typing the whole thing up if it is going to get locked and "consolidated"?


I've always hated seeing this. It's never effected me because I largely read and comment on other player posts, but I agree...when someone takes a good hour to post a valid issue or concern, only to have it locked before it's even seen, that impacts the poster more than I think Bioware realizes. When there's an obvious amount of effort put in to defining an issue, it's really poor judgement to just close a thread. Some posters are better with words and titles than others...I hate seeing the 1st post become the "official" post on a subject when whatever thread I'm reading has caught my eye.


Maybe a new policy could be to COPY AND PASTE the "consolidated" text into the "official" thread rather than just locking and redirecting?! It's a 'little thing', but an impactful thing.

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With the layoffs.. I guess that means any chance of any official "Expansion" is a pipe dream.. You need bodies to design those projects.. It appears to me what we'll see is more "update" patches from now on.. Cheaper and quicker.. You have to give Bioware credit tho.. They did outdo Rift as the best WoW wannabe..
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This reminds me of right before LOTRO went f2p. How do I end up on these sinking ships all the time lol.


Really now? SWTOR wishes that is could do HALF as well as LOTRO. 5+ years, working on their 4th expansion, THE BEST on line player base I've ever had the joy of encountering, a Dev team that actually listens to its players and servers that aren't complete ghost towns. I've seen more people in Bree town alone than I have on MY WHOLE SWTOR server these past two months.


SWTOR had some great ideas on paper but BW totally frakked the execution.

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There is a staggering amount of ignorance in this thread. It does not surprise me that it is being perpetually propped up by the same 10-15 people as they post over and over again.


You know, like most threads of this nature on these forums. Same 10-15 people over and over again.

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Really now? SWTOR wishes that is could do HALF as well as LOTRO. 5+ years, working on their 4th expansion, THE BEST on line player base I've ever had the joy of encountering, a Dev team that actually listens to its players and servers that aren't complete ghost towns. I've seen more people in Bree town alone than I have on MY WHOLE SWTOR server these past two months.


SWTOR had some great ideas on paper but BW totally frakked the execution.


Thats because LOTRO only has 12 or 14 NA servers. If swtor only had 14 servers it would be so packed you woudlnt be able to login for days. Out of the 12 or 14 servers only 3 are populated. So I wouldnt go on too much about how awesome lotro is. Yes its a good game I have played it since the first closed beta but its not anywhere close to swtor's level as far as subscribers and money.

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Thats because LOTRO only has 12 or 14 NA servers. If swtor only had 14 servers it would be so packed you woudlnt be able to login for days. Out of the 12 or 14 servers only 3 are populated. So I wouldnt go on too much about how awesome lotro is. Yes its a good game I have played it since the first closed beta but its not anywhere close to swtor's level as far as subscribers and money.

actually, if SWTOR population was fit into 12 servers, there would probably be a better sense of MMO.


to me, MMO is when i can see people (players) running around everywhere I turn.


i think it's more of a technical limitation though. fleet probably can't support more than 200 people before having to instance it.


1000 people on fleet would have been cool.

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I've always hated seeing this. It's never effected me because I largely read and comment on other player posts, but I agree...when someone takes a good hour to post a valid issue or concern, only to have it locked before it's even seen, that impacts the poster more than I think Bioware realizes. When there's an obvious amount of effort put in to defining an issue, it's really poor judgement to just close a thread. Some posters are better with words and titles than others...I hate seeing the 1st post become the "official" post on a subject when whatever thread I'm reading has caught my eye.


Maybe a new policy could be to COPY AND PASTE the "consolidated" text into the "official" thread rather than just locking and redirecting?! It's a 'little thing', but an impactful thing.


I hadn't really though about it in that light until you both expanded on it. I have to say I agree with you though, sometimes a new similar thread has a different premise or perspective, and I hate the fact that they all get lumpd into the "offical" thread, where their point doesn't get copy pasted in and is lost in the 50 pages of posts...

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