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Post your Favorite Area in the Game!


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I like the people stating that the log out screen is their favorite area. I can't sympathize with people who subject themselves to "torture" willing, especially when that "torture" is something as insignificant as a video game. I'll like the game even more when I'm not side-stepping their tears.


Now, on topic:

  • I like the jungle environment of Dromund Kaas, along with the lightning constantly tearing through the sky. It enhances the dark and mysterious allure of the planet.
  • I'm also a fan of the urban planets - Coruscant, Nar Shadda, Corellia - they feel alive, even when only a few players are present.
  • I found Voss intriguing, as well. The autumn feel of the planet sets it apart from others.
  • The Taral V and Colicoid War Games flashpoints. I just find them fun.

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Korriban is my favorite place in this game.


I really wish i spent more time there at max level, sometimes if i am just waiting to que for warzones though i will head there and chill, maybe help some new players out a bit.

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Tatoonie. All of it. I just wish it was more vast than it is.

Agreed! Tat's hard to beat, so it's also my #1.

Corellia is my #2 favorite place though...I just love the scale and feel of the city vs how other games portrayed it.

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I'm finding it really hard to choose a favourite! I quite like the bright lights places, foresty places, oh...I don't know. I think I'm most bored with Tat (visually) for some reason, but I find the rest of them all aestheticly pleasing .
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For planets, I would also go for Alderaan and Voss, though I have to log and use Disk Cleanup more often to maintain higher FX settings. If I lower the settings for efficiency, it looks a bit washed; good for Taris and Quesh and other toxic locales, but not so much for the scenic ones.


For specific places, I enjoy my own ship; the Fury more so than the others I have seen. As I am a tad agoraphocic, having somewhere controlled and isolated to regain inner peace is refreshing. And I am also a fan of some of those places where may one may look at the vistas.

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Korriban is really immersive, lobve the tombs. Such a shame the planet is so tiny.Same with Tython.

Also the first moment you get out of the tatooine spaceport with the music that plays from epis IV

in the background with the wind with the sand in it.Alderaan music mountains and sky is really immersive.

Background music on Hoth along with the shipwrecks gives a feeling of exploration(to bad all the mobs ruin it)

Dromund kass dark temple is scary and immersive.And actually the space ships are really immersive, turn

off UI and just sit in the cockpit listening to the background noise the ship makes while looking out the window.

Buildings and sounds on Taris.Voss looks amazing (nightmarelands is scary) but sadly to many mobs all over the

place takes away the exploration of the planet.

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First I have to disagree...heavily. The worlds are no where near realistic and vibrant. They are very static, no light or day cycle, few npc's that actually do much of anything, mobs that stand still or seem to be pacing two steps left then two steps right. It is one of the negatives that I have seen posted in various spots so not sure why you think it's the best thing about it...


In any case, setting wise I always like frozen, snow covered places so I guess Hoth would be my favorite for the most part. But honestly none of them are overly appealing due to their static nature.


Watch the video, you'll feel dumb.


And the OP is pretty damn good lol, went right over a lot of people's heads in this thread, even a mod.

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My favorite planet as a whole is Tatooine. Not sure about specifc area though, Voss has some nice areas.


Edit, I skipped straight to reply and didn't see the very similar post a few posts up until I had clicked submit. Nice!

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