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Everything posted by Psythos

  1. ":rak_02:While i can agree that sorc is somewhat lacking our dps is far from laughable maybe you just dont know how to do it." Followed with a picture. Sure seemed to me you were referring to damage/dps. While our damage may not be laughable in certain situations like when we have a coordinated team and can aoe every second, it just tickles sIngle targets while we run for our lives because we do not even remotely have good survivability in pvp. When I read we have good survivability in your post it put a smile on my face. Referring to yourself as pro and calling me out as a bad player Is arrogant.
  2. The damage you have from this ranked match on the voidstar isn't out of the ordinary. The average damage for your team in that match is far from ordinary when compared to a regular pug wz match. I put up great numbers on that little wz chart too in almost every match, let alone voidstar. It is easy to pad the damage on the wz chart while playing the voidstar because of aoe damage, not to mention if you have a coordinated team. With that said, it doesn't show anything to convince me that I am wrong.
  3. I thought we nipped that ''L2P'' argument in the bud already. It doesn't matter if you are the best sorc to have ever played. The class is clearly lacking in every category especially as a dps specd sorc in pvp. Zero defense and our dps is laughable...what's there to argue about...
  4. It is very wishful thinking. I have been wishful thinking for quite a while. That is why I created this thread. At this point I feel like they are just going to stick with working as intended. They haven't done anything to make me think otherwise. With free to play being their obvious priority It does seem like it is safe to say sorcs can forget it.. To all of the people saying we are support and that is that, I do not agree. This is a mmo and all classes should be support in some way but to say that a class can't be more than that is just nonsense. It is just a poor excuse for bad design. If it said sorcs were support in their description and I rolled one I'd probably be on here saying we are not support enough because I'd rather have almost any other class by my side.
  5. Where do I start the L2P quest at? I really could use the extra defense and damage so that my class is on par with the other dps classes in pvp.
  6. Exactly why I made this "it's safe to say sorcs can forget it" post. I feel like they are so busy with the f2p conversion that they just don't have time to address this major issue. Saying its working as intended and that their metrics show it is right about where they want tells me to start looking for a new game. I really feel like they have had MORE than enough time to come up with a solution. This bloW smoke up their *** since day 1 about practically everything routine is disgusting and tired.
  7. Good post that sums up a lot of my problems with the class in its current state.
  8. I really feel like I've waited long enough for BioWareEA to do something. By saying its fine and working as intended this far into the problem is why I say it is safe to say sorcs can forget it. We can't even get a ''We're looking into it''. The game and all of its resources are being overhauled for f2p so I have lost any hope that they will respond anywhere or do anything. It is a lost cause. It is safe to say Sorc's can forget it...roll a new class or buy a new game. I think most people chose buy a new game.
  9. This is just speculation but I'm guessing the day they roll out the f2p and cartel shop you will see these forums flooded. There will be a million posts about things on the cartel shop being overpriced. Subscribers will be on here in droves pissed off that they have to wait several months to save up for something that should be in the game they pay a monthly fee for already. There will be double dipping threads all over the place including other sites. Subscribers should have a way of getting cartel coins without having to pay more than the monthly sub because it is double dipping. Not to mention the ce vendor...sure it will have loads of updates with the game going f2p...... Not to mention class balance that they make no mention of because they are so busy setting up the f2p bs. I feel like we're already being duped by the lack of changes and fixes needed in this game for the sake of their f2p project that they are so busy with.
  10. I've noticed some interesting replies from people who play pt's and sentinels as mains. To be very honest I just don't take what you guy's have to say seriously because you don't play a sorc as your main and that leads me to question your angle. I think I play a sorc in pvp as well as it can be played. Some of that might be ego but I'm far from the worst. It is a simple fact that sorcs need something. They ruined the class with 1.2 and haven't said or done anything to fix it. My biggest problem with this is that they aren't saying anything but ''our metrics say its fine so working as intended''. When it clearly is busted. I too play several classes everyday and can say without a doubt that all of them are so much easier to dominate with because of their superior power. A good sorc will likely make a godlike (insert almost any ac). I didn't sign up to pay the same price as everybody else for my class to be demoted to support. Doesn't seem very heroic to me or to hardly anyone that actually plays a Sorc as their main.
  11. As a dps sorc in pvp only, I do not agree. Sorcs are clearly not fine. If they are supposed to be glass cannons then its time to equip the cannon because it is missing. The glass to cannon ratio is quite a bit off. No burst and no defense, whats the point...
  12. This class is a free kill and you know it without a doubt yet we get nothing on here or anywhere that I have seen. Done with it. You guys don't want to put any effort in anything than why should we? Working as intended huh..That's what the metrics or whatever show's right? I'm curious what those supposed meters you have on everything show for Sorcs in pvp survivability vs any class in equal gear and equal skill.......ridiculousness. Feel free to share them with us because it is safe to say that being cryptic with all of your information hasn't helped keep subscribers anyway.
  13. Subscribers should have a way to convert credits to cartel points at a reasonable rate with a cap to stop people from buying a bunch of cartel points and cancelling their sub. If you don't think your subscription fee is good enough for anything added to the game then our opinions differ and that is that.
  14. If you're referring to the fact that f2p players will have limitations on operations among other things, that isn't what this is about. It is about bwEA double dipping subscribers who should have the ability to acquire any item available in the game without having to spend money beyond the subscription fee.
  15. They do need to add stuff to the game that people actually want and I personally feel like a paying subscriber should be able to acquire any of these vanity or fluff items without having to spend extra real life money on it. The ONLY thing I find acceptable in terms of vanity or fluff items appearing anywhere for real money is when it benefits charity like earthquake victims or something.
  16. It makes since not to go nuts over vanity items but to be honest I think paying subscribers should have access to every item that exists. Be it through some sort of credits to cartel coin conversion or lootable.
  17. What let me down most about swtor is that it doesn't feel like a virtual world at all. There is little to no reason at all to even leave the fleet and the fleet sucks.
  18. I'm curious how other paying subscribers will feel the first time they log in after the free to play conversion and see that they need to purchase cartel coins for anything they want. Without a doubt I can say that the first time i see something in that shop that I can't get right then for in game cash or in game somehow I will likely plug pull and cancel my account later that night when I decide to boot my PC back up. What about the CE vendor, will we see items being added to it like we were promised? It isn't asking for extra, its asking for what we paid for. We didn't make up the fact that bw-EA said they would regularly add items. I have a feeling all of the items they would've added will now be on the cartel shop. I guess what I'm actually curious about is whether or not the people who continue to subscribe after the free to play conversion will stick around when bw-EA decides to tax that ***** with over priced stuff in the cartel shop that you will have to pay more than the sub to acquire? Edited to conform to the rules of conduct*
  19. Paying customers should be able to transfer in game credits to cartel coins and at a reasonable rate. Should also get a massive discount on purchasing stuff from the cartel shop or whatever its called.
  20. Psythos

    Sorcs in PvP....

    All classes do well with other classes. Since patch 1.2 sorcs have felt like a support class and If that is ''working as intended'', then they need to convert all classes to support status...
  21. Yeah, apparently it is. It's safe to say you can forget about it now. They reduced sorcs to a support class but expect the same $15 a month.........fk it, make all classes support..With the game going free to play I have ZERO faith in BW doing anything to balance classes in pvp. I play multiple classes and the difference is clear. it is absolutely F obvious
  22. I agree. At this point I think it's time someone gives us some answers. It is painfully obvious how lacking this class is. Usually when I ask a question I like a quick response because it assures me the person in question is being honest. When we go all of this time without hearing anything, I think it's safe to say some of us question if anyone even knows what's going on.
  23. With the addition of rated war zones supposedly coming in patch 1.3, what are your plans to bring dps sorc's in line with the other dps specd classes? I'm sure there are many people wondering the same thing. I think getting an answer for this one way or the other will answer all that some of us need to know.
  24. It is fact that they don't compare to most classes and feel like a support class. After playing other advanced classes it becomes painfully obvious. Even BioWare knows this. They have nerfed random abilities with sorc's in every major patch since release to the point where this class is basically shadow of what it was at launch.It is broken. If it is intended for this class to be support then they need to bring all of the other classes down to this broken level and turn them all into support.
  25. Glad to see a coming back post! I'm not sure why everyone is so hard on this fairly new mmo. Welcome back
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