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Nothing for PVP players in 1.3 either?


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then go do that and stop posting on a forum of game you dont even play. go post and GW2 forums, youll fit right in... game isnt even launched and its full of people whaaaa whaaaaing all over the place about the same old stuff that people whaaaaa whaaaa whaaaa about on every game forum in existance. :)


I play this game.... Unfortunately i bought a 6 month sub which still has about 3 months left on it....as for whaa wahing about a game that hasnt come out... have u read your signature? pot kettle

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I play this game.... Unfortunately i bought a 6 month sub which still has about 3 months left on it....as for whaa wahing about a game that hasnt come out... have u read your signature? pot kettle


to lazy to change my sig. but feel free to search through all my old posts, let me know if you manage to find me whaaaa whaaaing about anything.

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This is certainly tragic news for the community and the game as a whole.


I knew as far back as 2008 that we shouldn't give Bioware any faith because they lacked experience making MMOs; but I never imagined this level of incompetence. The disaster at Ilum was indicative of a lack of understanding. Even the devs have said they never imagined that PvP was so important. That right there should have told everyone on these forums that Bioware had no business making a MMO in the first place.


I don't even think that Ranked WZs can save my subscription at this point. What this game needs is something major. Like full RvR with a rewritten Ilum.


GW2 was made on a shoestring budget compared to this MMO and even they are having RvR at launch. This is because unlike Bioware, Arenanet at least understands the importance of PvP. I mean geez. They are going to have full server vs server RvR on a large scale with server bonuses to the winner.


At this rate I will definitely be canceling my Sub once Mechwarrior Online comes out.


Planetside 2 also looks like a hell of a lot of fun.

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I don't understand why pvp is so neglected. For MMOGs, pvp done right is the most cost-effective content there is since players provide the content. All you need is to make it easy to get into, and fun to play.


But Bioware has the pve raider mentality ruining pvp. Instead of fun competitive WZs and/or epic RvR we have another stupid gear grind. Even leveling through PvP is not well done since the credit rewards are far too low to pay for gear and skill training.

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Yeah, I don't get the whole Legacy thing either. What does it give to the players that are somewhat newer to the game? An incentive to hit 50 just to roll an alt? Doesn't make sense.


Makes perfect sense. BioWare thinks their voice-overs are so cool, and the quests so engaging, they expect players to fill up all 8 character slots.


This, pathetically, is their grand design for an MMO. Rolling alts to redo 1-49.9 content. Because once you hit 50, this game is basically over.

Edited by TheronFett
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What I find funny is

A. BW should of expected this from the start. But that's what you get when people that did warhammer designed the pvp. Poor open world pvp. Starting planets I get it. Maybe even the second planet but after that player should be on there toes.

B. war zones Void star is bad. Alderan is to small, huttball is a nice design and the new one is a good step. LACKS large scale battles. 16v16 or even 32v32 type maps.

C. How players expect BW to pull types of content out of there butts. Development takes time to get done an test it as best as possiable in hopes of a well designed content.

I'm not personally excited for the group type rated war zones. I'd much rather have arena first. 2v2 or 3v3. More entertaining IMO. My 2c

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Leveling is still the best I've seen in an MMOG, but after half a dozen characters even that gets boring. I level my alts through pvp now, and do the class quests.


But it's true, all the fun the game delivers when you level up, with crafting delivering good stuff to use, and pvp being decently fun, stops at 50, when crafting is suddenly useless, and pvp turns into a gear grind, and you're told "raid or quit" in PvE.

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Bioware, your game is really nice, as far as a single player PVE game goes. Its terrible with PVP, its not just one area's its in many area's. I guess you can't get everything perfect for people though, and to be honest with PVP, there is always going to be some one complaining about some thing with it.


But seriously, ? Ranked Warzones still not going to happen, ? lots of people left my server because they got bored, or they were unhappy about their not being Ranked. To suggest that there still won't be any ranked, it means those guys who left, won't come back to the game at all now ?


I got less than 30 days, no I am not renewing this time, and I am sad to leave. But I can't play on my level 50 War hero as the server is dead, and also I find levelling new characters on other servers a grind and half. Those of us who are leaving, have put a lot of work into our characters, and spent thousands of hours on Warzones over the months, and at the end of it, I feel as a customer, my expectations just have become disappointing, as the game has so much potential.


Er, No, you can't have my 'Stuff' I might one day come back, If things improve. I am reluctant to walk out on a game, but I don't feel I want to continue the grind, on new characters, I feel forced into rolling, because I can't play on my main character. FYI, I don't think Transfers is the answer, and mergers, only might stem the damage a little. You guys should of had cross server queues months ago, its a simple as that.


Feel free to flame me, I quit, because I a tired, and bored, War zones are non existent on my server, and rated WZ's are still a while off.

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- Share Holders are crying, cause of loosing subscribers (1,7 to 1,3 mio),

- Share holders will cry even more, cause of BioWare game handling. I am pretty sure after the free month they will lose properly another 500000 or more subscribers. The game will sink down to 700000 - 500000 players, who are WILLINGLY to pay the monthly fee. If BW dosent do something major fast, Old Republic ist gonna die like RIFT/Warhammer, etc. I will still continue to play it on rarely basis and giev a around July/August; if nothing has done than for RBGs I will also leave.


- BioWare does not get it, PVP is a very important part like in any MMO, that does want to be succesfull. You should devide your workforce mostly between the PVP and PVE section. Honestly WoW has stohlen almost everything on different MMOs, but did it the right way. There is a very old saw: For a successfull buisness you need 2 things, doing the right things and do the things right. BW hasn't thought about that at all. Everyone that creates MMOs nowdays has to know it WILL instantly be masured with WoW. Why should i pay money for something when WoW does it better in many ways.


- But if you want to create a MMO that does mostly cover around PVE like WoW you should make the flashpoints / operations a lot more demanding. Before anyone of you know disagress with me, WoW was kept at this stage of almost 10 000 000 subs, cause of its nice and splendid PVE conted for a casual game with strong difficulty. In SWtOR its WAY TO EASY.

Look how long it took for guilds in WoW to clear the contend on heroric diffulty for Firelands. Right even Paragon need almost if I am not mistake 500 tries for Ragnaros on heroric difficulty, thats arround 5-6 weeks to clear the whole instance. The same goes for Dragonsoul, it needed ca. 4-5 weeks. Operation: Explosive Conflict was cleared on the hardest diffulty within days. Anything more to say?


- The lead designers of WoW saw the possibilities that come with a nice strong pvp contend like arena system/reated Warzones (came later). BioWare seemingly does not agree, they focusing most in the useless legacy system/group finder, both a nice tool for twinks. BUT SERIOUSLY STOP, we do not want you to put much more energy in it, WE WANT FKING RATED WARZONES AND WE WANT THEM FAST. BIOWARE get it in your damn brain, if you implement it fast and easy even it its a bit bugged you could safe a lot of subscribers and properly alot of players will come back to play your game again. IF NOT your game will die like most MMOs.

Edited by Alrinea
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The worst part is, they keep adding to the Legacy system. It's almost like they don't see the game they are working on.


The majority of the remaining player base are level 50. Most people aren't really looking to make a new alt because they are tired of doing the same missions again and again.


So, what good is the legacy system for the majority of the players? None of it is usable in PvP....



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This is where you pay so they can set the framework for future players(almost sounds like Social Security) rather than fix the framework for the players that are currently playing. Don't get me wrong, I am sure all we need is a little patience. The game should be in a more fun state again someday provided it doesn't die an untimely death.


In the meantime, there are other things to do with your time... Read, Watch TV, See the Avengers, Go to the beach, Have a picnic, Play Diablo 3, Tera or any other new game that is currently out. Subscriptions and metrics are how they know if people are happy. Its not like they pay much attention to the forums which are typically one or two useful messages among a sea of Trolls.

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I think we want cross server PvP so that population imbalances aren't present. after all what's the point of ranked war zones if the queue only pops once an hour for same faction huttball. let's face it most players in war zones are casual and slowly grinding gear, they aren't going to bother with ranked ...just want to gear in unranked. I am actually happy that LFG PvE is coming, it will give many PvP whores a way out of the gutter and into respectable guilds that PvP and PvE. Edited by Ewgal
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Perhaps the PvE players are where the subscribers still exist. On my server, the hardcore PvP guilds left long ago. :(


Hence the focus on PvE content. It is probably easier to design those than to figure out how to properly fix PvP.

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The worst part is, they keep adding to the Legacy system. It's almost like they don't see the game they are working on.


The majority of the remaining player base are level 50. Most people aren't really looking to make a new alt because they are tired of doing the same missions again and again.


So, what good is the legacy system for the majority of the players? None of it is usable in PvP....


Instead of more useless Legacy stuff, why not a new set of missions. Hell, I'd settle for a new Flashpoint.


How many people have seriously NOT completed the content we have, at least once?


I just don't get how they claim to have a years worth of content ready to go, but we will not see any of it apparently until next year. They would need to add something that takes 20 hours to complete at this point for me to resub. My time ends in September, now that they gave us 30 days. Without a steady stream of new content to play...I'm done.


Plenty of other games to play that won't cost me 15 a month to repeat the same things 100 times.


I like the idea of the Legacy system...but what good is it doing the majority of the players right now? Maybe I'm wrong. Maybe the majority are actually still doing PvE stuff and it's just me that is out of things to do other than PvP or repeat an HM flashpoint or run an OP. I doubt it, but I guess it could be true.


I shake my fist at EA. This legacy stuff should have been implemented prior to release but nope, had to push it out for the holiday sales!


It does suck. PVP needs alot of work still ( too much CC, too much damage ) but BW is set on doing legacy because they wanted it all along.


Game lost alot of pvpers ( imho ) before they announced ranked. Then when ranked was pulled, it lost a great amount of players. Now with nothing in the horizon for PVP...they are essentially alienating a decent chunk of players.


It is going to take alot to get those players back ( myself included ) when you have PVP based games coming out in the near future.


Perhaps the PvE players are where the subscribers still exist. On my server, the hardcore PvP guilds left long ago. :(


Hence the focus on PvE content. It is probably easier to design those than to figure out how to properly fix PvP.


Yea my server when i started ( i think feb? ) had a great pop ( dark reaper ) & was alot of pvpers ( instant queues ) but like i said above. From the valor changes to no ranked, the server pretty much dried up cept for a few. Now we go anywhere from 10 to 30 minute queues...vs the same people since pub side has even less players.


I am just curious what carrot on the stick change they will do to PVP in the upcoming months. FIrst was the valor grind which just vanished. That itself I think killed some PVPers...all the grinding for..nothing. That whole system was apparently put in as a temp solution?...a temp solution at release? Yea...good job on that one.


Its a shame. They could have pushed the game 3-6 months to get things in order ( legacy, pvp balance, etc ) but nope, they got EA'ed

Edited by Delease
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- Look how long it took for guilds in WoW to clear the contend on heroric diffulty for Firelands. Right even Paragon need almost if I am not mistake 500 tries for Ragnaros on heroric difficulty, thats arround 5-6 weeks to clear the whole instance. The same goes for Dragonsoul, it needed ca. 4-5 weeks. Operation: Explosive Conflict was cleared on the hardest diffulty within days. Anything more to say?


This reminds me of another total importent part of why wow stayed interesting when you had just dinged 60.


You guys remember the dungeon sets? Boy how many times i didnt do scholomance for the head piece. But it was fun. And when you finally got the set, you were ready to do the bigger raids.


Swtor just feels done so fast. You ding 50, you do a couple of flashpoints, buy gear from gtn and you have cleared a normal kp, ev within weeks.


The only reason ppl do flashpoint now is for a stupid mount.


One thing wow also did right was having special weapons and items drop from different places.

Who here dont remember skull forge reaver? Everything in swtor is just exotech this, exotech that.


And relics is a joke in swtor. A healers relic that procs a heal of a total 400! That doesnt even scale with gear OR can crit, what the hell can i use that to? wow, had all sorts of fun and different trinkets.


Phew, major side step there, but i just needed to get that off my chest :)


Great post Alrinea

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I'm going to have to get my PvP kicks elsewhere now, its sad because I really wanted this game to succeed but its lost my interest. The negatives for me now outweigh the positives.


I guess I'll see where PvP is at in six months time or something. Good luck to those who stay, you're far braver than I am!

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I really love this game, but its almost as if they are trying to force me to unsub.


How they think such huge delays for basics are acceptable are beyond me. I couldnt give a two hoots about a LFG tool when i still cant team with 7 people from my guild in PvP or pick what wz i want to play, or actually obtain half the items for "sale" at the PvP vendor...

Edited by AKfourtyseven
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This game may end up good it may fail, but the idea that you have to search every gaming site on the web for hints about what is happening in this game is absurd. Blog here, Twitter mention there, video here and a dev comment there. How about tell us here on YOUR site what you are planning???
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Wir gehen momentan schwer von 1.3 aus, da die Großteile des System nun überarbeitet sind und wir nur noch an Feinheiten sitzen. Eine definitive Aussage können wir euch nicht geben. Die gewerteten Kriegsgebiete sind eine sehr filigrane Angelegenheit. Wir wollen möglichst sichergehen, dass es wie gewünscht funktioniert. Da damals mit 1.2 tatsächlich nicht lösbare Probleme auftauchten, mussten wir das Ganze von Grund auf noch mal überarbeiten.


Es ist vorerst gedacht die Queue für premade 8er Teams einzubauen. Diese werden nicht serverübergreifend sein. Allerdings bestehen schon Pläne für serverübergreifendes PvP, diese allerdings in Zukunft und rechnet vorerst nicht damit. Nach den 8er Teams und einer Vorsaison ist geplant, z.B. das solo-ranking nachzureichen. Was die Serverpopulation angeht, sind dies eigene Punkte an denen wir ja arbeiten und die das PvP natürlich auch beinflussen werden. <- Transfers und Serverstruktur


Versteht bitte, dass wir euch keine Informationen geben wollen, wenn wir uns nicht recht sicher sind. Wir versuchen euch bestmöglichst auf dem Laufenden zu halten. Durch die damals auftretenden Probleme und die Neuüberarbeitung des PvP Rankings wurde der Zeitplan natürlich ziemlich durcheinander geworfen.


Ich gebe euch, allein als großer PvP-Fan, immer gerne Informationen weiter, sofern eben möglich. Ich verstehe absolut das ihr auf das ranked PvP wartet, ich trainiere mit nem 8er Team (oder eher 2*4er) schon seit Wochen ^^.





Bastian Thun | German Community Coordinator

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Thats a direct quote of a German CM. Ok I know most of you do not speak my mother language, thats why I will explain a bit what he is saying:

- 8er quen with your friends will be directly usable with 1.3, if nothing serious is happening, but sadly not cross server

- Cross server will not be in 1.3 at first, it will come short after with a pre-season and Solo-ranking

- RBG will come after that

- And he apologizes for a delay in information handling. They did not wanted to post something they were not entirely sure it will happen with 1.3.


For all of you who do speak German here is the llink:


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What I find funny is

A. BW should of expected this from the start. But that's what you get when people that did warhammer designed the pvp. Poor open world pvp. Starting planets I get it. Maybe even the second planet but after that player should be on there toes.

B. war zones Void star is bad. Alderan is to small, huttball is a nice design and the new one is a good step. LACKS large scale battles. 16v16 or even 32v32 type maps.

C. How players expect BW to pull types of content out of there butts. Development takes time to get done an test it as best as possiable in hopes of a well designed content.

I'm not personally excited for the group type rated war zones. I'd much rather have arena first. 2v2 or 3v3. More entertaining IMO. My 2c


Couldn't agree more with "A". I've been playing since the launch, have 3 lvl 50 chars and 2 alts now. If I recall correctly, I've come across 5 -maybe 6- republic players during my entire time in this game, while leveling. I see no point in limiting outdoor pvp to crappy ilum, just to have people farm for the crates, and then to scrap the whole place. I seriously would have loved to fight reps while leveling, but didn't have the chance, nor will I ever, because I'm bored to death with leveling on an ultra-low pop server (~20 imperials online @peak hours, not the fleet, whole server)


I'm just happy with the transfer option, I can finally go to a server where I won't have to count online lvl 50s to see if we have 6 ppl to initiate a damned WZ

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We are currently experiencing problems from 1.3, because large parts of the system have been reworked and we just sit still on subtleties. A definitive statement, we can not give you. The evaluated war zones are a very delicate matter. We want to make sure as possible that it works as desired. Since then surfaced with 1.2 is not really solvable problems, we had the whole thing from scratch or work on time.


It is initially thought the premade queue for 8 teams to install. This will not be across servers. But already there are plans for cross-server PvP, but this in the future and for now does not expect it. After the 8 teams and a season is planned, eg The solo-ranking subsequently. As far as the server population, are the points of their own where we work and yes the PvP will also influence leg. <- Transfers and server structure


Please understand that we want to give any information if we're not quite sure. We will seek the best possible way to keep up to date. By the time problems and the PvP rankings Neuüberarbeitung of course, the schedule was pretty jumbled.


I grant you more than just big PvP fan, always happy to provide information, if at all possible. I totally understand that you are waiting for the ranked PvP, I train with NEM 8 team (or rather 2 * 4) for weeks ^ ^.





Bastian tuna | German Community Coordinator

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