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10 Good
  1. I told you to stop with the momma jokes but you didnt listen.
  2. About 100 years ago when the Automobile was first starting to be used, it had no headlights, seatbelts, and required a crank to start. Are you suggesting that now I shouldnt expect seatbelts, headlights, or an electronic ignition in any new cars developed by new car companies?
  3. I am just curious... with almost 20 years of MMOs out there, are you saying that marketing or design simply decided it was better to reinvent the wheel instead of maybe looking at what works? Oh wait... that cant be it given that upon first glance much of this game is WoW with a space theme. Clearly they have no problem with borrowing from other games. Things that should be in Every new MMO at launch now a days - Guild Bank LFG tool Some form of market or auction house Dual or Multi Specs or something to allow for an easy switch(paid or otherwise) Every ability should have a PvE function and PvP function so they can fix PvP without messing up PvE(and vice versa) Server Transfer ability (Paid or otherwise) Name change ability (Paid or otherwise) Security KeyFOB I am sure I missed a couple but given that a lot of this stuff exists in most games now, I dont see why being a new game should be an excuse for not having these things. I think that most people understand that this game was released prematurely(most likely due to pressure from people that control the money). I just dont quite understand why the company is moving so slow given their cash cow is dying. They made some great milestones at launch and since then its like we are being asked to pay so that future players may have a more enjoyable game experience. The announcement of 1.3 doesnt change any of the PvP issues or add any PvE content. There will still be no Rated Warfronts and guilds that have finished content will soon grow bored as everyone is fully geared up. There still may be some hope with 1.4 but who is willing to stick around that long? IMO the most pressing issue at the moment is server populations (which could be fixed with mergers, transfers, Global PvP or Global LFG tool - Pick your poison and live with it but do it fast)
  4. WELCOME EVERYONE to the TRUE beta of Star Wars : The Old Republic This is where you pay so they can set the framework for future players(almost sounds like Social Security) rather than fix the framework for the players that are currently playing. Don't get me wrong, I am sure all we need is a little patience. The game should be in a more fun state again someday provided it doesn't die an untimely death. In the meantime, there are other things to do with your time... Read, Watch TV, See the Avengers, Go to the beach, Have a picnic, Play Diablo 3, Tera or any other new game that is currently out. Subscriptions and metrics are how they know if people are happy. Its not like they pay much attention to the forums which are typically one or two useful messages among a sea of Trolls.
  5. Reusable Stims ARE BOE. You are welcome to buy one off the GTN. I sell them all the time. But yes, you need to be an appropriate level Biochem. Whether or not its balanced with the other crew skills is a matter of debate. Cybertechs get access to Grenades and you dont hear Biochems ************ about it. If you have a problem with people being able to use reusable items, drop your current crafting crew skill and pick up Biochem. Its been done by plenty of people. As for needing tons of credits, Farming credits in this game is easy. Even without using the GTN the average player can get between 300-500k in a couple hours. There are bigger problems with the game right now. This is not one of them.
  6. I am curious to know how many people who get 1 minute of Early Game Access would be happy? Honestly if they allowed you to just log in before they shut the servers down for maintenance before the release date they are keeping their end of the deal. I dont think anyone has said that BW is not keeping their end of the deal so much as they are unhappy at how this deal is being managed. While I cannot agree that this is the worst launch in history(Really folks, we havent even seen launch yet... that can still be a catastrophe), I do find that their EGA carrot plan is poorly implemented.
  7. Option A is a good one for the company but only if the company is willing to put in the work to do it right. They dont appear to be managing server populations. Server transfers and mergers will be a reality with the way they are moving. Option B is not ideal either but it is fair to the playerbase. There are many ways this could be managed. Your last comment is the one that actually bugs me the most. BW has plenty of models out there to look at historically. The MMO giants' past failures should have been something to learn from. This launch suggests rather than being an innovator in the market, they are no different then any other MMO company.
  8. This is what BW/EA is hoping for... Unfortunately it will most likely not be the case. People tend to remember stuff that is negative.
  9. There are plenty of "troll" and "flame" threads out there. In this one I am not looking to sound like what a lot of you "Haves" are calling "Whiners". With this Early Access carrot that EA/BW has put out for this game, they have offered "Up to 5 days" early access to the game with your preorder. From that standpoint, they are doing just fine. As far as I know, everyone who preordered will have some time to get into the game prior to the official release date. The problem with their "waves" is that they have created a pool of "Haves" and "Have Nots" out of their customer base. While this probably will not affect their current subscriptions as much as some of the "Have Nots" would like to believe, what it will do is affect how a "Have Nots" opinion of the company and that will affect any future titles BW publishes. Fact is that while this allows BW to keep a better eye on server populations and spikes and stresses to their login servers prior to release, it is also creating a Rift among the subscribers. In a market where every subscriber is important, this is a poor gameplan.
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