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Can SWTOR be Saved ?


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This game just need a few things to be added and it will be on track again:


I would love to see in patch 1.3:


1) Stop the grinding fest. you can keep people doing content without forcing them to repeat the content on a daily basis.


2) Make crafting useful again. Crafters are a huge part of every mmo, specially in end game. Give us recipes for armor, weapons, mods, etc, that can be actually used in end game and you will see how you will see servers come back to life... This point has a lot to do with the first point. Grinding crafting materials is one of the thing no one will complain, if they see a benefit from it. If people can craft armors, and weapons, and mods that people will want you will activate the economy and thats all the money sink you will ever need. People will do dailies to get money to be able to buy good gear in the GTN... You will not need to force people to waste their money on legacy items that are too expensive and most of the time are crap... Money should be spent on good stuff, and that stuff should come out of the crafting scenario.


3) Guild Spaceship or Guild Houses in the fleet. Guilds needs to feel they have their place in the universe. Guild houses should hold their banks. Training dummies. Guild mail. mini games, like cards, or some other star wars game. Guild missions with some cool unlocks... give us something to do as a guild.


4) A) Cool and good looking armor sets. I have always believed that armor sets need to be better than the crafted armors or weapons, but not for the basic stats, but for the bonus sets: this ones has to give you a good advantage over the people that don't have it, so people will look to get it. But you don't want to make the crafted stuff useless, so people will get that to get into raids and flashpoints.


4) B) Armors need to look different depending of your role... Jedi Guadian/Sith Juggernaut Tank set need to be different in stats, bonus and looks from the DPS one. Same goes for Jedi Sage/Sith Inquisitor Dps and Healing sets, they fulfill different rolls so they must not look the same. This can be applied to all classes. Vanguard Tropper is not the same a Commando Trooper, and Tank Vanguard has nothing to do with Dps Vanguard. Same for Commando, the healer has one role and the dps has another, so armors need to be different.


4) C) Tionese/Columni/Rakata must all be different in looks and in stats from each other, not only in color. Dont be Lazy and have a part of your development team to focus in the fashion department... This is very important... It contributes to progression...


5) Re doing flashpoints and operations must be worth for the people running them. You will get to a point where people will have the armor set dropped there, so we need a good amount of credits from the last chest (at least 50K for each member of the group) to keep us doing them. You guys need also add extra drops like special ear piece, implants, relics, that are dropped in specific flashpoints, and all of them should drop random item modification parts: mods, armoring, enhancements, barrels, hilts, etc. You want us to redo flashpoints as much as we can, so make us think it is worth it! You can also add gifts lvl 5 for companions. Ships parts, etc....


6) Stop the pvp grinding fest!!! And stop changing the system with every patch! Remove expertise so all lvl 50 can fight as equal. Make our expertise as a player be the turning point in matches and not gear. Add more armor sets, with different benefits for all classes...


The list could go on and on and i am tired and need to go back to work!

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I agree with some of that but...


So Bioware is going to see your forum post and fire their current management staff?

Do you take yourself seriously? You're on a forum. You don't work there.


No, I don't take myself seriously.


I'm not sure if actual meaningful BW staff see most of the posts. I suspect "Jason" from India is reading them, making sure they are ok.


Will BW fire their management or replace some? I don't know. I don't have any idea what goes on in that office. They don't talk to us, really. They've had, what, 3 or 4 Dev posts this week so far? No one outside of BW or EA knows whats going on there exactly.


All I can do is assume, and I assume that the management in that place is a train wreck. Usualy the best thing to do is to replace train wreck management, as it brings other departments down with it, and over all is a massive drag on the organization.


Just that EA quaterly statment a few weeks ago goes to show that even super high up EA management are loose cannons. Apparently its an issue from top to bottom there.

Edited by -Dench
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what a turn round, i remember during beta and before, every1 was saying its a wow beater, and heaped absolute

ridicule on any1 saying any different, look at swtor now, its a dead duck, just doesnt know it yet.

Edited by cerveau
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I will answer your questions here. Can Swtor be saved no by the way things are going.Bioware has has 6 months to fix all the issues that were in the game from the begining when they were first reported. Bioware has failed to fix the lag issue connection issue and the game compatability issue. This game has been really hard for me and my wife to play on our computers because bioware had to set the specs to where only a super computer could run it. I guess bioware wants every one with a low end computer to upgrade or buy a new one.


In my opinion that is not going to happen today tomorrow or never. i got my wife a windows 7 computer a week ago and she cant play swtor at all because of spec issues. i think its time for my wife and i to move on. i would rather pay 15.00 a month for aion or buy farmville farmtown or frontier trail stuff with our 30.00 dollars that we will be saving and take a 10 pound hammer and smash both of the collector addition cd cases and let file 13 take biowares **** out of here. i believe in my heart i gave bioware 6 months to start building this game and instead they fell and fell hard.


Funny how swtor woks fine on a factory cheap inspiron 400 dollars yeah windows 7. Also funny how it works on a small form factor HP which cost less than 300 dollars , on that 2nd machine which is my friends they upgraded the memory to 12 gig and funny how it now runs on everything on high settings , makes you wonder doesn't it.


Oh and to the subject at hand , this game doesn't need to be saved its doing fine , obviously it needs a few things doing but its fine. This game is young and maybe the pc crowd have been spoiled , remember mmorpg's need time to grow and we havent even had a cap increase yet , people are jumping the gun or are moles for other companies.





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what a turn round, i remember during beta and before, every1 was saying its a wow beater, and heaped absolute

ridicule on any1 saying any different, look at swtor now, its a dead duck, just doesnt know it yet.


this multiserver concept put the game to the graveyard before it was even released.

now look at this mess.

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With these general forums? Nope.


Sadly, the growing animosity isn't limited to just the General Forums. Read the profession forums, PvP forums, Customer service forums...it's a growing cancer that Bioware is guilty of neglecting. If they care so little about us that they can't even be bothered to answer basic questions on these forums, why would you expect people to act any different? Respect goes both ways...right now, I feel as though Bioware has NONE for its customers.

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Sadly, the growing animosity isn't limited to just the General Forums. Read the profession forums, PvP forums, Customer service forums...it's a growing cancer that Bioware is guilty of neglecting. If they care so little about us that they can't even be bothered to answer basic questions on these forums, why would you expect people to act any different? Respect goes both ways...right now, I feel as though Bioware has NONE for its customers.


Maybe they shouldn't have pulled the plug on Star Wars Galaxies so quickly....

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Funny how swtor woks fine on a factory cheap inspiron 400 dollars yeah windows 7. Also funny how it works on a small form factor HP which cost less than 300 dollars , on that 2nd machine which is my friends they upgraded the memory to 12 gig and funny how it now runs on everything on high settings , makes you wonder doesn't it.


Oh and to the subject at hand , this game doesn't need to be saved its doing fine , obviously it needs a few things doing but its fine. This game is young and maybe the pc crowd have been spoiled , remember mmorpg's need time to grow and we havent even had a cap increase yet , people are jumping the gun or are moles for other companies.






Yeah the game does fine beside of the one or the other smaller issue.

I am only one of these gun jumping monkeys and im working for another company and my only fun is destroying the game i play since december.

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Looked at join date

can't take you seriously


Looked at your post history

Can’t take you seriously


On topic:

I think “saved” is relative, if the choices given are re-roll on one of the handful of servers that has a healthy population, or keep paying your sub fee while waiting for server transfers then I think a lot of people are going to continue to unsub.


If you want to do group content and there are only ten or less people in fleet between 6PM and 9PM on your server to convince to join you then you may well decide this game is no longer “massively multiplayer” enough for your tastes.


Me, I am happy to skip past that stuff and play solo, truth be told I wished that they had just released Knights of the Old Republic 3 instead of taking a stab at the “MMO” market…so the dead server thing isn’t really a make or break for me…now continuing to release patches that break things in new and interesting ways is starting to get old real fast though. It’s not like they don’t have a Player Test Server and players willing to test these patches for free before they are rolled out…

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This game just need a few things to be added and it will be on track again:


I would love to see in patch 1.3:


1) Stop the grinding fest. you can keep people doing content without forcing them to repeat the content on a daily basis.


2) Make crafting useful again. Crafters are a huge part of every mmo, specially in end game. Give us recipes for armor, weapons, mods, etc, that can be actually used in end game and you will see how you will see servers come back to life... This point has a lot to do with the first point. Grinding crafting materials is one of the thing no one will complain, if they see a benefit from it. If people can craft armors, and weapons, and mods that people will want you will activate the economy and thats all the money sink you will ever need. People will do dailies to get money to be able to buy good gear in the GTN... You will not need to force people to waste their money on legacy items that are too expensive and most of the time are crap... Money should be spent on good stuff, and that stuff should come out of the crafting scenario.


3) Guild Spaceship or Guild Houses in the fleet. Guilds needs to feel they have their place in the universe. Guild houses should hold their banks. Training dummies. Guild mail. mini games, like cards, or some other star wars game. Guild missions with some cool unlocks... give us something to do as a guild.


4) A) Cool and good looking armor sets. I have always believed that armor sets need to be better than the crafted armors or weapons, but not for the basic stats, but for the bonus sets: this ones has to give you a good advantage over the people that don't have it, so people will look to get it. But you don't want to make the crafted stuff useless, so people will get that to get into raids and flashpoints.


4) B) Armors need to look different depending of your role... Jedi Guadian/Sith Juggernaut Tank set need to be different in stats, bonus and looks from the DPS one. Same goes for Jedi Sage/Sith Inquisitor Dps and Healing sets, they fulfill different rolls so they must not look the same. This can be applied to all classes. Vanguard Tropper is not the same a Commando Trooper, and Tank Vanguard has nothing to do with Dps Vanguard. Same for Commando, the healer has one role and the dps has another, so armors need to be different.


4) C) Tionese/Columni/Rakata must all be different in looks and in stats from each other, not only in color. Dont be Lazy and have a part of your development team to focus in the fashion department... This is very important... It contributes to progression...


5) Re doing flashpoints and operations must be worth for the people running them. You will get to a point where people will have the armor set dropped there, so we need a good amount of credits from the last chest (at least 50K for each member of the group) to keep us doing them. You guys need also add extra drops like special ear piece, implants, relics, that are dropped in specific flashpoints, and all of them should drop random item modification parts: mods, armoring, enhancements, barrels, hilts, etc. You want us to redo flashpoints as much as we can, so make us think it is worth it! You can also add gifts lvl 5 for companions. Ships parts, etc....


6) Stop the pvp grinding fest!!! And stop changing the system with every patch! Remove expertise so all lvl 50 can fight as equal. Make our expertise as a player be the turning point in matches and not gear. Add more armor sets, with different benefits for all classes...


The list could go on and on and i am tired and need to go back to work!


I kinda have to admit that even if they just said ALL of this was coming in the near future, I would probably head for the "MY account" button and resub my recurring account today.

Edited by Esquire
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Maybe they shouldn't have pulled the plug on Star Wars Galaxies so quickly....


Honestly, I'm shocked Smedley did, but now, it looks like it may have been a GREAT decision. SOE will no longer be remembered as the only company that **edit**ed up Star Wars...in fact, hindsight will show that they were the BEST developer of the IP. By dropping it entirely, they could rid themselves of the cancer it was to their name and their reputation.


Had Bioware hit a home run with this game, SWG would have been forgotten. If Bioware **edit**ed it up, SOE would be viewed as the better developer. Dropping the license entirely and moving on was the BEST long term move they've ever made for the company. I give Smed credit for taking a massive gamble like he did and having it pay off...as they say, even a blind squirrel finds a nut.

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SWG died on day 1. I played it from post-9 into the NGE. It was so dangerously buggy and devoid of meaningful content, that only the name Star Wars kept us going, the few of us who still paid SOE.


SWTOR needs to be given the proper amount of time to work and develop the game, period. They have improvements to make, but they won't if all the "gimme gimme gimme" people jump ship because they expected 7 years of feature/content development in a launch title.

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I kinda have to admit that even if they said ALL of this was coming in the near future, I would probably head for the "MY account" button and resub my recurring account today.


Yes! Well i still have playing time until september :p so i am optimistic!

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Honestly, I'm shocked Smedley did, but now, it looks like it may have been a GREAT decision. SOE will no longer be remembered as the only company that **edit**ed up Star Wars...in fact, hindsight will show that they were the BEST developer of the IP. By dropping it entirely, they could rid themselves of the cancer it was to their name and their reputation.


Had Bioware hit a home run with this game, SWG would have been forgotten. If Bioware **edit**ed it up, SOE would be viewed as the better developer. Dropping the license entirely and moving on was the BEST long term move they've ever made for the company. I give Smed credit for taking a massive gamble like he did and having it pay off...as they say, even a blind squirrel finds a nut.


/agree. But Smed did have some inside info that he could of been acting upon also. Most of these guys who made TOR, Smed had access to their former employee files and had the knowledge of what they had completed before. (NGE)


BTW, good to see you on boards again, senator.

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Honestly, I'm shocked Smedley did, but now, it looks like it may have been a GREAT decision. SOE will no longer be remembered as the only company that **edit**ed up Star Wars...in fact, hindsight will show that they were the BEST developer of the IP. By dropping it entirely, they could rid themselves of the cancer it was to their name and their reputation.


Had Bioware hit a home run with this game, SWG would have been forgotten. If Bioware **edit**ed it up, SOE would be viewed as the better developer. Dropping the license entirely and moving on was the BEST long term move they've ever made for the company. I give Smed credit for taking a massive gamble like he did and having it pay off...as they say, even a blind squirrel finds a nut.


Well look on the bright side we are getting another SWG successor soon its a sci-fi MMO with all the good elements of SWG being brought in http://www.therepopulation.com/ take a look and enjoy!!

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Oh look another doomsday thread. I'm sorry but still over a million players constitutes as a game that is about to die to you?


Once all the free time dries up, and 6 month accounts end , your going to be more lonely with the exception of a handful of servers....

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Oh look another doomsday thread. I'm sorry but still over a million players constitutes as a game that is about to die to you?


I could point out that even four million players spread out over too many servers would be a disaster if no one can find enough players on their server at a given time to run group content, but I have a feeling you aren’t here to actually discuss the topic of the thread…

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Oh look another doomsday thread. I'm sorry but still over a million players constitutes as a game that is about to die to you?


I disagree with you, i see this thread as a place for people who still believe in the game can post about what they think it will help the game in the future.

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Once all the free time dries up, and 6 month accounts end , your going to be more lonely with the exception of a handful of servers....


I'm subbed until October - I'm trying to find a reason not to uninstall the game, as I currently have no desire to even log in.


I was very happy with the game right up until 1.2, or maybe a week or so after. That patch sucked all of the entertainment out of the game for me by turning pvp into a WZ grind for commendations, and that being the only reason to participate in pvp.


I've found the end game PVE to be extremely boring, and I already have three characters at level 50, another at 40 and a few other alts in various stages. Content at all levels, all classes, and on both factions is so heavily recycled that it can burn out even the hardiest players.

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Yeah the game does fine beside of the one or the other smaller issue.

I am only one of these gun jumping monkeys and im working for another company and my only fun is destroying the game i play since december.


So because they added lots of servers to help with the influx of people upon release , if thats why they added them, you think that sent swtor to the grave. I don't think it did really , but I do understand that you have rolled on an empty server , are you on your 5th server now ? Surely one of those servers has a few people to party up on it ? Anyways LFG tool is coming very soon that should help you on one of your 4 or 5 servers to find a group.





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I will beat this dead horse...all TOR needs is a LFG tool, if noone plays your game you don't have a community so that line about community is bad logic. Give me my LFG tool, one that does heroic 4s, flashpoints, and ops.



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Oh look, it's this thread again. :rolleyes:


Seriously, I love doomsday threads. They remind me of the 2012 end of the world predictions. Full of BS but still oh so intriguing. Swtor isn't going anywhere. It's numbers will likely continue to fluctuate as it gains a footing on the market, and people will continue making half-baked armageddon predictions every time the game loses ten subs. lol

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