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What is the Current State of Your Guild?


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Is fun to read how most of the SWG guilds who run the fun for 8 years now are disbanded as people get bored.

SWG was 20 times ubergame than SWTOR. My guild is now ... me, but that only will last 6 days more, because im out too.


A SWG2 would done better tbh than this Kotor online.

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Our guild was strong, we hit the cap very early and then cut out all the non-active members down to around 400.


Out of those 400, half have not logged in in over 30 days, so that makes it about 200 active players, with about 150 playing every 24-48 hours. Getting 8-16 man groups was not an issue at all, multiple pre-mades happening, it was sort of what I hoped SWTOR could offer guilds. Then they missed the ranked WZ content, people left... then they nerfed a few profs, people left...


...then diablo 3 came out.




From having usually 50-60 people on in the guild at all given times, we are lucky now if we have 10 members on.



When guild wars 2 comes out, I fear I will be one of maye 5 people left in my guild out of an original 500? The Asia pacific servers have taken a beating over the past few weeks. The Rhakoul plague brought people back for a few weeks, but it wasnt enough. If they kept that going as a permanent thing maybe.. I would have enjoyed that, but sadly I'm getting pretty bored myself, and im a star wars fan boy at heart,





Edited by Talarchy
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I'm sorry, but I am just so disgusted with BioWare when I hear they have hired MAGID.com to do paid feedback meetings in NYC, when what's wrong is so clearly communicated by so many guild members in threads like these.


If BioWare would only listen to us. :(

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My guild is just a set of sometimes checked alts nowadays, we all rerolled to access an active warzone queue.


Not many login at all on the original server now.


I think a good number joined guilds on other servers though.

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How is your guild doing in the state that SWTOR is in at the moment?


Subs were reported to be at 1.3 mil a couple of days ago, and who knows if they'll keep dropping. Because BioWare placed too many servers, I wouldn't expect most responses to be quite positive, but here you can state if your guild is either already dead, luckily flourishing, or dying—and probably doing something to prevent your guild's shutdown.


Also, feel free to post what you think might be killing your guild, and what features are missing that are not helping guilds.


We just had an influx of people yesterday or the day before, I'm guessing another guild died and we ate their people.

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Agree. What you need is GW2.

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There are not many people I know still playing. I see the argument from some (whistling in the dark) saying "you shouldn't have burned through the content so fast!" , or "That's what you get for playing so much", but is this honestly a fair argument? The fact of the matter is for hardcore players the amount of content was just not there to satiate a competitive desire.


The problem with the "screw the hardcore players, we dont need them" attitude is, hardcore players lead guilds, hardcore players lead raid teams, hardcore players lead pvp groups, and hardcore players drive the economy. These are also the players you can also count on to be on most of the time when you log in. Losing the hard core crowd means you can kiss all but the "I just log in to say hi to friends and run a flashpoint crowd goodbye".



I would really love to see SW: TOR turn things around, but with all of the issues over ranked warzones, lack of incentives in world pvp, poor faction balance, and poor performance of the hero engine, it will be an uphill climb. Before 1.2 I was very optimistic, now I am playing Aion and awaiting the launch of Guild Wars 2.

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My original guild died with the server. What remained rerolled and joined up with another guild. The last time I logged in I was the only person online, nearly all of my guildies have unsubbed frustrated with the new servers drop in population, and old issues like killing rated warzones with no real indication of when they will be put in. To sum up my guild its dead.
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Sounds just like my scenario.


Day one was crazy with the queues, tons of people. Now, you can barely find anyone on to play with. Heroics? HA!


The few people I know who play have all rerolled to the fatman.


u know few ppl cause i am the real Che-------

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Zen on Bao-Dur


Around 6 to 10 people online during our peak hours.

We have 60 people on the roster, most of them alts of active members but also a couple of inactive members, who will be removed after a set period of time.


They're great folks who enjoy a laugh. Casual players, that enjoy a WZ or FP every once in a while.

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Very low. A lot of my friends quit or are only playing weekly instead of daily. I've been a part of failures such as The Matrix Online, Star Trek Online, and others. Like them, this game has amazing potential, but it may just die off. I played SWG for 7 years and I see a lot of the mistakes being repeated as far as mainting an open line of communication and information. They responses we get for direct questions are political ambiguity becuase they don't know the answers to some questons, but they can't let us know they don't even though we do. The "all is well" attitude remids me of John Smedley when the CU and NGE hit. I would give anything to be part of a game where the staff was honest with the populus and worked much more closely with us. I may be overreacting, but that's how I feel at the moment. I hope this game survives - I love playing it when it works.
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There are not many people I know still playing. I see the argument from some (whistling in the dark) saying "you shouldn't have burned through the content so fast!" , or "That's what you get for playing so much", but is this honestly a fair argument? The fact of the matter is for hardcore players the amount of content was just not there to satiate a competitive desire.


The problem with the "screw the hardcore players, we dont need them" attitude is, hardcore players lead guilds, hardcore players lead raid teams, hardcore players lead pvp groups, and hardcore players drive the economy. These are also the players you can also count on to be on most of the time when you log in. Losing the hard core crowd means you can kiss all but the "I just log in to say hi to friends and run a flashpoint crowd goodbye".



I would really love to see SW: TOR turn things around, but with all of the issues over ranked warzones, lack of incentives in world pvp, poor faction balance, and poor performance of the hero engine, it will be an uphill climb. Before 1.2 I was very optimistic, now I am playing Aion and awaiting the launch of Guild Wars 2.

Also the "I'm only signing in to run Ops until I get my gear then I'm gone" crowd is out. Some didn't even bother coming back for 1.2 either.


As bad as it sounds, a small part of it may have been due to how much harder Lost Island & Explosive Conflict are compared to the other ops & hard modes. Then again, people did complain about how easy the other stuff was.

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Slugfest, member of Rebel, The Harbinger server.


Guild is coming back to life after a recent drama fest surrounding an individual raider reached epic proportions. We have absorbed another guild into our ranks as of this week and we are seeing more people logging in. Once the dust settles we should have enough for 2-3 steady op groups to roll out every week. Looking foward to some more HM Denova attempts once everyone is acclimated and we have worked out new raid times and individual group compositions.


The group finder will be great to help gear up alts and fresh recruits, really looking forward to that. Once server transfers go live I'm hoping for a fresh influx of 50's from other dead servers to help bolster the general population. People have invested too much into their characters to simply let this game fade away, myself including.

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Elder Scroll Online was announced two week back and its nuts now. Everyone is talking about it, basically we all love almost everything about it. Dont think we ever come back to SWTOR.


Taking a break of 3 days from the SWTOR forum and coming back to keep talking about ESO. Seriously? What's your goal? 500 ESO related posts in a SWTOR forum? Am I the only one to find this annoying?

Edited by Sammm
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Elder Scroll Online was announced two week back and its nuts now. Everyone is talking about it, basically we all love almost everything about it. Dont think we ever come back to SWTOR.



Taking a break of 3 days from the SWTOR forum and coming back to keep talking about ESO. Seriously? What's your goal? 500 ESO related posts in a SWTOR forum? Am I the only one to find this annoying?


You notice BlueFromMoon's avatar join date is May 2012?


Then I looked at the threads he's posted in the few weeks he's been with us.




I think that nearly all of them talk up a different game and trash this one.


It's like he paid money just to come here and talk about another game. I always thought the urban myth of people trolling another game's forum for pay were just urban myths... Or he's severely damaged. Don't know which.



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You notice BlueFromMoon's avatar join date is May 2012?


Then I looked at the threads he's posted in the few weeks he's been with us.




I think that nearly all of them talk up a different game and trash this one.


It's like he paid money just to come here and talk about another game. I always thought the urban myth of people trolling another game's forum for pay were just urban myths... Or he's severely damaged. Don't know which.



Lol, I actually wondered whether he was being paid by Elder Scrolls to troll the forums of other games and bash those games and advertise ES ;)

Edited by Sauska
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Got 38 in the guild. Used to be 39, but one wanted to raid more than the rest of us so he left momentarily. As soon as we starts to do OP's, he will be back. We started out small and grew steadily. We have the exact same number today as we did pre-1.2 patch and are not recruiting as we like it small and manageable.


How on earth do we keep the players, as thie is a DYING GAME?!


Easy. We just do not listen to the trolls much, or the whiners, or the WoW-heads, or the 'Waiting for GW2', or the D3-players.... we just play the game and have fun. Of all of us, I have the task of actually visit this depressing forum to pick up anything interesting. Not that I usually find anything.

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I have been the only one on vent for the past 3 weeks. There's only 5 people in chat, not chatting much, at peak hour. No lvl50 anymore. I just cancelled my sub. I will keep playing until it runs out on 7/18.
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Started with 5, as of today, we're up to 110. About 30 active within the last 10 days. 50+ active within the last month. I boot people if they go inactive after 45 days so, we still have quite a bit of players.


My Guild is an RPvP guild called Order of the Sith Lords on US Jung Ma server. Really, everyone complains about SWTOR going down a bad road, but my guild and I are still having fun. Lots of players, lots of events, its all great. Could be better, but I can't complain.


We're certainly not dying that's for sure lol.

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