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What is the Current State of Your Guild?


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in the beginning we were incredibly hardcore, rushing to do everything. we had a ton of people online at all hours, and it was fun.


now there are maybe 5 on at a time, though people do attend our scheduled raids, and during that time the number reaches maybe enough for a 16 man. however, spots keep filling up, which is nice for new guys, but it really just means that someone left and isn't going to come back.


basically, newer people are sort of online, and the older players just log in to raid and then go back to DOTA2 or d3. it's pretty sad.

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Ancient Avengers League (pub side) on Jedi Covenant.


1 8 man ops group doing hard modes


2 8 man ops groups doing story modes, 1 almost ready to move to hard modes


2 Mondays a month doing datacron hunts, the other 2 for world boss hunts


Tuesday night PVP (although groups run all the time anyway)


Always running hard mode flashpoints and plenty of people doing dailies.


The only problem I foresee is Diablo 3, Guild Wars 2 and Secret World. Hopefully we can keep this going. Fingers crossed.

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Our guild has 480 with mostly mains and some people have 1 alt in it, peak times 50 - 80 people on and more on weekends. We have also started a alt guild for those who want to put more alts in and we just use a custom guild chat channel.
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Im on the Juyo server and it's just been getting worse and worse. Everyone pretty much has the same complaints, that there's nothing to do when you're 50 after a certain point. If you don't have a core of at least 8 like minded individuals, you're stuck doing nothing. The populations on each planet are "exploding" if there's more than 10 people on them. Fleet rarely gets above 100. Im guestimating that theres 150 max actively playing on my server. I've been trying to host more ops and what have you but guildies are just losing interest. The core group is leaving and there's not enough people to recruit from. I do really enjoy the game but im having a tough time wanting to log into this ghosttown. For the record, id rather cancel my sub than reroll on another server. It just aint happening.
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Much of what is being said in this thread re guilds starting strong, then waning, especially after the 1.2 debacle is very common topic of conversation amongst folk on my server. The populations have dropped significantly. On Hydian Way which started out as load heavy server isnt any more. A couple of months ago fleet population at peak times was over 100,m last few days it is averaging around 40 :mad:


Devs need to do some server merges very quickly, so we have a fresh pool of people to play with/recruit from. It is very difficult right now to replace the folk who have left who got disillusioned with the game in last 2-3 months. Server merges need to be done before GW2 and Secret World are launched, if they arent done then a bunch more folk will be lost from swtor to these games.

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Pre-launch: Guild had a 10 year history of gaming together in multiple games. Geared up a new website, started recruiting early.


Beta: Several members got in. We registered early, all that stuff. Most of us got early access and were 50 by official launch day.


January: Running strong! Recruiting/PvP/PvE/Raiding


February: 50% fewer players from the month prior. People were getting bored. By the end of the month, I was the only officer logging on consistently. I quit the guild, along with the rest of the active players.


March: Found a new guild, up and running strong again. Doing weekly raid content, gearing people up. PvPing daily.


Patch 1.2: Saw resurgence in numbers across the server...for about a week.


Today: Guildless again. Couldn't get a guild 8-man together. People leaving due to boredom/lack of rated wz/other games coming out. Started playing Republic side out of boredom. Will probably be gone myself when free time is up.

Edited by TheronFett
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Our guild grows.


Because, we're not burning thru content in less than a week.

We decided to take our time, and have fun, as opposed to, you know, "I gotz to lvl 50 in only a fue monthz, becauze this game sux!" attitude.

This thread fails.

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My gulid is on AP servers we have 75 full time members 30 hard core members 16 man raid team working on making the next one each member out of the 30 hard core has 2 alts we have 190 pop for gulid so there is some casuals in the gulid and even at3 in the morning there are people in the fleet

SERVER mergers are never going to happen they have said this many times


TOON transfers are coming to the greater public some time early summer (most likley towords the end) but they are coming to thos of u with dead servers and failed gulids im am sorry but thrashing the game as fast as u can will kill any gulid and any game these people leaving for gw2 and other games will do the same there u play a game cos u like the theme and mmo games devolpe over a long time


starwars has more content at relese then any mmo i have played wow is almost 10 years old stop comparing the 2

gw2 will have less content then starwars only thing it will have is active world pvp that can and will be fixed in the months to come in starwars i assure u of that


yes i cant spell there is no need to point it out:p


so my asnwer to the op is my gulid and server is fine

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Pre-Diablo 3: 20+ people online in peak hours, regular RP, end game PVE and PVP events.

1 day after Diablo 3 release: 3 people online. :confused:

1 week after D3 release: we'll see, the guild should be back... Or so I hope.

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starwars has more content at relese then any mmo i have played wow is almost 10 years old stop comparing the 2


Ok. I have a problem with this as I hear it a lot. You are now comparing WoW from 10 years ago with SWTOR from now. When WoW was realised they were well ahead of the curve and the standards and expectations of the consumer was much lower. Any game releasing now can't use WoW on release as a benchmark as its not competing with WoW from 10 years ago, it's competing with WoW of now.


This means that any new game release now is in the awkward position of trying to match and possibly even improve on a WoW game with 10 years of improvement and material. SWTOR was lucky as it had the franchise, hence they could mechanically release an almost identical game that would still appeal because of the setting.


So, the mechanics were solid (same as wow basically), the setting rocked (everyone loves Star Wars). However, it lacked the contents. This is the issue the game is facing, all the other factors are in place and its here where the problem lies.


You can say 'give it a chance', but people did. That chance was called 1.2, which did deliver a little, but not up to expectations. Sadly though, people won't be as patient as they were with WoW as a) there's other games in town b) the benchmarks for comparison make SWTOR look lacking. Why should consumers remain patient when there's other games out there they can play?


Essentially, SWTOR is competing with WoW Cat/MoP not vanilla and those games have sooooo much more to offer. An MMO will only work when it realises that it's not going to be judged on its merits as a new game, but on its merits in relation to the current market. Until then, they'll all fail.

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We started out as a smallish community from RIFT where we had been on the cusp of starting the 20 man content. When the Thanksgiving open beta weekend rolled around we realized there was really no point carrying on in Rift at that time as we'd never get the man power to do it's 20 man's on our server until the shiny lure of ToR evaporated and some came back. Besides, ToR looked awesome! So across we came.


Nearly six months on, we manage a small remnant to log on a few times a week for normal mode raids. Even this was a constant circle of setbacks as people would get to 50 then get bored of the game and would have to be replaced over and over again. Then the delay would cause others to get bored, so we'd have to find yet another replacement.

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Like Sepulchrave and Cordelia (Hey Xanadu!) our guild is on Hydian Way.


Recruitment has slowed an awful lot, but we're still getting the occasional person join up on a trial for us. We've maintained similar online numbers throughout the past few months, even though they're not large numbers. We lost a larger number of people after the first couple of months when people had decided it wasn't for them or they got bored waiting for everyone else to level. We're not from MMO's originally, so it was expected that many of the people we brought with us may not enjoy it.


What we've done differently is that we immediately created an alliance on our server with another like-minded guild. It has been very harmonious throughout and was one of the best things we could have done. We've been picky and turned down one or two guilds and turned away some members who didn't fit our profile too, but we've recently had another guild join our alliance and one of the other larger guilds on the server is now interested also. We stick purely to casual and social play, so we're just at the point where we're running ops once a week and gearing everyone out in full columi before running the hard modes. We doubt we'll be ready for the nightmare modes for a little while longer yet and that's fine. Most of us have a few alts and a few 50's and many are taking that route too, enjoying the various classes and unique attributes. We spend most of our time talking and playing silly little games of our own devices:- We made our own treasure hunt game with cryptic clues to lead people to unique locations in-game, we do impromptu hide and seek games in different areas, offering prizes to those that find us first, we do all the usual world boss/datacron events, we're planning on doing more scavenger-hunt style games in the future, we run a weekly raffle. All of these events we do on an alliance-wide basis and we share an ops calendar between us too. In short, we make our own fun and look for other guilds we can share the time and game with whose company we enjoy. We still all maintain our own slightly different way of doing things and our own identities, but we often share our events and fun and use our common pool of players and sometimes resources to make our time more enjoyable. It also allows for each of our guilds to grow or diminish without losing the ability to retain players as we can still get groups going between us. We also go out of our way to say hello and welcome anyone from the alliance when out and about in-game and will give them deals/items that we would not otherwise offer to others.





Going alright, we made ourselves and alliance with other guilds to act as a buffer and larger pool of players as and when needed. It's worked out rather well for all involved and has kept us active and interested.

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Server: Bacca's Blade (pve server)



Our guild started up around 2 months ago and did great when we started off, we had a small core from another mmo and we started building up then people stopped playing and all it feels like we doing is aleways trying to replace those that stopped playing, thankfully we had a few new guildies when we started that remained extremely loyal and been very patient. I started later than one of my friends and i found i loved the PVP and got games most days back to back, now im waiting up to 4-5 hours during day, and some week end nights im waiting 30-50mins on average.


Our server is dieing and char transfer's will not help it will just kill off even more people. They do tranfers and not a server merge then im off. We badly need some of the smaller servers merging.


I regually go on a 50 and go through all the zones recruiting and highes i seen numbers anywhere were around 30-40, on average planets level 30+ have around 10-15 in them and around 20-30 on imperial fleet and this is peek times. I do this check regular through every area. Please biowar introduce eother cross server pvp / opperations or bring us a server merge b4 our server is dead or do both would be even better imo.


I love this game and hope im still here some time to go,


Main things i want to see are:


Server merge

  • Cross server pvp and opperations
  • A general chat that captures all areas as well as zone specific chats. (this is very important imo links a community)
  • ranked pvp games (solo ranked games introduced 1st to keep balence)
  • More guild perks (for small and large guilds)
  • Decrase cost of respeccing (we dont have all the classes needed and quite often people respeccing so we can

actually get groups going)

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Well, we just moved 4 more people to the "casual" group in our guild, that is 7 in 2 weeks. Which means we now have 8 strong active players for raiding, which means if one person does not show up we are out of luck. There are only 3 other Rep guilds on our server with experienced raiding groups(NM/HM), and it is tough to get one of those players to join another raid because of lock outs. At one time there were dozens of guilds on our server, they have all been consumed by other guilds, including the one I am in now, as the previous 2 guilds I was in bleed members like I have never seen before.


For me, rerolling on another server is not an option, it has taken a lot of work to get to legacy 45, 4 buffs, 2 50s in full raiding gear, with another more than half way there. It actually pisses me off when the trolls tell people to reroll on the Fatman, or any other server. It should have been an option from day one to move toons from server to server. It is not like we had a choice as to where our guild was put on day one.


All in all, if these transfers are not in place by the time GW2 is released, which is when this game will take another HUGE population hit, I will be cancelling my sub along with so many other players. Not because I am going to play GW2 more, but there is no reason to keep progressing with toons that are soon to be alone. I love the game, the PvE part but it is an MMO, not a single player or co-op. If the soul purpose of this game is the PvP content, then Bioware missed the mark by miles. If the PvE endgame content was more robust, more people would have stayed. Then again, so many people spend their gaming time in queue for WZs that we cant even get a group together to down world bosses, no matter the rewards that can come from them. It is really sad, but my hopes are high for those transfers that should be coming, 5 months ago.

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Second busiest rated German Server

Public Holiday at 18:00

Guild has 36 members

Online 1 (that is one) the others quietly disappeared over the last 2 weeks.

On fleet 74 players...there used to be 180 - more then 200

and that only 2 weeks ago


no further comment

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We WERE doing great, had EC story on farm, scheduled a HMEC op, couldn't get 8 people to show up. Next thing you know everyone cancelled their sub except me and one other guy. We were the last pve guild too so I guess its time to find a new game. :(
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I love how people are boasting like raiding is hard on this game, pathetic.


To be proud of playing this game is like saying "YEA I GOT A SMALL PEEN!".


nuff said.


just quit like everyone else has, bioware left this game a long time ago you should to.

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The Older Republic (linky to site) formed on the Sith Wyrm PvE server in February, geared for folks (roughly) 40 and older. We grew explosively in the first 2 months or so, and while growing at a much smaller rate now, we ARE still growing. We're also looking at alliances with other smaller like-minded guilds.


We did not rush to end content (we're all too busy with Real Life to do that), but we have some dedicated PvPers, some raiders, and some people who just enjoy hopping on Mumble, talking with like-minded folks, and enjoying the game at whatever level they happen to be at.


The important thing--none of our members was afraid to re-roll to a new server. Another important thing--no game keeps someone's attention forever. I love LOTRO and Guild Wars, but I'm lucky if I log in once a quarter in either game now.


Also, since we're, well, older, many of us come from other MMO communities and guilds. We've elected to keep the community together even in other games by expanding into Guild Wars 2, WoW, and Secret World. That, and continuing recruiting (it's a never-ending task), will help keep the number of players up.

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Ok. I have a problem with this as I hear it a lot. You are now comparing WoW from 10 years ago with SWTOR from now. When WoW was realised they were well ahead of the curve and the standards and expectations of the consumer was much lower. Any game releasing now can't use WoW on release as a benchmark as its not competing with WoW from 10 years ago, it's competing with WoW of now.


This means that any new game release now is in the awkward position of trying to match and possibly even improve on a WoW game with 10 years of improvement and material. SWTOR was lucky as it had the franchise, hence they could mechanically release an almost identical game that would still appeal because of the setting.


So, the mechanics were solid (same as wow basically), the setting rocked (everyone loves Star Wars). However, it lacked the contents. This is the issue the game is facing, all the other factors are in place and its here where the problem lies.


You can say 'give it a chance', but people did. That chance was called 1.2, which did deliver a little, but not up to expectations. Sadly though, people won't be as patient as they were with WoW as a) there's other games in town b) the benchmarks for comparison make SWTOR look lacking. Why should consumers remain patient when there's other games out there they can play?


Essentially, SWTOR is competing with WoW Cat/MoP not vanilla and those games have sooooo much more to offer. An MMO will only work when it realises that it's not going to be judged on its merits as a new game, but on its merits in relation to the current market. Until then, they'll all fail.


+1 Sep <3

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30 man guild. Post 1.2 still getting 7-10 on a day... this week 1 person (me) only one on. It's not fun. I fear for this game, I really do. I enjoy most of it, but it's not enough to keep players playing. I am not sure at this point that even mergers/ transfers could fix it. It lacks content for max level. It feels more like a console game than a mmo. Get to 50, get some gear, play something else. And that truly sucks, I still have hopes that it will become more, but it needs to happen fast. Otherwise there is not much left and the game will be gone/ FTP by the end of the year if not sooner.
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We WERE doing great, had EC story on farm, scheduled a HMEC op, couldn't get 8 people to show up. Next thing you know everyone cancelled their sub except me and one other guy. We were the last pve guild too so I guess its time to find a new game. :(

My guild has actually gotten quite a lot of members, but it's hard finding more than ~15 players online at peak times. :/

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