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What is the Current State of Your Guild?


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Our server population has dropped in the last 60 days (link here) BUT we're the 15th biggest server in the US, and we're the 4th biggest RP-PvE server (as of 5/27/2012 phi value of 1.12 link to data here).


Regardless of server population, The Thirteenth Legion is alive and vital. We have a busy calendar of RP, PvE, and PvP events (link showing our calendar here). As an estimate of the activity of our membership, I can tell you that 81 of our members have logged into our forums in the last month (as of 5/27/2012). 162 characters have been logged in and played within the last 31 days. 102 of those characters have been logged into in the last 7 days (as of 5/27/2012).



Edited by Scorpienne
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From Begeren Colony here (RP/PVE) and our guild Exiles is about a month old now. We're a culmination of various friends who PvP'd and would run Ops with each other across several now defunct guilds. We united under one tag and became Exiles.


It seems this has been the most beneficial thing to do as we run at least two 8 man ops at a time and try and have 2-3 raid days a week. We're an active guild surviving and thriving. I previous worked as an event coordinator for a small game company and that experience taught me that interacting with everyone in the community and helping everyone achieve things in the game keeps them around longer. For example, we have very good relations with various Imperial side guilds and have conversation with them, compare raid strategies, gear setups, builds, basically anything that would benefit our server.


Our guild is not run by a single leader. We have a Council that makes the big decisions as a whole and have Masters/Knights to advise us on guild matters. This seems to be extremely effective in keeping people interested in the game as we all have a say or at least the chance to influence guild decisions.


Our raids are never divided into "Alpha Team/Beta Team" type. Every week we form raids in a way that the DPS/heals/tanking is equally spread and priority goes out to those who could not make it the last time but were able to make it this time. This causes no issues amongst the guild as we would all rather progress as a whole and stay interested in the game than have one group of us progress further and create a rift between members.


Now our server is not the most progressed. We have one Imperial guild who has completed HM Denova on the entire server and none on the Republic side yet. We surely could do it but we don't want to make any solid attempts at it without getting the rest of our members geared up so everyone is on the same playing field. The Imperial guild has various campaign level schematics and since we see our server as a community as a whole rather than Republic vs Imperial we simply share whatever schematics we have as long as the guild that needs them provides the mats for them. No extra charge.


It's sad to see our server population as a whole slowly dwindling but I am hoping that some of the other RP servers come on over to us when character transfers are available. We'd definitely welcome you into our community and help everyone we can.


Our server seems like a utopia and I feel lucky to be a part of it.

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My brother got me into playing SWTOR (my first MMO). He invited me to the guild he was in when I created my first toon. I leveled (chatting in guild now and then) and occasionally teamed up with another guildie to level through a planet or do a FP here or there. As I approached 50, I got excited. I kept seeing all the 50's getting to do these HM FP's and Ops and wanted to join in the fun. I hit 50, and went on an EV-SM run the next day (no gear yet, but they needed one more person and begged me to come with. I had a blast, but the next day the GM said he needed time off due to IRL work schedule. Then my brother stopped playing as much. Then one by one, half the guild stopped playing as much. We wound up with a group of 5 of us who were on every day and would just do HM FP's.


In early May, we made the decision to transfer the GM title to one of us, with the agreement that the other 4 would be officers and we would run by committee, breaking up the lion's share of the work. Well, it worked. We started recruiting, helping "almost-50's" hit end game, ran them through HM FP's to get gear, and set up a new website and Facebook page. We now have 2 Op groups (One comprised of Columi/Rakata level who are attempting HM Ops, and the other comprised of new 50's who are starting out EV-SM). We seem to be adding at least one person a day. When they allow server transfers, we will eagerly welcome any guilds or partial guilds from other servers. We are an open guild with one main rule. Have a good attitude. Gear can be obtained, skills can be learned, but your attitude is a constant.:)

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Imperial side on Fort Garnik, I'm the only active member of Ancient Ones, or at least I think so. Haven't seen any other guild members in a couple of months. Reason I'd joined was because early on I kept getting pestered with invites. Edited by GreySix
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We Are Not Your Fathers is an Imperial guild on the Sith'Ari EU server.


We are in our 30s to 50s, All of us lead our own diffrent lifes, working or retired; some of us single or families, some of us husband-and-wife players who plays together, some of us still students. So first we are big family and guild of mature gamers who have bonded together to seek out relaxing and having fun, while getting to know each other a little better.. We believe that gaming doesn't have to be solely about the game or the loots. But of course we love to play and we are hardcore / semi-hardcore players.


So this guild was started by a group of adventuring friends, who decided to gather together, in their adventures and wished to create a family type group, that gathered together to enjoy their Star Wars The Old Republic experiences. Too search out new regions, encounter new enemies as a gaming fans...


In WANYF you will find a community of mature gaming players looking to have some fun and enjoy an escape from our daily life. Most of us have family and work obligations. Some of us also have kids. Our roster ranges from Students to Graduates, Mothers and Fathers, Wifes and Husbands all brought together to unite in one common goal that has become our motto:


All About The Fun, we value that above all else in this guild. Laid Back, Have Fun and no Drama with like minded individuals.


If this sounds like you, please review our Guild Rules and of course our Recruiting Application.


See you in game.


We Are Not Your Fathers

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We're still going stronger than some guilds out there. We do hardmodes (several different raids weekly) and we PvP regularly as a guild. During peak hours we generally have over 20 guildies online at a time. We're always adding new level 50 guildies, so even if some people move on, we have someone to take their places.


i would be happier if we still have 10+ people on during the server's slow times, but it's a "good" day if i see even that many people on the fleet during the daytime now.

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We started out with around thirty people all veteran MMO players that have been in this guild for over ten years. For the last two months the only people still left are myself and my wife.


Forgot to add: guild name is Brotherhood by Blood and we are on Sith Wyrm PVE/US.

Edited by Bulwyf
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My guild is in master dar'nala it's Pretty good we run at least 3 premades groups daily

And are preparing for rateds we are predominatly a pvp guild but we will also pve and we will be doing our first op

As a guild This weekend

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I was with a Guild when SWTOR came out. But lately I see no one around so I left the guild.

I am waiting on 1.3 and when I switch to a more populated server. I will then look for another guild to join.


Wanting a fun active group :D

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Contract Killers, Imperial side, on the Sith`Ari Server

We started out as a four man guild ,we now have 20 regular players .

We might not be hardcore raiders but we do ok :)

most of us think that its the person playing that is more important than the toon and with that in mind we do ok .

some have left and we even had a guild merge with us as they were dying :(

its a shame when a guild dies but it seems to happen occasionally.

the original guild i was in from the start was "IMPACT " had over 450 guildies at the start and now i only ever see 1 left.

hopefully when they shrink the servers down more people will stay and get the enjoyment that they want from this game like we do ,and remember COME TO THE DARK SIDE WE HAVE COOKIES lol

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THis was my first MMO, i started Royal Republic Guard on the Soresu server got it to 200 members had 3 active raid teams then my officers and i didn't see eye to eye anymore, now i only have 4 50's in guild along with my 4 50's. and about 20 other non active members.


How is my guild going? It died.

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<The Take Over> were on the constant and things were great we had a strong 16 man cleared soa and karagga in 16 hm. Then we look around one day and wow guys theres only 30 ppl on the fleet and its 5 in the afternoon(central). Then we started to notice other things like well lets see theres nothin left to do, theres no one on to pvp therefore no pvp gear. and the new operation helped a little but were still getting bored as theres still hardly any pvp and no new ppl joining the server to run or do anything with. granted i like lvling alts with no one else around to share respawns with and its nice to run around and farm whenever you want but whats the use of being a god if youre on a dead server --Jaxom
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The initial people I started my guild with left the game after month one. Fortunately, I started collecting members very slowly so that we are now able to run some hm and are looking at ops very soon. Being a social guild, with strict rules, has helped me weed out some of the recruits who might would bring down the overall wellbeing of the guild.


We will never be large, never be hardcore raiders, but hopefully we can survive the: lack of content, lack of wz pops, lack of people on our server, and the fact ALL servers shut down at least once per week. Not everybody plays during the daylight hours.

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My guild is the ONLY one left doing any kind of raid content at all. And even then, we can barely scrape together enough people to do a normal mode, because the number of HM-ready people is less than 8. We'll sometimes bring in stragglers from other guilds to run with us, and there's a fair amount of 4-mans being run.


We used to do some PVP too, but the server's premier PVP guild quit/rerolled to Fatman and now we can't get enough people to queue. Haven't had a match pop in over a week.


But in a way it makes the guild feel a little closer, more like a family. It's not all bad.

Edited by Stenrik
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Renegade Squadron on Syth Worm (US/East Coast PVE). We used to have two 8 person Ops groups on Tues and Thursday night. Had an active PVP crowd as well. Our guild leader unsubbed a few days ago, and this past weekend I was pretty much the only member on. We still run 1 Ops group though and on Sunday we put together a world boss killing group with a few people from other guilds. The few folks who are left seem committed to the game. But as much as I hate to say it, the bottom line is that the guild is quickly dieing. Our hope is to wait for 1.3 and transfer to another server. This is gonna have to happen asap though cause it seems like even our server is dieing. Sadly, our server was one that I know a number of people rerolled to after their server died.


We are having a guild meeting tonight to discuss the future. I'll be surprised if there is any good news.

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It feels like a one-man guild at the moment. We haven't had enough on at one time to do a guild run of a flashpoint since before 1.2 came out. No, people haven't quit, they're mostly playing alts on servers/factions with a more healthy population (Republic on Tarro Blood, it's not unusual to get less than 100 responses to a /who command with no restrictions until about 7pm server time). The guild leader has already let everyone know he's transferring as soon as they become available and where too.
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Currently our group on Kathol Rift (NA East Coast) actually has two guilds running, one for each faction; Shades of Grey (Republic) and Order of the Drunken Wookiee (Imperial). Shades is our primary guild and has enough to run an 8 man Ops on Tues-Weds. We picked up some new faces from other guilds who merged with us and the occasional loner who has seen us around. Our alt Imps have developed a bit of a reputation for 1-49 pvp, so much so that we have added members outside of Shades who just want to pvp (many ended up rolling Pubs to join Shades). Log ins have been fluctuating, but we have a core that is strong and we will either be recruiting for our server as a destination or we will all be moving to another server. Ultimately, we have managed to cultivate a solid group of mature players who want to make the most of their subscription and keep playing together. Right now things look promising in the long run. If you are interested in rerolling on Kathol Rift or transferring I will not lie, our server over all is barely populated. In the most recent months we have had several hour long queues for PVP that only seem to pop in blocks on EST afternoons and evenings. These short windows are barely enough to maybe get dailies done. There are a couple other end game focused guilds on Kathol Rift that also manage to do Ops semi-regularly.


Other than that, we are in the same boat as many of the light population servers. We are however, perfectly happy to meet you and would love to see some new faces. If you are at all interested in Kathol Rift or our guilds, please speak to any of our members, in particular our co-GMs, either myself (Shakespeare), or Krogan.:sy_star:

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We are doing well on Syth Wyrm. We had a slow period but stuck to our guns. We have noticed we have started to pull together with other guilds to run 16 OPS. We can run 8 person OPS or flash points with no problem. But I also have it structured for my guild to be self starters and self leaders so that there is activity. I think the weekdays during the day are slow for our day time gamers. I also notice that we have a consistent group that runs in each time zone from the east to the west in the US. We have a lot of former SWG and WoW gamers mixed in with original EQ and UO. Its a good fit for everyone. We have zero tolerance for drama. With that in mind we have been growing. We went down to 45 and have come back up to 65.


Personally, I think the game is very young. The content reminds me of how LOTRO started with the same kind of foundation and then grew to an amazing excess of content. It looks like the design has a larger spectrum of content that is coming to fill in the gaps. We see that. If BioWare can add new systems and keep the content coming I think the game will be in a healthy spot this fall. The first two years are the growing stage of any MMORPG.


I do feel that some people feel a sense of entitlement for features who came from an MMO that has over five years of development time invested and 8 million subscribers in china and less than 2 million in North America. In due time SWTOR will have an amazing abundance of content. And we will be here. And as we can all see everything we are asking for is pretty much on it's way. I do think BioWare cares much like CCP does with Eve Online.


So we are good and growing.

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