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What is the Current State of Your Guild?


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My guild is growing pretty steadily. Not huge, it started with me alone about four months ago. I've had a few people come and go, but now we've got about 15 very active people, with another five to 10 who pop on here and there. People are taking their time leveling, and we've got about 75 characters in the guild. That's pretty good for what we want right now.
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my guild has cleared everything and owns the warzones when we put a 4 man team together... if we get 2 teams in there together we see people quit before the match even goes 3 minutes. people are leaving for other games and the guild is slowly shrinking. rated warzones were the thing that was supposed to keep us together between raids. however since we cant do that, might as well move.
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SyFy - Kaas City Server.


Still going very strong over 200 members. PVP, Ops, Flashpoints, Hard Mode and PVE. If you are looking for a guild that does everything come on over to Kaas City and yell at us in general chat on the Republic Fleet.

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My guild is still going, like others though started strong. Over time, people stopped playing, now we got a good core of 30 or so active, bout another 15 or so semi-active.


We are still able to field 3 different Operation Teams(2 on Tue, 1 on Sat) & have sub list for them. Been a bit mellow of late, most of us don't want to make a 3rd or 4th or even 5th 50, until we know what the future holds(like new races, etc..)


Hopefully the server transfers will bring more into our server, since we where one of the core pre-release servers, we shall see.(The Republic side really needs a huge boost on ours.)




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Mosaic is still doing good on our server and were actually about to expand to the empire side with a sister guild. The whole reason I think that its doing as well as it is might be because nobody is trying to complete the game as soon as feasibly possible. We log in just to do what we want, chat with friends, and play how we want with no restrictions. Nobody has yet to leave the guild or the game yet which I am pretty proud of.


IMHO, the guilds that rushed completely threw the entire content of the game as fast as they could are the ones that died and with the players in those guilds leaving the game because "there was nothing left" making the game boring. I'm not saying its BW's fault in this because it very well could have but the guilds that did this caused it to happen. I mean, what did these guilds think was going to happen when they reached the complete and utter end? As Rynoh had said, they were no longer being pushed and lost interest when there was no new content.

Edited by haliy
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Slowly getting smaller and smaller.

Used to have ~30 players online at prime time every day from launch to March. Had two hard mode Ops-groups going every week. Then the leaving started. Lots of people left before 1.2 and only a few came back to check it out just to leave again. Now it's about 5 players online at the same time and 8-10 if it's Ops night.

Edited by Ameepa
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Our guild, <Guardianes de la Paz>, on Trask Ulgo (Euro RP) is doing okay, not super wonderfully great, but okay. We lost some people earlier in the year, but then recruited others, and some of those people even came back. Apart from the typical ebb and flow of a guild, one thing that makes our situation tricky is that we're a Spanish guild, so we have a much more limited scope in terms of recruitment. I don't know if that's helped us (as in, Spanish community sticking together) or what, but we're still working on HM ops and trying to get into nightmare, as well as doing lots of pvp.
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Had a good turn out at launch, given that we have been around a few years we retained many players, though some stopped playing. We saw a dip after the "fresh MMo smell" wore off, and starting to gather new people as we move forward
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My guild Ewok Front liberation is almost dead we normally tried to do pvp dayly but we need 15-30 min queue to Warzone so most of people didnt log to stay in front of pc waiting this time. Mos have cancelled account and the rest will not log again unless bioware fix the server population problem in Hex droid.
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Not part of a guild but would like to be. The problem with the lack of people playing means I end up playing alone and, therefore, am unable to find like minded people who I would want to be in a guild with. With the merging of servers hopefully I can find people I could enjoy playing with who also play at the same times I'm available.


Hopefully this game can become something given time and support from the players who want to make it succeed because it would be a shame to see this game die.


Started playing with my early pre-order and the servers were packed. Then due to some RL issues I wasn't about for a few months and then when I returned the place was like a ghost town. It also becomes annoying when the only other people about at your level on the planet where you're doing missions are also of the same class as you and, therefore, can't do much if you want to focus on progressing with the story.

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We're doing great. Some players have left due to RL or losing interest, but we've gained enough to keep our raiding team strong. We have stayed quite active too, not a roster of players who only log on for raids.
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Not part of a guild but would like to be. The problem with the lack of people playing means I end up playing alone and, therefore, am unable to find like minded people who I would want to be in a guild with. With the merging of servers hopefully I can find people I could enjoy playing with who also play at the same times I'm available.


Hopefully this game can become something given time and support from the players who want to make it succeed because it would be a shame to see this game die.


Started playing with my early pre-order and the servers were packed. Then due to some RL issues I wasn't about for a few months and then when I returned the place was like a ghost town. It also becomes annoying when the only other people about at your level on the planet where you're doing missions are also of the same class as you and, therefore, can't do much if you want to focus on progressing with the story.

With transfers coming, I wanted to provide a chance for you to consider a move and joining with us. Here is the link to our guild posting. http://www.swtor.com/community/showthread.php?t=309233


If you have questions or anything, please PM me and I will get back to you as soon as possible. :D

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(...) It also becomes annoying when the only other people about at your level on the planet where you're doing missions are also of the same class as you and, therefore, can't do much if you want to focus on progressing with the story.


While you will have to do the actual class mission twice you certainly can do it with someone else of your class. There is a setting to allow sharing same class story missions - browse your preferences, on top of my head I'm not sure where exactly is is.

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Month 1: Hardcore (50 active during prime time EST)

Month 2: Cleared everything, less people logging on (30 active during prime time EST)

Month 3: 75% of the people quit (20 people active during prime time EST)

May 15th: Currently rebuilding around 8 man raiding (10 to 15 active during prime time EST)


Items listed here cost us most of our active membership.


The things that caused us to lose the most members are....


1. No ranked PVP

2. Lockout timers too long for operations

3. Operations were generally boring (only bosses dropped good loot)

4. No guild perks, incentivs, etc

5. Not having a LFG tool for people who needed to PUG from time to time

6. No server specific forums to generate recruitment or coordinate with other guilds


I think those are mainly the top reasons. If GW2 came out tomorrow we'd all be outta SWTOR because there is too much standing around or mundane running around content after level 50.


But GW2 isn't out for a while so we're hoping for server transfers to repopulate the recruitment pool, and focused on doing 8 man raiding for the time being.

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Server : Wound In the Force

Guild : Honey Badgers


Ironically we are thriving and in good shape for ranked and cross server. The overall number of actives have dropped but due to various factors our depth has increased. Composition and high win percentage of our main premade allowed us to attract talent even when faced with attrition.



Month 1 - 2 : Active members : 20 - 30. PvP core is based around 6 strong players. A few more that step up regularly for warzones. Rest are casual. We field strong teams @ peak and off-peak and have good ratios against the best premades. Many players from main PvP guild on our server that out-leveled everyone burn out dramatically. We are confident at this point since outside that guild we have more depth then most opposition.


Month 3 - 4 : 90 % of the casuals have stopped playing for various reasons. We also lose a couple PvP guys. Absorb another guild for mutual benefit.


Month 5 : Guild leader ( leveled too fast ) burnt out. Basically we lose 3 of our PvP core overnight. But by this time we are acknowledged force in PvP and field well known players in multiple positions. Combination of factors lead many to approach us, also manage to convince some strong players to fill key roles.


May15 : Very active members ~ 20. Due to the additions we have great depth now and capability to swap out players with marginal difference. We currently rotate amongst 13 players in guild. Relations with other top PvP guilds also cemented now and this allows us to field really menacing group.


Currently observing state of the game / server health but unless something dramatic happens ..... should field a strong contingent for Season 1. After that it really depends on the state of PvP and open PvP in SWTOR . If GW2 delivers the equation could change dramatically as well.

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1. No ranked PVP

2. Lockout timers too long for operations

3. Operations were generally boring (only bosses dropped good loot)

4. No guild perks, incentivs, etc

5. Not having a LFG tool for people who needed to PUG from time to time

6. No server specific forums to generate recruitment or coordinate with other guilds


These are probably the top 6 things that sent people packing pre 1.2. Post 1.2, these 6 things definitely led to the decline in server populations.


The subscription numbers provided by Bioware are obviously inflated. My account shows to be active only because of the free month they gave away after 1.2 . I initially paid for a 3 month sub and will not be giving this game anymore money.


I am not a doomsayer but the expectation for this game was too high even for Bioware and the game is a huge failure. Honestly, I doubt there is a development company out there that can handle this IP and the attached expectations.

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3 Months ago, my guild had about 20+ active people at any given time, 30-40 during raid nights.


Sunday may 13th, raid night, 7 active players, had to pug one to run EC. Server population is down to about a steady 40+ people in fleet on the republic side, 50+ on the sith side.


Things are looking grim. Brace yourselves, D3 is coming.

Edited by GySgtKerr
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My guild is the largest Imperial guild on our server. We have lost some members and gained some members recently. During the daytime and evening hours we average about 10 people online. We might be slightly odd in that we don't seem to have more members online during evening prime time hours than we do during the day. As a result we almost always have a premade running in the warzones. However the lack of concentration in prime time hours also makes it difficult for us to field an eight man ops at times.


During the recent GW2 beta test, our numbers dropped by about 50%. Most have since returned, however many seem to be showing reduced hours online. It is an open question how many will desert ToR when GW2 goes live. Most people in our guild will get D3. I suspect that similar to ME3 this will impact numbers temporarily.


There has been a lot of talk in General chat about the possibility of server mergers. We hope it happens. But we also hope we are the surviving server that others merge into.

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yes i think with games comin out the people are gonna keep fleeing i dont know why bioware keeps stalin on server merges and player transfers its needed ASAP not whenever they feel like it ...

For some odd reason I kinda feel like EA is giving SWTOR the negative impact it doesn't deserve. Sure, this is BioWare's first MMO, but I feel like players aren't considering EA more than they should on this game's woes.


EA seriously needs to get their act together.

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