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Bioware on HUTTBALL


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I'd be willing to bet that most people who complain about the "advantage" that some classes have with respect to being able to move around the map more easily don't even have the "Pass" ability keybound.


When I'm in a Huttball match the Pass ability is keybound to the 1 key for super duper easy access.

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I've had my operative since launch (alt after juggernaut mail), and yes it's the least useful class in huttball, my powertech is more useful than my operative because I run to the opponent's platform right at the start and grapple the enemy's ball carrier up to their end, kill them and run to the endzone and jet charge whoever comes out of the spawn area and score. I've run the ball in a few times on my operative but that's usually because of luck.


About huttball, it only seems to come up when there's a handful of inquisitor/consulars queuing, in other warzones the number of those are lower, so huttball seems to be specifically designed for inquisitor/consulars in mind. Rift removed the ability to do special actions while carrying the flag, they should do the same with the ball carrier but my impression is this is what the devs want for this warzone.

Edited by Sookster
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Don't you love Bioware's generic, unspecific answers? I'd really love to see what they view as the roll of each class. Wonder what kinda lame excuse of a roll a dps Scoundrel/Op would have in Huttball.


I burn down ball carriers, I kill people camping key spots waiting for passes, I intercept the ball constantly by waiting for a pass, shooting first to knockdown the recipient leaving me the only player in the zone to catch the ball.


I help control mid by CCing their players who are ready to get the ball reset, take the ball and throw it forward to waiting teammates.


Know the map, know your abilities and those of your opponents and use them the best you can.

Edited by Gorghte
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When I am in huttball it seems like 4/5 times when I do my grapple they don't move at all yet they seem to be able to jump accross the entire field in no time flat. It is kind of whatever every PvP game is a bit different and everyone has an advantage somewhere. I would just point out that you probably only have one class that can score 6 times in huttball themselves with 10 minutes left on the clock. I bet if you look at the stats for how many classes are able to score 4+ points in one huttball game in record time you would only find one jumping and leaping class coming to the front.
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1) FYI healing yourself as the ball carrier is pretty handy.

FYI, focus > healing since 1.2. Yes I know about the surgical probe under 30%. Experienced players however stun and burst you when you get there.


2) I'm pretty sure flash banging 4 players as they try and run the ball through the fire is pretty handy too.

Wrong, you fill the resolve bar for 4 players, 4 players who will be immune and be perfectly viable guys to pass the ball to. Better let a bump, a rope or a force push get the carrier.


3) Or stun locking the carrier till your team shows up.

Can't stun lock as a healer. And if you're not a healer you won't be able to stunlock for long on the ramps. And even then, resolve bar will be filled and ball will not have gone back an inch, so again in the same situation i'd rather have any other form of control than debilitate and flashbang.


4) Or staying in stealth and stealth mezzing people coming out of the opposing teams spawn allowing your runner an easier way to get to the goal line.

Players spawning have a good chance to have cc-breaker up, and again resolve bar filled. Again better to have a rope or a bump, cc-breaker will be too late.


Just because your AC can't leap or force speed doesn't make it less viable. Thinking about your class as limited does


Oh yeah, it's impossible not to be condescending with all the BS flying around these forums. For example see your own post in response to mine shows that perhaps you should take your own advice.

All your advices are nice, I tried everything you said in the last 3 months (and much much more). But in every situation you end up realizing that you probably should let someone else do it, since he'll do it better.

You're missing the point, we are not USELESS, any experienced player with any class will be useful (even more so in pugs). Of course I fare better than a lot of casuals or beginners, but given same skill and experience in HB, you will be better off with any other class. That's all I'm trying to say.

Also as I said in my post, I don't want to get rid of the leaps and pushes, that's the point where i disagree with the OP here, HB is nice as it is. I just don't want to play it with my operative.

Anyway, it's ok if you choose to discard me as just another whiner. I don't care much, we'll see with ranked wz how many operatives will get chosen for a HB.

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All your advices are nice, I tried everything you said in the last 3 months (and much much more). But in every situation you end up realizing that you probably should let someone else do it, since he'll do it better.

You're missing the point, we are not USELESS, any experienced player with any class will be useful (even more so in pugs). Of course I fare better than a lot of casuals or beginners, but given same skill and experience in HB, you will be better off with any other class. That's all I'm trying to say.

Also as I said in my post, I don't want to get rid of the leaps and pushes, that's the point where i disagree with the OP here, HB is nice as it is. I just don't want to play it with my operative.

Anyway, it's ok if you choose to discard me as just another whiner. I don't care much, we'll see with ranked wz how many operatives will get chosen for a HB.


I can accept a difference in opinion. Do you run in a premade? that's my next question

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Q&A May 11, 2012


The suggested solution is simple, Ball Carrier no matter what class it may be it just cannot use any mobility aid. Take the slow debuff off of the ball and make ball carriers run at normal combat speed. Cannot leap cannot be rescued, let all classes walk the path they should be walking to score. Encourage the use of the feature "Throw the Huttball" and let players learn how to really pass effectively and position themselves whilst guarding their posts rather than right after getting the ball have the mentality of "OH WE HAVE A GUARDIAN PASS IT TO HIM AND HE SHOULD BE ABLE TO TAKE CARE OF THE REST".


This is of course just my opinion.


Completely agree!!!

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If ball carriers can't be sped up or moved by friendly effects, why should they be victimized by negative effects? You're just not being consistent. Why should a BH/Trooper be able to pull an enemy ball carrier?


Agreed, especially with your sig. Semper fi marine.

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Q&A May 11, 2012




I am sorry but I just find this response to be hilarious.


All top PvP players in any server knows that HUTTBALL is the only Warzone that trumps skill vs composition. Having neither a consular nor a knight in a game of huttball VS an opposing team with either or having both the mentioned classes pretty much sums up the result of the WZ before it had even started.


The statistics mentioned (top 100 win ratios), I'm wondering if this was specifically the WIN RATIO from only huttball itself. Because I'm lead to believe that if the team composition of majority if not full consulars and knights aren't even in the top 100 WIN RATIO compositions for huttball that the data gathered is definitely false OR there must really be too many people lacking skills playing the specified classes in the game of huttball.


The issue is that the Obstacles in HUTTBALL could easily be disregarded by the 2 classes. There are 3 levels of floors starting from the pit (trench) up until the highest floor (3rd). Picture it and just imagine how knights could just bypass most of the pathway and obstacles provided they have a visible target to leap to, now compare it with the other 3 classes. How much path must these 3 classes travel to be able to get to the 2nd level from the pit? Or from the 2nd level to the 3rd? Now the sages on the other hand do need to travel to a designated spot before they could help a team member bypass these obstacles/pathway with their rescue but still the point is again the obstacles could be disregarded.


The suggested solution is simple, Ball Carrier no matter what class it may be it just cannot use any mobility aid. Take the slow debuff off of the ball and make ball carriers run at normal combat speed. Cannot leap cannot be rescued, let all classes walk the path they should be walking to score. Encourage the use of the feature "Throw the Huttball" and let players learn how to really pass effectively and position themselves whilst guarding their posts rather than right after getting the ball have the mentality of "OH WE HAVE A GUARDIAN PASS IT TO HIM AND HE SHOULD BE ABLE TO TAKE CARE OF THE REST".


This is of course just my opinion.


There is a much simpler solution to this. Make Rescue/extrication/intercede/whatever friendly mobilities, also be affected by Resolve bar. If Resolve bar is capped, then you cant rescue them, you cant jump to them. Also if the person uses an ability that makes them immune to movement impairing abilities, they also should not be able to be pulled or interceded to.

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As a sniper and BH as my mains I would like to complain too, but the fact is a skilled team will prevent jumps and pulls by not allowing an enemy player to get ahead of the fire and stand there waiting.


As for force speed, well thats another OP story but I dont think its quite a game breaker.

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I can accept a difference in opinion. Do you run in a premade? that's my next question

Was until 1.2 where almost all my guild quit. Just rerolled on a much more populated server, and guess what class i'm leveling again ? yep an operative. :D

I just love it, that's why I do not think I am whining.


(mate, thank you for taking time to read my posts, my english is so terrible, I know it's a big effort, kudos)

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Q&A May 11, 2012

I am sorry but I just find this response to be hilarious.


All top PvP players in any server knows that HUTTBALL is the only Warzone that trumps skill vs composition. Having neither a consular nor a knight in a game of huttball VS an opposing team with either or having both the mentioned classes pretty much sums up the result of the WZ before it had even started.


I stopped reading right here. I'm a tank specced ball carrying Powertech and we do just fine against a lower skilled team with a Guardian. I'd say we've won over 95% of our games against teams with a Guardian/Juggernaut in fact. You are not correct.

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I stopped reading right here. I'm a tank specced ball carrying Powertech and we do just fine against a lower skilled team with a Guardian. I'd say we've won over 95% of our games against teams with a Guardian/Juggernaut in fact. You are not correct.


We are all really glad you are doing just fine against a "lower skilled team". LOL

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If this happens to you, you're bad and/or your team is bad.


really? 1 sage hangs around mid, another sage hangs midway between mid and the goal line, and the guardian is on the ledge directly above mid. the first sage grabs the ball in mid, throws to guardian. guardian is pulled by the 2nd sage. the 2nd sage bubbles and uses force run to get through the fire pit and hangs by the goal. the guardian leaps to the sage, and walks in.


the guardian needs a little bit of time to get back into position, but moving the ball that quickly will undoubtedly spread out the opposition and inevitably leave them stuck behind a fire pit and unable to pursue effectively.


now imagine what a whole premade team of force using classes can do in huttball

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I face palmed the other day.


I was on my Sage (14.5k hp) and I got the ball. First thing I did was Rescue the closest tank with 20k hp and passed it to them and they went and gave it back to me.


This annoys me being as I am squishy if I do get the ball I find a tankier person and pass it right away and go back to healing them. They turn around and freak out cause 2-3 guys are on them and though they are still at full health they find the need to pass it back to me and I get stun locked and killed... good times.

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We are all really glad you are doing just fine against a "lower skilled team". LOL


The OP said that skill doesn't matter and it's all about team composition. Essentially, no matter what the skill the team with the Jug/Guardian always wins. This simply isn't true

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Some classes have advantage in carrying the ball, some classes have advantage in stopping the ball carrier.


About 50% of the classes have advantage in carrying the ball (leaps, force speeds, etc). In an 8-men team, on average you will have 4 people who have the advantage of carrying the ball. Just make sure to pass the ball to the right person, and play your class accordingly.

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really? 1 sage hangs around mid, another sage hangs midway between mid and the goal line, and the guardian is on the ledge directly above mid. the first sage grabs the ball in mid, throws to guardian. guardian is pulled by the 2nd sage. the 2nd sage bubbles and uses force run to get through the fire pit and hangs by the goal. the guardian leaps to the sage, and walks in.

And what is your team doing this whole time? Just staring up at them on your platforms and waving because it would be rude to knock them off after they worked so hard to walk over there?

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And what is your team doing this whole time? Just staring up at them on your platforms and waving because it would be rude to knock them off after they worked so hard to walk over there?


I think you're just arguing for the sake it. It is clearly obvious that the field design of Huttball favors, by a big margin, force users. Jugs/Marauders/Sorc/Assassins, the team who has more of them 75% of the time will win (skills aside). BH/IA (and their pubs counterparts), just need to learn that their role is to control the center. Without controlling mid, you cant win.


While this is true, it doesnt really matter to me, because in the other 3 WZs, these advantages disappear.

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I think you're just arguing for the sake it. It is clearly obvious that the field design of Huttball favors, by a big margin, force users. Jugs/Marauders/Sorc/Assassins, the team who has more of them 75% of the time will win (skills aside). BH/IA (and their pubs counterparts), just need to learn that their role is to control the center. Without controlling mid, you cant win.


While this is true, it doesnt really matter to me, because in the other 3 WZs, these advantages disappear.


Yeah, I hate when there is a Powertech tank on our team that has a pull that roots on a reduced CD and can leap with the ball. The Powertech needs to just stay in the center and stop trying to carry the ball or grapple the other teams ball carrier into the fire.

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Yeah, I hate when there is a Powertech tank on our team that has a pull that roots on a reduced CD and can leap with the ball. The Powertech needs to just stay in the center and stop trying to carry the ball or grapple the other teams ball carrier into the fire.


Dude, stop with the rare scenarios. For every 10 PTs, maybe 1 is a shieldtech. Because aside from huttball, they are way behind other tanks. Even then, I will take a Tanksin or a Jugg over a Shieldtech in huttball.

And while Grapple is a good ability, it is still WAY behind Rescue/Extrication/speed boost and friendly jumps, simply because of its limitation on resolved capped players. Friendly pulls/jumps have no such limitation, another proof that this game favors Force users.

Edited by Agooz
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