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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

If 1.3 comes without Ranked warzones expect another 400k unsub


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It's short sighted people like you who come to the a PvP forum and say uneducated things like this.


More subs = more money into the game, regardless of if it's from a PvPer or a PvEer.


Regardless of the random number pulled out by the OP, myself and my friends are absolutely sick and tired of having more than 8 friends willing to WZ, and not being able to group together. Instead we are forced to play with subpar randoms who most of the time don't know what they are doing.


The current state of WZ's atm is it's not the team with the most skilled players wins, it's the team with the least noobs wins. All you need is one noob who doesn't ditch the ball while on the goal line, or a noob who doesn't call an inc, or a noob that doesn't watch a door. At the end of the day, it's unfair that we have players doing their best, while others don't. This is not a PvP vs a PvE thing, or even a rated's thing, I just want to be able to group with my friends, play our best, if we win or lose, thats ok, but at least we had fun doing it together.


We expected being able to group together with 1.2, then 1.3, frankly im getting tired of waiting as grinding the 250 odd hours for our WH gear is getting really dull with 4 man groups. I will seriously be thinking about pulling my sub, and this is coming from someone who is happy to having their sub ticking away even if they haven't played for a couple of months.


Another person i /agree with.


If they had Ranked warzones we wouldnt have this issue because we could pick who to play with! its whats killing the PvP its whats making people leave the game, Its the root of the problem and why we have population deduction on the first place.


We dont have Population problems on PvE servers because they PVE. We have problems on the PvP servers because the PVP is lacking and doesnt support its player base with content. Give us Warzones so we can Group with People we want to play with.


Give us warzones so we can Group with people who are GEARED, Allow the under gears to Play normal Warzones TILL THEY GET GEAR.

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Not having RWZ will not place this game in shut down. Sorry to say, but that is true. Not having RWZ's is also not the reason for the nearly 400k in subscription loss. It had a lot to do with the end of the initial 30 days of free time as well as a combination of expectations from the gaming community over all on what they thought, was going to be in the game.


You have the right to your own opinion as we do, And it goes to show. Since 1.2 population decreased not increased. PVP servers are Dying not PvE ones. What is the diffrence between the servers? The player base on them. If pvp servers are losing people its due to lack of content. ranked warzones is content believe it or not.


If 400k Left obviously we know it was from PvP servers not PvE as the PvE ones are still healthy. Keep drinking the koolaid too brother!

Edited by Overlord-
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I think 8 man grouping and persistent groups can help. As well as fixes to cheats and hacks. I was on a 6 month sub that I cancelled ongoing subscription to. I will play out my remaining time and perhaps resubscribe next February which should give Bioware time to get it together. I like the ideas in the game. I also appreciate the efforts. I think they should have beta tested more at 50 and listened to the testers. They launched 6 months too soon and are no a case study in blowing the best ip in the business.


If they had what they have today and what they plan for 1.3 as their launch I think not only would they have launched at 2 million they would have more sustained. But to me there are still lag , FPS, and ability delay issues.


My oldguild quit 2 months ago. It is hard to mmo if you are always looking for new friends.

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I think 8 man grouping and persistent groups can help. As well as fixes to cheats and hacks. I was on a 6 month sub that I cancelled ongoing subscription to. I will play out my remaining time and perhaps resubscribe next February which should give Bioware time to get it together. I like the ideas in the game. I also appreciate the efforts. I think they should have beta tested more at 50 and listened to the testers. They launched 6 months too soon and are no a case study in blowing the best ip in the business.


If they had what they have today and what they plan for 1.3 as their launch I think not only would they have launched at 2 million they would have more sustained. But to me there are still lag , FPS, and ability delay issues.


My oldguild quit 2 months ago. It is hard to mmo if you are always looking for new friends.


And another person had unsubed because of content. They spent way to much on voice overs on my opinion. which could of been put into more end game content development.


Age of Conan had voice overs its not new. - They should of kept voice overs strictly Class/FP/Operation and maybe starter area. Most of the people today just hit space bar.

Edited by Overlord-
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You have the right to your own opinion as we do, And it goes to show. Since 1.2 population decreased not increased. PVP servers are Dying not PvE ones. What is the diffrence between the servers? The player base on them. If pvp servers are losing people its due to lack of content. ranked warzones is content believe it or not.


If 400k Left obviously we know it was from PvP servers not PvE as the PvE ones are still healthy. Keep drinking the koolaid too brother!


As I can appreciate your opinion, I have to wonder since the snip of my quote was just that, if you saw the rest of the response. The part right after what you quoted stated exactly what is in the koolaid I am drinking. That is that things need to happen before 1.3.


So with that part in mind, maybe I need to pass the koolaid to you as you can see, I was not disagreeing with you that it needs to be done sooner then later.

Regarding the lost subscriptions, it was also in my posting that it was indeed a combination of factors. It was not solely based on a mechanic that is not in the game. :)

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anyone claiming pvp to be the minority playstyle in this game is delusional.


the devs have stated multiple times that more than 50% of players have participated in warzones, while barely 35% of players have participated in operations.


this game has a strong PvP community, and bioware is realizing this. their design decisions do not reflect their desire to maintain the PvP community though.


if ranked warzones do not come out before 1.3, as we were told when they were scrapped from 1.2, the 25% sub drop this past billing cycle will be nothing


Agreed. Regardless if they come out with rateds before 1.3, I have no doubt this game will still drop 400k plus anyways. So many servers on life support, with terrible PvP gameplay = buh bye.

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LOL you weren't part of the business model to begin with :rak_01:


You're right, TOR was built for Casuals. During the EA Conference call, the loss of 400,000 subscriptions was blamed on casual players leaving. Anyone else see a problem?

Edited by Torcer
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Agreed. Regardless if they come out with rateds before 1.3, I have no doubt this game will still drop 400k plus anyways. So many servers on life support, with terrible PvP gameplay = buh bye.


i honestly would not be surprised if the population dips down to 750k if ranked warzones do not come out within the next 2 weeks.


may 20 is the next billing cycle. judging by the way BiowarEA have been releasing content to entice people to pay for another month, i expect ranked warzones to be released shortly after that date.


if bioware really wanted to win over the pvp community they would have stopped all work on 1.3 and gotten everyone on the ranked warzones project to get it done as soon as possible. instead it sounds like most of the features in 1.3 will be ready before ranked warzones.


we need ranked warzones. we need open world pvp. i think if bioware added a lot of the fleet amenities to the faction bases on ilum (all the pvp vendors, pvp daily quest terminals, GTN, etc) PvPers would be enticed to hang out there, and spontaneous world pvp might break out.


there are just so many simple, small changes that would make a world of difference, but bioware is too busy giggling over rocket boots to make any worthwhile improvements to their game

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there are just so many simple, small changes that would make a world of difference, but bioware is too busy giggling over rocket boots to make any worthwhile improvements to their game


Pretty much sums it up, which is why I'm frustrated to no end. However, looking at all the games that are out, it doesn't seem like there is any legitimate PvP teams out there who get it. This team is just beyond terrible, even worse than SOE's team, which is a bold statement.

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Maybe they are doing a sneaky Blizzard move, you know like they did, released the WotLK with their own little norse theme just shortly after WaR was released with its norse themed norscan chaos lands and such.


Maybe BW thinks rated BGs will compare or have the slightest pulling factor that GW2 WvWvW PvP will have? So they wait and release around the same time GW2 is released.


Sneaky sneaky schemers.

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I'm more concerned about server health and queue times. I can be patient for rated warzones if I can queue normal ones without an issue against some new people.


To be honest I know a lot of my guild will stay subscribed to this game and just play less for the first month D3 is out. The real question is will we have a reason to come back to this game when we get sick of Diablo.

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I am unhappy that i get lied to all the time by the company that i pay my 15$ a month to, and expect to get treated the same as a PvE'r We PvP'ers expect content just the same as any PvE paying customer.


Excuse me for wanting to actually have fun playing new developed content.


1.2 Ranked warzones, Nope then they pulled it 1 hour before.

Then they said they will put ranked warzones in before 1.3 but now 1.3 is coming and..

now they are not gonna put ranked warzones in 1.3?


actually they pulled it about 24 hours before 1.2 launch.....stop exaggerating

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Maybe they are doing a sneaky Blizzard move, you know like they did, released the WotLK with their own little norse theme just shortly after WaR was released with its norse themed norscan chaos lands and such.


Maybe BW thinks rated BGs will compare or have the slightest pulling factor that GW2 WvWvW PvP will have? So they wait and release around the same time GW2 is released.


Sneaky sneaky schemers.


And no one will play SWTOR over GW2. If they aim to release at the same time they will be embarrassed, I played in the GW2 Beta and it was great fun, WvWvW PvP was a hoot, they have character transfers from the get-go and NO monthly fee. SWTOR will never, never beat GW2 in the world PvP dept. If Bioware are concentrating on the LFG tool, well that's another sill mistake they will make. Who am I going to be looking for when my old server at peak time has less than 20 players in fleet?


Server mergers / character transfers NOW, before anything else.

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actually they pulled it about 24 hours before 1.2 launch.....stop exaggerating


I believe they pulled it 8 hours before 1.2 actually. After they had spent several weeks hyping it up.


If you were to look up the term "bait and switch", this incident would be the definition. There is a reason that people were able to get refunds for their subs, and their is a reason we got 30 days of free time

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there are just so many simple, small changes that would make a world of difference, but bioware is too busy giggling over rocket boots to make any worthwhile improvements to their game


Don't forget the unarmed boxing..... Am I the only one that imagined the legacy system would have something like a skill tree that we could use our legacy levels on? Because getting emotes and unarmed boxing really didn't feel fulfilling (I have never seen or heard anyone using the unarmed boxing either, or the emotes).


In BW's attempt to not make feel casual players feel like they are missing out, they are not really giving anything of value to the more active players. It seems like in their attempt to sit on the fence to not offend anyone, they aren't really offering anything of worth either...


Why is it that everything we are grinding (Valor levels and Legacy levels) don't really seem to mean a whole lot anymore? Is this just me?

Edited by NyteSabre
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Another person i /agree with.


If they had Ranked warzones we wouldnt have this issue because we could pick who to play with! its whats killing the PvP its whats making people leave the game, Its the root of the problem and why we have population deduction on the first place.


We dont have Population problems on PvE servers because they PVE. We have problems on the PvP servers because the PVP is lacking and doesnt support its player base with content. Give us Warzones so we can Group with People we want to play with.


Give us warzones so we can Group with people who are GEARED, Allow the under gears to Play normal Warzones TILL THEY GET GEAR.


I agree with your topic.

My guild has roughly 80 members. 98% of them are hardcore pvpers. And besides they're pissed cause RWZs were pulled 2h before the patch was released, it isnt that the reason they are unsubbing. They're unsubbing cause qeues are taking too long and cause they're tired of 4 man queuing with pugs that dont follow a determined strat, which leads us to the need of 8man queues.


The problem of PvP players isnt about gear though, its about paying attention to strats. You dont need to be geared to pass a ball, call an inc or cap a turret. You have to be smart and pay attention to what you're doing.


Its easy for BW to make PvP'ers resub. Just merge servers and create 8 man queues (lets say there would be 2 8 man groups, those 2 groups would automaticaly play in the same wz). PvP'ers will be happy cause they arent grouping with sub-par players and cause they're queues take less time.


With the PvP community happy with that for a while, you would have more time to implement RWZ. Than throw a WZ map from time to time, like you do with FPs and Operations.


Those only 2 options would revive the servers and the PvP community. Im not talking about the PvE community because there is no lack of PvE content, and 1.3 will bring yet another Operation for those.


My free sub ends by mid June, thats the time Ill wait (and you can be sure that servers arent more empty because some people are taking advantage of that free time). After that ill just go for something else.


OH and make a way we dont have to reinvite everybody that was on a premade group + automatically unqueue people in the group when "Group Queue" is selected...


Also, lets stop the Legacy crap being reported as "overwhelming". Im tired of hearing "We got Legacy stuff stored for 1.3 and 1.4 and we cant hear over the sound of how awesome it is". Yeah its useful to have a mail and GTN, among other stuff on the ship but thats not what makes me play this game.

Edited by Libensborn
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Blah blah blah. OP, you don't speak for me. If you are so *********** unhappy, go do something else with your free time. You people will probably just hate the next game that comes out, too. You people are never happy. You people!


What he said

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Its easy for BW to make PvP'ers resub. Just merge servers and create 8 man queues (lets say there would be 2 8 man groups, those 2 groups would automaticaly play in the same wz). PvP'ers will be happy cause they arent grouping with sub-par players and cause they're queues take less time.


People should stop saying that pugs are bad players, they are not - just like premade players are not always good.


A premade does have key advantages that are just there even if you would have 8 horrible players in that group. They do know each other, have a voice chat tool and can communicate on the fly.


All these things a pug has not.


The premade will always be faster at a node, a premade will always focus an enemy better and will have a much better map control.


The skill of the actual players is not involved there at all.


As soon both groups have the same tools ( premade vs. premade) the skill is what decides the match. The thing is, that situation does not happen at Tor yet - because pugs are what these premades meet in most cases.


So to say that these people are good players, is wrong as they did not prove anything yet - except that they can use a voice chat ;)


What this game or any MMO need´s is a queue system which does seperate those groups from pugs. If pug vs. pugs and premade vs. premade fight´s then you will see who has skill and who not. The best way of seeing this is actually having a ladder, like League of Legends has - even tho the 2men queue is too strong there, as a dominating lane can decide a game.


Personally I do hope that the solo and premade q does come soon, if BW does make the mistake like Blizz did with no seperate queue´s - then people will quit for sure.

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We dont have Population problems on PvE servers because they PVE. We have problems on the PvP servers because the PVP is lacking and doesnt support its player base with content. Give us Warzones so we can Group with People we want to play with.


how high are you to believe pve servers don't have population issues? are you so dense that you cannot see that there is NO DIFFERENCE between PVP servers and PVE servers as far as warzones(rated or otherwise) is concerned?


I agree that rateds need to be implemented, but it's not the be all, end all of the fate of the game. and statements like the one you made above are just ridiculous and ruin any credibility you might ever have.

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I love how the PvE community keeps chanting "you a minority" in every mmo. Just becouse you do the PvE content doeasnt mean your a pure PvEr. Nowadays in mmos, most players are doing both PvE and PvP.

In SWToRs case, its due to lack of things to do, people sing up for warzones to atleast do something.

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I love how the PvE community keeps chanting "you a minority" in every mmo. Just becouse you do the PvE content doeasnt mean your a pure PvEr. Nowadays in mmos, most players are doing both PvE and PvP.

In SWToRs case, its due to lack of things to do, people sing up for warzones to atleast do something.


definitely the most accurate statement in this thread

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nah if anything they might lose...50K subs, sorry your a minority.


I'm just wondering...what do pvers do, besides 3 ops/week?

Maybe...umm....errrr.....you know....warzones?

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You have the right to your own opinion as we do, And it goes to show. Since 1.2 population decreased not increased. PVP servers are Dying not PvE ones. What is the diffrence between the servers? The player base on them. If pvp servers are losing people its due to lack of content. ranked warzones is content believe it or not.


If 400k Left obviously we know it was from PvP servers not PvE as the PvE ones are still healthy. Keep drinking the koolaid too brother!


sorry, but i'm on Kellian jarro EU PVE. its dead/dying with max 20 peepz on rep fleet at peak and maybe 16 imps. PVE servers as well as PVP servers are dying/dead, its all about

a-lack of content both pve and pvp wise

b-bioware keep claiming they fixed stuff and then it turns out they didnt fix it aka lied

c-claiming they would bring out more content and instead bring out halfassed unfinished legacy, only one incredebly short OPS another short HM, one WZ thats a variation on a previous WZ, etc etc.

Its all about BW claiming alot of **** but never stepping up to the plate aka BW needs to put its money where its mouth is. that nab lead designer claiming that there where no sub loses while EA board Q4 meeting clearly showed there were doesnt help BW's case either.

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