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Bioware why did u do this...?


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I am starting to hear that people who run premades are angry at the changes, and have decided to champion an unfounded excuse that this is bad for PvP competitiveness.


Think about those pugs who pretty much feed free comms to these premades all night. They run sometimes 20 warzones just to get 3 wins. A pugger just trying to complete the daily need now only to run 6. Basically these premades are angry because they wont get to roll "baddies" all night long.


I think it is funny that they come on the forum complaining that people don't have to work for comms anymore, when that is EXACTLY what they are guilty of. Crushing pugs all night isn't exactly working hard.

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Was in an Alderaan game last night in which it ended in the first 5-8 mins. Once we got the 2 nodes the imps just camped at the one they had. On my server I never had a problem of getting the 3 wins. Heck I got my weekly done yesterday but I've seen numerous posts here about people upset over not being able to get their daily done because that server is dominated in pvp by the opposite faction.


With this new system they can still get the daily done with losses. Just takes a lot longer. If people are content with losing and getting one point instead of two so be it, it's their choice. I rather get it over and done with in 3 games. Still need wins for the weekly though.


This is a typical damned if you do and damned if you don't scenarios. I just think BW has implemented the better of the two.

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I was vocal about the elimination of the participation daily when they first rolled out 1.2. I'm very glad they've factored participation back into the daily pvp missions. Sure, it may be too little too late, but Bioware did finally notice that the small niche audience that liked the 1.2 award allocation system and no dailies for participation was not who keep the revenue stream flowing.


Besides, prior to 1.2, no one in these forums had a major problem with pvp dailies for participation or with how much losers in WZ's got based on their performance. Now, since pvp compensation/dailies is more in line with what it was pre-1.2 it's a serious problem for the minority that was incorrectly pandered to. This small demographic also hated the great open world experience (on the higher pop servers at least) that was the most fun pvp this game has seen yet.

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This change is great imo :)

I was almost to give up pvp entirely, but now it actually is meaningful to play again.

And why did I consider to give up? Because, no matter how hard I have tried and no matter how hard the team have tried, we are loosing 19 games out of 20 to premade OP:s imp team.

So as you might understand - winning 3 wz:s to get the commendation was'n made in one day - not in 2 days - but rather in a week (if I get lucky).

Now I at least know that I will get my comms after 6 matches :)


But it's typical that the 'hard-core' pvp-players must whine about how easy everything is for all other players that, in their opinion, doesn't want to fight for gearing up. Well, you are wrong - we want to fight and we want to gear up - but as it happens - some of us will never be hard core professionals, but we still want to have fun and improve ourselfs at our own pace.

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On my server, it made the queue times faster. That made me happy. I see it as a win/win situation.


If you have a low population faction such as repub on my server in 10-49 bracket, you can complete the daily. If you have a dominating faction at 50 (the repubs oddly enough) you also are able to complete the daily.


I'll be honest, 10-49 repub on my server is SWTOR on hard mode. At 50, it becomes easy mode.

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I don't see what the big deal is. Bad people are bad. You either are going to have quitters or afkers. At least afkers you can vote out. This change to the daily really doesn't change anything other then the fact that some people will actually be able to complete their daily every day instead of once a week. It only gives 99 comms anyways so its really not THAT big of a deal. Most people who pvp are not doing it for the daily.


QQ more please, because no matter what BW does, you crybabies are going to QQ.


And no matter what feedback people give, fanboys like you are going to complain and call it "crying".

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You can get 5-7 badges on a sorc by standing next to an objective and healing yourself. It's so sad.


But the good news is that they have made the game not worth playing so soon all the real PVPers will move to a new game and you'll have nothing but AFKers and noobs to kill! Hang in there! I'll just be over here playing Aion.

Edited by Coyotecalls
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with the new daily win/lose thing is the dumbist thing u could have done. it encourages ppl even more to stand around in WZs


No it doesn't.


Post a screenshot/video, or it didn't happen.

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It's a very ... special type of people who has a problem with a change that makes it so everyone gets more.



Ya and people like YOU are why every MMO is easy mode, faceroll across the keyboard, watered down, WoW clone.


Entitled kids who believe they should get everything they want just because they always have. Now every class and every char has the exact same abilities....3 cc's, 1 cc break, sprint, out of combat heal, etc, etc, etc. I can get to lvl 50 in 3 weeks....lol.


then people cry about no content! Amazing...really.


When I played EQ back in 2000, the game was very realistic and difficult. There were very few kids who played because they are the Xbox generation with no patience at all.


When you saw a lvl 50 it was awesome because they were rare...so was decent gear.


But you people have to have everything and have it NOW!


So before you whine more about this guy's complaint, just imagine if we only listen the easy mode people like YOU? You would log in, hit a single button and become lvl 50, another button gives you all the best gear, and the third button unsubs....you all won't be happy til this is what you hvae.

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There are 2 sides to this... People who single queue and hate to give-up no matter what the odds, have an opportunity to keep fighting in the match. With 1.2 I was forced sometimes to quit fighting and guard a node when the rest of my team quit.. because if I didn't get at least 1 medal I just blew 20 mins in a no win situation. Now I don't care so much about the medals (still important but now much less of a priority). I just fight my hardest the whole game because I know I'm at least getting 1/2 a win.


Sorry guys I love the change. This makes pvp progression more linear for solo queue players. I don't see how this increases the sheep that don't care. They are there already. I lost 5 out 6 last night mostly due to premades. I will say in all but one match people did fight until the end. But people that quit after the other side taking a node is doing that to get the medals. They would be doing that regardless. I think this is a good change for everyone.

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The compensation structure for dailies and warzone performance for pre-1.2 was never an issue here before they were eliminated and then reinstated now.


If it wasn't an issue before 1.2 why is it now? For all the "hardcore leetpro" talk about the reward structure making it allegedly too easy on players, they never bellyached here before 1.2. Sounds like malcontents lost their steady stream of farmed players who won't be able to gear up ever and are pouting because they can't pad their stats.


In fact these ragers are the ones I see quit WZ's the most within the first minute.

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My experience has been the opposite.


Previously, people would either 1) Quit or 2) Try to lose faster or worse just stand around


Now people decide to hang out since they get credit. While they are hanging out, they tend to fight since they don't have any opportunity cost.

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i dont care if nabs are standing arround in a WZ.

im doing my turf with the people that are actively trying to give the other side a hard time.

at least try a little self responsibility on getting your fun.

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with the new daily win/lose thing is the dumbist thing u could have done. it encourages ppl even more to stand around in WZs. now it gets ppl more for nothing. u guys really need to learn how to use the PTR and actully use player feedback. the game has gone to crap in less than 6 months. thanks for stealing ppls money. i know that was the plan all along right? the game is made for money not the players. i already hit the unsub button a few days ago to bad i have 99 days left:mad:


Don't blame this new fix, blame the stupid gear curve for PvP. There is a larger gear curve in 5 months of SWTOR pvp then there ever was in WoW unless you were in the top 5% of the arena teams.


Also, the people standing around are only gimping their progress because they will get less valor and comms per game then someone who gets points for doing objectives.

Edited by Phlem
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The change is a good one, at least for me. Taking forever to get a win isn't any fun and I was very close to just giving up on pvp altogether. The gap between Empire and Republic was widening very fast on my server. You can have all the best moves in the world but if your damage isn't getting through, you die and they win. Sure there is the whole focus fire stuff but while you and 3 others are focusing on one player, what are the other 7 players from there team doing? Winning.


I figured that if they hadn't made this change, before long people would just stop playing and the Hard Core would end up playing with themselves. But they are used to that anyhow.

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The change is a good one, at least for me. Taking forever to get a win isn't any fun and I was very close to just giving up on pvp altogether. The gap between Empire and Republic was widening very fast on my server. You can have all the best moves in the world but if your damage isn't getting through, you die and they win. Sure there is the whole focus fire stuff but while you and 3 others are focusing on one player, what are the other 7 players from there team doing? Winning.


I figured that if they hadn't made this change, before long people would just stop playing and the Hard Core would end up playing with themselves. But they are used to that anyhow.


On my server if there was 2-3 people from a certain guild in a warzone you stood no chance of winning. This change was needed, and is very long overdue. It should have been put in place after they removed the Ilium daily's from the warzone's.

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Ya and people like YOU are why every MMO is easy mode, faceroll across the keyboard, watered down, WoW clone.


Entitled kids who believe they should get everything they want just because they always have. Now every class and every char has the exact same abilities....3 cc's, 1 cc break, sprint, out of combat heal, etc, etc, etc. I can get to lvl 50 in 3 weeks....lol.


then people cry about no content! Amazing...really.


When I played EQ back in 2000, the game was very realistic and difficult. There were very few kids who played because they are the Xbox generation with no patience at all.


When you saw a lvl 50 it was awesome because they were rare...so was decent gear.


But you people have to have everything and have it NOW!


So before you whine more about this guy's complaint, just imagine if we only listen the easy mode people like YOU? You would log in, hit a single button and become lvl 50, another button gives you all the best gear, and the third button unsubs....you all won't be happy til this is what you hvae.


Oh, for crying out loud, get over yourself.


"When you saw a lvl 50 it was awesome because they were rare...so was decent gear. " Really? This is what inspired awe for you? It's a game. A past-time. A hobby. These games are trying to hook and keep interested people who have jobs, grad school, families, and other interests besides full-time basement dweller.


You know why I quit Everquest? I didn't have the freaking time for it. You can epeen all you want about how I don't deserve to be in your little club of hardcore PvPers, but I've got a daughter to play with, a 3.77 GPA, friends that I can reach out and touch, and I get laid 3 times a week. I pay the same amount of money as you do, so why should I have to pay more real world money, in terms of months and months of subscription fees, to get to the same costume and gadgets as some 14 year old who hasn't seen the sun in 10 months?


The problem is, you're in the wrong game. Take your over-inflated ego over to EVE if you're so concerned about high learning curves and really "earning what you get."

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Ya and people like YOU are why every MMO is easy mode, faceroll across the keyboard, watered down, WoW clone.


Entitled kids who believe they should get everything they want just because they always have. Now every class and every char has the exact same abilities....3 cc's, 1 cc break, sprint, out of combat heal, etc, etc, etc. I can get to lvl 50 in 3 weeks....lol.


then people cry about no content! Amazing...really.


When I played EQ back in 2000, the game was very realistic and difficult. There were very few kids who played because they are the Xbox generation with no patience at all.


When you saw a lvl 50 it was awesome because they were rare...so was decent gear.


But you people have to have everything and have it NOW!


So before you whine more about this guy's complaint, just imagine if we only listen the easy mode people like YOU? You would log in, hit a single button and become lvl 50, another button gives you all the best gear, and the third button unsubs....you all won't be happy til this is what you hvae.


I'm sorry but this fallacy needs to stop. MMO's have NEVER been difficult. Trial and error at best. Learn the mechanics, rinse and repeat, get gear.

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I didnt' run into any afkers, plenty of terrible players but honestly if they're trying I don't care. The change obviously increased the amount of people queuing with is a boon and it encouraged me to return. I'll be honest I quit pvping not long after 50 because getting face rolled by premades and top geared people with no incentive to get destroyed constantly made pvp completely unfun. If I'm going to give my best no matter how bad the match is and get nothing for it...I mean honestly what incentive is there for players who aren't premades to play? Before the recent change...None. Edited by Kindara
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less q time that even to my high population server started to feel a bit long, no stress for win, no quiters, everybody seem to try to fight, good bad teams as usual, and more solo healers....

all in all F great.

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