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What's Killing SWTOR?


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The game is losing subs because Spamming LFG to an empty fleet isn't fun. Doing dailies isn't fun after the 100th time. People won't spend half their free playtime looking for a group. This is an MMO, we want to play with other people and we can't a lot of the time.
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Well, the PvP is awful.


I agree totally. Not being able to choose your warzone is a major problem. I HATE Huttball with a white hot passion of a thousand suns. Therefore I don't queue for warzones.


That and the combat is so UN-balenced that its sad.

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"Race ya to level 50."


That's what's killing this game. People have been playing mmo's for years now, so we all know what to expect.


Maybe those that left are coming back when there's an Expansion? Who knows.

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The game is losing subs because Spamming LFG to an empty fleet isn't fun. Doing dailies isn't fun after the 100th time. People won't spend half their free playtime looking for a group. This is an MMO, we want to play with other people and we can't a lot of the time.


I agree. I hate spamming LFG on a Fleet for 3 hours.:mad:

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For me SWTOR feels like a solo game with a small amount of MMO interaction. Having leisurely got one character to 50 and run many alts to to 20/30s I have decided to try something else. My brother has also reached the same point and both of us have unsubscribed. Will we come back? Possibly but it is unlikely it will be for anything more than short bursts.


The dispersed population across multiple planets is one of the biggest factors that hurts the game for me. I almost wish there were two or three planets that we were all playing on so there were more opportunities to interact.


After less than 6 months I have seen a thriving guild get down to about 5 active players and even those starting to complain that the fun factor has faded.

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This game gets compared to WoW quite a lot but I think it's an unfair comparison. Not because WoW has been out for a longer period of time but because WoW is actually an MMO while SWTOR feels more like a single player rpg. This game has more in common with Skyrim than it does WoW or any other current MMO. BioWare's forte might be storytelling and that works in single player rpgs but in an MMO most players want to create their own stories. The storylines in the game are outstanding but they don't belong in an MMO type game. The VO's are great but they also don't belong in an MMO. BioWare seems to have relied on what they knew best. Sadly it just doesn't work in an MMO.


So to answer the question of what's killing SWTOR, I'd have to say the devs at BioWare. Seems they are out of their league and in way over their heads. As a single player rpg SWTOR is a 5 star game. As an MMO it leaves a lot to be desired. Yes, I know that's only my opinion but this whole thread is basically nothing but opinions. In my opinion BioWare just doesn't have what it takes to make an MMO. Say what you want about SoE (I hate them) but it's hard to deny the fact that they do know a little about MMO's. SWG wouldn't have been such a mess if they had only fixed the bugs instead of trying to cash in by attracting the WoW crowd. That's what EA/Bioware tried to do with this game. Unfortunately it seems as though they have no idea about what they're doing or what makes a good MMO.

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Stupid, fickle players with unrealistic expectations who think the rest of us care what they think about the game we enjoy.


Oh, did you mean the game itself? I thought you were talking about the SW:TOR forums.


The game is just fine, save for the overabundance of stupid, fickle players with unrealistic expectations who, for some totally inexplicable reason, think the rest of us care why they want the game to fail.

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Unrealized expectations are what is killing SWTOR. The vast majority of us expected (going all the way back to when it was announced) this game to blow us out of the water, to have every thing that we want in a game, and to forever scratch our itch for a place to call our virtual home. The reality is, no games can do that anymore. Our desire for every game to be perfect leads us to assumptions that games fail and that the game is dying. We will never be satisfied and will continue to look forward to the next biggest thing b/c surely there is a game out there that can make the emptiness go away.


While that's the truth of the matter, there are some specific reasons that the average person doesn't log in. Each of us has their own. For me it's two things: lack of a true solo pvp experience at endgame. Premades will rule the day until cross-server queuing hits, and maybe even after that if the queue pool continues to shrink. Secondly, I'm player capped on the server I've built my legacy on. I'd gladly roll more alts, but I don't care to start all over again on a new server.


Part of this is also my fault (and many of yours I imagine). I simply consumed content too fast. The game isn't even 4 &1/2 months old yet I've burned myself out. I wasn't smart about striking a good balance of game play with real life. As I mentioned in another thread: we don't go to the movie theater & watch all the movies at once. Why are we maxing out our free time on one game?


So I've begun to pace myself. I'm willing to let the game grow while I do other things. I know my wife, my dog, and my health are appreciating my decision.


Nice outlay of what I think the situation is.

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Best way to relieve issue? X-Server LFG for flashpoints. Done and done. Low pop server? No problem. Don't like the troll? Leave and join again. Want community? Go to fleet and hang out like a boss.


This fixes SO many issues. Sure it causes some others, but the pros DEFINITELY outweigh the cons.

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In other news: the reported demise of SWTOR being repeatedly prosecuted in the SWTOR Forums turns out to be gross exaggeration by a small number of disaffected players who cannot simply move on to something they like because they would rather attack SWTOR as though it was their favorite chew-toy. :rolleyes:


In other news: server populations are dying and it's impossible to get groups for almost anything anymore - all people have to do is play to witness it. Even the fatman is losing population. This just in, SWTOR to be named the most mediocre MMORPG release, next to Warhammer ever and Bioware is worried about nerfing, balancing, and ruining characters that people put a lot of time into.

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Actually it 150M to 200M.


Nice try to cover it up to 80M. LOL :rak_03:


The money was well spent, it really shows in-game. /sarcasm


No. Its 80 to 200M. The article was just posted in here. ..TODAY. Can you read?

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If I had to list them in order of my personal issues, it would go as follows:


1) Server Population - Many servers in TOR are dead, in particular on the Republic side. Even as I play right now, there are only 10 Republic players on the Fleet. What am I supposed to do with that?? No one is even talking about forming a pug to try out the new flashpoint or warzone. General chat is currently filled with "our server is dead, TOR is losing subs" etc. Not a good sign.


2) Bugs Since Launch - While I'm sure some of these bugs existed during beta, it's very frusturating to see the same bugs each week on fights like Soa or trying to get to the +10 datacron on the Republic Fleet. Even running around doing daily quests, I run in to bugs. I don't think there has been one time that I have logged in for an extensive play period since launch where I haven't run in to a handful of bugs or glitches. It's annoying, frusturating, and I'm still waiting for BioWare to do something about it.


3) Heavy Empire Imbalance - Too many Empire players, not enough Republic players. Not anyone's fault really, but it still hampers the game. 1.2 hasn't really done much to help the issue as BioWare claimed it would.


I could probably think of a few more, but these are the top three on my list. As far as end-game content I'm not really disappointed in the substance, but it's still lacking in many areas.


Honestly I'm afraid that BioWare really didn't have a plan for the current state of the game. Many people, including myself, were in the state of mind that TOR would be blowing the doors off in overall satisfaction, subscription numbers, and future content. Instead BioWare is in a state of flux, realing from the loss in subscriptions, the apparant loss of support from EA, a frusturated player base that still remains, etc. Not a good sign.

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7). Worlds with very small playable zones. I get tired even thinking of running into an exhaustion zone :)


I won't agree the game is 'dying', but I certainly agree with this statement. I may be looking back with rose coloured glasses, but Star Wars Galaxies planets felt much, MUCH larger than SWTOR Planets, & I was playing Galaxies nearly 10 Years ago!

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Best way to relieve issue? X-Server LFG for flashpoints. Done and done. Low pop server? No problem. Don't like the troll? Leave and join again. Want community? Go to fleet and hang out like a boss.


This fixes SO many issues. Sure it causes some others, but the pros DEFINITELY outweigh the cons.


Guess you bought the wrong game then huh?

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In other news: server populations are dying and it's impossible to get groups for almost anything anymore - all people have to do is play to witness it. Even the fatman is losing population. This just in, SWTOR to be named the most mediocre MMORPG release, next to Warhammer ever and Bioware is worried about nerfing, balancing, and ruining characters that people put a lot of time into.


Maybe those are the players that Bioware doesn't want. Perhaps they are looking for actual MMORPG players and not just online gamers.

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Maybe those are the players that Bioware doesn't want. Perhaps they are looking for actual MMORPG players and not just online gamers.


It looks like they don't want "Customers" and they are succeeding.

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It looks like they don't want "Customers" and they are succeeding.


Don't want MMO hoppers, I agree. They have a very strong and healthy group of MMORPG players. Once the transfers come in and they moved people from dead servers this will be a very awesome game.

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Don't want MMO hoppers, I agree. They have a very strong and healthy group of MMORPG players. Once the transfers come in and they moved people from dead servers this will be a very awesome game.


And in the meantime what? Bash our heads against a wall trying to have fun in the game? If they wanted MMO players, they would have made damned sure there were enough people on every server to assemble a group at all times.


It's clear they want single player gamers so their stupid focus on class story isn't a complete waste of money.

Edited by Gungan
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And in the meantime what? Bash our heads against a wall trying to have fun in the game?


Option 1) Re-roll on a more populated server and enjoy the game with more people while waiting for transfers


Option 2) Come to the forums and complain that you have nothing to do because you play on a dead server and have to read other posters telling you to choose option 1

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