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What's Killing SWTOR?


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This is very valid points. How would you feel if the game had a cross server LFG tool for end game content? One which allowed you to experence it in a timely fashion?


Excellent idea. They would have hit level 50 weeks sooner and would have posted nothing to do weeks ago.

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What's killing SW:TOR ?

Then while every MMO in the last five years is somehow a "wow clone" despite the obvious fact KOTOR pre-dates it

WoW players infest newly launched MMOs like the bubonic plaque in attempt to bring them down. I've seen it time and again in LOTRO, AOC and even Star Trek Online which is apparently WoW with space ships.


Lotro was pretty successful for awhile i thought it was actually pretty good i played for awhile i had fun that being said..... AOC was a piece of garbage that killed itself within a few months no WoW players killed that game the game dev's killed that game, and Star Trek Online was killed by the lack of difference in ANY of the missions u did it was always goto this system kill five ships....next quest goto this system kill five ships...or goto this mining facility and do the same thing over and over the ground combat was BUGGED the quests were bugged like crazy so get some valid info and come back when u have an intelligent opinion backed up by some solid facts. there is a reason that Lotro and STO are FTP and AOC is a distant memory and WoW is still selling its battlechest for $20 its Wotlk expansion for $20 and its current expansion for $40 and STILL MAKING MONEY OFF AT LEAST 8 Million people. So hate on WoW all u want fact is they are the Big Dogs in the cage right now.


P.S. Also i have NEVER EVER heard anyone say STO is WoW with spaceships because if it was people would have been playing that and it wouldnt have gone FTP within a year.

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This is very valid points. How would you feel if the game had a cross server LFG tool for end game content? One which allowed you to experence it in a timely fashion?


I have to say the first time i heard wow now had a raid lfg tool i chuckled and rolled my eyes. But after thinking about it i think it would do nothing but enhnace a game by giving people access to content who otherwise would not get to experience it. As long as it was handled the way it was in wow.


Toned down content so pugs could handle it (because running a pug is hard enough)


Toned down gear( so you dont remove the incentive from actual raiding and progression)


But i think this is a far off dream, this games current gear itemization is just not developed enough to add in yet another teir of gear and Bioware is so backwards thinking that they dont even recognize that a cross server fp lfg tool is a good thing for their game.

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Players killed Swtor.


Player consume content too fast than complain company doesn't create enough content and quit. I honest think people need personal help if they take 3 or 4 days off from work/school to beat everyone to 50. It is not just swtor but every mmo out there since I saw the same thing with cata in wow last year.


It's the players' faults? Are you serious?! Yes - tell all of the people to slow down so they can pay more to enjoy your product. Tell them they are 'playing the game wrong'. This makes no sense. If they really expected players not to powerlevel through the 1-50 in a matter of weeks, they had no place making an MMO.

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Unrealistic Expectations.


I recall reading threads prior to launch, as far back as two years ago, even, where some of you were saying you had given up your previous mmo's to come sit on this forum - because this game was going to be your messiah. This game was going to have THE BEST of everything. It was going to fulfill all of your dreams. You would never have to look elsewhere for your leisure again, SWTOR was going to put you to bed at night with a lullaby, was going to wake you in the mornings by throwing open the curtains to a lovely sunny day & breakfast in bed ...

They put their fingers in their ears & screamed at anyone who might let *Spoilers* out - they did not want to know in advance, they wanted it all to be a glorious surprise on launch day ... the day when the world would be bathed in light ...


I see this every time an mmo is announced ...


I'm sorry SWTOR did not fulfill all your expectations, but it certainly is not dying anytime soon.

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Excellent idea. They would have hit level 50 weeks sooner and would have posted nothing to do weeks ago.


Dont know if you cant read , you dont understand or in your rush to bash anyone not praising bioware you missed that he said end game content. As in an lfg tool for ops not leveling fps.

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Honestly the leveling is too fast with no enough content. Everyone and there brother either "rushed" to 50 in 3-4 days, or didn't skip and got to 50 in a week and a half after launch. That kind of pace is fine for casuals who play 1-2 hours a day, but not regular mmo players. They had no real content once you hit 50, or was bugged. If it was longer to level instead of insta 50 lots of people would still be here, and Bioware could have spent that time adding/fixing content.


I know lots of people thought it was too slow cuz they just wanted to do end game, that right there killed the game. Should have had levels if you wanted to do end game. Carrot and stick method here, come on you know it's true. All games with this fast of a leveling system fail.... Yes WoW before expansions was hella slow to level. Expansions helped add more content for end game, which allowed for faster leveling.

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Excellent idea. They would have hit level 50 weeks sooner and would have posted nothing to do weeks ago.


Or maybe, we'd have a fully geared main and would now be working on gearing our alts while enjoying a new toon's story?

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Nothing is killing SWTOR. From my perspective, it seems pretty healthy. Then again, I'm on a server with a decent population. PvP queues pop pretty often, I see groups forming all the time for world heroics, my guild regularly has a decent-sized population around and they run endgame content regularly, items that I list on the GTN sell, and I even see roleplaying regularly when I'm at the fleet.


I feel as though a lot of people who think this game is dying probably need to bite the bullet and roll a character on a new server rather than wait for server mergers or character transfers. I do think BioWare over-capped the servers at launch. Rookie mistake, but understandable, I guess. Long term, it probably won't matter. The game will succeed because of it's solid level 1 to 50 experience, if nothing else.


I don't mean to say I don't have a few personal issues with the game. I do think world PvP is too restrictive, and I hate, hate, HATE the notion of expertise gear. Neither of these issues present simple solutions, sadly, which is why I'm getting a lot of my jollies these days by simply playing a bunch of low level alts in the pre-expertise (i.e., sub-50) warzones. But I'm having fun right now with what I'm doing, and to be honest, there's still a ton of stuff I haven't done. I've only got one level 50 character, I've hardly done any of the Flashpoints, none of the operations, etc.


I do think, as well, that a lot of people who are bored are people who just burned through the content too quickly. People like me, who play as often as we can, but still have a job and a family that consumes all but an hour or two of our days, will probably manage to occupy ourselves happily for quite some time to come, while BioWare fills in any content gaps.

Edited by thewatcheruatu
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Honestly the leveling is too fast with no enough content. Everyone and there brother either "rushed" to 50 in 3-4 days, or didn't skip and got to 50 in a week and a half after launch. That kind of pace is fine for casuals who play 1-2 hours a day, but not regular mmo players. They had no real content once you hit 50, or was bugged. If it was longer to level instead of insta 50 lots of people would still be here, and Bioware could have spent that time adding/fixing content.


I know lots of people thought it was too slow cuz they just wanted to do end game, that right there killed the game. Should have had levels if you wanted to do end game. Carrot and stick method here, come on you know it's true. All games with this fast of a leveling system fail.... Yes WoW before expansions was hella slow to level. Expansions helped add more content for end game, which allowed for faster leveling.


Although im not nearly as hardcore as i used to be, i probably cant be considered casual either. I raid, ive killed everything in this game and most on two different chars but one of my smallest complaints is the amount of end game content.


It is a new game, Unlike not having mmo standards like combat logs, lfg tools and dual specs i can give a game leway on building its end game.


I expect it to have some end game at launch, swtor does and i expect them to get more coming in rather quickly and i think swtor has done that too, imo wow or rift have no more to do at end game than this game does, doing raid content over and over is just as boring (excpet i enjoy the star wars part of swtor and the non cartoon graphics)


As far as the end game goes the imrovements i woudl like to see is #1 by far is gear itemization and #2 Raid dificulty which i think they are starting to get right with what i have seen of Denova.


But i do agree leveling is way too fast, but that might just be the old school eq massochist in me that believes theres no better way to learn your class than a dificult leveling process.

Edited by Mallorik
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I think the players do, actually.


The constant whine after features of wow, kill the game more and more. LFG, Addons are just poison for any game and its proven that fact once more.


As soon dps meters went live, the people did once again act elitist and players must max their dps to be allowed in group content. Again the pointless battles of "he does x amount of dps with his class, but mine does only y amount - nerf needed" are bad.


Once the LFG goes live, the game will suffer like wow did.


BW is listening to those wow players who just want a break until the Panda´s come and will "piss off" those loyal customers by implementing these things.


At release the game was great, yes the graphics could be a bit better especially new pc´s run with 100fps and there is a lot space, also the ranked Wz´s are still missing - but honest all this aint as much a threat as the constant whine of these wow players here at the forums.

Edited by RachelAnne
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I think the players do, actually.


The constant whine after features of wow, kill the game more and more. LFG, Addons are just poison for any game and its proven that fact once more.


BW is listening to those wow players who just want a break until the Panda´s come and will "piss off" those loyal customers by implementing these things.


At release the game was great, yes the graphics could be a bit better especially new pc´s run with 100fps and there is a lot space, also the ranked Wz´s are still missing - but honest all this aint as much a threat as the constant whine of these wow players here at the forums.


You could also look at it from a positive side, as long as people post here and the forums still seem lively enough, this game is alive. They are only a small percentage of the players anyway.

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The game is absolutely devoid of any social aspects IMO. Again, this is something, despite the combat mechanics and other bugs, that SWG absolutely crushed. Go into a cantina, and there were 50 random people chatting, talking, etc. That's what I loved about SWG. It never felt like a "game" to me so much as an experience. This game, like WoW, is very much the opposite. It's all shiny objects and other distractions, but they never work (or last) to make me forget that I'm playing a game. SWG was like an alternate reality. IMO, that's what a good MMO should be. SWTOR at this point is just a decent single player game with other people around.

Sounds like you miss chat rooms. A good mmo is about the content. Play second life if all you want is an alternate reality. I enjoy my normal reality, so when I play video games I want just that - a game.


This reply was a bit harsh..


They aren't wrong the community and social aspect is lost here.. SWG made so many opportunities to create this. Being in the cantina was nice.. it wasnt just a chat room.. It was a place to go see an Entertainer before battle for buff and after battle loss to heal battle fatigue , before Leveling for XP buff.. Before Crafting for buff to Crit chances. Many different reason for cantina Alone.. Then the trading/crafting system. Almost everything was player created.. Even the vendors. You could go to see your favorite vendor put a request for certain goods.. resources etc.. Armor Orders , Food Orders , Vehicle Orders, and much more... The factions were not locked off from each other like in this game. If you want to try an opposite faction for a while you would basically be saying goodbye to all your friends because you cannot speak to them at all unless they switch with you or you log back on to your original faction. Majority of the player areas are also faction restricted as well so they lower the amount of instances where you would even run into opposing faction players. Which in effect cuts the whole universe in half . There is the Imperial Star wars universe and the Republic Star wars universe. Instead of just the Star Wars Universe. The fact that you have to spend most of your time grinding Comms for PVP gear inside warzones which puts you in a small world with 1-7 other people you may or may not know.. against 8 opposite faction that might as well be Mobs because you cant really interact with them much anyways. Standing on the fleet all day because there are no achievements or special items to be earned outside of it.

Edited by prodigyqnz
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I think the players do, actually.


The constant whine after features of wow, kill the game more and more. LFG, Addons are just poison for any game and its proven that fact once more.


BW is listening to those wow players who just want a break until the Panda´s come and will "piss off" those loyal customers by implementing these things.


At release the game was great, yes the graphics could be a bit better especially new pc´s run with 100fps and there is a lot space, also the ranked Wz´s are still missing - but honest all this aint as much a threat as the constant whine of these wow players here at the forums.


As one of those former WoW players, I can say if what you said were true, many of us would have gone back to WoW. I, for one, am not, even for Pandas lol. We're not trying to 'WoW-ify" TOR (which I think you know). There were some features of WoW though that were great and some of us are of the opinion that they would be great enhancements to this game. I, for one, am ok with no addons, especially since getting the UI Customization. LFG is not poison for the game. It will give people on low pop servers more to do, without having to choose between abandoning the few friends they've made via transfer (when they come) or sticking with a server where nothing is happening much of the time. All of the bad behavior associated with LFD existed long before it was released with VERY LITTLE consequence! And it already exists in TOR and no it's not just the former WoW players. As for your suggestion that only the anti-LFG people are 'loyal' customers...that's just plain and simple trolling. You're better than that RA!

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The BEST thing they can do is add a cross server group finder and cross server PvP.

That would alleviate a TON of the issues.


Low server pop for PvE? Np - queue for a FP run.

Low PvP server pop? Np - queue for a x-server WZ.


It would help so much that they may not even have to offer a ton of transfers.

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I think the players do, actually.


The constant whine after features of wow, kill the game more and more. LFG, Addons are just poison for any game and its proven that fact once more.




Where exactly are the facts on this? Or are you just another person posting the way you "feel" as facts because you dont know why you have an irrational hatred of lfg tools or add ons.

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After having tried other games I'm going to have to say that, objectively, SWTOR is pretty good, but not $300 million good. It's not Guild Wars 2 or even WoW, but its controls are still superior to DCUOs (if playing with a keyboard and mouse, so a controller is not option for that game) and City of Heroes (eats a lot of resources, mouse moving is auto, laggy).


It could, however, use an item mall where we buy stuff with real money such as custom gear schematics (schematics so that crafting isn't trivialized. Almost wrote the gear pieces themselves until I remembered crafting), raiding and pvp mods, mounts, powers, extra experience gains for an hour (stacks with rested), character models, facial features, hair colors, etc.

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trust me when i say this. Once you hit 50 you will be like...ok what now? Spaming chat for lfg for fp's gets old in 5 mins and good luck finding a guild that's willing to take you because they enjoy pve...and dont get me started on the pvp lol.


To answer your question..whats killing swtor? simple. biofailware and EA. At least from what ive read that swg lasted many years..doubt this will see 2 years game time let alone 1.


I don't have the "what now" issue at lvl 50. I know exactly what content there is, exactly what do do with it, and get groups on a consistent basis. There is also the matter of the legacy companion requirements to fullfill. If you are having to ask yourself "what now" you really aren't looking hard enough at what's right in front of your face.

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After having tried other games I'm going to have to say that, objectively, SWTOR is pretty good, but not $300 million good. It's not Guild Wars 2 or even WoW, but its controls are still superior to DCUOs (if playing with a keyboard and mouse, so a controller is not option for that game) and City of Heroes (eats a lot of resources, mouse moving is auto, laggy).


It could, however, use an item mall where we buy stuff with real money such as custom gear schematics (schematics so that crafting isn't trivialized. Almost wrote the gear pieces themselves until I remembered crafting), raiding and pvp mods, mounts, powers, extra experience gains for an hour (stacks with rested), character models, facial features, hair colors, etc.


It didn't cost $300 million.


At least you recognize the good parts.

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The one thing I was (and still am) annoyed with is where BioWare led us to believe that in 1.2 we could transfer our Tionese/Columi/Rakata set-bonus to custom gear. But now they claimed that they can't do it because it was attached to the shell and not the armoring...


But the armoring was locked pre-1.2, so they could have simply applied their 'new tech' in order to attach the set-bonus to the armoring and then unlock it in 1.2; allowing people to transfer them to custom gear. But no, what we got was political word-games and later some vague references to 'old tech' and 'new tech'.


In my opinion that is what is 'killing' SWToR. The devs fuel the hype-train with clever word-games and then simply don't deliver on what they led people to believe. Trasnferring set-bonuses to custom gear being one of the prime examples in my opinion.


Now they could regain some measure of trust by allowing people to exchange their Tionese/Columi/Rakata shells for 'new tech' Tionese/Columi/Rakata Armorings that have the set-bonus. That way people can finally look how they want to look whilst remaining competitive. But no, the only way to get the (exact same, mind you) set-bonus on your custom gear is to try and get a full set of Campaign gear, because that's the only piece where the set-bonus is on the armoring.


So I'm wondering how you could make your 'new tech' work on Campaign gear and why you couldn't apply the same 'tech' to the old gear that has the exact same set-bonus and even had its armoring locked pre-1.2.


Word-games and empty promises.

Edited by Danakar
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It didn't cost $300 million.


At least you recognize the good parts.


Everyone says the SWTOR budget was $300 million, but maybe much of that went to Lucas (and being the creator of the SW universe he deserves his fair share) and marketing so you're not thinking of what went into the game itself. I think many people working on the game actually want it to be good but executive meddling and inside politics hurt what it could be =(

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So I'm wondering how you could make your 'new tech' work on Campaign gear and why you couldn't apply the same 'tech' to the old gear that has the exact same set-bonus and even had its armoring locked pre-1.2.

This is the reason:

Existing PvE gear will not change, no. Basically we found that way too many people have modded their PvE gear in a lot of different ways and there is no clean way for us to make changes to that gear without causing serious trouble for a large number of players (see Battlemaster for a small taste of the problem).
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