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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Unsubscriber's Thread: Tell us a few things


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Same as most people...for me.


1 Crafting - I was hoping this was going to be better, more customization, naming things, colouring thing etc., but it's 'meh' at best, I kinda liked it for a bit, but after a while, it's just dull.


2 Space - The first time in space was great, but then second time 'meh' the third time onwards, was just dull. It seemed to me at least that there wasn't much skill, it was like Angry Birds...if you keep trying a level, you'll beat it in the end.


3 Community - On my server at least, there wasn't much of a community. All the GC was LFG on every planet and in the Fleet, I hated being on the fleet.


It was a good game, getting from 1 - 50 was awesome, I loved it, but once I'd got there, not being big on PvP or raiding, there was nothing to do. I used to just log in, play the markets, level up another toon maybe, but that was about it.


If the game was free to play, I would play it, obviously, but I honestly don't think it's worth the price of the sub.

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If the game was free to play, I would play it, obviously, but I honestly don't think it's worth the price of the sub.
and I think this is something Bioware will have to, once again, eat crow on.


they just said on IGN that F2P isn't in the pipeline, but it's going to have to happen before the end of the year, if they want to squeeze any money out of the game, which means moving the programmers from adding content, to adding F2P infrastructure.


we'll never know how the discussions went, but I have a feeling the lower end devs, who have actually worked on other MMOs in the past, were shaking their heads in private about the decisions from up high.

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I got a second survey in my email inbox this morning as if the exit survey was not enough when I canceled my sub. It had several questions about why I left.


From what I gathered out of the survey they are thinking more along the lines of pvp it was the last question with a free form area to explain the changes that they wanted to hear from me on. PVP is not my bag of tea other than in the forums. It is not why I left. So they got no real clue of why folks are leaving.


Lucky for me on question 3 they gave me a box to give them reasons for why I decided to cancel my sub. That being no plans to merge the servers, with plans to only move part of the population for free and then make the rest pay.


I just hope that somebody takes the time to read the free-form area and not just tally the click marks on the boxes of my reasons for canceling my sub.

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I fully support the game. But I have to agree on many points people are posting. I'm staying subbed though, nothing better to play and i'm not waiting on the next over hyped MMO to save me.


I like the feedback you guys are giving. I think the game does need more sandbox and crafting needs to match end game gear fully. many cost like legacy are still to high to me. with upgrades at being level 40 and having legacy level 14 now I still can't get the stuff for my ship unless I grind to no end.


I see great promise in this game if we keep talking instead of raging. you guys made me think about allot of things I would love to see.


many good ideas in this thread. I would like to see the class story have more options. my gripe is about dark jedi/light sith.

Currently as far as I know whats the purpose of bengel morr wanting me to be his dark jedi saviour? why do we have darkside points and limited gear that still makes us look like republic jedi?


Should a dark jedi look like a sith? but hide his darkside from the jedi counsel?

Why can't I be a light side sith and help the republic?


I see great promise in the ideas here. and since the reason your leaving the game are valid to you and others it would be a great tme for BW devs to have a huge meeting and dicuss with us all who are still subbed , what we really want to do regarding crafting and some sandbox features down the road.


Plus you guys that love PVP are pissed we get it, but you could help more by outlining what type of PVP system you admire the most.


I think PVP should be just like guildwars were the gear matters not it's set in stone and every ones on equal footing. this also protects the PVE community with nerfs. and why did we get nerfed 5 months in?


Ps I love you guys please don't leave us great thread actually!

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I got a second survey in my email inbox this morning as if the exit survey was not enough when I canceled my sub. It had several questions about why I left. .


I'd say your receiving the email is a positive development. I only had the survey when I cancelled and never had any follow up email. So, while the follow up may be less than I'd like to see, it's better than just a month or so ago.


I agree they don't seem to know what subscribers are thinking. Which I find odd because the sentiments are pretty clear if one takes the time to READ the forums.


While one could argue unhappy people tend to complain more than happy people express positive comments, and that many unhappy people are less than constructive when they complain, we all must admit we have had some very constructive complainers on these forums. All too often, even constructive complaints are simply closed by moderators. So, BioWare has nobody to blame but themselves for not taking advantage of the raw feedback offered in these forums.

Edited by ShadowAxx
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4) Poor design choices such as no dual speccing, no ac switching, tedious travel systems, no combat log, no recount function (not just meter but EVERYTHING that thing provides), no mods, poor (and latecoming) ui customization, an utterly useless legacy system/features literally nobody cares about and isn't good for anything but wasting developers' time.



not sure why i even keep checking forums by time to time, cause i doubt i'll ever come back, save for some miracle patch that adds/fixes everything i mentioned, guess i'm just curious and want to see for how long can bw keep their "our game is like this by design" act going before admitting they screwed up badly on many fronts.


I cant agree with you about the AC switching.


This is not a respec of talents. its a completely different class really. If you could just change from a Juggernaut to a Mara at will it would be crazy. You could go from tanking to being the best burst dps and pvp mechanics in the game at a click of a mouse.


Could you change from a Troll warrior to a troll rogue in wow? This is effectively what you are asking for.

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Hey guys,


Firstly, I think it is great that BioWare is sending out this second round of questionnaires. It shows how focused they are on wanting to get things right for those of us who are still actively playing and those who have unsubscribed (they obviously would like to have you return).


Secondly, when I started this thread I was hoping that we could generate some good data and constructive criticism and I believe that this is what we are getting. Thank you all for keeping this thread positive and constructive.


I look forward to seeing how this information is used, since it seems like many of the suggestions and observations would go a long way to rekindling interest in the community.




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Five reasons I left? hmm


1) Just bored. I was full Rakata two months after release and i'm an average player. I've tried most MMOs that have ever came out and i've never been max level with top tier gear prior to an expansion coming out that raised the level cap or introduced new gear. I was always an expansion behind. SWtOR was too easy.


2) Bugs. When you only have 2 raid zones and you can't even make those 2 zones bug free...well...incompetence is rampant in your QA department or you just don't care and released the buggy code anyway. (yes I know you have 3 raids now but its so overtuned, and buggy, only 10% of your playerbase will ever see the zone)


3) Misleading communications from Bioware. I know the details were probably in small print somewhere but too many times you have hyped a feature that did not turn out as advertised. Specifically, the ability to transfer set bonuses. You made the horrible decision to limit this feature to new gear, meaning less than 10% of your players could actually enjoy this "feature". And with the current populations, thats like 8 people with Black Hole gear.


4) I have no reason to do flashpoints. Even while leveling, there is no reason to do them. People say just do them for the fun of it...ok but if I do them all while leveling then I also have to grind them at 50, thats not going to be fun.


5) The token system. For pvp, this was ridiculous. Earn tokens, trade some of those tokens for other tokens, trade those 2 types of tokens for a bag, open the bag to get another type of token, trade token for gear. BLOATED is an understatement. Yes, you've changed this system now, but the fact that you EVER thought this was a good system tells me you don't have a clue.


The entire "earn tokens to buy armor" systems are stale and overused throughout the industry. I really liked EQ1 where, at least the during the first few years, it would be rare to see anyone with the same gear you had. Nowadays, in most games, if two people are max level and the same class its almost certain they have all the same gear.


I'm still here because you gave us a free month. But I'm not even playing. Tried...couldn't do it.

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The game may had potential and still has some but the problem is that whoever is in charge at BW/EA is either blind or ignorant of the biggest problems the game currently has.


They praise and promise ohhh so great features but when they deploy the content its more than disapointing with issues players had reported already during tests on the Testservers.. which is offline anyway most of the time.


What we get most of the time is something commonly known as ********-bingo. Marketing catchwords without meanings.




For me it appeared the leveling of the character was to fast till hitting 50. I call myself casual and may only be playing on weekends and maybe some times under the week.


Travel to planet X grab a few quest ..complete them head to next questhub do the same again rinse repeat 3xtimes and the planet is done. Where are the questgivers you need to search the place and that gives you some awesome quest/story

all in all mostly planets are netting like 20 to 30 quests per planet.. this is just lame for a universe like Star Wars.


Some planets had been even rather pointless at all. Just look at Quesh or Ilum


Once you finish a planet you dont need to get back there unless your Alt is reaching the level for that planet.

Or doing the same old dailies over and over again



The legacy system..where did it really provided some uniqueness to your characters or family tree. Yeah i get the class buff when finishing chapter two...wow...

Afterall it was just a Credit Sink


Spacefights consists of recycled missions where only the oponents had been changed you fly them once and get bored.


Itemization through Questrewards. Completely a waste of time since you gear up in Orange Stuff and just replace the mods.


Armor and Weapons Crafting....apart from orange gear its not usefull afterall. You better got with artifice, cybertech or biochem


Speaking of armor..again we see the recycling of designs all over the place. Not to mention the uglyness of many items ... just look at the Columni Headgear for Sith Assasins for example.


The game is a resource hog. Running with 4GB of Ram the game sucked up 3.5GB. At least 8GB are required to have some decend performance here. If you are not owner of an SSD or a SATA-Raid system it takes ages for the client to load up the maps.


Loading times are so oldschool after all and just make the game less appaling with every travel from one planet to another.


I am not going to much into PvP here as i dont played PvP that much after all. I starte to just hate Huttball and Baron Deathmarks announcement after a while. it really gets annoying after the 5th to 6 time



And then there are the much missed features like:

LFG Tool

Rated WZ


most importanlty now

Server Transfers

Server mergers


Looking at the server pop right now we had an average of over 100-150 players on fleet but are now down to like 50 and maybe 70 during prime time. Looking at Torstatus it is noticable that the problem gets worse by every week and my guild is dead from formerly 20-30 online . Many of them are personal friends and most of them stopped because the game lacks content.




I'll keep an eye on the game for sure but for now i wait till this game is finaly what had been promised

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I understand MMO is very difficult to develop. BW spent massive time, human resources and money. There is no doubt.

They needed to spend years to develop and finally it launched. All of servers were full of players. But hey, people thought " I feel I played this game for years already. What's the difference with other games.". And some people said, "No no, there is massive conversation system and lots of voice acting." Yes it is. it was fun for a while. But when I play alts I skipped all conversation except class quests.


If I play this game 4 or 5 years ago, I could say "fantastic". But now day almost all kind of systems are old fashion and I feel I played it somewhere else. Outfit customization is limited, combat system is same as other games. I don't feel the thrill when I draw the lightsaber and I don't feel the pain from laser blasters.

Enemy mobs don't really react with my attack and my character as well. Just hitting like whatever and they die. People skip the conversations and most of flash points even don't have conversations.

Quest system is also same as other games. Go there and kill 10 mobs and destroy 5 objects, yeah thank you. no need to use my brain.

And dailies... lots of dailies... it was the finishing blow. I quit other games because of dailies. Same quest, same conversation, same reward, over and over... there is no random play experience. PVP? Operation? forget it. how can I make a group with this low population.

Those kind of system was shining few years ago. And it was already existing. So... I was wondering when they start to develop this game, they didn't set the target to 5 years or even 10 years future?


Now, lots of other single, multiplayer games has new features. new combat system, new quest system. why doesn't STO have those thing. conversation create rich experience for sure but other parts are so boring. I was expecting thrilling battle like movies but no. I wanted to wear whatever I want but instead BW introduced weird golden samurai armor or crazy helmets and spiky shoulder pads. I wanted to play open world massive PVP and PVE combat, but no...


This is just my point of view, I enjoyed this game since launched. Hopefully they can fix those problems in the future. Then see you again.

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Who think well get another Dark & Light scenario where the developers blame us players for not supporting their game and that beeing the reason the game failed? :p


You mean another Dragon Age II or Mass Effect III scenario where Bioware blames the fans rather than looking in the mirror?

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You mean another Dragon Age II or Mass Effect III scenario where Bioware blames the fans rather than looking in the mirror?


Thats already happened, they actually blamed the casual players for the subscription losses. Blaming your players is not going to fix the problems with the game.

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Promised rated warzones, pulled last second


promised 8 man ques. Im sick of raging in teamspeak because we are having to carry 12k HP, green geared **** heavy armor specc'd players wearing light armor , no buffs and dont follow objectives.


Skill cap- far to many classes are being forced to spam 1 ability to keep up, its usually the back peddling clueless players as above. Its very hard to pick out the best players because the **** ones are carried by overpowered mindless repetative spamming.



No end game competition. Once 50, we log in, que. There is no sense of adventure in the game, no reason to grab a squad of your guildies and aggro the other faction anywhere. Unless your just a grifer, ganking lower levels. Wich is pathetic.



There isnt enough variety in game, not enough ability of customization to make you different to the next players your class. Hybrid specs are just not viable.



Tab targetting spam CC. Resolve does not build up quick enough, doesnt last long enough and how the **** can you not consider immobilize or sorc/sage KB root a CC effect is beyond me.


Lastly, asking your players to submit testing applications, inviting nothing but carebares to your test servers, then pulling pvp updates because of lack of testing???? idiots.




Ive was looking forward to TOR since it was announced back when SWG was dieing,. I was playing Aion and quit it to play this on release, wish i hadnt now tbh. SWTOR is not an mmo, it seems more like a ORPG

Edited by -Ashton-
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Thats already happened, they actually blamed the casual players for the subscription losses. Blaming your players is not going to fix the problems with the game.


Must have missed that, didn't anyone learn anything from SWG, never, never alienate your player-base.

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