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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Unsubscriber's Thread: Tell us a few things


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I always wanted this game to succeed, but with the attitudes and the inability to fix this game my clock is ticking. My sub info looks like this:


"You have 30 days of play time remaining. When your play time runs out, you will no longer be able to play. Please sign up for a recurring subscription plan or redeem a Game Time Code."


Unless something changes dramatically, I will not resub. I'm to old to wait for these Devs to get their act together. I played SWG for over 6 years and really enjoyed the relationship between the Devs and the Players. It was a true Community. I have yet to find that here! I was ready to go a few months ago but got into PVP. It lit my fire a little bit, then 1.2 and all its issues, server size dropping, queue time getting longer everyday and its all getting stale.


So how long do you have? As I know I'm not alone!

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I've been logging in less and less everyday. I share a Star Trek Online lifetime account with my S/O, I play EVE Online, LotRO, Battlefield 3, Black Prophecy (started not long after SWG shutdown). I also work full time, I'm in pursuit of an MFA in Creative Writing, and I'm in the middle of moving into my first house. Suffice it to say, I have little time or money to invest either into a game that over-promised and under-delivered.


I'm hanging by a thread, here; no pun intended. I guess the five reasons I may soon leave are because of the same things about which I complained during closed beta.


1. The game is very cookie cutter; apart from individual class quests, doing 4 back-to-back Republic toons gets boring...FAST. It behooves the player to switch it up...but even then, you find out just how similar opposite faction classes are to one another. Merc/Commando, Sentinel/Marauder, anyone?

2. The game's space feature is tacked on and unnecessary. It isn't "iconic" like the Star Wars-ignorant DEVs argued. It certainly doesn't capture the full Star Wars experience, let alone emulate anything memorable from the films or X-wing vs. TIE Fighter.

3. Knee-jerk fixes. Squeaky wheel gets the oil -- I understand -- but you don't base community feedback on best use of the caps lock key. I haven't seen much evidence to suggest the DEVs considered the final outcomes of "tweaks" before pushing them live.

4. Over-promised. Under-delivered. A themepark game such as this will only be sustained by delivering on its key attributes...which it has thus far failed to do. Here's hoping the game survives to its first expansion with enough content to satiate its audience for another year.

5. No twitch flight space. This is a big one for me. Jump to Lightspeed was the *ONLY* reason I kept playing Star Wars Galaxies after November 15, 2005 (you SWG veterans know what I'm talking about). LucasArts eschewed a diverse Star Wars gaming market when they closed SWG to open the doors a little wider for SWTOR. Clearly, THAT worked out well for them. /sarcasm off.


Well there it is. I haven't clicked cancel yet...but the chips are down, the cards are drawn, and folding is about my only option. Here's hoping the dealer dealt me a house card to keep my interest invested for a little while longer (let's see what 1.3 / 4 will bring, eh?).

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1. The game is beautiful

2. Great voice acting

3. Great Story


1. This game is more marketable than playable

2. Lack of classes. Lets face it, there's only 3 classes, Melee users, big gun users, and little gun users

3. Lack of fun races.

4. The game is too straight forward, I want to be able to go off track if I want to other things, but here it feels like I always have to go in one way.

5. Lacks anything fun, everything seems like a job or just a set order of keys to press.

6. Server Population, it's not fun playing by myself.

Edited by mosbysjedi
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I'm gone when my free time runs outs:


1) Failure to create an active and meaningful pvp experience; this includes lack of open world pvp, the disaster of illum, and bugged warzones.

2) Failure to balance pvp classes.

3) Failure of BW/EA to deliver content and patches effectively; each patch continues to make the game worse and more broken. TOR is currently being treated like BETA. You cannot do this to paying subscribers.

4) Failure of BW/EA to admit and address significant mistakes they have made with this game. BW/EA still doesn't admit the severe population decreases are due to the decisions they have made but claim they are "typical and "expected" population declines.

5) The fact that BW/EA has the arrogance to ask remaining customers to pay for transfers after the barren servers are a direct result of game mismanagement.

6) The fact BW/EA is clearly not playing or testing their own game, blatantly observable in my points above.

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I followed the development of this game religuously for a few before release. I was in some betas. I have played since dec 13th. I unsubbed 3 days with 32 days of play time left. I will not be logging on to play this wreck of a game again. Reasons?

1- Game update 1.2 completely and utterly ruined many classes for me. Bioware made healing a joke, unfun and not worth doing. That's a bad bad bad move on their part.

2-server pop bit the dust.

3-the worst armor/clothes design I have *********** seen in my life. really bioware? really? your artists *********** blind?

4-the all new pvp DPS zerg fest post 1.2

I could list more but others have already done that.

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Resubbed for 1.2. I Haven't really played for a few weeks now. Just got around to canceling (again) ~3 days ago.


1) Patch 1.2 broke game balance. Just about everything in it was pointless, or game breaking. Legacy was unwanted.

2) PvP sucks now.(refer to first answer) PVE is meh...Has nothing to do with rep vs imp, more stupid space zombies. Sick of killing imperial/former imperials in both pvp and pve...as an Imperial.

3) Nothing to do at 50.

4) crafting changes a major disappointment.

5) Leveling alts is boring as hell. a few unique quests per class with the vast majority being repeated..Just want to experience the story at this point.

6) game generally lacks basic MMO staples. (Fully customized UI just for one example)

7) Game relies too heavily on "wow" features. ...as in the exact same mechanic. Not even an attempt to come up with something unique or slightly different. (armor repair money sink, "tavern" bind/rest points, flight paths, etc)

8) lacks unique features. zero creativity.

9) piss poor economy.

10) Armor designs are extremely ugly.


TL;DR: Devs are incompetent.

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unsubbed free time left only doubt ver much ill ever come back.


everyones pretty much stated the reasons but the final straw that made me give up the other day was


I have a sniper playing lethality build I have 20,100 hp nearly in full war hero gear 1200 exp so my gears pretty good, had one operative who as also in same sort of gear pwn me so hard from full hp to 15% hp 3 times in a row followed by stealth opener again to finish me off 100%-0 % doing nothing all because escape was on cooldown.


no doubt people will say its impossible cant happen feel free to go speak to android on tomb of freedom nad server im sure he would love to gloat on how easy my deaths where


games a joke maras tank hybrids


dailys that mean nothing


tab target system tottaly broken


this list is endless and seemignly there more bothered about legacvy fluff that must ahve been the biggest waste of time implemented in a mmo along side there full voice animation


enjoy going down the same road as warhammer its going to happen


the box should have a gabe warning on it so suckers like me dont get pulled into another half arsed game

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I have 5 days of the free month remaining, I do not plan to renew a sub for now.


The reason for this is lack of end game for pvpers. I was a beta tester so I space barred everything to ding 50 and get into the endgame PvP, then BW rooted Ilum and took out all the fun so I rolled an alt for its story and to try out the class. With that class I got used to the PvP dailies, then being an Oceanic player I changed to locally hosted servers and changed faction to play with friends who picked it up with the Oceanic release. When I reached 50 for the third time the PvP quests had changed again.


I'm not against change but I am against removing content and not replacing it, also the gear grind is ridiculous....

I got my full BM set within 7 days, it took me 11 days to grind enough rated comms for my regular war hero chest, sure it may be one of the most expensive but the weapon and off hand cost the same. Whereas if we had Rated warzones (not even going to start on that delay) It would be easier to gear up.


I will resub when rated warzones are implemented until then, good luck have fun!

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Two months ago 150-200 people in fleet at prime time, since this month 30-80 people in fleet at prime time.


At the moment the main problem is the active population, not talking about number of subs or anything like that, I'm actually speaking of active people, and those are going down week after week, its extremely hard to do group content, sometimes people are in fleet spamming LFG for hours.


Im afraid that the LFG tool comes, server tranfers come too and the best servers to play will be locked down for transfer, servers like Fatman(US), Jedi Covenant(US), Tomb of freedon Nadd(EU), TheRed Eclipse(EU) wont be available to get into.


So we end with a nice LFG tool and still waiting a very long time to get a group..in my honest opinion, this 1.3 patch will break or make the game, game is great, the completely disperse population is what's killing it.

Edited by kryator
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CXL'D my sub today. Bought the CE and went 6 month sub in December. 3 very geared 50's. 1 with fully auged WH gear and fully auged Rakata. 1 op healer valor 70 and a full Rakata tank



Top 5 reasons:


1. Server activity/population


2. 1.2 nerf/buff just changed around the OP classes and ignored so many other pvp balance issues


3. No such thing as open world pvp


4. Operation bugs and broken mechanics


5. Customer Service issues/game performace problems since 1.2 went live (I have a friend that bought the CE and 6 month sub and can't even log in due to a freak problem with missions pending not clearing ever. Customer Service was a joke via ticket and it took 5 phone calls to speak to a live person who would help. Next day, the missions stacked up and he couldn't travel so he gave up)

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I haven't unsubbed but I haven't been playing for a few weeks.


Valor 74 and also Valor 72 characters (Day 1 early access player, following game for many years - but never a fanboy)

Main reason for leaving: no rated warzone full premade warzones and server population dying (initially one of the first EU servers created).


The game has failed more or less the same way as Warhammer Online did. Many features offered in a content patch and not enough delivered - not to mention lack of response to customer feedback or just plain ignorance of it.


Server merges left way too late (again same with Warhammer Online) too afraid it will look bad on the company, yet the people actually playing on quiet servers will stop playing the game altogether, which is even worse.


Would I resubscribe: No, Customers are not valued with this company

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Just unsubscribed, I have 88 days left however (shows what high hopes I had for this game!).


I've just lost the will to continue playing this "single player MMORPG".


One last thing, to all you fanbois/Biodrones, you may think by you constant defence of this product you are helping, you are not..............

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Bugs can happen and fixed in time i have no major problem with bugs but this is not just a bug issue as everyone agreed on it.


Content & Game Experience

1. This is not MMO, game makes me feel i am alone. Server merge or free transfers whatever works.

2. Planets are too small and canned, it makes me feel i live in a box. no freedom.

3. No open world PVP.

4. Craffting is useless, totally empty effort.

5. No free flight space combat.

6. Game has no complexity everything pretty straight forward.

7. GEARs are horribly designed. except a set non of them feels like we are in SW universe / space these are something else.

8. Put some AI to mobs. we are not stupid. i am not even need reading walkthrough's to accomplish FP or whatever you called.

9. Companions are moron, give them some AI as well.



1. Loading times are unacceptable for even for solid state disks.



I am not asking for another SWG but that times i bought 3 different boxes just for crafting, mining etc.!!!


Please don't be arrogant as like what SOE did. Just listen your players there are many brilliant ideas on your forum, put a solid plan on front of us and start implementing what you promise. because i don't want to wait for another SW MMO for couple years but i could wait while your are fixing this game in next couple months.



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I wont be renewing my 6 month subscription


My reasons;


the dev team are completley incompetent, for every 1 bug fixed, 10 more spring up in its place, this is easily resolved by using the PTS which they refuse to do.


Insane forum moderation, they brush far too much stuff under the rug... sorry quys but you can close as many threads as you like, it only fuels peoples anger and ruins the reputation of the game so much more, if you let people vent, the thread will naturally die anyway.


complete and total ignorance to MMORPG's, the team clearly haven't played any quality MMORPG's, im assuming they've only played a 14 day trial of WoW? because the amount of MMORPG knowledge they show.


server merge/character transfers.... its way too late now, i wouldn't even bother if I were them, 5 months into launch and they still have dead servers. makes me wonder if they want the game to die? server transfers are ready now, they've already done it on pacific servers but for some reason they refused to give the rest of the world transfers

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Why I unsubscribe:

1) Promise made and not delivered. Ranked WZ and Legacy items coming in 1.3 should have been in 1.2 The stuff in 1.2 Legacy is just fluff emotes YAY. Rank 1 exp gain boost and speeder should have been 1.2 the stuff that helps level alts. Who knows what going to be in 1.3 till it patches.

2) Bot replies from Custom Server. They don’t read what the ticket is about focus on keywords.

3) Lack of post creation customization.

4) Your guys answer for everything is “It’s in the works but we have no ETA” Give us a time line of the next 3 patches. So I have now what to expect. I’ve I know some where you guys have a time line like this. So late know. You don’t have to go in depth. The stuff for the next patch should be written in stone. Anything after should be a guide to let us know what you are working on.

5)Macros, I know there are 2 deep entrenched camps on this but simple I can buy mouse, keyboard or keypad that gives me ability macro.

Edited by Warrgames
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I haven't un-subbed but I am not playing the game in its current state, playing Tera-online instead.


Class balances is awful, no 8 man queues, no rated, no world PVP and no sandbox elements make me a sad panda.

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Our guild has officially decided to begin playing some other games. We have not yet decided what alternate games we will play, but we have basically concluded we will lose too many members if we stay focused on SW:TOR.


We all basically agree many of the newer games will be released with features SW:TOR only promises for future patches, and waiting/paying subscriber fees while SW:TOR slowly rolls out needed fixes/features is truly insulting.


We will let our collective subscriptions wind down, but there is an interest in getting onto something new, particularly regarding PvP.


At some point we may resubscribe, but we all know how that goes. If we are having fun playing a better game it may be hard to get members to come back to SW:TOR.

Edited by ShadowAxx
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Unsubbed for now, playing out the rest of my time. Renewal pending solid updates/implementation of Character Transfers. Also its a good time to take a break for RL, get some summer in etc.


1. Like most people, Server population. My guild died last week, Its hard finding a group for a HM, and I cant even think about doing an operation anymore. Getting into a WZ takes forever and after 10:00 or so i just stop trying, it can take all night.


2. I feel like I'm being led on. All of the legacy unlocks I wanted are "coming soon in patch 1.3", Ranked WZs getting pulled from 1.2. Its alot of just wait for the good stuff while we take your money. Ill just consider resubbing when its all out there.


3. Bored. Im not an altoholic by any means, Im fully geared on my main and already have 2 more 50s. This is from a guy who only had 1 character at level cap/raiding in WoW and a few others lvls 10-30. I dread the thought of leveling another alt right now (the legacy unlocks in 1.3 would help but that's more waiting).


4. There is a distinct feeling of lack of planning from the developers. I don't blame them solely, not to sound like one of those "hate the evil corporation" people, I'm sure EA made them rush the release a bit. Everything they've done seems reactionary instead of planned. massive class changing revamps, alot of PvE being affected by PvP issues, even their lack of planning on server population management. I don't have a good deal of confidence currently


5. Tab Targeting, seriously?. Enough said

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1. Your support system stinks... If it's broke blame it on the players hardware when there's countless threads describing the same issue. Have a valid complaint or problem and spend the time to create a in game ticket or post in the forums to only have either a cookie cutter response and a closed ticket (with no help or knowledge from a actual person) or the thread closed with the same cookie cutter response. Above all you should extend a helping hand and make your player base feel like you actually care!


2. Everything that has come out or will come out up to 1.3 should have been in the release version as promised. Instead we beta test a game for 5 months and still the stuff that was supposed to be in 1.0 is still not in game or broke. Legacy still isn't done? Promises, promises and still waiting lol.


3. Your failure to acknowledge low server populations is a joke. Our servers been dead for months and we couldn't find any quality players to add to our guild to replace the countless we lost (to other games) other than players that were kicked out of other guilds for various reasons.


4. Your end game gear designs are terrible and your failure to allow rakata mods to carry over set bonuses because of either laziness on your development teams part or just sheer arrogance was a big mistake. Why even raid to get black hole gear if you can only wear one piece in order to not lose the set bonus? What is the fn point? Maybe if the stats were way better than rakata it would be viable but in most cases they were worse. So you're thinking is get your player base to grind and grind to get nothing in return? Clasic. In the meantime Cybertech is useless which you could have improved by letting us make mods equivalent to rakata or black hole with set bonuses so at least we could make and sell or give mods to guildies / players. Just piss poor planning and inability to think beyond the box.


5. The sound glitch has been around since 1.2 and still nothing done about it. We put up with SOA being broke for months. You continually release updates that break things that worked fine. You wait until a major patch to fix broken parts of the game instead of throwing us a bone in the meantime. You really couldn't have put some of the (pages of) "fixes" in before 1.2? I mean stuff that people were complaining about since the release? Again, blame it on the players and then later admit it was a issue on your part. That's not the way you treat paying customers.


I've voiced my concerns / advice multiple times up here since launch and either the thread was closed or just fell into the abyss with not one response. I've asked for help multiple times and it fell on deaf ears. When I did get a response it was the same one "check future patch notes" or sorry your 10 grand computer isn't good enough to play this game and eventually you told me you don't support a mac (cop out). I find this laughable because for one this is the only game I've ever had problems with and secondly my computer has a intel chip set which is rated more than double what your game requirements suggest is suitable for playing this god awful game.


You're planning from day one has been flawed. From the let them sit in front of their computer for 3-4 days to get in pre release without any info to when we would be able to load the game to not having everything installed that was promised before the release. You guys keep talking about how your future releases are going to be so great with all these new features which should have been in game from the get go is a slap in the face to someone that paid 3 months in advance. 1 month of free play isn't going to cut it you should refund us our money period. I did not sign up to pay to beta test. False advertising on your part!


I used to love your games but I will never buy another one. This game, DA2 and ME3 hammered the nail in that coffin! You went from making quality games to being more concerned about making a buck. Good luck in the future because everyone in my guild and friends list have all said the same exact things. We all moved on to other games and the only reason I came up here to write this was because you pissed me off so much since I bought this game I love reading the negative threads. It makes me chuckle and brings some closure to feeling ripped off. Call it a form of entertainment in itself and it's about the only entertainment I've gotten from this game. The only reason I played this game was because I paid for it and a 3 month sub. While I did I kept hoping you guys would change your ways and give us what we waited 3 years for. Sadly you didn't. I hope you guys lose your pants and take EA with you!

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I posted earlier in this thread and my reasons still stand. Sadly, I think that I'm going to let my sub run out while I gravitate to some other games. I've been beta testing another game which I wasn't planning on purchasing. Unfortunately, the game has sucked me in and both my hubby and I will be playing it when it releases. I'm not sure if it will be a long term game for us but the world is so intriguing and I really want to experience it all.


I've enjoyed my time in SWTOR and will try to get my 3rd character to 50 before my time runs out. I do love the class stories, the companions, having my own ship. But that is what draws me mostly to the game--the class stories and the companions. I may come back to SWTOR in the future since I did enjoy my game experience. I just don't feel the passion that I had several months ago. Life is too short to force oneself to play something that they don't enjoy.

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Because this game decided to cast as big of a net as possible and therefore alienated everyone. This game isn't as fun as it could've been because bioware went in the wrong direction. That and the fact they messed up the launch, messed up development, messed up EVERYTHING HUMANLY POSSIBLE is why I'm leaving. That and the server's are dead because they're ill equipped to have basic functions of mmo maintenance like server merging and server transfers.
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