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Not voting for MVP in WZs why?


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This might be slightly off-topic, but since I've noticed quite a bit of talk about healers "padding their stats", but I don't know if it warrants its own thread so I guess I'll ask here:


In what way are healers padding their stats in a way that makes you look negatively at it?


If I've understood correctly, people look down on things such as placing HOTs on people who are already at decent health. However,if you are at let's say 90% health, and a healer puts a HOT on you to heal you back up to 100% and a little bit after that if you get into more action, in what scenario is this not a good thing for you? As long as this did not cause the healer to get into mana troubles, or kept the healer from dealing with more pressing issues, I don't see why healing is a bad thing.

You'll need that extra HP eventually anyway, why does it matter if the healer gives it to you when you're given it?


I agree with this guy on this topic.

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Have been in some WZs where literally no one votes for someone an MVP even though say that person tops the healing charts/dps charts/protection charts/etc. Just wondering why people dont vote it only takes 1 sec of your time AND its a way of telling that person "Hey you did an awesome job." That further encourages that person to continue playing well VS say if you dont that person feels like whatever it is he did doesnt mean anything to anyone. Just do it guys. Plus it feels good and makes you say "HEY IM MVP!" I know i feel good when I get voted MVP in a wz. :)


The only time I ever don't vote is when I think my team did so bad, and deserved the total ***-whooping so bad, that I don't give the MVP vote to anyone because no one on the team deserves the title "MVP" and out of spite.


Petty, maybe but I'd hate to think I'd be encouraging people to play like dumb-@#$%s

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It's one com. When you get rewarded properly for mvp votes, maybe people will start caring more. Until then, everybody is just leaving as quickly as possible so they can reque for the next or simply quit their miserable experience.
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If no one impressed me no one gets the vote. Simple as that.




If you are paying attention at all during a match; sometimes a member of your team will do something that makes you go: "Wait... what?" Sometimes, one powertech covers my butt while I'm healing; sometimes one angry mara decides he likes having help around and peels other melee off his ranged. Sometimes; there is that one annoying-as-@% Sorc who speced into all the CC and just ties people up all over the place to keep them off of / away from objectives.


Those guys get the medals, those guys deserve them.

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Reading the thread. I'm almost face palming with every other post.


MVP = Most Valuable Player




That guy who scored 7th but you think he "tried."


I get top of the board sometimes with 16 Medals and 300k DPS with some defense because I'm a Guardian. Then I get the pleasure of seeing the healer who healed 80k got 6 medals and gets 3 votes for MVP while I get 1. >.>


Top damage means nothing if you attack the wrong targets.

Top heals means nothing if you only heal your dps buddy.

Top protection means nothing if you protect the wrong guys.

And top medals can just be the sum of the above.


But who really cares?

While the current MVP vote system is pretty pointless, it's just one very minor problem in PVP.

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I generally vote for whoever I believe is the actual Most Valuable Player.


Looking at the stat summary isn't a good way to gauge who gets my vote. Maybe it was the guy who got stuck guarding a turret solo for 90% of the game who didn't fire a single shot, up until the last moment when he kept 3 members of the opposing team at bay long enough for help to arrive and seal the win. Maybe it's the guy who ninja capped mid or someone who gave everyone crap in ops chat and organized a push.


If my team is full of idiots who node camp at the first sign of a loss, I won't vote for MVP.

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really, people whining about not getting the MVP vote they think they deserve?


i vote for the person i saw doing the most to help my team win. or a new 50 who was making a good effort.


you could stand around and heal for elebtny zillion points, but if you don't help the team win, you are dead to me.

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Obviously padding your healing stats or your damage via aoe or tab dottting makes you a better player at the end of the match and everybody should vote you.


It works, lol. 0 deaths is the most important though.

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I have a hard time voting if we lose, especially if it isn't even close. Sometimes there just isn't a valuable player to vote for.


If we win, or if we gave them a good run and still lost, I give it to whoever was healing me.

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Some of us were born in WH gear but I was not. I remember my first week of PVP. NO experience, NO gear, premades seeing me as a cash cow to farm. I tried as hard as I could and sometimes not even one medal. Now with Expertise at 1131, I can still die but I crush alot of skulls too. I want more people to play, giving you glory never crosses my mind!

So if I want to get geared up I need to do bad so people vote me as MVP? Must be the Republic's strategy considering the 1:15 streak I got going on with them.

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my vote usaly goes to the person that helped me the most like if i solo defend something and there is someone else sitting there with me to defend and fights on my side he will have my vote


in mass pvp and i notice some healers heals pop over my head he gets my heal, tank guarding me gets my vote, person capping all doors (yes had it happen same person) he got my votes i never just look at the numbers i look for what ppl have done in a wz a spawn camper high number farmer will never have my vote

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My votes always go to my guild if they are my personal tank on my healer opertive (50) because i no how important they are to me because no body helps you out anymore on healer i rarely get 2 mvp's a match even with 300k-400k healing


on my Vanguard it is alot worse i have finealy droped my tank spec with 38 in that line after 3 games with 200k + protection and 0 mvp's in all of them i just feel like giving up i am obviously not wanted (this is no joke)

(this 3 games were victorys aswell)


but i am to squishy now i went full damage spec and armour droped by 4k and my rekarta armour boost ardrenal (+1500 odd) so it seems i might just become a pve range dps

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If it's a match where my team team put effort into attempting to win, i'll click on whoever I thought was the biggest factor. If it's a complete dismal failure where everyones trying to just gank the first red they see, who happens to be nowhere near an objective. I'm just waiting to click exit as soon as the tab pops up.
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This might be slightly off-topic, but since I've noticed quite a bit of talk about healers "padding their stats", but I don't know if it warrants its own thread so I guess I'll ask here:


In what way are healers padding their stats in a way that makes you look negatively at it?


If I've understood correctly, people look down on things such as placing HOTs on people who are already at decent health. However,if you are at let's say 90% health, and a healer puts a HOT on you to heal you back up to 100% and a little bit after that if you get into more action, in what scenario is this not a good thing for you? As long as this did not cause the healer to get into mana troubles, or kept the healer from dealing with more pressing issues, I don't see why healing is a bad thing.

You'll need that extra HP eventually anyway, why does it matter if the healer gives it to you when you're given it?


It might have been answered, but ill reply anyways.


Sages and Sorcs have a spell to convert HP to force. I've seen Sages, as soon as the game starts, spamming sacrifice and self heal, or hiding in a corner and doing the same.

When I've called one out in Ops they replied "I have to get my out of combat 5k heal medal".

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