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Pyrotech fire damage OP!


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how do threads like these manage to stay up? these should be deleted instantly.


you post actual good constructive criticism and the mods shut it down instantly, but you can spew complete nonsense and it stay up indefinitely? w t f

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Your pyro's must be meh at best then on your server cause we have more then a few on ours that almost every match have 5-6k crits consistantly. Pyros definately have more burst then any other class imo and anyone that thinks they have 0 survivability, lol. They get the same shields if I'm not mistaken that a merc dps gets minus the knock-back which outside of hutt-ball doesn't mean much with such short cd's on classes leap abilities and ranged well, they'll just ranged you to death.




5K+ "Consistently" is with full cooldowns available and on most likely a Sorc. (While achievable on Medium/Heavy BM Player it's rarer)

6K+ "Consistently" is with full cooldowns + Mara buff on an undergeared target. I've topped out at 6.8K Myself, bu tthat was on a 10K HP Sorc with 0 expertise.


They are also not going to "Range you to death" unless you are terrible since at "Range" we can't proc PPA for Railshot Resets so we can do some damage for 15 seconds, Rapid Shot (Basic attack) 15 secs later we can use our abilities again...

Edited by exphryl
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This is the secret to doing high dps as a Merc Pyro.... By doing rapid shots/flamethrower I can output around 200k consistently on each map...


lolz you not being serious if i do less then 400k on a map as pyro i was slacking or got in late i was being sarcastic on that post if you didnt notice

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Your pyro's must be meh at best then on your server cause we have more then a few on ours that almost every match have 5-6k crits consistantly. Pyros definately have more burst then any other class imo and anyone that thinks they have 0 survivability, lol. They get the same shields if I'm not mistaken that a merc dps gets minus the knock-back which outside of hutt-ball doesn't mean much with such short cd's on classes leap abilities and ranged well, they'll just ranged you to death.

Outside of op healers which a good one you need mutliple dps as a merc to drop, pyros and the odd maurader are the only two classes that present issues in 1v1. Good pyro dps I'll just run away even if they are at 1/2 health as I'll never beat their burst if their two shields are up.


Pyros are a melee class, so we don't get the benefit of being ranged and having our max DPS rotation. As melee classes go, pyros are easily the squishiest. We do get the added benefit of being able to half dps at range, so I guess that's something. We over heat really fast and do pretty low dps, however, if we do that.

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Your pyro's must be meh at best then on your server cause we have more then a few on ours that almost every match have 5-6k crits consistantly. Pyros definately have more burst then any other class imo and anyone that thinks they have 0 survivability, lol. They get the same shields if I'm not mistaken that a merc dps gets minus the knock-back which outside of hutt-ball doesn't mean much with such short cd's on classes leap abilities and ranged well, they'll just ranged you to death.


Outside of op healers which a good one you need mutliple dps as a merc to drop, pyros and the odd maurader are the only two classes that present issues in 1v1. Good pyro dps I'll just run away even if they are at 1/2 health as I'll never beat their burst if their two shields are up.



dont really get your post pyro dosnt have leap thats a shieldtech and what 2 shields? did i miss some the passed 5 months?

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It only does more power due to the aoes, otherwise it is on par.


My gunslinger is well geared for PVP and his aimed shot does 5k, if lucky and criti, with the expertise buff + adrenal. That's on an activation timer and I have to be immobile to use it.


I can't even tell you the amount of times a PT has crited me for 5k and over on an instant cast move whilst running around.


They are no way equal in terms of single target damage,, gunslinger have nothing that comes close to the spammable absurdity that is PT burst. Just a reminder, Aimed shot has a long cooldown.

Edited by TheGreatFrosty
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Just a reminder, Aimed shot has a long cooldown.


So does rail shot. Same timer, in fact. If you're in melee range and burn energy you can get it to reset the cooldown about every 7.5 seconds on average, but that will cause you to overheat fast if you try to keep it up.


The main difference is you can reliably get two RSes off in ~4 seconds if you're in melee range. The initial burst is quite good for that reason and because of thermal detonator delaying its damage. The sustained dps is not so great.

Edited by yukirshiro
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So does rail shot. Same timer, in fact. If you're in melee range and burn energy you can get it to reset the cooldown about every 7.5 seconds on average, but that will cause you to overheat fast if you try to keep it up.


The main difference is you can reliably get two RSes off in ~4 seconds if you're in melee range. The initial burst is quite good for that reason and because of thermal detonator delaying its damage. The sustained dps is not so great.


Why does that matter? The initial burst will destroy most players. Do you honestly believe PT aren't in need of a nerf? of any kind? I can't even fathom that line of argument.


Essentially, due to the burst and close proximity nature of SWTOR PVP, I am at a loss why anyone would currently go anything else, if they intended to be pure DPS. Other than, obviously, enjoyment.

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dont really get your post pyro dosnt have leap thats a shieldtech and what 2 shields? did i miss some the passed 5 months?


I have a ST / Pyro hybrid that gives me jet charge... but I give up some railshot damage talents at the top of the pyro tech tree to get that.


My highest Railshot I've ever hit was 3.7k. You definitely won't be hitting 5k AND have jet charge.

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Why does that matter? The initial burst will destroy most players. Do you honestly believe PT aren't in need of a nerf? of any kind? I can't even fathom that line of argument.


Essentially, due to the burst and close proximity nature of SWTOR PVP, I am at a loss why anyone would currently go anything else, if they intended to be pure DPS. Other than, obviously, enjoyment.


Well, as a BM Pyro... it is kind of boring after a while.


I mean, you really only use so many abilities compared to most other classes. My PT is the only class I play (out of Sorc, PT, Assassin, Marauder, Sniper) that still has room left over for more keybinds. <.<


At least that's my opinion. Having fun on the tanky-tank Sin lately.

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Why does that matter? The initial burst will destroy most players.


No, it won't. The initial burst with all offensive CDs (+crit, adrenal, relic) (TD, fire dot, rail shot, rocketpunch, railshot, assuming the rockpunch resets railshot cooldown optimally) takes 5 GCDs and will deal between 8k and 14k damage on an equally geared opponent depending on how many crits you get. That is a lot of damage, but it won't kill anyone with decent PVP gear.


The real problem is that cooldowns have too large an effect in this game. Take out all the offensive cooldowns and assume the rocketpunch doesn't reset RS (which has a 35% chance of happening IIRC) and you are looking at more like 4k-8k damage over 5 gcds. Hardly overwhelming. This couples with the inherent roll the lottery quality of pyrotechs. Sometimes you will really blow someone up good, sometimes you will barely scratch them.


If they are intelligent and cleanse off your fire dot immediately and then pop a defensive cooldown you will barely touch them even with all your cooldowns popped.


The spec isn't so much overpowered as too inconsistant. When you get a good string of crits and resets it is undoubtedly doing too much damage. When you don't, it's pretty underwhelming.

Edited by yukirshiro
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I think people look at the damage summary too much. The DOTs account for a significant portion of that and against a good healer DOTs alone won't kill anyone. Pyrotechs/Assault Spec vanguards can put significant pressure on a healer to heal through the DOTs but I don't think they're fantastic at spiking burst damage. RS/HiB is a good ability but it's definitely not a gamebreaker. It's greatest asset is that it does decent damage for its cost, not that it hits like a truck.


Looking at the other aspects of the Pyrotech specialization, there's almost no escapability, mediocre mobility, mediocre survivability, and it does most of its damage from <10m but only has one pull on a 45-sec CD and no gap closer.

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In that video, the pyrotech was hardly getting damaged at all, he didn't get chainstunned, and he had a healer following him around. I can also honestly say I've put out higher burst than that Vanni pre 1.2.


But on my server, if a pyrotech or assault is spotted, he gets focused down asap, and you won't see your healthbar ticking down gradually as with that guy there. Instead you'll be stunned, rooted, slowed and blown absolutely sky high as the enemy team focuses you.

Yes, if you let a class with the highest single target burst run free, you're in trouble. So don't.


As for his 3 vs 1, the only guys bothering to focus him seemed to be a centurion equiped shield vanguard (can tell by the gear), who naturally does pathetic damage and can't outdo the heals he's getting. Gotta respect that guy for that at least.

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1 week ago a guy postred a screen shot of pyro dmg, he had 1000 expertise and got critted for 8.2k from a pyro...


so yes they are OP, they have the higest singel target burst in game right now




last week I saw a screenshot showing a green alien doing the moonwalk on timesquare. Thats actually more likely than critting for 8.2K with anything on a anybody, especially if he has 1K expertise :D


I smell a Mara/Sent that just got killed by a PT/Van.

Edited by DevorRentreen
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1 week ago a guy postred a screen shot of pyro dmg, he had 1000 expertise and got critted for 8.2k from a pyro...


so yes they are OP, they have the higest singel target burst in game right now


That s not possible even if he had 0 expertise.

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This is the secret to doing high dps as a Merc Pyro.... By doing rapid shots/flamethrower I can output around 200k consistently on each map...


Please tell me this is a troll.... I dont play my merc anymorr and never ever will I go pyro as merc.... I play my pyro pt and consistantly get 4-600k every match. Dont believe me hop over to my server and ask around there are only 2 good PTs on the server shouldnt be hard to find. But lets put this in perspective for you guys. Fully CD popped I run in pop incendiary missile on someone and then thermal detonator before they know I am there becaude they have no initial damage, then I light them up with a rail shot for 4.5k min on full BM targets then thermal detonator explodes for about 4k meanwhile my incendiary missile has ticked 3 times at 1.2k each (3.6k) then I flame burst for 1600 which ads another dot that ticks for about 1k and the flame burst procs another rail shot for 4.5k


TLDR the opening burst befor you see us (25m range) is 12k min then by the time you see us we are in our 4-10 flamr burst range and its another 6-8k before you have time to react. Realistically what you are seeing is all of this happeming within 3gcds but it is actually longer.


PTs are OP yes, bit so is virtually every class in the game when the time to kill a player is less than five seconds. It is not fun in any way....

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