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Everything posted by Paranoidpuz

  1. would i be wrong saying purely DPS both BM implants and bm OH would be better? and hp from the WH's if u wanted it
  2. yea atm im wearing wh imps but i have the bm in the back of my head at all times its about a 500ish hp increase but aim decrease >< with augment
  3. i already have 1200+ i have a question tho. with wh everything but with power in every piece. is there a damage difference =>< if i chose BM over WH offhand. and by that i mean the 33 power loss for exp like 33 power comes to a few points in dps how much does teh exp come to?
  4. +1 i want that played on a loop at my Funeral
  5. agreed Pyro merc was Great fun before i Rerolled PT. Hell your even getting more Armor pen next patch for it
  6. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iUBwjyhRweQ Me when im on my PT
  7. adapt or quit- not much else you can do if your not willing- or roll something else
  8. NOPE I was a 70 Arsenal WH Merc- one day i tried pyro spec. the next day i rolled a PT now 76WH. you chose it play it / adapt / Reroll do you know how many people have rerolled just to get into a better server?
  9. http://imageshack.us/f/16/mybh.jpg Mine
  10. you sure. people have been complaining for a few months of people hacking and killing in one shot. if anything you may have just gotten proof of somebody.
  11. LOLOLOLOL- people trying to counter saying most of them were under geared thats what happens when you call nerfs and post a compilation video of another class Regards -Pyrotech
  12. Move 60% armor Pen up AP Tree- End of story- nothing to nerf-
  13. --------------JUST GET RID OF BICHEM POWER BUFFS/ADRENALS ETC--------- Everyones TTK GOES UP--------- PT's ARNT OP ------------------ NOBODY GETS NURF'd
  14. some other guy just posted a thread about his PT with video- basically showcasing PT vid without using cooldowns every second of the vid. http://www.swtor.com/community/showthread.php?t=453183 Vid shows the normal dps of a pt and you should all just shup.
  15. Once again - Leave PT alone- The burst alone is fine the cooldowns on burst is fine- Its the OP Biochem that makes it Over burst. without all the + power cooldowns etc we wouldnt have these threads.
  16. You dont- you must farm 5-6 pairs of BM Boots- then collect a CRAZY amount of WH coms and trade them all in for 26 adept enhancement- we dont get 25 like the Repub side- so either take it how it is or join the thread where people cry pub have a unfair advantage.
  17. for the people who dont understand this is all with Power adrenal/relix mixed with a Crit cooldown- Lose the OP power Relic/adrenal multiplier- BIO op not the PT post his dps when hes not BUFFED TO ***** with cooldowns- see how abysmal it is and shup
  18. Difference is - TD is on a 15 sec Cooldown which means its Balanced been balanced- along with RS on a 12 sec cooldown - Operatives didnt have cooldowns to pull of w/e they did- this is also responding to the guy after you. im just sick of people like duckling saying Nerf everything-
  19. you do realize we have the Crit Cooldown right? Majority of the game your NOT using your cooldown your not Critting RS RP TD RS all in a row- its only used in combination with the Adrenals/relics. so you would be lucky- RS would hit 3.8-4.3 CRIT TD would hit 3.5 CRITTED RP 2.6Criited and same RS again- otherwise the damge is TONED down alot smart guy- we cant Crit nonstop
  20. Railshot rocket punch TD explosion Railshot- ONLY possible with the adrenals/relics - Nerf the Biochem not the PT- you need to understand the multipliers that they give - especially with NO deminishing returns on Power
  21. The name of the game is How to fully Gear yourselff out- and use ridiculous Multipliers Given by the Power Adrenals/Relic - the PT isnt op just the Items given to them
  22. 475 Power Adrenal + 405 Relic + 25% crit for 15 seconds on top of the FULLY POW/surge gear'd PT ontop of 90% armor pen of Railshot Only = high DPS. the TD hit low normally cuz theres no armor pen- Unless your crap geared and a Sorc
  23. may aswell post the link to his thread stating the cooldowns were 90% of vid etcand the somewhat crap gear'd people he was against Sucks but gota do damage control - Just wait till Jediduckling gets in here.... http://www.swtor.com/community/showthread.php?t=447838 Another thing it doesnt Show - is the amount of miss's you get with 90 accuracy!
  24. Just a heads up Majority of those BIG hiiters are from the Adrenal+relic+cooldown combo hence why its a Compilation video, also wz adrenal+cooldown. so dont get all your panties in a twist
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