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The State of PvP address By Kill


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13 Dec 11, The moment when we were allowed to play. And were allowed to PvP.This was fun, it was new, all the poeple that I known from Stars Galaxies moved to this. So things were going great! PvP queue pop whenever you wanted to.


23 Dec 11, First patch after release, fixed random bugs that didn't affect Pvp.


7 January 12, More bug fixes for useles non PvP stuff.


20 January 12, 1.1 goes live, screws up Ilum, and now have to roll back certain people who benefitted.

27 January 12, Patch 1.1.0b PvE'ers get their crap fixed.

3 February 12, More PvE fixes to their crap

9 Feb 12, First PvP patch in a long time. They decided they'll fix ilum for us.

10 February 12 They changed the bag system with 1.1.2

14 February 12 Surge nerf, as well as a few class nerfs, We now get a notification when we're killed someone too soon

22 February 12 Star Wars removes the /stuck glitch in Ilum, turning it into a wasteland no one goes to anymore and some class nerfs all around.

6 March 12 1.1.5 The Developers released the God patch for PvP'ers. You no longer have to goto ilum to nascar. After this patch, queues were constantly popping. Pvp turned into a real healthy format.

23 March 12 1.1.5d They ONCE AGAIN fixed it to where people couldn't leave starting area earlier...weird.


Then came 1.2. Nerfs all around to healers and different OP abilities buffs on expertise for dps. In troduced New tier of gear, that is impossible if you can't pvp. After 1 week of 1.2 all the people they tricked into coming back with rateds saw the wool pulled over their eyes and have quit again. The Pvp queues on small servers is NON-EXISTANT. It's BEEN THIS WAY for the last 2 weeks!


Alright, so as you see I've compiled like 99% of the changes to pvp, all have been negative. Yeah there is new gear, but the system we were suppose to use to get the gear wasn't implemented at the same time they introduced it!


BW, I want to play. I want to PvP but right now my game is affected because my server used to be standard with about equal amounts of pubs and imps. But NOT anymore! All that I see in wz's now are the people who just hit 50 and wanting to test it out and then quit because they just got owned. So on average 1-2 queues per day. If we're lucky at peak times.


BioWare, I'm going to be honest, this weekend I'm going to be playing GW2 because I can't just sit and troll kids in fleet waiting to PvP. I want to PVP non-stop until my fingers hurt. I want non-stop queues with my one character that I had enough patience with to even level him up.


I'm now going to give you a list of some possible solutions to your toolbox so you can get away from the screwdriver. In order of preference.


1) Implement rated SOLO queues NOW. We want to do ranked warzones. we won't give a flying fip if all we get right now is solo queues. that at least gives us something to do instead of troll kids at fleet.


2) If adding solo queue doesn't seem like a good idea, then combine the 20-49 bracket with the 50 bracket again. At least then we'll be able to actually PvP instead of scratching our butts on fleet.


3) Cross-Server queues. Hook mine up with a server that has people that actually PvP, so I can join in without having to go through the long boring process of leveling ANOTHER toon. Besides you could get creative with this and have cosmetic rewards for points the people on your server earn in rated PvP matches. Just like the thermometer, have us fill it with the blood of our enemies in how well our server does vs. the others in our little server group.


4) Merge servers. It's to the point where even PvE'ers are complaining about not having enough people to do the crap they wanna do.


5) Allow 8-man queues. I think if I had a ops group of 8, that we could hopefully get some pugs queueing to fill the other side of 8 But this isn't goign to solve the PvP issues we have right now. Right now all I see in this game is 1 raid worth doing anymore and stuff for people to start trying to solo. Without pvp queues popping, I log out and then go find a game I have that I CAN pvp in quicker.


6) Allow Dueling areas on Ziost Shadow or VIP cantina or something so that we can at least screw around dueling while waiting for enough people tro queue. Not to mention those worthless legacy valor rewards..... or lowering the cost of rated gear WHEN NO ONE CAN ACTUALLY BUY OR EQUIP IT!

Edited by KhalDrogoe
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Great read. Accurate and straight forward.


I don't blame you at all for leaving to GW2 this weekend. I don't want to see you go, but I don't blame you one bit...I hope you find what you're looking for.

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Whatever they implement, it will be too late. a LOT of people (at least on my server) that were hanging on for rated warzones unsubbed when 1.2 landed. As it stands my main server is dead, if I actually want to play this game, I goto the one remaining EU server that has a population and it is only populated because people like me have been forced to re-roll.


Talking in guild chat earlier, it looks like my entire guild (what's left) will be playing GW2 this weekend, most state they are bored stiff and cannot wait for GW2. Players that I speak to in fleet that are left, have no one to do any PvE with let alone PvP. Server population, whether that be merges or transfers should have been sorted out BEFORE 1.2 landed and rated's were pulled.


Bioware, this is a serious statement: Consider going FREE TO PLAY to get people playing this game again, there is too much competition on the horizon (Tera, GW2 etc...) that will sap what little player base you have left.


I don't think I have ever seen an MMO die faster than this one and I have played a lot, 4 months after release and 90% of your servers (EU) at least are ghost-towns. Unbelievable really considering the expectation and it's Star Wars.

Edited by Archaar
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Well you wont get any awards for your creative writing, but I will give you a cookie for being honest.


All in all, SWTOR is starting to fail, we are in phase 2 now of population.


Phase 1 was all the beta and launch players, most of them are gone now.


Phase 2 is the increase in suckers who have bought into the marketing as of late, and now just hit 50.


It will be at least another 3 or 4 months before those people all are gone..... and then we hit DUM DUM DUMMMMM!


Phase 3..... Free to Play phase. I imagine EA will throw away money on this title for at best 6 months. Then if SWTOR hasn't clearly shown it can hold itself up against the test of time it will be buried under the pile of other over hyped and poorly developed MMOs that all thought they had some amazing idea.

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This is going to sound sarcastic; I apologize in advance:


You have suggested fixes that they are working on implementing. Changes to the code of an MMO do not happen in the span of days, they happen in the span of months and years. If this is an issue then I recommend not being an "early adopter" of a new MMO.


And no, they shouldn't delay the game's release more. At some point the product has to be put into a revenue-generating state so that development -- which costs money -- can continue. The early adopters of an MMO should accept that there will be bugs, questionable design decisions, and poor implementations; in return they get to play the game and watch it grow.


If you don't enjoy the drawbacks with being an early adopter of an MMO I recommend that you take a break and come back in a year or so. By that time it is likely that the playing field will be level again, either through a raise of the level cap or the addition of new methods to acquire gear.


It is a logical fallacy to continue to participate in a leisure activity that you do not enjoy simply because you have sunk costs wrapped up in its history. If you aren't having fun then step away for a while.

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I do love the game but I am starting to feel that the PVP side and even end game is starting to get a little meh. I do understand that mmo's take time to evolve however the only problem is there are more options out there to pick from and BW are running out of time.


It would be a real shame because this game has the potential to be great, sure they maybe short staffed and over budget (i'm just speculating here) but as it is right now the flow of bad press from unhappy players are growing and people tend to follow.


The class balance is always a problem, however i do believe they may have gone too far with the healer nerfs. The outcry of the nerfs has been massive on the forums.


The massive and i mean massive plus this game has over other mmo's for me is that our servers are sitting here in Australia.

Edited by RicoFrost
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This is going to sound sarcastic; I apologize in advance:


You have suggested fixes that they are working on implementing. Changes to the code of an MMO do not happen in the span of days, they happen in the span of months and years. If this is an issue then I recommend not being an "early adopter" of a new MMO.


And no, they shouldn't delay the game's release more. At some point the product has to be put into a revenue-generating state so that development -- which costs money -- can continue. The early adopters of an MMO should accept that there will be bugs, questionable design decisions, and poor implementations; in return they get to play the game and watch it grow.


If you don't enjoy the drawbacks with being an early adopter of an MMO I recommend that you take a break and come back in a year or so. By that time it is likely that the playing field will be level again, either through a raise of the level cap or the addition of new methods to acquire gear.


It is a logical fallacy to continue to participate in a leisure activity that you do not enjoy simply because you have sunk costs wrapped up in its history. If you aren't having fun then step away for a while.


Some good points.

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Of cause it takes time but people aren't willing to wait, with the other options at hand they would rather just go elsewhere and it is a shame.


Will it be too late if they fix everything? who knows right now, I'm not really interested in the wow's panda expansion and was disappointed with CATA. When SWTOR came out i played it and i loved it, it was new and exciting but there have been some annoying things about it. PVP really needs some love, performance really needs some work. The smoothness or lack of smoothness in the game is pissing a lot of people off and after 6 months people are still having performance problems. People waited and its still not up to their liking so they left.


So the real problem is if they dont address things fast enough then too many people well job ship and after the cancellation of rated wz in the last patch i;m guessing a lot of people wont give them another chance.

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I don't get some of your logic. If they introduce rated WZs most dead servers will then have three queues wont they - 1-49, 50 and rated. No scrubs are ever going to voluntarily queue up to face an 8 man premade. So unless you think introducing rated is going to bring back 100s of players on each server the state of PVP is only going to get worse.
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Well you wont get any awards for your creative writing, but I will give you a cookie for being honest.


All in all, SWTOR is starting to fail, we are in phase 2 now of population.


Phase 1 was all the beta and launch players, most of them are gone now.


Phase 2 is the increase in suckers who have bought into the marketing as of late, and now just hit 50.


It will be at least another 3 or 4 months before those people all are gone..... and then we hit DUM DUM DUMMMMM!


Phase 3..... Free to Play phase. I imagine EA will throw away money on this title for at best 6 months. Then if SWTOR hasn't clearly shown it can hold itself up against the test of time it will be buried under the pile of other over hyped and poorly developed MMOs that all thought they had some amazing idea.


I started playing in late Feb, early March I believe.. Got one toon to 50 and then hit a brick wall. If I PvP I face the same side premade all night, every night, making it impossible to win. Gearing up is a very tedious Task. The recent comms increase for a loss helped a bit, but it would help more if the population was large enough so I didn't face the same premade all the damn time.


Wanna PvE on my server? Good luck with that too. I think all the PvE guilds have already rerolled off my server, and all that remains are small PvP guilds who run premades.


I gave up and rerolled too, but I can honestly tell you I am looking for a new game.

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Some solid points. Just want to point out one thing about DPS buff from expertise.


With the new Tier of gear, DPS and Healing got about the same buff from 1.2


I was at 12% pre 1.2, and in full WH I will be at about 13%


granted it is going to be a while until every healer is in full WH gear.

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If you don't enjoy the drawbacks with being an early adopter of an MMO I recommend that you take a break and come back in a year or so. By that time it is likely that the playing field will be level again, either through a raise of the level cap or the addition of new methods to acquire gear.




Nonexistent server pops is usually a drawback of being a late adopter, not an early adopter. One of the best parts of an early stage MMO is just how many people are packed onto the servers. Heck, Vanguard’s server population was a dozen times better, and only a hand full of masochists played that. The zones are EMPTY.

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This is going to sound sarcastic; I apologize in advance:


Its not sarcastic, it's reality.


You have suggested fixes that they are working on implementing. Changes to the code of an MMO do not happen in the span of days, they happen in the span of months and years. If this is an issue then I recommend not being an "early adopter" of a new MMO.


Too many people, especially the younger folk, want everything RIGHT NOW and don't realize the effort it takes to make changes on a scale like this. MMO's literally have millions of lines of code (or hundreds of thousands of objects) and making changes can and will take time.


And no, they shouldn't delay the game's release more. At some point the product has to be put into a revenue-generating state so that development -- which costs money -- can continue. The early adopters of an MMO should accept that there will be bugs, questionable design decisions, and poor implementations; in return they get to play the game and watch it grow.


I have forgotten this myself, and have to take a step back and realize how much effort went into the projects I was a part of over the years. The largest projects didn't take shape for a year or more, and were nowhere near completed by the time we were supposed to deploy. We had to scale back functionality, features, and expectations in order to deliver a usable product. Its no different for MMO's of this scale.


If you don't enjoy the drawbacks with being an early adopter of an MMO I recommend that you take a break and come back in a year or so. By that time it is likely that the playing field will be level again, either through a raise of the level cap or the addition of new methods to acquire gear.


It is a logical fallacy to continue to participate in a leisure activity that you do not enjoy simply because you have sunk costs wrapped up in its history. If you aren't having fun then step away for a while.


I might have to do just that, but I probably won't. I'll scale back my time playing and do a few more things with the family, but I'll stick around and see it grow. If there are more who see things the same way, then SWTOR will have a chance to be epic in more than just name.

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This is going to sound sarcastic; I apologize in advance:


You have suggested fixes that they are working on implementing. Changes to the code of an MMO do not happen in the span of days, they happen in the span of months and years. If this is an issue then I recommend not being an "early adopter" of a new MMO.


And no, they shouldn't delay the game's release more. At some point the product has to be put into a revenue-generating state so that development -- which costs money -- can continue. The early adopters of an MMO should accept that there will be bugs, questionable design decisions, and poor implementations; in return they get to play the game and watch it grow.


If you don't enjoy the drawbacks with being an early adopter of an MMO I recommend that you take a break and come back in a year or so. By that time it is likely that the playing field will be level again, either through a raise of the level cap or the addition of new methods to acquire gear.


It is a logical fallacy to continue to participate in a leisure activity that you do not enjoy simply because you have sunk costs wrapped up in its history. If you aren't having fun then step away for a while.


+1, good read.


Play if you enjoy playing, and quit if you don't. Time is to precious of a resource to be squandered. You can always come back later, and posting in forums is not a constructive way to influence change despite what some may think.

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they made a pve game then pvp player came with their $$ (that can't be ignored) BW is not stupid and they said lets try to catch those extra $$ let's PATCH UP the PVP to our well though out base of a PVE game...


that's how u **** both PVP and PVE you cannot patch up PVP or the game was born for PVP or you will always pull a blanket too short once it cover PVP uncover PVE and opposite not because it's technically impossible but because structurally it's too much to change it's an investment that they are not willing to do other then some small fix that won't be able to touch the core concept of the game (A PVE GAME)


i still wonder why if u were a 100% PVP gamer you bought this game.

Edited by Pekish
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