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Everything posted by Elmuerto

  1. Haven't played in a while since WZ pops due to general decline in server population have got slow to none at times, I even resubbed to War for a month to load up on PvP action. So its good seeing a direct comparison, I happened to logon last night and got a good few wz, and ya know...SWTOR pvp is fun. As far as can see it's pretty balanced across the classes also. So whats the deal, what's it missing....it just doesn't have enough, 4 warzones cannot be played for very long. In proper rvr PvP enemies can be around every corner, there's alot of flow and change of scenery and its constant. I think the classes and mechanics are actually pretty good, its just very limited what you can do with them. Shazzle to the nazzle did anyone playtest this game?? I mean it's been quoted as a ten year investment did nobody ever ponder why people might play it for 10 years? Dang how did it go so wrong??
  2. Wait a mInute...you mean MMO massively multiplayer online ?? What it's not me and myself only ??? I feel your pug bud, but it's what mmo's are for.
  3. George apparently said recently he was done with big movies. But you may be right you never know, there is another minor thing - the Lucas - Cameron complex. Cameron always said he wanted his Star Wars, and despite his great successes he never had his Star Wars - hence we have Avatar. GL has always been a fan of special effects, his original movies changed the landscape in effects and the 2nd Trilogy also pushed boundaries in that no movie had featured so much blue screen CGI. These movies had stellar casting, Jackson, McGregor, Portman even they struggled with this new type of acting (I think Yoda won the award in those). Cameron absolutely started nailing the technique in addition to motion capture in Avatar He isn't getting younger, but I wouldn't right off entirely Lucas taking another attempt using new technologies to finish off his great work. Besides there are alot of Nolans and Wheddons out there bringing back the best in Studio collaborations. The next decade could be it.
  4. Agree. Never played SWG but from what I hear it had a lot more going for it!
  5. Right took me a while to figure out what this is all about, what ya'll saying is scrappers are pappers. This is all very subjective to what peeps play with so you can't really disagree. I play a scrapper and frequent the top 3 medal slots more often than not, even topping them in loosing matches. Maybe I'm doing something wrong then. I think Scrappers offer a very unique role that's why I play one.
  6. When the moon hits your eye like a big pizza pie It has been mentioned..
  7. I feel that also I usually only ever have time for one toon, and I would not want to repeat leveling ever. It wasn't fantastic in the first place tbh. However considering circumstances a new toon of a different class may be the tide over answer only for those on low pop servers. Me I'll just stop playing.
  8. Its a reasonable change, peeps have been complaining about getting steamrolled this merely makes getting comms even more easier to attain said gear. Cross server/merge would be better however. I'm a casual player and the White wine and shrimp about gear and over 50s is getting old. I don't necessarily agree with expertise and the gear, but it hasn't been all that painful even as a cash strapped toon to buy recruit them start getting BM, I'm not full BM either and for quite sometime I've been frequenting the top spots and topping the comms in WZ alot more than the bottom half. Even when loosing warzones. I'm scrapper scoundrel nerfed into oblivion with no uber dps total output. I play the WZ as they should be played. Got stuffed 6-0 in huttball and 2nd highest comms because I played the actual warzone. Scoundrels make great defenders in Huttball it would have been 12-0 had that been possible. So my friends its not that hard all said, keep on keepin on, good things are gonna happen to you.
  9. Yes as was said. Its not going to change until cross server or mergers. Roll alt on another server or play something else. Nothing is changing soon my good man.
  10. lol now that's one smack down result....or maybe he's just found out he doesn't have to work on the pvp team anymore.
  11. meh go play something else I know I'm gonna. This ain't a pvpers game, Hoth battles with At-Ats, and smash downs Empire v Republic like the promo video will never happen. End the White Wine and shrimp fest.
  12. Did someone mention more HUTTBALL ???? -resub immiment - boop - boop - boop - engage....nerf I would like to point out you can skip the movies in the Warzones with them, some may not be aware of that. Spacebarrrr.
  13. Stealth for Ball Carriers..!! All Hail it makes sense!! Ah I give up, pulling is fun, force runs are ridiculous. Its all nonsense anyway, MOAR HUTTBALL!
  14. Good explanation, but I just don't feel expertise is vilified as a fantastic model, no sir its boxed over 50 Warzones into a completely different mini game
  15. This is very much the fault of the SYSTEM not the players, do not blame them. They've hit 50 and suddenly have to get different gear entirely for WZ, its terrible, expertise should be removed. When I hit 50 I hadn't even speeder rank 2 because of the cost, and I'd already crafted my speeders 2 and 3 ages ago. I bought recruit first though. A little time however and they'll get the gear it isn't hard. I saw a guy in a WZ last night in pve gear with a couple recruit pieces but he sure was trying hard and succeeding at dying, I did feel unfairly advantaged.
  16. For a minute there I thought there was open world pvp. OP not that I ever saw Illum world pvp becuase by the time I got there it was Wally World closed; indeed that was the case, however after finishing off all the White Wine and Shrimp at the wrap party Bioware have discovered that Illum was actually an area players could test just how few toons could pvp in an area and reduce the fps to 1982. The game engine was not the magic beans they were promised.
  17. lol funny point. PvP gear is just stupid anyways I think there should be just gear, expertise is the worst idea ever and pgear rogression through what - 4 WHOLE WARZONES omg what a league of Glory. But ey poor Bioware the White Wine and shrimp is strong; I've not seen sunlight for 2 months make me feel awesome by giving me a 30% easier time to kick other peoples toon behutts. Open up the AH stop limiting items so much make trade more free so everyone can buy whatever they want from PvE and go get it if they can't. I'm a pvper but like the idea of pve for items or else buying it from someone who did it, So what this would probably create a monetary economy they may not want in the game, however it is lame I actually learned to craft for the first time in an MMO and ended up finding it pretty much useless because the gear comes from comms, You level too fast to bother with crafting items10-49 and post 50 its irrelevant.
  18. Yeah Expertise is a rubbish idea, they tried to quick fix those who WZ only all the without the duh 4 WZ and only 3 good ones, how long will that last. Totally agree there is no need for pvp specific gear.. We end up gimped for PvE so PvE play between said WZ is gimped. I though somebody was barbequin' but Sweet Lord Jesus its a Fire!
  19. Bad door spawn BAM! team are through to 3rd section. The key is don't die defending, the key to that is ranged an healing. Some like it, I Avoidstar - the saddest thing ever is I'm now playing Avoidstar because WZ are so few in popping when I log on a for a Wz or two I'm gonna take Avoid rather than nothing. I've now stopped playing much at all, because there is no H-BALL.
  20. I too have unsubbed it simlpy makes me sad panda to login to Server now with few pops in the very limited pvp. As gal said there have been many suggestions as guy said development takes time. It is very much time to forget about SWTOR and come back many months later to see what's changed, quite a few other games coming out to try I can honestly say I really enjoyed the first 3 months, but not much afters.
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