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The Pros and Cons of a Marauder


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With everyone calling marauders the new overpowered class and calling them the best at everything in PVP, it seems like a good chance to explain some of the strengths and weaknesses of the class as a whole. If only to educate the masses of people asking for nerfs to a class with very powerful strengths, and very glaring weaknesses. The most important thing to know is that this game is currently balanced around Objective Based Group PVP.



I'll start with the Pros to being a marauder without much detail given as I am sure with all the hate Marauders are getting most will agree with them.


1. Marauders put out almost unparallelled damage to non-tank classes. If a marauder is able to stay in melee combat with a squishy target they can put out incredibly high damage. This is as it should be considering marauders have 0 initial burst, and are required to be in constant melee combat(In a game where nearly every ranged class has a knock+root on a ~20 CD on top of multiple other forms of CC) to achieve top damage.


2. Have the best defensive tool set of any dps class when it comes to temporarily avoiding being focus fired. It is nearly impossible to kill a marauder quickly with all his defensive CDs up and a healer behind him. This is as it should be considering Marauders have purely backloaded damage and require to be in the middle of the enemy team to do anything. After their short defensive CDs end they die just as quickly as a dps operative.


3. Have arguably the best tool set to chain interrupt casters. If a marauder spends their GCDs on interrupting casts instead of damage it is nearly impossible to cast anything. Most melee classes can actually achieve nearly the same amount of interrupts as marauders can. Take for instance Marauders having 4 potential ways to interrupt compared to say an Powertechs potential of 5.


4. Have the only real group buff in the game between bloodthirst/predation. +15% damage/healing or +50% move speed can often pull out wins in group settings. Unfortunately they can only be used at the beginning of the fight by using a 3 minute CD.




Now here come the Cons to the marauder class with some details added for people that don't play Marauders.


1. Very weak to being kited as well as soft CC such as roots and knockbacks. Marauders(and Juggernauts) are the only class that requires to be in melee combat to generate their "energy" as well as to do any kind of damage. With only 2 gap closers on a 12s CD and 45s CD it is very possible to kept out of melee range for extended periods of times. It is a nightmare for a marauder to attack groups of ranged classes that chain aoe knockback+roots. It is not unheard of to spend 30+ seconds being chain KB+rooted+mezzed as a marauder vs groups of ranged and not even be able to do ANY damage. No other class can be shutdown as completely as maras with coordinated soft and hard CC due to being a pure melee class with 0 energy regen outside of melee. Roots not being affected by resolve is also a huge issue maras have to deal with as it is effectively a hard CC for maras. So you basically have a class that can be 100% shutdown(damage and energy regen) by a CC(roots) that is not affected by resolve in any way with no defense against it.


2. Very low survivability outside of defensive CDs. Marauders without defensive CDs up drop faster than just about any other class especially since they are in the middle of the enemy team. It is very possible to be hit with a stun at 100% hp with no defenses up and die in under 4 seconds to 2 burst dps. If your CC breaker is up you can avoid this, but then you run the risk of being stunned at <20% and not being able to pop Undying Rage. Much like the current Ravage/Undying Rage complaints on the forums against marauders you can't avoid both. Suffice to say a marauder without any defensive CDs is a very dead marauder. So removing the defences from a pure melee dps class with purely backloaded damage would destroy the class.


3. Nearly no group utility outside of an on demand predation/bloodthirst every 3 minutes. In an objective based game this is a huge weakness, and a reason you will never see 4+ marauders on any rated WZ team. This weakness affects Huttball the worst, but also carries over to general group PVP. they have no Pull to kill enemy ball carriers. they have no Knock back to knock them off ledges. They aren't tanky enough to carry the ball(Their defenses are very temporary). They again are VERY susceptible to any kind of soft CC such as roots and knock backs. Its not uncommon to be unable to stop a node from being captured simply due to being rooted/slowed for 10+ seconds >4m away from the node(they have to chase down ranged targets). They have to deal with the full extent of tanking stats of tanks, and do miserably low damage as a result to most ball carriers. They have no guard/taunt like other melee to protect healers, and in a game so centered around guarded healers that's a big one. Pull/gaurd/taunt/knockback are THE most important abilities in this game as they are the only way to either kill or save key targets such as healers/ball carriers on organized teams and marauders don't have these abilities.


4. Are hard countered by Snipers in Group PVP to an almost impossible degree. I could list the many reasons why, but suffice to say snipers + healers absolutely destroy teams of marauders with almost no effort. Marauders also lack the means to even pressure an Operative healer. Maras also lose 1v1 to Snipers/Operatives/Tankassins. So marauders barely win more then 50% of their 1v1 battles, and have a very hard counter in the form of snipers in group PVP.


5. Very weak at killing tanks in PVP. This might not seem like a huge deal, but marauders have to deal with the full extent of a tanks defenses. Marauders take forever to kill any kind of tank in PVP. This is very important as to take a node or door you have to generally kill the tanks guarding it quickly before reinforcements come. Marauders are simply not a class that is capably of doing this. Marauders are also very weak at killing enemy ball carriers in huttball due to their weak damage against tanky targets as well as their very limited ability to use the Hazards to kill the carrier. Its almost laughable watching 5+ marauders try to kill a tank with 2 healers behind him. This makes marauders one of the worst classes when it comes to achieve WZ objectives that are being guarded by tanks. Someone has to kill tanks quickly before reinforcements show up, and Marauders are NOT that class and so you will never see 4+ in any serious rated WZ team.


So in conclusion you have a very high dps class with powerful tools to avoid being focused first, but they require other classes with access to group utility like pull/guard/taunt/knockbacks/CC as well as healers to support them to achieve victory. They are neither a 1v1 god nor do they have no counter class in group PVP. They do very poorly at killing huttball carriers and killing tanks guarding nodes compared to other dps classes that can ignore a tanks defenses, and these are THE two most important things to do in the current objective based PVP.


Regardless of what is said I am sure many will still say that marauders are impossible to keep out of melee, or that they win 100% of all 1v1s, or that they have no counter class, or that they rip even tanks to pieces, or that predation/bloodthirst is better than having Pull/taunt/gaurd/knockbacks as well as multiple stuns, or that stacking 6 marauders is the key to victory. None of these are true. If you believe that they are true then you do not understand how the marauder class works in an objective based group PVP setting.




TLDR- Marauders are a powerful dps class that require other dps/tanks/healers with access to the utility of Pull/Gaurd/Knockback/Multiple Stuns/Taunts/Healing to win in an organized objective based group PVP setting. Oh and I guess flame away and what not.

Edited by Seravis
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lol this list is hilarious. Tell me which class is good while being chain stunned, while under focus fire, and can hit targets that go into stealth to avoid damage (hint: Mara does this too) . How many classes are effective while slowed or rooted?


If you need Rage, just charge in and use battering assault, that's 8 rage right there. If you use Shi-cho form you can activate Berserk and spam vicious slash for free if you really need something. Or you can use Ravage which doesn't have a Rage cost at all.


What most of you don't get is good players understand classes, and they can easily roll the class to see what it can do. And right now, it's extremely effective. Even keyboard turning clickers can be effective with the class, actual good people become God like players.

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Interesting to see how little attention this post gets, as opposed to the 1000's of "nurf marauders naow lulz" posts out there.


Here is a post giving good information on why a nerf isn't necessary, but it is ignored by those suffering pack mentality completely. Why? Because it is a objective post.


I fear for the future of humanity.

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Interesting to see how little attention this post gets, as opposed to the 1000's of "nurf marauders naow lulz" posts out there.


Here is a post giving good information on why a nerf isn't necessary, but it is ignored by those suffering pack mentality completely. Why? Because it is a objective post.


I fear for the future of humanity.


Maybe because most people don´t agree with the post it´s just an other i´m a mara plz don´t nerf me same spread sheet could be done about any class and was done but heck they got nerfed anyways so just wait your turn and enjoy your time in the sun while it lasts.

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Very good post sir. Well organized and quite true. My best in game friend is a sentinel and he is revered as best on server. I see the good and the bad of the class. If he's allowed to run free he will decimate a whole team with me. But when the ranged start rooting and stunning he's chopped liver. I play tank shadow so in these cases I deal with that better.


Completely agree on snipers owning. When there in cover they can't be leapt to so it takes a huge opener away from them. I hear the good and the bad and I joke with him that he's OP but if sents/marauders are OP I guess shadows sins are right behind. But remember people without us tanksins those marauders will have a field day on ur healers and other friends. I pretty much peel marauders all day now cuz if I don't they could go around wrecking people.


Good read I'm sure some trolls will come out from under the bridge soon to flame.

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lol this list is hilarious. Tell me which class is good while being chain stunned, while under focus fire, and can hit targets that go into stealth to avoid damage (hint: Mara does this too) . How many classes are effective while slowed or rooted?


If you need Rage, just charge in and use battering assault, that's 8 rage right there. If you use Shi-cho form you can activate Berserk and spam vicious slash for free if you really need something. Or you can use Ravage which doesn't have a Rage cost at all.


What most of you don't get is good players understand classes, and they can easily roll the class to see what it can do. And right now, it's extremely effective. Even keyboard turning clickers can be effective with the class, actual good people become God like players.


I think you're missing his point. Marauders are more likely to be focused fired because they have to charge into the enemy group.


And how many classes are effected while slowed/rooted? Seriously? Try this: Every. Single. Ranged. DPS. They can still hit things whilst being rooted, an advantage not shared by melee classes.


And why do people still complain about ravage? Its channeled. It's melee range. Don't stand in it. If you can't manage not to stand in a ravage, please never join of my ops. Seriously. There are lots of things in ops you shouldn't stand in. Stick to PvP.

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then explain to me how i will kite a guy who can charge at you at any distance (if hes watchman/mirror, he has no dead zone from close quarters), has a snare with no cooldown, 2 10m ranged attacks that hit fairly well (force scream and saber throw), a mid range channeled stun (choke) and even an odd cooldown to give a minor speed buff to himself (transcendence)


oh and if hes not a watchman i heard they run quite fast in ataru form.

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I think you're missing his point. Marauders are more likely to be focused fired because they have to charge into the enemy group.


And how many classes are effected while slowed/rooted? Seriously? Try this: Every. Single. Ranged. DPS. They can still hit things whilst being rooted, an advantage not shared by melee classes.


And why do people still complain about ravage? Its channeled. It's melee range. Don't stand in it. If you can't manage not to stand in a ravage, please never join of my ops. Seriously. There are lots of things in ops you shouldn't stand in. Stick to PvP.


You are very confused, I think you meant the opposite of most of what you wrote.


Marauders are not focused, and even if they were, they can just disappear and lose target. Or pop Undying Rage.


My main is a Sage, I spend virtually every game getting picked out and attacked, and usually in various forms of stun. Usually by my Mara fan club. Doesn't matter how many people are around me.


A range that is rooted will die pretty quickly. You tell people to kite, and then you say (I think you're trying to say this actually) that ranged isn't effected by rooting or snares. How are you going to kite when you are a sitting duck exactly? How do you kite a charge, while being stuck in place especially?


OP complains about needing Rage, and I list ways to get Rage and moves to use without Rage. Since Ravage is uninterruptable, and if you spec it roots, it's a great, high damage move without rage. If you have teammates they can stun or root in place, or you can use a snare.


I don't know why some people can't be effective with this class. It's complete easy mode. Do you just not use most of the abilities or what?

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Great post OP.


I play a Sentinel and completely agree. Any competent players will already know the things you've mentioned and more and hence will agree with you, so please ignore all the whinny idiots who come in here and argue with you.


You forgot one thing on your pro's list - Sentinel / Marauder are the most fun class to play :wea_03::wea_03:


P.S. I just transferred from US West to the Aussie PVP server and my Sentinel feels like god mode. The difference between 25 ping and 180 ping is massive, thanks Bioware!

Edited by EternityDre
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3. Nearly no utility outside of pure damage. In an objective based game this is a huge weakness,


I see very little use in chaining Predations for Objectives, such as carrying the huttball or while snaring the other team in Voidstar (from another class) using it to get to the next door/console quickly. Nor do I see this in Novare in opening up an assault on the opposing teams Northern point.


I see very little use in chaining Berserk for helping to break a turtle or take a point.


Totally agree with you sir and your assessment of cons on how Marauders can have no effect on objectives.



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You are very confused, I think you meant the opposite of most of what you wrote.


Marauders are not focused, and even if they were, they can just disappear and lose target. Or pop Undying Rage.


My main is a Sage, I spend virtually every game getting picked out and attacked, and usually in various forms of stun. Usually by my Mara fan club. Doesn't matter how many people are around me.


A range that is rooted will die pretty quickly. You tell people to kite, and then you say (I think you're trying to say this actually) that ranged isn't effected by rooting or snares. How are you going to kite when you are a sitting duck exactly? How do you kite a charge, while being stuck in place especially?


OP complains about needing Rage, and I list ways to get Rage and moves to use without Rage. Since Ravage is uninterruptable, and if you spec it roots, it's a great, high damage move without rage. If you have teammates they can stun or root in place, or you can use a snare.


I don't know why some people can't be effective with this class. It's complete easy mode. Do you just not use most of the abilities or what?


What are you talking about Marauders are not focused? Now I see what your problem is... if you let them alone they are very, very dangerous. Don't let them alone.


Also, undying rage is a joke. Yes it's a six second immunity, but then they're immediately dead. D E D dead. It's not hard to survive through six seconds of that.


I never told people to kite. I made the point that being rooted or snared is much, much worse for melee classes than it is for ranged. Ranged can at least duke it out if they're stuck, melee just has to sit there and get beat up.


You make it sound like those rage-less abilities are much easier than they are. Ravage is on a 30 second CD, and you can't get all those free vicious slashes without first spending a bunch of rage.


Basically, marauders are not really as dangerous as people make them out to be, people just need to L2P against them.

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then explain to me how i will kite a guy who can charge at you at any distance (if hes watchman/mirror, he has no dead zone from close quarters), has a snare with no cooldown, 2 10m ranged attacks that hit fairly well (force scream and saber throw), a mid range channeled stun (choke) and even an odd cooldown to give a minor speed buff to himself (transcendence)


oh and if hes not a watchman i heard they run quite fast in ataru form.


LOL Watchman/Annihilation don't use force scream "Saber throw"? hits for like 500 and is the heal dbuff. We can't just bust transendence when we want to and even then I'd much rather use Zen. This is just a stupid comment.

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LOL Watchman/Annihilation don't use force scream "Saber throw"? hits for like 500 and is the heal dbuff. We can't just bust transendence when we want to and even then I'd much rather use Zen. This is just a stupid comment.


"Saber throw"? hits for like 500 and is the heal dbuff






ok then


and yeah force scream/blade rush arent part of a normal rotation of a marauder but good marauders will throw it and it can hit fairly well, especially if the target is already suffering from the aforementioned "useless" heal debuff


ive seen countless situations where i leave a marauder behind all bleeding and all and he finishes me off with a lucky force scream crit.

Edited by Laforet
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"Saber throw"? hits for like 500 and is the heal dbuff






ok then


and yeah force scream/blade rush arent part of a normal rotation of a marauder but good marauders will throw it and it can hit fairly well, especially if the target is already suffering from the aforementioned "useless" heal debuff


ive seen countless situations where i leave a marauder behind all bleeding and all and he finishes me off with a lucky force scream crit.


Force Scream costs too much focus/rage to use. It is a waste. Why would he use force scream? He could use his execue ability if you are near death. And yeah a heal debuff is fairly useless if you aren't going to be receiving any healing.

Edited by Derian
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Force Scream costs too much focus/rage to use. It is a waste. Why would he use force scream? He could use his execue ability if you are near death. And yeah a heal debuff is fairly useless if you aren't going to be receiving any healing.


come on man rage managing is almost a joke.


so basically you are telling me that if you close down on a sorc and starts to slow bleed and train him, get him to sub 30% use ur VICIOUS throw then watch him run away with like 8% ure not going to hit his *** with a force scream?


and if the aforementioned sorc is smarter and runs faster leaving you standing there youre not going to pop transcendece to go after him? pop zen? are you bleeding him?


wow there deffo should be more marauders like you, would make my life easier!!!


and if a marauder doesnt charges victims it becomes even more deadly. thats why good marauders dont make the 1st contact with charge.

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What are you talking about Marauders are not focused? Now I see what your problem is... if you let them alone they are very, very dangerous. Don't let them alone.


Also, undying rage is a joke. Yes it's a six second immunity, but then they're immediately dead. D E D dead. It's not hard to survive through six seconds of that.


I never told people to kite. I made the point that being rooted or snared is much, much worse for melee classes than it is for ranged. Ranged can at least duke it out if they're stuck, melee just has to sit there and get beat up.


You make it sound like those rage-less abilities are much easier than they are. Ravage is on a 30 second CD, and you can't get all those free vicious slashes without first spending a bunch of rage.


Basically, marauders are not really as dangerous as people make them out to be, people just need to L2P against them.


Then you definitely need to L2P. They're the most dangerous class in the game when you know how to play them correctly.


Do you honestly think no other class has a 30 second CD on anything? Also 6 seconds is a lifetime in PVP. One of the reasons Mara is so effective in PVP is because they have all these ways of extending their uptime. If you are heavily outnumbered on a node in a WZ or a door in Voidstar, those precious seconds can be the difference between a cap and your team getting out of respawn. Remember for most of these WZs it's 8 seconds to plant/control a node, so constantly interrupting because you can't be killed with some defensive cooldown usage is absolutely huge. The opposing team knows it too, they can try to plant, and they probably will, but they'll get interrupted. That's huge, huge, huge utility.


I win most of my WZs and I usually PUG. Today was a bad day for me, not counting backfills (which obviously is stupid to count) I went 10-4, with at least 2 of those losses being to the best PVP premade on the server. I play 3 different toons, although as I mentioned I main my Sage, which has been gimped heavily but I can still be very effective with him. I only played PVP with the Sage today.


There is no doubt to me that Mara is the best class in the game right now. Sent is a little behind it due to various animation issues (good work on mirrors Bioware!). Tanksin/Shadows are also very effective, and I still think Ops are very solid still. But Mara is still a head above everyone else. I can't come close to the effectiveness I have with a Mara with my other toons (Sage and Vanguard right now).


You gear all the classes up in a WZ, and if they're all premades, with a high level of skill for everyone, the Maras are going to be the most effective. Not much changes with PUGs, highest skill, highest gear, the Maras will outperform everyone else.


Yes they can lose, due to greater skill by one party or better gear. But you have to take that out of the equation when measuring these things. You have to look at the toolset, the potential, the average performance over a large enough sample size. There is little reason to play other DPS classes, as the Mara just does everything better. If you like the other roles, which right now there is a debate if they really are needed, then fine bring another toon. But you're probably not going to out-damage/kill a skilled Mara.

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Yes they can lose, due to greater skill by one party or better gear. But you have to take that out of the equation when measuring these things. You have to look at the toolset, the potential, the average performance over a large enough sample size. There is little reason to play other DPS classes, as the Mara just does everything better. If you like the other roles, which right now there is a debate if they really are needed, then fine bring another toon. But you're probably not going to out-damage/kill a skilled Mara.


I don't think you've looked comparatively at the toolset and potential, and I can guarantee you haven't looked at the performance over a large sample size (no, forum whining is not a large enough sample size).


Constantly asserting Marauders are OP doesn't make it true. Honestly, it sounds to me like people are trying to go 1 v.1 with them instead of using their team, and getting destroyed. I do fine against Marauders on my Merc, because I can get the drop on them, and generally out-damage them.


I mean, want to talk about a long 6 seconds? How about when they burn their charge and immediately eat a jet boost, so they're knockbacked and snared. Then while they're coming back to me they eat a 5k homing missile crit.


I mean, of the list of AC's I have trouble against in PvP, Marauders are like 17th. And on a sorcerer or sage I can't see any reason you should have trouble with them at all. You have a slow, and an AoE knockback. Learn to use the terrain and your team, and stop trying to beat Marauders in 1 v 1 melee.

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1. Very susceptible to being kited.

With an amazing ability to instantly break distance and root the target, speed buff, ranged attacks, choke/stasis, shields and stealth, dual wielders suffer kiting nor more, or maybe even less, than other melee classes. My scoundrel is very susceptible to being kited - he does't have jumps or force speed.

Also, kiting in this games is incredibly hard because, unlike actions games or first person shooters, you run much slower when backpedaling, and strafing is even harder because of camera and LOS problems.


2. Very low survivability outside of defensive CDs. Marauders without defensive CDs up drop faster than just about any other class especially since they are in the middle of the enemy team.

"Very low" is light armor. And the last part: only characters who are able to survive being in middle of enemy team are those who have stealth getaway, and those are, actually, shadows/assasins, agents/scoundrels and... marauders.


3. Nearly no utility outside of pure damage.

What an incredible flaw for a DPSer.

It's strange how fast you disregard things like 3D movement and speed buff mentioned elsewhere.


4. Are hard countered by Snipers in Group PVP to an almost impossible degree. I could list the many reasons why, but suffice to say snipers + healers absolutely destroy teams of marauders with almost no effort.

Clearly you exaggerate here about mythical teams of snipers and healers going together to slay "teams" of marauders. Gunslingers/snipers are probably counter leapers somewhat, because they don't let them use their 3D movement, but for that to work, they should have quite the superior position. That usually could happen on a single map only: the Huttbal. Sniping nests near middle turret on Alderaan are not bad, but can be easily avoided by running underneath them. I have a Guardian and Sniper, and did't really notice that a big issue - I just jump on someone near sniper/gunslinger, and use CC when they are not "bunkered".

Also, sniper countering marauder counters your argument that dual wielders are susceptible to kiting, because, you know, cover-based characters really suck at that. IMO, it's not that hard to use your speed, choke or vanish ability to master-strike sniper from behind.


Marauders also lack the means to kill an Operative healer.

Marauders are spike-damage dealers. If anyone, they are best at killing healers of any kind. I am DPS sage, and have a lot of controls, and still have some issues killing them. Clearly, anyone with heals, shields, good CC AND vanish is hard to kill, particularly in melee. Making operatives/scoundrel healers "a counter", imo, is ridiculous - counter class is that who can KILL YOUR CLASS, not one who SURVIVES YOU BEST.


5. Very weak at killing tanks in PVP.

Well, if dual wielders are weak at killing tanks in PvP, then I probably just have to forget about them at all, as I had trouble killing tanks with every other class.


Now, from my post, you could think I am nit-picking and concidering dual wielders unkillable. I'm not, I killed them many times, and I've seen them die many times too. But it's really hard not to nitpick here, because dual-wielder defenders make such general statements (like "My class is weak, because everyone mezz and root me!" :( ) that it's hard not to. Concider this: you are getting rooted and ganked by one reason only: people are afraid of you and your damage. And that's a thing to think about when it comes to balancing classes.


P.S. Thing that amazes me the most is that people think that, in a PvP where randomly picked classes get to randomly fight each other, someone should be a counter for someone else, and that someone should be best in 1 vs. 1 than other class. You see, by that logic, we can assume that a team solely consisting of counter class to some class would always win, because every player of that team would win in a duel with someone from other team. Basicaly, if we take rock/paper/scissors, a warzone could come to a non-win scenario. So by saying that a dual wielder is better than anyone else in a 1 vs. 1 duel, you actually CONCUR that a no-win scenario actually exists.

A game with rock/paper/scissors classes can work if game mixes classes in PvP to match each other. In Warzones as now, every class should win every other class if a player has more skill than other player. Or you could just, you know, roll some marauders and tankasins.

Edited by Sireene
use of retarded - PM'd
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Most replies I seen in here can be summed up as a "Wahh I got pwned by a Marauder because I can't L2P, Nerf them! Wahh!"


The class is a pure melee dps class, ALL IT CAN DO IS DPS. So now that it's doing it's job correctly and not a useless class anymore you guys want to nerf it? Nerf the range classes damage output then while you at it.

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While I agree with most of what the OP said, there's one thing that should be edited out.


Mar/Sent interrupt is off the GCD, and now has no cost. So the only GCD used would be with Force Leap if Anni spec as an emergency interrupt if close range, running out as other specs to do it.

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