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Everything posted by anticept

  1. Random words in random order = funny posts...
  2. o´really dude go back to your mara lalaland... and you boast about being an "serious" critic.
  3. I just love when people moan about nodes and guarding them... dude you can stay there and guard it or are you too busy jumping nodes and trying to 3cap... next time stop ************ about what someone else could have done and guard the node yourself.
  4. like they did with arsenal mercs and dps sorcs /mirrors. Don´t know but i never had difficulties against GR/TM spammers or sorcs even on a shootout ie. no los , no kiting ... but i´m 100% sure i will die if i don´t kite a marauder.
  5. you wish ... whole ars3/gun specs need a total overhaul to work and BW is not gonna do it.
  6. Sure don´t nerf mara´s but increase all other classes dps by 20% to deal with your cd´s.
  7. Don´t bother arguing with Xerain he loves his mara too much and even if you could prove maras op like really PROVE it he´d still decline it like he does evolution and such things.
  8. Selling separate ques to premade people is a dead cause you always see them writing the same stuff "we want to play against the top teams" and " we want a challenge" but when separating ques comes to table that´s a big nono. But with the serverpopulations being what they are separate que is almost impossible to keep alive in 90-95% of the servers. Without X-server que separating ques won´t work in swtor.
  9. You forgot Teams.. oh wait Marauder killing teams of players causing them to unsub and Dps sins in tankgear killing teams of marauders causing something i guess...
  10. anticept


    Just so sad mate
  11. Ye i was there too and while waiting at AV portal /AB we had epic battles in southshore/tarren mill and arathi´s plains. Having everything happen at single spot where enemy can´t reach you eliminates all world pvp from ever happening.
  12. Nice try but merc´s knockback isn´t instant at least wasn´t for me sorcs always got the KB on me and my was wasted somewhere mid air or landing.
  13. So what you play with dolls while you wait for wz-pops... nah good luck with recruiting.
  14. Hey bud i just did a reroll on there with my last days done about 15-20 wzs pretty good fights think i´ve won a little more than lost but all matches been with proper players and quality play. Oh yea rep side.
  15. Nope not perfect thats just impossible to gain with more than 1 type of class. Just something in the lines of pre 1.2 with slight nerf on healingclasses at least on sorc/merc+mirrors. Sure but lag is usually from the gamers end ie. dl;ing pr0n or split network. Craphics aren´t that important it all about the gameplay why do you think ppl still play stuff like SC1,Medieval TW2,Fallout 2 etc. Nope just some new scenery from time to time like PVE gets there´s dozens of flashpoints+raids but only 4 wz´s roll out some new maps for huttballz like once every 2-3 months while you´re working on something new
  16. Nope what he means is that snipers with cover mechanic can use range at will there is no charge to close the cap like jumping from ballspawnpoint to catwalks so they have to either be pulled there or charge to a friendly target(jugg/grdn.) or take walk. While merc is chargeable at the same distance
  17. The usual 10-11k with level 30-40 greens me and 2 other guildies got so sick and tired of them we started playing naked every time we got grouped with these people...
  18. massivemultiplayeronline(game) doesn´t mean that you have to play with others or que in a premade to have fun... Main issue with these threads is that premades go against pugs which is mainly BW´s fault for not putting them in separate ques. Elitist moan that everyone should be in a premade it´s so fun and what not but usually the people only doing pvp and proclaming themselves Ûberbestplayers are really really "difficult" to play with they pick on every little thing and with a game as badly sync´d as swtor is with positioning etc. most player errors really aren´t players fault. While puggers moan about premades and them ruining their game experience yes they are free to group up but most don´t have the hours to put in to the game that pvp-guilds usually demand and just want to play few games when they feel like it. Second as mikedee said populations are low maybe 5-20 people on the fleet so even if you´re not grouped you most likely will be grouped with the same guys every match that happened even with 100´s+ and if opposing side has superior tactics/gear/players other side easily get´s dishearted and stops queing again BW´s doing for sitting on their hands while servers dry up a matter that has been brought up since swtor was 1month old.
  19. Just go faceroll some pugs nothing to see here btw. your premade is carrying your ***.
  20. Then it stays open i for one was sick and tired of joining ragequit-matches since back then i didn´t leave any game no matter how bad it was but after 2-3 months of having 2/4 matches being backfilled it was just enough.
  21. It was my server pop too back in march/april but now it´s peaking at 20+ on imp side and atleast there seemed to be some pvp going on 1-2 matches. But many other servers are way worse than ours so 150-200 is pretty darn close for 10servers wish it was more but shall see how they manage the merges.
  22. All my speculations not the thruth With your assuptions that there will be big servermerges so about 10 servers stacked together that would make 150-200 peeps to fleet on imp side 100-150 on rep side with the recent population number maybe more if people resub or log back in with their remaining time. So plenty of people to do solo que RWZ that you CAN´T que with more than 2people in your group so pugs playing against pugs then there will be separate que for premades 3+ people in a group that will battle against other premades. Caps makes it true! THERE WILL BE NO WHINING ABOUT PREMADES SINCE YOU NEVER WILL FACE ONE WHILE SOLOQUEING there will be whining about everything else thou its the nature of the beast . Did you get it now mate... i can draw a diagram next time.
  23. Think the problem is long ques - frustration - same faces every wz - class nerfs - uneven wz groups - some bs over chat - another sub lost BW it´s not an issue of L2P. Just things escalating when BW is taking their time on fixing this game sure it´s fine on fatman and 1-2 other servers but rest are just empty. Merc can be good on the hands of a good player but it needs some love to be useful in rated wz. Everything a merc can do some other class can do better.
  24. Shure like catching the ball from a crowd taking one-two steps back if you stumble too far into hazards making elistist feel like superior beings etc.
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