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Please buy the Reqruit PvP set before you join warzones.


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If you're a fresh 50 coming into 1.2, you should have been saving your wz comms for bm gear anyway...that's what I did on my mara, start at about lvl 45...buy bm gear>profit at 50. Esp if you got the world event expertise crystals.
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Not sure why you quoted my post, I don't disagree with any of that. My issue is the idea of gear progression at all, not people using PVE gear to PVP. Of course that's moronic, as I've maintained this entire thread.


You need gear progression/carrot on a stick. A lot of people like it as an incentive. If the content itself is fun for you...awesome...

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Thank you for the replies. Makes sense although it seems like the classic raider vs other argument phrased in a different light. But I can definately see the point.


One last point to consider. Not everyone is hardcore raider coming out to PvP in their PvE gear. Some players are hitting 50 and saying lets try this WZ. Not realizing that they need this stat. I would say a very small portion of the player community read the forums and so would not really understand that the PvP state is so important.

Don't get mad it is just a game, unless your chained to computer in China you are not getting paid to play.

Don't berate the player who comes to PvP in PvE gear but calmly explain that the stat is important.


Disclaimer: I am not the greatest at PvP in general and have no 50's so this is just somewhat disinterested observations, although now I know that when I do hit 50 that I will need lots of expertise, assuming of course that is the still the PvP stat when I hit 50.


Have Fun


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i find it funny how everyone thinks gear makes a player good. sure it helps but skill doest arrive from having gear. my PT tank has 3 bm armour peices and a bm impalnt after 2 days of pvping. i was never gonna spend 300k+ on an armour set that would at best last a week and a half. and yet. i can still put outy 140k odd damage in tank spec and stance and anywhere between 60k-150k protection in a warzone. finishing near the top af a leaderboard and i have photographic evidence. knowing ur class and doing the right job in the warzones ie defending caps bombs or wot ever and then doing your classes role properly totally out weighs gear. u will perform better with more expertise yes but u wont perform worse if you know how to play ur class. ull jsut die quicker
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Here is one:


Sorcerer healers can output significantly more HPS in PvE gear than in Recruit or Battlemaster PvP gear. If the team focuses on peeling, guarding, and taunting off the healer (like they are supposed to be doing) then the healer should not wear PvP gear until they have War Hero.


Of course, if you are pugging as a healer in this game you are wasting your time. Friendly DPS see you as a decoy while enemy DPS see you as a free kill.


So wait.. a team should sacrifice half their resources to focus on keeping one person alive because that one person wants to have bigger numbers, when they could have 10% less heals, but 15% - 25% higher survivability?


Yeah, that's pretty dumb.


PvP isn't "Keep the healer alive", it's "do the objectives to win the warzone"

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Probably getting gear for their their new characters, or grinding out their crafting...first two things I thought of reading this post...


I did all that too...right in the post you quoted. Speeder training, profession training, etc included. Still not understanding how people hit 50 completely broke.

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If you haven't healed 1.2 then you really shouldn't be commenting on something you know nothing about.


I said my full PVE days were pre-1.2...I've since gotten 1/2 BM and moved onto full PVP gear (legacy champ everywhere else); however, the concept is still the same. I'm fully aware a full BM will faceroll any PVE-geared player now; I was talking about recruit gear. If you're on GtH, meet me in Ilum with full recruit...I'd gladly let you attempt to make me explode.

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Unlike pve, in pvp healers will be attacked and interrupted. There is no "aggro" in pvp, taunt works different. Expertise increases TTK, you need expertise to protect a node (until reinforcements arrive), to protect a door, to carry a ball.

In 1v1 a rakata healer could best a recuit dps, in a real Wz the pve-geared guy will be focused by marauders, ops and pyrotechs and he will die in less than 4 secs (common cc duration). You can be the greatest player in the world, if you die in 4 secs you are useless. Its just common sense.

Pvpers dont care about your big dmg/healing numbers.

Its not that people r elitists, in a wz when a fresh 50 with 13K spawns people check him, if he has Rec gear people dont complain, if he has 0 expertise people tend to be rude or leave. Dont be a burden, buy Rec set, its just 300k.

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Another reason that games add stuff like expertise is so the developers can manipulate the expertise to attempt to balance PVP(ie TTK), without impacting PVE. that's why BW put a greater emphasize on it in 1.2. They obviously realized their attempts at balancing PVP were impacting PVE content, and they were going down a slippery slope.
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Hello All,


Food for thought. The argument being made is that expertise is required in order to PvP successfully and that not having expertise makes that player cannon fodder. I pose this question. Doesn't that make PvP flawed in this game that one stat is so important that every player must have it?


Have Fun



No, it doesn't, because the PvP is intended to be done in expertise gear and all classes gearsets that are equivalent to one another have a virtually identical amount of expertise.


In other words, if everyone wears equivalent level PvP gear, all gear differences effectively cancel each other out. If someone does not wear the PvP gear, they are at a disadvantage.


Whether it is actually implemented in such a way as to do this successfully is another debate entirely, but that is the basic premise behind a PvP specific set and the game more or less succeeds at making it mandatory for successful participation.

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i have a pvp set but i never bother to equip it when i join a warzone because this game is terrible and doesn't provide me a reasonable way to change gear sets. There is little incentive for me to put in the massive effort it takes to switch gear and survive longer since the game's outcome is probably going to be decided by whether or not i won the preform lottery anyways. If i am in a full pug then there we be no healers and so wearing pvp gear won't actually allow me to live longer by an amount that I would actually ever notice.

Dude you got issues.


You play a game hthat you yourself say is terrible.

You seem to think playing warzones is pointless because you will never win.(but you refuse to wear pvp gear. That you OWN)

Massive effort? To change gear.


Why do you even bother getting out of bed in the morning?

Edited by maticlandarr
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I'm completely dumbfounded how people don't have at least that much to spend by the time they hit 50. As I leveled up, I bought stuff off the GTN, leveled my profession, and paid for a bunch of other stuff and ended up with 1.5 million. Seriously, what are people doing that leaves them broke when they hit 50?


Some of us level predominately through PvP and level professions across multiple characters, leaving us w/.. not so many credits at 50.


Not that I'm complaining or anything, just saying that not everyone does a ton of quests on the way to 50, and sending companions on crafting missions along w/ the cost of training new abilities can easily overtake what you make from leveling up if you aren't questing regularly.

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Some of us level predominately through PvP and level professions across multiple characters, leaving us w/.. not so many credits at 50.


Not that I'm complaining or anything, just saying that not everyone does a ton of quests on the way to 50, and sending companions on crafting missions along w/ the cost of training new abilities can easily overtake what you make from leveling up if you aren't questing regularly.


Basically if you PvE your way to 50 you'll have money, but if you PvP your way to 50 you probably won't have money, which is pretty funny since PvP requires more money than PvE (not counting repair bills).

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I think 10-49 is a better pvp experience due to the lack of a pvp stat. I have infinitely more fun in the 10-49 bracket than I do at 50 where you are behind the curve at the start even with the purchased Recruit pvp gear.
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Good recommendation (buying Recruit gear). Those two weeks I spent in PvE gear after I hit 50 but before Patch 1.2 were no fun at all but I just had no idea that I needed to be saving up for gear other than the gear I was diligently upgrading as part of the leveling process. It's better now that I am most of the way to full BM gear.


I'm no fan of the PvP stat Expertise and preferred the 10-49 bracket. I'd gladly play in unranked PvP WZs were everyone is upgraded or DOWNGRADED to 49 or 50 in gear and stats. I don't want to cream others because I have better gear.


But Recruit gear is a good way to bridge the gap for fresh 50s.

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It's dirt cheap and superior to the old epic Champion set. Sure it's not purple and you rather use your columni shiny purples but please pick up a set anyway.


I cringe when i see two puggers with full pve sets in my warzone when our premade comes up against another good premade. Those pve geared players will get instantly obliterated.


Consider that by this time you will come up against warhero geared players that will have a 24% damage bonus against you and receive 19% less damage from your attacks. Surely you can see how utterly useless you will be against such force?


I cold probably take on 3 pve geared players and walk away victorious that is how poor pve gear fares.


Before getting my BM set I used to PvP in either a full Recruit set or a PvE set that consisted of Orange Gear with purple mods, ie a pritty basic duff PvE set tbh,


Every day I would swap from one to the other, and tbh it made no blinkin diff, lol


The TTK is so fast now that wearing the Recruit set had no effect, but with the PvE set I could at least dish out some dmg, the Recruit set simply gimped my Aim stat by a huge amount, and actually gave me less Health, lol


The Recruit Set costs over 300k, it's way to high, people just regard it as junk and dont bother, and I can not really blame them tbh.


With regards to this - "I cold probably take on 3 pve geared players and walk away victorious that is how poor pve gear fares."


Mara/Sent can take on 3 PvP geared players and walk away victorious, lol


So your point is ?


Truth is, PvP atm is a farce,


And people are complaining because fresh 50's are not wearing junk overpriced Recruit gear,


If full BM wont stop a ROFLstomp, then Recruit aint gonna do anything.



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I queue in my rakata gear and smash face, but then again im a marauder.


Last 2 warzones I had 0 deaths and most damage and have 0 expertise.


Untill you run in to me and eat a 7k smash and 4.5k force scream. Bet then you'd change your gear real quick.

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I think 10-49 is a better pvp experience due to the lack of a pvp stat. I have infinitely more fun in the 10-49 bracket than I do at 50 where you are behind the curve at the start even with the purchased Recruit pvp gear.


I'm sure those level 11 guys with 2 talent points feel they are with the "curve" when they come up against a level 45. lol.


Low level pvp is a complete and utter joke. Nobody can do ANYTHING in Huttball before they blow up. Nobody has any abilities or can setup and execute interesting gameplans.

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So many inflated egos in this thread. If someone wants to join a random Warzone naked and dual wielding chicken drumsticks its up to them. They pay the same as you do for the game.


Your sense of privilege is misplaced.


Will you say the same thing when i join your HM flashpoint group with the same dual wield chickens equiped? No? That's what i though. It's only ok as long as it's not affecting YOU right?

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There's a noticeable increase in 50s lately who just pvp in their oranges (on both sides) with late 40s mods or spotty centurion gear leftover from pre-1.2, and it pretty much destroys any hope they have of doing anything on average. I don't know if it's a new crop of alts, new players, or what, but it's a miserable experience to play with (never mind be). There's pretty much nothing constructive to do with them: they evaporate too quickly to help most of the time, and their damage output is woefully inadequate if the other team isn't the same kind of mix (few geared people, lots of non-geared people). I don't know how they even manage to have fun, it's a more brutal initial ride for them than when I started pre-1.2 thanks to the Expertise numbers being much higher. When I play against them I can take two of them with little worry and I'm not full BM, I have some BM/some recruit/a few champ pieces left over. How is that fun?


I can still get medals out of these games (unless they are really, really bad). But those orange geared people really don't. Their ability to win even a basic amount of medals most of the time is at least moderately challenged, and in some games they struggle to get one or two. It boggles the mind to why they don't just pony up the ~300k already, just cutting down the massive expertise glut held over them is helpful. When 1.2 came out I replaced all my cent gear with recruit and swallowed the money loss (I had alot of cent, not much champ, and no BM), because those new expertise numbers did not look forgiving.

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