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1.3 eta?


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My opinion.. 1.3 has no eta. Tor in a year or so may be good but it's very lackluster and bland right now aside from class story. I've unsubbed and handed my guild over. I've preordered Tera after truly loving the combat and open world pvp. Diablo 3 is also just a fun game. Gw 2 I've been interested in for pvp as I played high ranked pvp in gw1 but I've not yet preordered. Talk will always be of new games and new features and what game will kill what, play what you like. Tor at this time isn't for a lot of people, move on.. You can always revisit it.
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My predictions:


Guild Wars 2 has no tanks and healers. For that reason alone, I'm sure a decent number of MMO players will feel hesitant to buy it. I've never had the desire to play as a damage-dealer in any game. SWTOR was also the first MMO to make tanking viable in PvP (barring the recent 1.2 patch balance issues). GW2 is also yet another fantasy MMO, and since SWTOR is one of the very few successful sci-fi MMO's, a very large and loyal playerbase will be staying here. Especially die-hard Star Wars fans.


Everyone's going to buy Diablo 3, but it's not really a game that replaces an MMO. After you've beaten it a few times and tried the different characters, it's more the sort of thing you jump into if you have 10-30 minutes to spare and don't want to boot up an MMO which you usually play with friends in larger time chunks.

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GW2 has openpvp....bioware at the moment has zip for openpvp...with openpvp you can make you own freakin content. :) Live by the sword die by the sword. Bioware "will" feel the hurt in subs when GW2 goes live.


Mock this guy if you like, but he's right about PvP. SWTOR has LESS PvP content now than it did at release. GW2 WILL appeal to some players here. I had NO interest in it prior to 1.2, I remained hopeful that Bioware would FIX PvP...instead, they removed it and replaced it with warzones :confused: As much as I've openly mocked GW2 in the past, if the PvP is as great as I hear it is, it will impact this game and my PvP server.


As for 1.3...I hope they finish releasing 1.2 first...

Edited by TUXs
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Honestly? While I'm not going to ***** about the content released in 1.2, I am a little saddened by the lack of anything really "solid". We got some pretty emotes and flashy PvE skills, and the ability to use a race on any class... As long as you've made it to lvl 50 or have an extra 1.5mil credits to waste. Either way, it has some cool stuff, and I enjoyed it for about 2 days. I didn't get to play the lvl 50 content, as I can't seem to force myself to finish out the grind from lvl 41.


I already sent in my Cancel Subscription form, with the reasoning that when they decide to give a couple races that aren't humans with colorful skin, I'll come back.


Annnyyywwhhooo.... I, in the beginning, was one of the ones who said "This game is gonna be great!" and "It can't possibly die, too many SW fans!", but seeing some of the issues that have more than a couple of people upset about them (Whether you think it's an issue or not) and seeing some of the games that are due this year? GW2 (Haven't looked into it, never liked the GW system for classes) is supposed to be good on the PvP, D3 (Eh... You're right isn't an MMORPG, but it'll catch attention for a while), and if the PvP and grind through levels while clicking on your number keys isn't good enough to keep you entertained? Well then.. Planetside 2 is coming out, as well... as a f2p game, and has already been promised to be "F2P, not P2W".


Anyway you look at it... They have a lot of good competition coming up, and a lot of already bored or upset customers. (And in game content isn't the ONLY thing upsetting some of them..)

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Honestly? While I'm not going to ***** about the content released in 1.2, I am a little saddened by the lack of anything really "solid". We got some pretty emotes and flashy PvE skills, and the ability to use a race on any class... As long as you've made it to lvl 50 or have an extra 1.5mil credits to waste. Either way, it has some cool stuff, and I enjoyed it for about 2 days. I didn't get to play the lvl 50 content, as I can't seem to force myself to finish out the grind from lvl 41.


Are you honestly complaining about a lack of content in 1.2 and then immediately admitting that you haven't experienced ANY of the added content?

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My opinion... [reasons for quitting deleted]


Tor at this time isn't for a lot of people, move on.. You can always revisit it.


If this is your opinion, why do you insist on trying to speak for other players? We get that you didn't enjoy the game, but don't for a minute pretend that you speak on behalf of us who do.

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That's what I figured, but I remember reading that they were planning on having more regular monthly patches. We'll see I guess.


That would be incremental patching...... 1.21....1.22....etc. Not major patch releases every month.


Pretty standard for MMOs to do major patch releases every 3-4 months. Really depends on how much content is patched, and how long it takes to test and debug on the PTS once it's in beta.

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A major issue is the word testing on pts ,the only people testing are guilds that want a head start on boss tactics or pvp changes so that they can boast about being the best or first to do stuff when it hits live ,the other stuff that does not benefit them may get a few reports but there are not many players going to spend real money to test someone elses product without incentive .


The Free testing has proved to be ineffective so far in this game hence the live version becomes the real PTS and all the bugs are found in live and spread like wildfire around the internet .

You can't keep pumping out broken content ke this and expect to survive ,for me the game performance was getting better and better ,then all of a sudden it felt like a world boss to an almight crap on me .

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Once a month is too frequent. Every Quarter is much better.


Part of reason lots hated Rift. They did monthly lots could not keep up with it.


Actually, it's part of the reason lots loved Rift, and why it is still a solid MMO with a decent subscription-base that is steady. There was always new stuff to do if you wanted it.

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You guys should post a "Coming soon in SWTOR" page, like what WoW does.


It gives players an idea of what you guys have in the pipe and sort of gives us that pull. Even if it's vague, that'd be appreciated. Also, Ohlen said we'd get patches on a monthly basis. Lets get some details on 1.3 please.

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If Bioware has learned anything at all from this community, they will not say a single word about it until 2 days before it launches.


That is what the community had demanded, schedule over anything else, so, don’t say a word until the delivery date is cast in stone ( which is about 2 days before the fact )

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GW2 has openpvp....bioware at the moment has zip for openpvp...with openpvp you can make you own freakin content. :) Live by the sword die by the sword. Bioware "will" feel the hurt in subs when GW2 goes live.


GW2 must be way better than GW1 then because I remember people saying the same crap when GW1 came out and it didn't make a dent...that game was forgotten and total junk.

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GW2 must be way better than GW1 then because I remember people saying the same crap when GW1 came out and it didn't make a dent...that game was forgotten and total junk.


GW1 was a totally instanced game, the only place where you could interact with people was in towns and outposts. Other than that think of your class quest in this game, that was how GW1 was EVERYWHERE. Also, there was no mounts, you couldnt jump, couldnt swim plus a plethora of other things.


GW2 does boast a lot of the "standard" MMO fare plus more, but I dont believe it to take away many subs because its a free to play game, you only purchase the retail box. Like any other MMO, its always going to be the next best thing since sliced bread, until they play it..

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Seeing how 1.2 just came out, you won't hear anything about 1.3 soon. The safest unoffical bet would be 1.3 will hit late June or early July. Every 2-3 months is pretty standard for content updates on MMO's.


So basically too late seeing as half a dozen other MMOs are threatening swtor NOW..

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Are you honestly complaining about a lack of content in 1.2 and then immediately admitting that you haven't experienced ANY of the added content?


My friend dose this to.. says there is nothing to do at end game is is gonna unsub today (at least he says he is, because of the start of lvl 50 pvp and him just hitting 50 on fatman.. his 6 or 7th lvl 50 dont know to many to keep track of) but has yet to do more then 1 hard mode anything never been in the ops, doesnt want to do dailies.. and complains about being bored.. he didnt do any of the live event.. all he does is level a character to max pvp get pissed off and make a different class.. well he has one of each now and multiables of the same on different servers


kinda sad IMO that he says there is nothing to do but he hasnt done anything except lvl and pvp he dosent even pvp while leveling.. when its still fun lol


and go figure.. hes bored with the game after spending 1100+ hours in the game in 4 1/2 months.. (average of 8 hours every day)



As for ETA on 1.3? i would say LATE may to mid june.. they said it would be alot faster then 1.2 was.. and really its now adding a ton of stuff... sure ranked warzones will be it but that is almost 100% done.. one of the main reason it was delayed was for cross server queues and those will be in 1.3 other then that i think its bug fixes and the legacy stuff in the preview tab.. and most of that stuff i'm sure is almost complete in the game now jsut not turned on

Edited by Cheops
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I highly doubt those games will hold a lot of people. Diablo 3 is not really an MMO, and is more themepark than SWTOR, with the only exception of randomly generated maps, but overall the same quests. GW2 is going to have less frequent updates, due to the fact that there is no active subscription, and less income to fund a large group of developers. They both will be flavor of the month, good for a few weeks, but then all the content available will be tackled and people will come back to the 'other game' because more people will be here, and newer content will be added here.


It has some randomed generated quests also .

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It has some randomed generated quests also .


he is right though..you know that right...


WoW was the mmo of it's time...


SWTOR is the mmo of this generation... It will just keep gaining more and more people and get bigger and better. PLUS it's in a GALAXY that is Star Wars. Not just one world. Blizzard screwed themselves on that one. Different worlds > one world

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  • 2 weeks later...
Nothing BioWare does is going to keep people from going to GW2. Those people have already made up their minds. The best thing BioWare can do is continue to work on things to improve SWTOR, and not rush anything out the door just to beat a competitor to release.


This is probably the most intelligent post in the thread. Bravo.


Some people are going to leave for GW2. There are people that knew even before SWTOR came out that it would just be a distraction until GW2. Bioware would be making a huge mistake trying to push out unfinished patch content to appease those glancing at other titles.


The best thing to do now is to make sure the finished content is quality content. Trying to shove out something half-finished in order to meet D3 and GW2 head-on isn't going to do anything but cause current players to rethink their commitment.


Finish the content Bioware. Whenever it comes out, even if it is not at the same time as D3 or GW2, finished content will have a more positive impact than subpar, unfinished content that was shoved out the door just to try and keep some people from trying other games.

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Bioware has been repeatedly stated that delta_t(1.2, 1.3) << delta_t(1.1,1.2).


1.1 came out around January 11th or so, and 1.2 came out almost exactly 3 months later. If they're serious about that, then I would expect early to mid June.


They did say that 1.3 would be much closer to 1.2 than 1.2 was to 1.1.

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My guess is 1.3 will come out a couple of weeks before their Q1 results are due to be reported, about 3 months from now. This will help boost subs for the financial report.


I doubt it - they said it would be done in less time than 1.2. With any luck It'll be out late this month or early next. However, if EA is pulling strings, then maybe.

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I highly doubt those games will hold a lot of people. Diablo 3 is not really an MMO, and is more themepark than SWTOR, with the only exception of randomly generated maps, but overall the same quests. GW2 is going to have less frequent updates, due to the fact that there is no active subscription, and less income to fund a large group of developers. They both will be flavor of the month, good for a few weeks, but then all the content available will be tackled and people will come back to the 'other game' because more people will be here, and newer content will be added here.


I don't agree with this about either game. I never even played Guild Wars but I know a lot of people still play the first one. And D3. I mean... there's going to be a huge audience for that. I mean, just like any other game the population will drop off drastically within the first month. But the long-term player base (I'm thinking about a year for most people), will be much larger than people realize.


But, I think it has a lot less to do with content updates and stuff, and way more to do with whether people like the game or not. When you find your game, that's pretty much it.

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