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Why non-stop alt leveling will fail.


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I have yet to meet a majority of persons more interested in leveling an alt than that of the populace that's more interested in achieving max level (quickly) and playing end game. I have heard time and time, again and again by unbiased players, that they're not concered with a story line, it's the end game that's the beginning of the game.


That would be because we alt levelers keep to ourselves & enjoy the game.


Endgame isn't the beginning of the game, it's the end of the game. Hence the name.

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I have heard a few times that end game is the only game. OP, you state that most MMO gamers feel this way.


Sorry but I must disagree with that statement. I don't know where you get your ideas about most gamers (from the forums?), but every single gamer I know wants a rich MMO experience from beginning to end and beyond.


Personally, story/lore is very important to me. The journey is the most fun for me. When I reach "the end," even in a game with excellent endgame content, I feel the wind go out of my sails. I prolong the journey as long as I can.


To that end, since leveling is ridiculously fast in swtor, I have:

1. a level 41 imp op dps

2. a level 14 imp op healer

3. a level 26 assassin

4., 5, 6. some low level sith and a bh


and on another server

7, 8, 9, 10. a few jedi padawans and a lowbie smuggler waiting for my attention.


I do agree this alt push by BW won't work for long for many people, but not because the endgame is the only game. It will fail because many people like to focus on a main character. I'm the same, actually. I love alts, but as a side amusement. I attach myself to my main as we embark on our several-year long journey (not month long journey to the endgame).


Cut leveling times and focus only on endgame... why bother with leveling at all? Why bother with an MMO at all??




For you TL/DR types: To have a game be successful longterm, it can't rely solely on alts to keep people occupied. However, beginning middle and endgame are equally important.


I AM MOST GAMERS. I want to touch your long term.

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Fair post other than the above, the current state of PvP is extremely repetitive and IMO bordering on a disgrace.


Now you see this is the type of thing i dont understand, pvp is repetative how exactly, that your playing on the same map and going up against the same mob and tactics.


Ow wait no you arnt, you maybe playing the same maps but your facing off against other players. I love my pvp as much as i love my FPS, i played BF2 right until BF3 came out, same maps for years.


Did it get repetative no, and why ? because i pvp and fps to go up against other people, to help the team win. If you think pvp is repetative then your taking the concept of player vs player in the wrong mindset.


An i really love taking down the bigmouths, last one thought he could hide but he was wrong, normally support but took out my sniper rifle, blew away the cobwebs and shot him right between the eyes, take a look at my longest headshot :cool:http://battlelog.battlefield.com/bf3/soldier/shingara/stats/170830019/

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Assuming your own personal experience can even be taken seriously as proof, you really think WoW has 10 million people playing now?


Your post is moot. OF COURSE there are not 1.7 million people playing everyday.




People need to stop posting these pointless statements, and realise concurrent users at any one time=Amount of subscriptions.

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multiple characters is something they have down to a sience..theve been doing this sorta thing for almost a decade, and have become very successful at it. whatever formula they use has been tried and tested and not changed since the beggining..your OPINION has no substance.
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Fair post other than the above, the current state of PvP is extremely repetitive and IMO bordering on a disgrace.

Now you see this is the type of thing i dont understand, pvp is repetative how exactly, that your playing on the same map and going up against the same mob and tactics.


Ow wait no you arnt, you maybe playing the same maps but your facing off against other players. I love my pvp as much as i love my FPS, i played BF2 right until BF3 came out, same maps for years.


Did it get repetative no, and why ? because i pvp and fps to go up against other people, to help the team win. If you think pvp is repetative then your taking the concept of player vs player in the wrong mindset.


IMO it's you that has the wrong mindset, your multi reference to FPS shows why. This isn't an FPS it's supposedly an RPG and as such the complete lack of persistent PvP and only meaningless instances short term graftification PvP is why it is extremely repetitive I.e you repeat the same thing with the same objectives every 15 m or so.

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I hate leveling alts, don't have any higher then level 10. I just want to PvP with my main, sadly on my dead server this is only possible in the evening.


Yeah, this game would be frustrating for that. :( It's not really a PvP game. Perhaps as time passes there will be more for PvP folk to enjoy but it might be a thought to check out some of the online games that really offer very good PvP.

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Reasons I play SWTOR - (In order of importance to me.)



Space Combat - reminds me of the "way back" of X-Wing and Tie Fighter...





that would be rogue squadron , x-wing vs tie fighter was nothing like the rails combat system...

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...less grinding of quests and a more ...PvE content.


Nice inherent contradiction there, OP. Cotrary to your (badly flawed) overall arguement, I, and everyone in my guild, are playing multiple chars at the same time. I personally have 6, Sentinel, Marauder, Vanguard, Mercenary, Shadow, and Assasin that I'm enjoying, more than anything, the STORY-lines on. Enjoy your boredom, I'm having a blast.

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I've also been playing since EQ1, not sure whether you're still playing SWTOR or not however whilst the story and journey may be entertaining the journey is far too short and re the OP unless you like many alts the game gets old fast.


I may have cancelled my sub but overall I got my money's worth so no real complaint.


Am certainly still playing. Can't be helped if someone gets bored easily, but overall, the true "story" of TOR only emerges once you played through several of the class stories which interlink, share NPCs and providing information to flesh out questions raised elsewhere.

It's like standing in front of a great painting and discovering new aspects and details each and every minute. Just saying.


If one races through the game, tough luck.. Being there first is not what matters, being threre when the story comes to the conclusion is.


As for EQ1 - which year did you start playing ? When it became free to play ? 2004 ? 2005 ? or 2001 ? Or 1999 even ? You know, like us non-existent old-timers MMORPG veterans...

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Am certainly still playing. Can't be helped if someone gets bored easily, but overall, the true "story" of TOR only emerges once you played through several of the class stories which interlink, share NPCs and providing information to flesh out questions raised elsewhere.

It's like standing in front of a great painting and discovering new aspects and details each and every minute. Just saying.


If one races through the game, tough luck.. Being there first is not what matters, being threre when the story comes to the conclusion is.


As for EQ1 - which year did you start playing ? When it became free to play ? 2004 ? 2005 ? or 2001 ? Or 1999 even ? You know, like us non-existent old-timers MMORPG veterans...


As you ask 1999, not sure exactly when.


It's not a question of getting bored easily else I wouldn't have played other MMORPGs for several months or years, and I've no urge to be there first.


I have two 50s and a couple of 30s, again if you like alts ad nauseum then fine, however I prefer to progress a main and whilst I have two 50's the class story alone is , for me, insufficent to continue playing. It's not like any choice you make during the story makes a jot of difference to gameplay. Outside the class quests you have the exact same series of side quests for every character.


The reverse is 'it can't be helped if someone is easily satisfied and continues to see a silk purse in a cow's ear'

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Bioware's main marketing strategy for promoting this game is based around the concept of leveling multiple alts in an attempt to "buy time" as you will. With that said, I have yet to meet a majority of persons more interested in leveling an alt than that of the populace that's more interested in achieving max level (quickly) and playing end game. I have heard time and time, again and again by unbiased players, that they're not concered with a story line, it's the end game that's the beginning of the game. However, with Bioware's main focus as I stated before which is clearly centered around leveling and this story of theirs isn't going to last long at all. The only way this game will make it 5 years from now, is with a vast amount of end game content, less grinding of quests and a more PvP/PvE content.


Actually, that is the minority.....that are playing the wrong game.


Bioware brought MMORPGs back to where they should be, away from the hard core shooter mentality . Here, leveling is half the fun. Raiding end game is the other half. I look foreward to both the new raid content, and future story lines as my characters progress to that level.


If you are space barring through the content you are doing it wrong. ;p

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Actually, that is the minority.....that are playing the wrong game.


Bioware brought MMORPGs back to where they should be, away from the hard core shooter mentality . Here, leveling is half the fun. Raiding end game is the other half. I look foreward to both the new raid content, and future story lines as my characters progress to that level.


If you are space barring through the content you are doing it wrong. ;p


I don't think I've ever disagreed more with anything anyone has ever said over these forums.


MMORPG games have consistantly gotten more commercial thus more casual over each year and this game is no exception. The "hardcore shooter mentality" demands casual and the instant gratification theyre used to from games like CoD.


If you say you're looking forward to new content being added to this game then you must be too hardcore for it right? Speaking of content, its more like leveling is 85% of the fun and endgame is the other 15%.


So "back to where mmos should be" ends up being the burning crusade with alot less content or balance and alot more saturday morning cartoons added in.

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I personally have 6, Sentinel, Marauder, Vanguard, Mercenary, Shadow, and Assasin that I'm enjoying, more than anything, the STORY-lines on. Enjoy your boredom, I'm having a blast.


I really am jelly of how easily amused you are.

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I like to do a variety of things in a game, and that's part of the draw of MMOs for me.


I like to level alts. I dig the SWTOR story lines and I do intend to level one of each class to max level at some point.


I like to craft. The SWTOR crafting system is OK and I'm pleased that BioWare seems to want to improve it. Part and parcel of leveling alts, for me, is to min-max my +Crit for crafting professions.


I like to run flashpoints and operations. I do flashpoints a lot less often than I'd like to just because of the time costs and frustration assembling groups. Ops once or twice a week is a good schedule for me.


I don't enjoy PvP in any game, but I appreciate that there's a whole different avenue there for me if I ever decide to try it again. I'm encouraged that some of my friends say this is the most balanced MMO, from a PvP perspective, that they've played.


The OP seems to have a single-minded focus in the game: endgame. And that's fine. But it might be worthwhile to consider all the other ways that this MMO can entertain you.

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And that's to build a character only to stop at 50, rinse and repeat. Why on earth would anyone in their right mind look forward to leveling something to max (Which is the main goal in the first place). Only to stop and do the same thing all over again ?


That's what I did in Champions Online when I played that (and am loking to get back into with their big update.) I would get a character to 50, run one of their endgame instances where you fight your nemesis one time, then move onto the next character. I like playing alts, because I like having concept characters. Sometimes they're a bit silly, other times they're not. It's also one reason why I'm kind of hoping they give us more character slots per server at some point in the future.

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I really am jelly of how easily amused you are.


Well count me in on the easily amused ones. Perhaps out of the same reason I am easily amused reading books.


I am not sure why there seems to be a constant need to ridicule others in regards to what they like.


Levelling, Questing (Missioning), Raiding (Opsing), Gearing, PvPing, Warzoning, RPing, Crafting, Outfitting, Minigaming ... all part of MMO's. You like one part better then the other? Good for you and more power to you. Just respect that others might not share the same view or not to the same degree.


I for one am always sad when there is no more level left, no more additional skillpoints to distribute. May the Interlude not last too long :)

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I guess my point is, how do people put up with the huge amount of repetition to see that new stuff?


I am assuming that you are of the view that levelling 1 to 50 is repetitious. If I missed your point then I apologise but I always find this point amusing....


Let me use Rift as an example. I have like 30 characters in Rift and 12 at 50. So far I have run the content to the 50 just 12 times and most of the other stuff just the 30 times max. And yet... players who claim endgame is where its at do the same dungeon every night, the same farming every night, the same warzone every night, the same pug every night, the same content over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over..... And for what ? Shiny stuff. Something to add to their gear and [yawn] achievments. Well here is the scoop the time it takes to kill a mob in Elwynn takes as long as the mob in Mount Hyjal at 80... and Fae was as tricky as Molten Core at the required level. And the reason is the level... Its called equilibrium.. The illusion of progression yet you are always in perfect balance. And if you want to clear faster get the gear... and then just do it again, and again, and again. Thats what pays the subs. So if you want to do Thedeor Fields all day at 1 to 10 or play each character 1 to 50 here in the end it probably means doing less repattion of anything than at 50 and the kill time is always the same. Your not supposed to die in this game... in fact its very hard to die. How you spend your time killing stuff isn't a matter of end game... its just about time. So enjoy what ever makes you happy. I level my mains... I don't have alts... all 6 of them at the moment.... well until this crappy event ends. Till then its Rift, WoW and FIFA.


Anyway I'm off to Overwatch, I have a date with Kongeegon... for like the 30th time... ' I am so sorry ' Classic.

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