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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Official Q&A Thread for April 27th, 2012 Q&A Blog Post


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I am wondering about the raids (operations) at end game:


Currently the raids offered are a very small 4-5 bosses, which results in them being blown through very fast. Are there any plans in the works for a 10-15 boss operation, or even a 10-15 boss raid tier?

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Why did you choose to only allow set bonuses to transfer with Campaign and War Hero armor when such a small percentage of the player base can actually obtain those armors? For 99% of us it's not a feature at all.
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Do you plan on adding a secondary way to manage heat for merc-bodyguards?


Right now the class is sub-par because of only having ONE way to manage our resource. The Vent Heat skill on a two minute timer so when its on cool-down were stuck watching it dissipate ( very slow ) .


Operative-healers get a 24% bonus to their critical and they gain resources back when they hit with critical hits with their free heal skill . Plus they have a second skill to gain resources back much like our Vent Heat skill.


For the sake of balance could bodyguards get a tool like that for Rapid Shots?

Edited by RoadRash
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How will PVP rankings be determined for solo players? Obviously if you always queue up solo, you are not going to be able to win as many matches as a premade group would. Will medals earned, number of kills, healing done, mvp votes received, or any of those individual efforts factor into your pvp ranking, or will it be solely based on the number of wins you have? Edited by Pcolapat
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Why, oh WHY cant we move set bonuses with BM gear to orange gear?

Is it because you already knew people were unhappy with the designs of war hero gear,

so you gave us only the option to swap WH gear, but not BM gear?

Can we PLEASE get this in the near future? Thanks...

Edited by DecanAndersen
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Any plans on allowing dyeing of our armors to allow greater customization? You could restrict the colors by allowing say scavenging or biochem to pick them up from plants on different worlds. I am sure there will be a market for this.
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What was the design reasoning behind choice of mods/stat combination on commendation vendors during the level up process? Most of what is available seems to favor +Endurance across the board with very few options for those who want to maximize their primary stat during the level up process. Usually if someone wants say a barrel, armoring or hilt that favors something other than Endurance, we must settle with a lower item score, if it's available all.
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Keeping track of friends on this game is nightmarish. Is there any way we could get a global friend list that would add the PLAYER not the character, so we could keep track of our friends cross-faction, cross-server, and on newbie toons?
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In the March 30 Q&A Thread, Georg Zoeller wrote this about Reverse Engineering in 1.2: "Reverse engineering non-modded items usually leads to a schematic for an equivalent item." This has turned out almost entirely to be incorrect whether armor, weapons, or mods. Additionally, the only moddable armor schematics that have been added for 1.2 appear to be for end-game and PvP armor. As an avid crafter and collector of moddable clothing this has been immensely disappointing. When can we finally get more moddable choices at all gear levels and obtain additional color variations for moddable armors that are available (e.g. Traditional Thermoweave gear w/ the colors shown on the first image of the new website's Consular page)? Edited by Giolon
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Would it be possible to change animation for hammer shot (healing) for combat medics (trooper)? It has that green beem animation which revealing my position everytime I use it in warzone compare to small green darts with mirror skill on mercenary from which you cannot so easily tell where is healer standing and who is that on first sight.


So would it be possible to tweak it somehow? :rolleyes:

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Will we ever see the Modification Commendation Vendors get a more uniform selection of items? It's pretty annoying when, for instance, a Jedi Guardian can get rank 15 guardian armorings/hilts for Balmorra commendations, while a Sentinel looking for might armorings/hilts can't even get one off Balmorra, but are stuck with rank 12 ones from Alderaan until they get to Hoth, where they can only get rank 16 Might armorings/hilts while there are rank 17 guardian armorings/hilts on the same vendor. And there are many more instances of this imbalance between available modifications across all classes on all the planetary vendors.
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When can we expect to see all armour designs in the game as orange items/all orange (eg, social) armours in the game as craftable? Myself and others were under the impression that 1.2 would add a great deal appearance customisation wise, but this was not the case.
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The Black Talon was a bit of a tease for giving a dialogue option that could alter the first boss and the route you took to get to it. I may be missing something but I haven't seen any other flashpoint that does this. Are there any plans for future flashpoints to be altered based on story choices and if so is there the potential for a flashpoint to be completely different from start to finish based on those choices?
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is there any plan to either improve crafting capabilities or create high level item drops from op bosses with uniquely powerful weapons and gear with very low drop rates?


At present crafters are strangled by the availability of certain gear, purchasable gear found at vendors that far surpasses anything they can make and also this renders ops and fp's redundant as the best gear is obtained through pvp. while at the same time the lack of uniquely obtainable items from op bosses while indeed it pushes people more to the pvp side of the game,it also limits the ability for variety in characters, as every one drifts involuntarily towards warhero gear. surely its more beneficial to have the varying gear levels to be as such. buyable<creatable<obtainable. or am i flawed in my thinking?

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Is there any hope of allowing a "face change" feature to re-customize our characters? Not just a "barber shop" but a Face Merchant type service to completely change our characters' complexions, cosmetics, hair, and perhaps even faces. Some of us completely messed up on our first character's appearance and would totally pay credits to fix them.
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I Love the new Legacy Armors, but as they are right now I cant see paying the cost for them. I mean its much cheaper to buy/make a set of crit crafted Orange Armor. Which makes me sad because I really really Love the look of some of the Legacy Armors. Also when you make/buy Orange Armor you don't have to grind Legacy levels.


So my question is will you be adding the ability for us to RE them, so we can craft them? I mean so long as the crafted Armor remains bound to Legacy all it will do is let us look how we want with out having to feel like we have to miss out on augments.




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