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Why do fresh 50's have the same gear as me


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I had to get BM gear the old fashioned way and finished my set off at valor rank 75. A faction re-roller I know hit 50 less than a week ago and is now sporting full BM. I don't care.


I actually prefer it. The sooner everyone is on equal footing the sooner we can concentrate on the dynamics of PVP itself and players will no longer be able to blame their lack of gear for their shortcomings.

Edited by Swarna
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PVP gear should be cosmetic-only after the recruit set and the battlemaster set. There should be no more improvement until War Hero becomes the current Battlemaster tier.


No one wants to be in a one-sided stompfest.

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No one wants to be in a one-sided stompfest.


If that were true, this thread wouldn't be 28 pages of QQ.


For the record, I completely agree with you. PVP gear should should be cosmetic differences only. You want a something to work for? Start every fresh 50 with pink underwear for year with "NOOB" stamped all over it for all I care, but it would have exactly the same stats as the rank 75 "OWNZER" ****** looking gear you are working toward

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I had to get BM gear the old fashioned way and finished my set off at valor rank 75. A faction re-roller I know hit 50 less than a week ago and is now sporting full BM. I don't care.


I actually prefer it. The sooner everyone is on equal footing the sooner we can concentrate on the dynamics of PVP itself and l players will no longer be able to blame their lack of gear for their shortcomings.




anyone that QQ's about fresh 50's having good gear is not a true pvper.


i farmed my champion gear from champ bags (when u had to get the unassimbled piece) for full gear.

i farmed valor for AGES (before the massive valor boost)

i farmed bm commendations from that little "reward" bag that like to crush your hopes.


so after all this, fresh 50's get the same gear easily. this is actually fantastic


more gear = less skill NEEDED

less skill needed = easier to carry + easier to learn

easier to carry = more wins.


who gives a crap how much grinding u did in the past, you should only care about what your grinding now.

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I freaking hate this gear system.


People hit 50 and 3 days later have full battlemaster. What's the sense in being equal to a fresh 50 when I've busted my *** getting valor lvl 75?


I'd love to see 60 valor required for BM and 70 for war hero gear, seems fair to me.


edit: just thought i'd put my thoughts out there, kthx.



Considering it takes 10,350 wz coms to be in full BM gear, I find your post highly suspect. Even if you NEVER lost a match and averaged 100 coms a match, that would still take 100 matches. So you want me to believe that a fresh 50 did all this with recruit gear or nothing and queue up for pvp and in full BM gear in three days?

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Considering it takes 10,350 wz coms to be in full BM gear, I find your post highly suspect. Even if you NEVER lost a match and averaged 100 coms a match, that would still take 100 matches. So you want me to believe that a fresh 50 did all this with recruit gear or nothing and queue up for pvp and in full BM gear in three days?


No, you can buy all the BM gear as you level up through PVP.

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Wrong. Tons of gamers play for competition. Just because you want to be casual doesnt mean we should have to lower our standards to fit your needs




Or you could hold your complaints until the Ranked Warzones come out and see how that works with the current system.

Edited by Mastervelles
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Considering it takes 10,350 wz coms to be in full BM gear, I find your post highly suspect. Even if you NEVER lost a match and averaged 100 coms a match, that would still take 100 matches. So you want me to believe that a fresh 50 did all this with recruit gear or nothing and queue up for pvp and in full BM gear in three days?


No, you can buy all the BM gear as you level up through PVP.

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You should be able to defeat a fresh 50 because of your experience and skill, not because of some gear advantage. This is PvP, not PvE. Ideally, all would have the same gear, allowing for fair matches.


Well then every fresh lvl 50 should get the rakata gear by just being online for 3 days why should pve be about gear but pvp can´t be about gear. If you want fair fight you give everyone 10pts health and a spell/skill that has 1sec cast time and does 1 point damage. People don´t care about titles or mounts they are just there as a halfway point to the next level of gear that makes them feel more special and that they´ve earned something with their dedication/time spend.

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I'm glad that endgame pvp gear isn't about how much time you've spent grinding for it. This is one of the reason's I quit WoW because I would finally be getting the best gear possible after weeks of grinding and then have them release new gear, I had to grind more for. That revolving door is ridiculous, plus pvp should be base on skill not stats!


(sorry for the WoW reference)

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I freaking hate this gear system.


People hit 50 and 3 days later have full battlemaster. What's the sense in being equal to a fresh 50 when I've busted my *** getting valor lvl 75?


I'd love to see 60 valor required for BM and 70 for war hero gear, seems fair to me.


edit: just thought i'd put my thoughts out there, kthx.


Blame the players who exploited and trade killed. Battlemaster therefore means jack. War hero is now the new battlemaster. Once again players ruin a perfectly good game.

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I freaking hate this gear system.


People hit 50 and 3 days later have full battlemaster. What's the sense in being equal to a fresh 50 when I've busted my *** getting valor lvl 75?


I'd love to see 60 valor required for BM and 70 for war hero gear, seems fair to me.


edit: just thought i'd put my thoughts out there, kthx.


got a 3rd char to 50 today , and I have some bm gear already. and i actualy agree. I just hit 50 a couple hours ago how the heck have i earnt this gear? saved 2 k coms, got 2 pieces. and just short of a 3rd, my alts are lvl 63 valor. and that was pain. its somewhat annoying that the ganking i suffered and grinding i endured to earn my bm stuff on my alt is taken away by the fact that theres barely any effort required to get it now. go figure.

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really? people think gear should determine how well someone does in PVP?



pre-made in battlemaster/warhero is essentially the same as lvl 50 vs lvl 30.


(yes we all know some of you actually like camping people a lot weaker)

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got a 3rd char to 50 today , and I have some bm gear already. and i actualy agree. I just hit 50 a couple hours ago how the heck have i earnt this gear? saved 2 k coms, got 2 pieces. and just short of a 3rd, my alts are lvl 63 valor. and that was pain. its somewhat annoying that the ganking i suffered and grinding i endured to earn my bm stuff on my alt is taken away by the fact that theres barely any effort required to get it now. go figure.



So u r telling me an update that's a little over a week old (at the time of that post) that people that are fresh are in FULL BM gear?


Now, it's possible to get the gear and coms as you level up (that's part is stupid I agree) but now already?


Either that person has lived eat and breathed nothing but swtor (which is suspect) , or this an alt and ran with friends with premades.


For any other REGULAR player, it would take multiple days per piece of gear AND they only recently patched that losers get a reward now with patch 1.2.0c

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I freaking hate this gear system.


People hit 50 and 3 days later have full battlemaster. What's the sense in being equal to a fresh 50 when I've busted my *** getting valor lvl 75?


I'd love to see 60 valor required for BM and 70 for war hero gear, seems fair to me.


edit: just thought i'd put my thoughts out there, kthx.


If fresh 50's have the same gear as you a mere 3 days after hitting 50 then it's because:


They're better than you at life

They actually prepared for the ascension to 50

You're a slacker

You lack the skills that they exhibit

All of the above



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Time invested should provide rewards. PVE provides a tier system for time spent. Why doesnt pvp ? OP is right.


I enjoy pvp and i want to be rewarded for it. I should have an advantage in pvp as you should in pve.


Well then every fresh lvl 50 should get the rakata gear by just being online for 3 days why should pve be about gear but pvp can´t be about gear. If you want fair fight you give everyone 10pts health and a spell/skill that has 1sec cast time and does 1 point damage. People don´t care about titles or mounts they are just there as a halfway point to the next level of gear that makes them feel more special and that they´ve earned something with their dedication/time spend.



You can't compare PvE and PvP. PvE'ers need the better gear because each tier introduces harder bosses and fights. More boss health, more incoming enemy damage, more dps needed to beat enrage timers, etc. The better gear is simply necessary in order to win the fight.



In PvP, they really should take the gear out of the equation completely. If you're better, win on your skill. Win because you know your class and the opponent class. Win because you have better instincts and reflexes. Win because you contribute to your team more effectively. When the next tier comes out, your opponent hasn't changed. Nothing has gotten harder. You're fighting the same people.


PvPers want rewards? That's not a problem at all, and I agree that they should get rewarded. But the rewards should be recognition-based. Titles, gear skins, etc. The real mark of a good pvp'er is in how your community sees and respects you for your talent. If you have a Gladiator (to use WoW as an example) title/mount, you automatically garner respect from your peers just upon them seeing it.


There's nothing more than that necessary.

Edited by YanksfanJP
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Last sessions Best gear is next sessions starter gear. That how the prevent the gear gap from getting insane



If the only reason you want to play is to chase gear, the game is bad. You should play it because it's fun

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You should be able to defeat a fresh 50 because of your experience and skill, not because of some gear advantage. This is PvP, not PvE. Ideally, all would have the same gear, allowing for fair matches.

This would be the correct answer.


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Well then every fresh lvl 50 should get the rakata gear by just being online for 3 days why should pve be about gear but pvp can´t be about gear. If you want fair fight you give everyone 10pts health and a spell/skill that has 1sec cast time and does 1 point damage. People don´t care about titles or mounts they are just there as a halfway point to the next level of gear that makes them feel more special and that they´ve earned something with their dedication/time spend.

Do you need Rakata to successfully complete flashpoints?


Do you need BM gear to successfully complete WZs?


If the difficulty of entry level flashpoints/raids got harder as the game aged you might have a point. It doesn't but entry level PvP gets increasingly unforgiving for fresh 50s as the general population gears up. It is not a difficult concept to understand...

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