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Why do fresh 50's have the same gear as me


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look I woke up early in the morning to play mario kart on illum for my gear in addition to solo-queue grinding warzones. i paid for my crappy champ gear with time and effort and some boredom. I have no problems with people getting recruit gear, and I don't have problems with people grinding out BM gear relatively quickly.


What I do have a problem with is a pvp environment where only the no-lifers can be considered great players.

Edited by HBninjaX
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Whats the huge advantage in PvP?


99% of players are BM. Full BM is attainable in a week of grinding. 2-3 if youre slow and casual + its guaranteed, not chance like the previous system. Now with new update to the WZ comm reward system, itll be even faster.


So how is there huge advantage when new PvPers are being given the same gear as everyone else on a silver platter




I can make up statistics too. . . . fuzzDONTEVENTRIP is wrong 99% of the time

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The problem with PvP gear progression right now is mostly due to the fact that they left out Ranked WZs. The new PvP gear was balanced around the idea that most War Hero geared players would be playing ranked and most recruit geared players would not. By cutting this out at the last minute, yet not changing the gear stats, you basically dump all players into the same pool, something that I don't think was intended (at least, not en mass like it is now). Sure, you'd have your occasional WH geared guy in a non-ranked, but I don't think this would be the norm.


The simple fact is, the system in place right now is NOT working as intended, as the INTENT was to have a different rank of WZs for most higher geared players. So yes, the gear balance is out of whack, but that doesn't mean the system is broken.......its just not complete yet (which is a whole different QQ thread).


I'm in full recruit gear and getting obliterated in WZs........but I do not expect BioWare to change the gear grind to cater to me...........I EXPECT them to get Ranked WZs perfected and launched ASAP so the system they designed can work correctly.

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Oh, the "work for" "argument" again. Hello - games are not supposed to be work, but fun.


Actually, games (specifically MMORPG's) are supposed to be time consuming and a lot of work for several reasons:


1. Finance:


Despite Biowares stance on providing a great in depth game, their goal is money. This being the case MMORPG's are specifically designed to be time consuming, and a lot of work to achieve that gear piece, or level required for such and such. So that bioare can collect subs and make millions while you farm and grind out it's content over the course of 3-6 months (Which is the average lifespan of an MMO player).


If everything was simply given to you, their would be no point,


Example: Play Skyrim with Godmode on and Use the console to add any armor you want all spells etc, you'll get bored after a few hours, because there now is no point to questing, no need for gold to purchase items, or to learn crafting to make better gear. So you get bored and quit.



2. Psychology:


When you play a game and you see a high level with ****** armor who whoops your ***, you go "I want that armor" etc. So then you take the time to figure out where it is and how to get it, and when you get it, you go own his *** and get a since of achievement for the 3 weeks to 2 months you just spent getting to this point (while during this time period Bioware is collecting sub fees from you).


If it was simply "available" why would you do anything? Nothing would hold your attention long enough to make any profits for Bioware (which is in fact the #1 purpose of any MMORPG game). To make money.

Edited by Darth-Malkaevian
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Actually, games (specifically MMORPG's) are supposed to be time consuming and a lot of work for several reasons:


1. Finance:


Despite Biowares stance on providing a great in depth game, their goal is money. This being the case MMORPG's are specifically designed to be time consuming, and a lot of work to achieve that gear piece, or level required for such and such. So that bioare can collect subs and make millions while you farm and grind out it's content over the course of 3-6 months (Which is the average lifespan of an MMO player).


If everything was simply given to you, their would be no point,


Example: Play Skyrim with Godmode on and Use the console to add any armor you want all spells etc, you'll get bored after a few hours, because there now is no point to questing, no need for gold to purchase items, or to learn crafting to make better gear. So you get bored and quit.



2. Psychology:


When you play a game and you see a high level with ****** armor who whoops your ***, you go "I want that armor" etc. So then you take the time to figure out where it is and how to get it, and when you get it, you go own his *** and get a since of achievement for the 3 weeks to 2 months you just spent getting to this point (while during this time period Bioware is collecting sub fees from you).


If it was simply "available" why would you do anything? Nothing would hold your attention long enough to make any profits for Bioware (which is in fact the #1 purpose of any MMORPG game). To make money.


These are features in poorly designed games. More people will stick with a game that is fun vs. a game that is a gear grind.

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These are features in poorly designed games. More people will stick with a game that is fun vs. a game that is a gear grind.


Wow/Daoc/Rift/Swtor have gear grinds and are of the highest in history, so ima guess they like the grind...

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I have no problem with gear giving some players an advantage in PVP, provided I feel like I am making progress towards that gear.


There is a cycle to the game. You roll into a WZ at lvl 11 and you are pretty squishy. Can you still contribute? Sure if it is not your first toon, a lvl 12-19 played well can still earn an MVP vote here and there. But as you make the trek from 19 - 49 you go from adequate to awesome. Admit it, who didn't love being lvl 49 in a WZ? I'd roll up on a turret and think "ehh there's only 2 of them there, I got this."


Then you are thrown in with the 50's and you feel like you are level 11 all over again. You realize being lvl 49 made you a little lazy with your rotation, you shore things up and start posting middle of the pack numbers again. With the hope that those middle of the pack #'s will turn into MVP numbers once you close the gear gap. But "old" 50's seem to feel like they should be able to keep that advantage forever. Sorry that is not the way it works. I'm not saying it should be "ding welcome to lvl 50 here is your War Hero gear" but people at lvl 50 need to embrace the idea that at some point the only thing separating them from other players will be their skill there has to be a "top" somewhere and you can't keep counting on tenure to give you a "built in" advantage.


What people say: I worked hard for all my gear, it's not fair that other people didn't have to work as hard.


What people hear: I miss having a gear advantage.


Having played the same character a very long time doesn't necessarily make you good. And if it did make you good, you're probably not that worried about what kind of gear your competition is wearing.

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What people say: I worked hard for all my gear, it's not fair that other people didn't have to work as hard.


What people hear: I miss having a gear advantage.


No, what you are actually saying is that you don't like skill based PvP. Why is that?

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I freaking hate this gear system.


People hit 50 and 3 days later have full battlemaster. What's the sense in being equal to a fresh 50 when I've busted my *** getting valor lvl 75?


I'd love to see 60 valor required for BM and 70 for war hero gear, seems fair to me.


edit: just thought i'd put my thoughts out there, kthx.



Translation: Wah wah i want to feel special in my special gear. I cant feel special if everyone else is wearing it. Despite the fact they've put in the same effort as i to grind up their valor while leveling, and bank points in prep for their gear.


ITS NOT FAIR MOMY!! DADDY! HES GOT MY STUFF!! I demand they raise the valor cap on my gear so i can feel special for longer. And by special i mean i have little skill and rely heavily on winning via having superior gear. Anyone in crap gear that has an ounce of skill can still roll me tho, but ITS NOT FAIR MY GEAR IM SPECIAL.

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Wow/Daoc/Rift/Swtor have gear grinds and are of the highest in history, so ima guess they like the grind...


in less than a week I could have a playable char in DAOC fully templated and rvring in 15 hours.... don't ever, EVER compare any of the games listed to DAOC.. that was and still is the best pvp game out there.

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Oh, this again, the 'fair fight' quote. They should have to work for their gear, if you want that sort of game go play GW2.


I did work for my gear, you chimp. That's how I paid my subscription fee, with the money from my job. SInce the sub cost me less than an hour in wages, maybe we should nerf sub costs by making them ninety dollars a month, since some kids do chores for a couple hours a week to make that kind of money. Then again, Doctors and Lawyers would still be OP because they put in less work than I did to get that money.


I PLAYED a game to get gear. The second this game turns into work, I demand a raise because my current compensation package for playing it is...paltry.

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Whats the huge advantage in PvP?


99% of players are BM. Full BM is attainable in a week of grinding. 2-3 if youre slow and casual + its guaranteed, not chance like the previous system. Now with new update to the WZ comm reward system, itll be even faster.


So how is there huge advantage when new PvPers are being given the same gear as everyone else on a silver platter




That one week is such BS. Most people don't log on EVERY SINGLE DAY. I have 2 pieces of BM since 1.2 went live. Stop pretending everyone has BM gear.

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It is ridiculous that I spent many weeks doing the daily and weekly trying to get BM commendations through a stupid RNG system. BW could have at least made BM gear cost more and not make it so easily obtainable.


It is basically like BW not caring for the time of those who grinded to get the gear.


A big spit in the face. :mad:

Edited by LexiCazam
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3 days is long enough to farm for gear, some of us have lives.


I am looking forward to my credit bought full Rakata set so I can do nightmare operations with little experience in them.


Or is that not the same thing?


PVE'ers who want to try their hand at PVP, I truly do welcome you, we all want more people playing our side of the game. How do you feel about me being able to buy the same PVE gear you have worked for over 4 months though? Pretty sure I know the answer.

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Having PvP be about the gear instead of the player is the biggest failure done to pvp by so many mmo's, and it will be the failure to swtor if they don't change it.


Bioware listen, gear is about customization and looks. The ability to customize your character to fit your exact play style and looks, your game is setup to do that with all the gear that is editable.


The second you introduce disparity in your gear with stats like Expertise, is the second you tell your players that it doesn't matter how well or poorly they play, it only matters how long they grind. That's just stupid and an insult to the people that want to actually play the game, not just have the power to faceroll newbies because their gear allows them to compensate for lack of any type of actual skill or effort.


Any real PvPer will tell you that they'd rather PvP stark-naked than allow a disparity gap be created from poorly implemented PvP gear!


Without expertise you'd have to PvE raid to do well in PvP. Expertise is a great and needed addition to make sure people are not forced to pve to pvp. What is needed is to make sure everyone can get the needed expertise gear quickly and cheaply, so PvP is easy and fun to enter.

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I am looking forward to my credit bought full Rakata set so I can do nightmare operations with little experience in them.


Or is that not the same thing?


PVE'ers who want to try their hand at PVP, I truly do welcome you, we all want more people playing our side of the game. How do you feel about me being able to buy the same PVE gear you have worked for over 4 months though? Pretty sure I know the answer.


PvP depends on players to provide the content, so it's imperative that anyone who wants to pvp can do so easily and without trouble, which means getting gear must be easy.


PvE too will face the same question sooner or later: Make getting the gear easier, or see the number of new and returning players dwindle since the gear grind is too long to catch up to current top tier.

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I freaking hate this gear system.


People hit 50 and 3 days later have full battlemaster. What's the sense in being equal to a fresh 50 when I've busted my *** getting valor lvl 75?


I'd love to see 60 valor required for BM and 70 for war hero gear, seems fair to me.


edit: just thought i'd put my thoughts out there, kthx.


I never saw the problem with BM requiring valour rank 60, but those days are gone and arent coming back.


Just one point for you however. My guild re-rolled on a new server. I hit 50 at the weekend (Friday) and im currently in full BM and am rank 60 valour. So "fresh" 50s are still going to be wearing the same gear as you, if they are serious about PvP.

Edited by AKfourtyseven
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I freaking hate this gear system.


People hit 50 and 3 days later have full battlemaster. What's the sense in being equal to a fresh 50 when I've busted my *** getting valor lvl 75?


I'd love to see 60 valor required for BM and 70 for war hero gear, seems fair to me.


edit: just thought i'd put my thoughts out there, kthx.


that would require like 72 hrs of straight pvp


also, BM gear is the new 2nd tier gear


how long did it take you to get your champion gear? because that is what BM is now

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