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Everything posted by Purebliss

  1. Purebliss

    Arenas yet?

    IF you have time to do both hardcore that is great. What I'm saying is most people who work 5 day weeks dedicate most of their time to either one or the other. Every guild I have been has followed this example. I'm NOT saying the guild is DEFINED as a pvp or pve guild, but the players inside will usually devote MOST of their game time to either pvp or pve. I am not saying, as you suggest, that PVP'rs wouldn't absolutely smash PVE content. I agree with you on that. The point is they either can't be bothered, don't have the time, or just would rather spend their game time doing what they love - PVP.
  2. Purebliss

    Arenas yet?

    Wrong. Players can be hardcore PVE. Not stopping until they are server first to down a nightmare raid etc. Just like players can be hardcore PVP. Not stopping until they are the among the best on the server.
  3. Purebliss

    Arenas yet?

    That is competitive player, son. How does arena ruin PVE? Are you so ignorant that some players don't like to PVE, and prefer PVP?
  4. Purebliss

    Arenas yet?

    That statement is so ignorant.. I don't even know why I bother to reply. Hundreds of players all going at once? Yeah that is awesome to test your skills. Arena is a place COMPETITIVE players LOVE to go. They are matched up in an even environment where skill increase is bound to happen the more you play. You are forced to learn EVERY class and EVERY skill just to compete. It is such a technical game of knowing when certain abilities are going to occur and come off cooldown, being constantly aware of your surroundings and synchronizing playstyles with your team that players like yourself that simply cannot learn or cannot be bothered to learn such match deciding factors you CRY. You CRY that it is too much, or you won't enjoy it because of imbalance etc. The truth is, GOOD players will always reign supreme in such environments. Not because they are an OP class or combination. But. Because. They. Are. Good. Players. Arena opens up the game to ALL competitive players, and if done right can be a great step forward.
  5. Clearly you verse bad players. I'm a War Hero mara, and up against most War Hero classes I am forced to use every def CD to stay up.
  6. No, you can buy all the BM gear as you level up through PVP.
  7. No, you can buy all the BM gear as you level up through PVP.
  8. Do you even know the CD on Ravage? It is longer than knockback CD's.
  9. Do you have 0 expertise son? I am valor 75 with a few pieces War Hero and never do that much. I have hit 5k on the final hit ONCE after popping EVERYTHING and the target had no expertise. What's more is anyone can knock you back, stun you or even use a mez and it stops the whole thing. In a big scramble I will usually always NEVER get my final hit off due to so many knockbacks etc happening. Only when it is 1v1 and I wait for the target to use their stun / knockback etc will I ever get it off.
  10. It is ridiculous that I spent many weeks doing the daily and weekly trying to get BM commendations through a stupid RNG system. BW could have at least made BM gear cost more and not make it so easily obtainable. It is basically like BW not caring for the time of those who grinded to get the gear. A big spit in the face.
  11. It is the convenience of having ONE spot EVERYONE goes to. All they need to do (if it does lag) is open up a zone within imperial fleet. (probably near the pvp vendor area) Here's an idea: How about dueling room/s where there are different obstacles to fight on simulating a more world PVP encounter.
  12. DO IT PLEASE I was talking to my friend today about swtor.. was saying one of the things I would absolutely love was if there was a 'durotar equivalent' where everyone is having epic duels challenging each other. I'm not saying this should be more like WoW.. but the CONCEPT of having an area for everyone to go to while bored to practice and hone skills is simply excellent.
  13. Good read, OP. Your post shows great levels of emotion which kept me going. I understand where you're coming from and tend to agree with what you're saying.
  14. Am I missing something or is artifice quite underpowered in comparison to other crew skills? I have never ever seen an artifice schematic drop from any bosses... I have tried RE crystals etc, gotten them to the epic schematic.. but not much money can be made from the prices Ive seen on the GM. The only clear use I've seen is creating the rakata relic which I am current using. I compare this to such things as unlimited use stims and medpacs and cant help but feel sold short. So again, is it just me or is artifice currently underpowered?
  15. I completely agree with the tab targeting issue. /signed
  16. This **** is bugging me so much.. at least give an explanation Bioware...
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