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free 30 days applied after next billing cycle. very misleading bw


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You have to have an ACTIVE SUBSCRIPTION to get the 30 days, meaning it's not inflating ANYTHING because the people are already actively subscribed. READING comprehension people. Read what they said and comprehend it.


Not to mention EVERY other MMO I have ever played does this to get people back who already don't pay. Bioware is going above and beyond, losing millions of guaranteed money, just because they feel like giving back to the people who have stuck with them through launch. If it were up to me I would spend that money and hire a forum moderator and go through every troll post and disqualify every forum troll from consideration. But then again I hate stupid people and don't run a massive company like BW.


Actually there are two requirements in play some people fall under requirement #1, others under requirement #2.


Requirement #1: Have a level 50 character and a active subscription on the day 1.2 went live.


Requirement #2: Have a level 50 character OR a legacy family that has obtained legacy level 6 by the 22nd April.


Whilst they may have been lieing, people have claimed to be quoting Stephen Reid from twitter confirming that for the requirement #1, providing the account had a active subscription when 1.2 hit they already qualify for their 30 days regardless to if their account has a active subscription when they go about crediting the accounts with the free month.


Nowhere has it been stated that you need to have a active account throughout up until you get the 30 days added.... simply that you need a active account before either of the deadlines and meet the requirements to be applicable, one of the deadlines was over a week ago now and those who qualified for it no longer need to renew their subscription if it expires before the 30 days are granted in order to still receive the free month.


So the OP does actually have a point, if your subscription expires between qualifying and it being credited, then your options are to either not play for those days until your account is credited, or resubscribe for at the very least 1 more month and then not receive the free 30 days until the end of whatever period of access you just paid for.


Not really a problem for me personally, but the OP does have a point regardless.

Edited by Tikigit
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I do see what the OP is saying.


The majority of accounts have their sub run out the 21st or 22nd. Which means you have to buy an extra month to qualify for the free month.


Though I hardly see how it matters. If you were going to quit then you're going to quit and it doesn't effect you. And if you were planning on staying then you were going to pay anyway, but now you get 60 days instead of 30. So it doesn't seem like a big deal to me.


I mean this is just basically a ploy to massively inflate sub numbers before their next conference call so they can tell investors how well they are doing.


Everyone gets a free month + deactivated accounts get re-activated for free for 7 days + free weekend = they get to count everyone who has every bought the game as an "active" account = huge sub numbers.


ACTIVE SUBSCRIPTIONS are only counted as well as purchased registered copies of the game so your lies are actually incorrect. But I don't care if 1,000 people play this game as long as I still have 15 other people to run Operations with I'll be just fine.

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The wording of the email felt wrong to me as well. I will in the end will add one more month to get 1 month free just to try it out and see if 1.2 is really the game saver or just things that should have been here at release and its still missing things that should have been added after release to catch up.


Quoting " You are one of our most active and valued high level players and we know you have been waiting patiently for Game Update 1.2: Legacy. To show our appreciation, check out all the great new features this update has to offer-on us. We will be adding an additional 30 days of game time to your account at no charge*. The free 30 days will appear on your account by April 24, 11:59PM CDT, April 25, 4:59AM GMT."




30 days of game time to your account at no charge... other than the charge for one month of resubscribing because your sub ends a couple days before the "free month". I haven't been playing for three weeks because I wanted to wait till 1.2. I didn't get my money back for those three weeks. So when I read the first paragraph I thought cool, I'll give it a whirl and see as its free, then I see oh gosh I have to pay basically, and if it isn't "fixed" then I wont be playing anyway after a week or two so a free month is pointless as I had to pay to try it anyway.


Yea $14.95 is like one dinner out and a drink. It still didn't sit right the way it was awarded. Bonus to all of you who love the game and think nothing is wrong though!

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I got a free month and had 85 days left on my sub. I cancelled my sub and uninstalled the game because it is such a boring linear grind that someone would have to pay me serious money to play this game.


And people obviously agree with me and thats why even my "standard" population server died (like 4 people on most planets) and I had to reroll on TOFN only to endure 50 minute wait times


I happen to enjoy the game very much.


I remember the same "boring linear grind" back when I played Zelda on the NES. I remember the "boring linear grind" back when I played Zaxxon at the local arcade back in the early 80's. I remember the same "boring linear grind" back when me and my sons played baseball on our Sears Entertainment System (later called the Atari 2600).


Each and every one of these "boring linear grind" games I still play today at a very young 86 years of age. You see, these games are forms of entertainment. If they're not your cup of tea, so be it. But at the end of the day, it's just entertainment. That's the point though, isn't it? If you're not entertained, then don't play (which I see you're not doing). However, why is it that you're still here posting on forums for a game that you wouldn't play even if someone payed you "serious money" to play it? It just doesn't make sense.


If gaming stresses you out so much, might I suggest doing something else to fill your entertainment needs? Also, the vocal opinions seen on the forums is a very, very small portion of the overall population. Your server died. Sorry. Mine is flourishing. Why? Probably because it has less self-entitled wanna-be gamers populating it.

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Actually there are two requirements in play some people fall under requirement #1, others under requirement #2.


Requirement #1: Have a level 50 character and a active subscription on the day 1.2 went live.


Requirement #2: Have a level 50 character OR a legacy family that has obtained legacy level 6 by the 22nd April.


Whilst they may have been lieing, people have claimed to be quoting Stephen Reid from twitter confirming that for the requirement #1, providing the account had a active subscription when 1.2 hit they already qualify for their 30 days regardless to if their account has a active subscription when they go about crediting the accounts with the free month.


Nowhere has it been stated that you need to have a active account throughout up until you get the 30 days added.... simply that you need a active account before either of the deadlines and meet the requirements to be applicable, one of the deadlines was over a week ago now and those who qualified for it no longer need to renew their subscription if it expires before the 30 days are granted in order to still receive the free month.


Just be sure you are an active subscriber and have a Level 50 character by April 12, 2012, 12:00PM CDT, 5:00PM GMT or April 22, 2012, 12:00PM CDT, 5:00PM GMT.


- OR, be sure you are an active subscriber with a Legacy Level 6 account by April 22, 2012, 12:00PM CDT, 5:00PM GMT. Unlock your Legacy by finishing Chapter 1 and then continue your Legacy progression on multiple characters until you see the Level 6 on your Legacy Level bar (under your XP bar). Examples of how to get to Legacy Level 6

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I think bioware should have made it clear that the extra 30 days was to be added after this billing cycle. This is very misleding and clearly a grab for money


They made it perfectly clear in the official statement. Told us when to expect the email and when the free time would be applied.


I hate it when I make an idiot out of myself because I dont read the fine print, dont YOU?

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What's the difference between adding it now and at the end of the cycle?
it's a ploy to keep people from unsubbing who are on the fence.


basically, it makes this next billing cycle bogo... rather than just getting a free month.

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Really? You are complaining about a free month???




I think the OP is upset that it doesn't happen on a per account basis and is set of for a particular customer base wide billing cycle.


Some will have it applied directly following the billing cycle they are currently in.


Others (like the OP I think) may have to pay one more cycle then have their free month applied.


If this is what the OP is upset about I can understand.


Sorry OP not everyone attempts to think thru the problems posted about before flaming them.



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Just be sure you are an active subscriber and have a Level 50 character by April 12, 2012, 12:00PM CDT, 5:00PM GMT or April 22, 2012, 12:00PM CDT, 5:00PM GMT.


- OR, be sure you are an active subscriber with a Legacy Level 6 account by April 22, 2012, 12:00PM CDT, 5:00PM GMT. Unlock your Legacy by finishing Chapter 1 and then continue your Legacy progression on multiple characters until you see the Level 6 on your Legacy Level bar (under your XP bar). Examples of how to get to Legacy Level 6


Exactly. :)


Soon as you qualify, you qualify. Those that qualified for the original promotion before the extra options were presented will be receiving 30 days regardless to what they do with their subscription from this point onwards.


If your subscription expires after you qualify but before you're credited you still get the free 30 days, just immediately at the expense of a few days not being able to play.


Where as those who may have subscribed for 6 months this week for example and don't have a level 50 but are legacy level 6 and as such will be slated as qualified on the 22nd when the deadline hits, will not be seeing their free month until October when their billing cycle (6 months) expires. (At which point they'll find they can play until November).


So options are to not renew, lose a few days play and get your free month when it's credited to your account and see how development goes in those 30 days, or continue to subscribe for xxxx months, and then at the end of those months receive a extra one bolted onto the end.


Fine by me personally. :p

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Exactly. :)


Soon as you qualify, you qualify. If your subscription expires after you qualify you still get the free 30 days, just immediately at the expense of a few days not being able to play.


Where as those who may have subscribed for 6 months this week and don't have a level 50 but are legacy level 6 and as such will be slated as qualified on the 22nd when the deadline hits, won't be seeing their free month until October.


Hey at least they aren't giving free lvl 45 toons and sparkle ponies to people who left. I'll take free stuff for the people who actually pay the bills anyday! :D

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If Bioware sent out emails today, informing all of us that we would be getting a $16.00 check in the mail on the 24th, I'm sure the same people would be complaining about it. Why? Because today's gamers are not gamers. They're self-entitled whiners who have forgotten what gaming is about ...


Agreed x1000

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I think the OP is upset that it doesn't happen on a per account basis and is set of for a particular customer base wide billing cycle.


Some will have it applied directly following the billing cycle they are currently in.


Others (like the OP I think) may have to pay one more cycle then have their free month applied.


If this is what the OP is upset about I can understand.


Sorry OP not everyone attempts to think thru the problems posted about before flaming them.




Sorry OP not everyone attempts to read in between the lines and assume what you meant to say.


It is nice how some people point the finger while making assumptions themselves. See where I am going with this yet, Urael?


Besides, if you don't like the game enough to pay for another cycle, then why do you even want the free 30 days? Just because it is free? Sheesh!


Some people need to read their posts before they hit the "Submit Reply" button.

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Dear SWTOR Community,


As you have demonstrated that you are not capable of enjoying the free month we were planning to give you, we are instead giving you playable Ewoks.


tl;dr – We have altered the deal; pray we do not alter it any further.




The Devs

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Something that has just dawned on me....


The current subscription/account process doesn't appear to recognise/report extra game time added to the account, for example my subscription expired yesterday (17th) and the billing page on my account informed me I would be billed again on the 18th.... it has always been slated to expire on the 17th even before the free day was announced.


However due to the extra day credit, I was able to cancel my renewal yesterday and continue to play today even though when I checked this morning my subscription status informed me I had 0 days of game time on my account.


So even though I was able to play today despite not renewing and instead choosing buy 2 60 day time codes... if I hadn't cancelled my renewal I would have been billed first thing this morning completely ignoring the free time credited.


So as the free month as part of the promotion is credited after the current billing cycle, unless the billing/account system is updated to accommodate for extra credited time and adjust itself, what people will likely see is that at the end of their current subscription they will immediately be billed again, but they will then proceed to their free month first and then after those 30 days, they will begin to consume their paid for days....


This does seem slightly iffy.

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Sorry OP not everyone attempts to read in between the lines and assume what you meant to say.


It is nice how some people point the finger while making assumptions themselves. See where I am going with this yet, Urael?


Besides, if you don't like the game enough to pay for another cycle, then why do you even want the free 30 days? Just because it is free? Sheesh!


Some people need to read their posts before they hit the "Submit Reply" button.


Was working as intended. :rolleyes:

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I don't really see anything wrong. If you are on a month to month, you pay for 11 and get 12 months. Perhaps they could have done it on an account by account basis, but they made a decision to do it on the same day so that's what they are going with.


It appears you will see your free month after your billing cycle renews after they are credit date. If that's the 5th of May, so be it, but it appears only those who are in the April 22-23 range are the ones up in arms....(why not April 19th, 20th, or 21st??) If you are going to lose 2-3 days because you will not renew, then the free month really doesn't mean all that much to you because you are on your way out. If not getting 2-3 days is the "straw that broke the camel's back" then I say fixing it would not have mattered as it woulda been the next perceived slight and you are on the way out.

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I think bioware should have made it clear that the extra 30 days was to be added after this billing cycle. This is very misleding and clearly a grab for money


No it isn't; this way the hate machine can't say: /whine The sub increase is because everyone is on there free month when they announce it at the next investor meeting.


Want to piss and moan at someone? Piss and moan at them

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What's the difference between adding it now and at the end of the cycle?


if they wait till the end of the cycle they give other people a chance to get to get the free month. They are allowing a carry over til like the 24th or something. if they gave it now they wouldnt be able to do that.

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OMG, are you seriously complaining about a FREE MONTH?

It is even designed so that a lot of people can take advantage of it. Even late comers can get it.

You are complaining about it? Is $15 really such an issue for you this month that it is worth screwing other people and complaining about it?

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OMG, are you seriously complaining about a FREE MONTH?

It is even designed so that a lot of people can take advantage of it. Even late comers can get it.

You are complaining about it? Is $15 really such an issue for you this month that it is worth screwing other people and complaining about it?


Actually dragon: http://www.swtor.com/community/showpost.php?p=4034810&postcount=42


If this is indeed accurate, and remains to be so... what will be happening is that people will continue on their current gametime, they will then be billed again as the billing system is not able to account for the extra time and doesn't report on your account page that there are 30 days more for you to play, nor does it update when the billing system will next charge your credit card... instead the billing system ignores the extra time and just continues on like it doesn't exist.


So as soon as our current subscription time expires, EA|Bioware will auto-bill accounts because the previous paid time has expired, even though there is undeclared game time left on the account not reflected on our account pages... so your account will have 30 days of game time left, but they will be charging you for a extra however months you are set for... $15 is just the minimum amount anyone on a Credit card renewal scheme will be charged.


After the next subscription period has been billed, you move into your free game time...


If you'd cancelled your renewal you can still play your free month without being charged,


If you haven't cancelled your renewal you can still play your free month but have been billed on the day it started.


One way to work about the claims that EA|Bioware will be losing millions from the free month I suppose, as whilst perhaps unintentional, they're likely to benefit from people who just add on a extra month on their current subscription thinking it's a free month that prolongs the next billing date, and find themselves billed sooner than expected and faced with another 1, 6 or even 12 months they weren't expecting to shell out on when it was taken from their bank account.

Edited by Tikigit
Updated link on first line.
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I think bioware should have made it clear that the extra 30 days was to be added after this billing cycle. This is very misleding and clearly a grab for money


Sir, let me reiterate for you:


EA = Nickle and Dime and Nickle and Dime


Forbe’s Paul Tassi writes, “I’ve been covering hate of EA for quite a while now, and understand why their brand is so despised among gamers. They have [a] habit of buying beloved gaming companies and either summarily executing them, or corrupting them to the point where they’re almost unrecognizable. Most recently, fans mourned the apparent loss of Bioware. The genius [developer] was behind Knights of the Old Republic and Mass Effect, but the way newer titles like The Old Republic and Mass Effect 3 have been handled since EA took over has caused fans to lose faith. EA is at the forefront of some of the most annoying practices in the industry to date, such as restrictive DRM, seemingly abusive DLC and appearing to trade creativity for cash.”



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