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How many hours does it take you to PUG the daily?


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Took me 1.5 hours. Would have taken sooner, but I got glitched and booted from a winning match. The Secret: PVP in the morning or get super lucky.


For obvious reasons, pvp in the morning is not an option.


The question I am really weighting right now, after "horrible wrong" happened the 3rd day now, and things are getting worse: I like the game, but I doubt there's a place for "someone like me". I only like pvp, pve is too... static for my taste. But my place in this pvp is cannon-fodder for people who can get 1-2 BM pieces a day (that would equate to 2 ranked ones in 3 days, right?). Now if I'd have to put up with this for a week or two...


40 coms a match.

3 matches an hour.

2-3 hours a day.

= 380 coms a day.

+99 daily = 479.


playing this much for 5 days a weeks sounds excessive, but lets assume:


mainhand for 1550 (something like that) thats 4 days.

* (weekend)

offhand +3 (calculating the weekly)

* (weekend)

chest +3

legs +2

* (weekend)

hands +2

feet +2

implant +1

* (weekend)

implant +1

ear +2

trinket +1

trinket +1

* (weekend)

belt +2

wrist +2


26 days of playing this game. During wich other players will increase the gap by getting the ranked stuff. I suddenly understand where the free month comes from. 5 weeks of playing too much to consider it being healthy while being fodder. :(


I'll sleep over it, but this seems to be the wrong playstyle/gametype for me. They'd need to put in a junior-league for seniors or workers or both or something.


Obviously, if it were fast enough for me, someone with 10 hours of gametime each day AND the weekends without family would be bored after a week. ;)


Thanks for all your answers, though.

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Maybe 1 if things are bad.


I find it takes longer during prime playing times. Seems I get more premades against me, and more "how do I throw the huttball?" players on my side. But I tend to solo queue.


Some guildies used to queue with me, but since 1.2 they've stopped playing except for raid night. There's a couple buds I met while PvP'ing, and we queue together some times. We're a pretty good small-man team of 3-4. However, again, since 1.2 we haven't gotten together because of the PvP changes.

Edited by Heideggar
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it takes to long


1 daily shouldnt take someone ina pug half there nightly game time


it should be 1 win and thats it so we can actually go do something else


Like what? Realy what, if your a PvPer your going to go do some more PvP. If your a PvEer, why you even whining?

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Actually let me estimate this for a Premade-10-hours-a-day player:


4 games an hour (thats with waiting, breaks due to random-afkness, ...)

70 coms avg (mostly winning and high on medals)

10 hours a day (you know, that screams 'get help' - seriously, it does)

+99 a day.


4*70*10 = 2899 comms a day. -- WOW! that surprised me just now.


Prices Cheatsheet

at a total of 12475 points for full battlemaster


Thats 4.3 days. For the whole thing.


at my previously calculated 479 comms a day it would be 26.04 days. (so my previous estimate was actually pretty good, eh?)


At this rate this player will be in full rated before I even complete my BM stuff.


Or - in math:

2899 * 26 = 75374 coms

that makes 62899 coms beyond the full battlemaster

divided by 3 thats 20966 rated warzone commendations

plus the daily and weekly rewards:

+ 26/7*99(weekly) +26*99(daily) = 31977

Giving a total after 26 days of 52943 rated commendations AFTER getting the BM set.

the complete rated set costs 28625 rated commendations


So by the time I'd get the set, the "real players" EASILY have me outmatched in ranked gear.


I'll not even calculate how long that would take me.

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So you basically win every match. Pug'in? Ok, thats either BS or you are the luckiest douche in the world.


Then there's the 5-10 Minute gueue's that are only absent if the game wants to put you into a lost match where someone left. 10-15 Minutes of play. x3 - thats more than your 45 already.


So even if I DID win every game, it would definately be more than an hour.


Be mindfull of the title: PUG. Not GUILD or PREMADE.


I did mine Late last night and couldn't get a guild group so I solo que'd and won 3 in a row. It happens more then you think, at least on Ajunta Pall.


Kor'toth: Mouretsu

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Match wise, the first one. Waiting in the queue though, over an hour. (Left the queue after 30 minutes this morning and logged out for a while.)


The WZ queue times, at least on my server, since 1.2 have gone up in time quite a bit. Nobody is bothering to queue.


While 11k is okay exp, 29 comms, and 0 credits kind of makes it not worthwhile.

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10 losses or so in row and still not a win in sight in over 4 hours. Before 1.2 it was about even with Rebs winning some and Empire winning some. With the 1,2 expertise changes it's just basically pointless to que and attempt to win.


It's really no supise ranked zones were dropped as BW can't fix pre-season PvP. At the this rate I don't much WZ's happening on Beks in the future.

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Server queing would help alot because last time i checked (today) on fleets rep fleet: 68 players max imp fleet: over 200....


That's just about it, but since server queues wont come fast im guessing imps will be way overpowered on our server in some time and most of reps will stop pvping.

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2 wins since 1.2. Q times are into the hours now as well, and if you get a game its 8v4 (on my pub main)


Dailies are done in an hour or two on my imp alt (also 50), done via in-faction fighting. Thats some good balance there... gearing up the already overpopulated and overgeared faction.


Nice job bioware.

Edited by Polebreaker
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Like what? Realy what, if your a PvPer your going to go do some more PvP. If your a PvEer, why you even whining?


wait? you mean a PVPer cant do any pve? how did you get your rakata stims? oh wait maybe i missed the update that took pvp to get? how about that +10 to all stats datacron? i bet that took pvp too? how about all those datacrons... you mean pvped to do those too?


LOL hypocrite

Edited by Safgril
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Before 1.2, probably an hour on average. Now, however, it seems like every other Imp is either a PvE hero or undergeared alt. So, some days I finish it in an hour or two, sometimes I just keep it going for a day or two. I'm mostly full BM already so I really don't see the need to stomach terrible PUGs just to get a piece or two of WH gear at the current prices. Once rateds finally come around I'll gear up quick.
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Like what? Realy what, if your a PvPer your going to go do some more PvP. If your a PvEer, why you even whining?[/QUOT


I have kids i have a full time job, some nights it can take up to 10 games to get your 3 games ina pug scenario, which can be anywhere from 2-3 hours, due to people leaving, afking, so my whole play time is pvping doing nothing else normally unless you get lucky....


see the problem there?


I dont expect things to be given to me but its reasonable to say when I can do 30 dailys in just over a hour then 1 daily takes double for that then somethings wrong.

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It's more like how many DAYS does it take to pug the daily.


And I thought the patch yesterday was supposed to fix some problems, not make them worse.


First game tonight I join a Warzone in progress. Huttball. Our team is winning but there are a couple from the other team camping out at our spawn point. Now I should mention that I'm a Healing Sorc. Yea. Getting farmed right out of the force field was really fun. /sarcasm.


Barely got my 1 medal... and that was only by bubbling myself and running over a active fire pit. But still, it's 1 medal. Supposed to be the new minimum right? Managed 60k-ish healing once I finally made it past the two campers and the game ends with a win.


ZERO Valor. ZERO Commendations. ZERO Credits and ZERO XP.




Two games later, another Huttball, PuG (My team) vs. a Premade. We get roffle stomped Horribly 6-0 in short order. Still manage 100k healing and 2 medals somehow... Game ends...




To hell with this. /quit game.

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It's more like how many DAYS does it take to pug the daily.


And I thought the patch yesterday was supposed to fix some problems, not make them worse.


First game tonight I join a Warzone in progress. Huttball. Our team is winning but there are a couple from the other team camping out at our spawn point. Now I should mention that I'm a Healing Sorc. Yea. Getting farmed right out of the force field was really fun. /sarcasm.


Barely got my 1 medal... and that was only by bubbling myself and running over a active fire pit. But still, it's 1 medal. Supposed to be the new minimum right? Managed 60k-ish healing once I finally made it past the two campers and the game ends with a win.


ZERO Valor. ZERO Commendations. ZERO Credits and ZERO XP.




Two games later, another Huttball, PuG (My team) vs. a Premade. We get roffle stomped Horribly 6-0 in short order. Still manage 100k healing and 2 medals somehow... Game ends...




To hell with this. /quit game.


it's still 3 medals... they haven't implemeted the 1 medal welfares yet... :rolleyes:

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Took me seven hours on Monday(my day off, cut me some slack!). Worth noting that this was not quite enough playtime to purchase a PvP item with current payouts.


Took three matches today. I guess you win some/lose some, but it does make me pity the folks that have the entirety of their playtime every single day at the same time as their opponents are dominant.

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Having an early evening now. Couldn't get myself to start up swtor so far. I guess the calculated shock from yesterday evening still lingers - let me edit that into the OP, so it doesn't get lost on its page.


I think this is a rather present problem for all current working class players, eh?

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