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10 Good
  1. Am I the only one getting sick and tired of "We apologize for the inconvenience" messages Bioware throws at us all the time? Like it even means anything anymore : /
  2. Yeah, it's not 8s. It's 20-30s easy. It's easily reproduceable too. Any programmer worth their salt, looking at a parsing data file, should be able to find the prob in like 10-15min, and a deployable fix in a few hours. But hey, I'm just an aeronautical software engineer, what do I know about debugging critical systems. I'll tell ya one thing I do know though, when my customer tells me there's a problem I get off my arse and look into it : )
  3. I'm hoping it's not before they fix all the problems. With that said, probably not for another 3-4 months.
  4. To add to the OP's list: - Terrible Customer Service - Lack of communication by Devs on important issues - Lack of many game functionality/features that are standard in other MMOs. - Lack of playing experience by Devs to properly balance PvE and PvP issues. - Poor Client/Server coding scheme for environment loading. - Lacking a lot of quality of life features. - Lack of a "I'm a star wars hero, I matter." feel. Did you guys see how fast those speeders traveled in Return of the Jedi? You Devs should go watch the original three movies at least once in your lives. - Space Combat is on par with a roller-coaster. It was nice seeing the scenes of the mission the first couple times, but since I can't actually drive this sucker, I'm clearly not the pilot of my own ship. Enemy ships going -past- me so I can shoot them from behind is beyond retarded. No sense of realism whatsoever with that. But you have to do that since you won't let me pilot my own ship. - Lies and Half Truths. Devs knew rated warzones weren't going to be ingame for a -long- time. They knew their combat log feature sucked. They don't even address current 1.3 changes on the PTS, where hundreds of people are voicing and viewing their opinions. They are desperate to keep people paying instead of working hard to increase people's desire to play, and that's what's the worst of it all.
  5. What? I can't follow someone around on my Operative and put them to sleep, wait for their resolve bar to go down, and put them to sleep, wait, sleep, wait , sleep... so sleepy... lol. I did this once to a guy for at least half a huttball match. We lost huttball. lol.
  6. One of the many things that has put me off from SWtoR. Annoying as hell for a healer, and to a lesser degree a tank. I came up with a workaround for the issue though. I stopped PvP'ing as a healer or tank. There, I fixed it : )
  7. I dunno. A while back (3 weeks maybe) I was PvP'ing and this guy was just standing in our pit telling everyone on our team how bad we were. It was getting super annoying, and we all asked him to just leave. So I asked everyone to vote kick him, and he laughs saying he's not going to go afk and wants to watch us lose. We all voted and he went bye bye, another guy came in, and won 3-2. So yeah, I thought the vote-kick system only worked on bots and afk'ers. We didn't expect to see that guy leave right after voting. So I'm not entirely sure how the system works. Maybe there's a second part to it that has something to do with not having been in combat for a period of time instead of truly being afk. Ex. Either... 1) People vote you afk, regardless of being in-combat or not, you get a box to click. or 2) You haven't been in combat for a long time, got voted on, and get auto-kicked /w no box to click.
  8. I can give my team 30-45s to come help (Jugger DPS). That's why I ask for help right away. I can instantly get into combat once I break a CC using any of a number of abilities. So being Mezzed/Sleep isn't an option for a double stealth team vs a juggernaut doing it right. My BH has his stealth probe detector and his flame turret that can be done on the move. Stealth teams can't get him. My sorcerer rarely guards because he's a healer 95% of the time, but when he does he can cast lightning storm non-stop for a -very- long time on himself. Of course you have the obvious knockbacks, sprints, stuns, etc. to get you away from the Mezzer, into combat, and to the person capping... if need be. My stealther protects nodes a lot, which makes it super easy by his obvious talents as an operative. So that's how I prevent teams from ninja capping nodes I protect. I don't have tips for classes/specs I don't play, sorry, but it's quite easy to prevent with the ones I do play. Good luck.
  9. If I'm solo-guarding a door I'm not there to defend the door against all attackers alone. I'm there to give my team time to come over and help prevent their team from capping. So I immediately ask for help (Ex. West x1 stealth). At least one person should be able to come over and support. If a second stealther comes over to hose you, that's the rest of your team's fault. You're doing all that you can to give your team the best chance. One thing to do is to make sure you quickly hit the person capping the door as soon as you get out of the CC. There's no time to be mouse-pecking at buttons for this sort of play. Your position in relation to the door matters depending on your spec. As a juggernaut I prefer to be far from the door. This lets me use saber throw and force leap (always saber throw first), and if there are two stealthers I can move from one to the other so I don't get double CC'ed. It's preventable by skilled people. A route I like to use with my operative in our premades is to simply kill the person guarding the door, especially if the person isn't a tank. Either way though, if you don't get off some defensive cooldowns and have a friend help, you're dead in about 5s.
  10. I'm not surprised. Bioware is uncreative in their ways of addressing balance issues. Instead of nerfing Biochem they could have given other professions something. It's easier to nerf 1 than develop something new for 3; even though it'd make the playerbase happier with the latter than the former...
  11. Slows, LoS, and dispells are what annoy my Pyrotech the most. They also have no defensive capabilities outside of a small damage mitigator and light heal. Now, if you let me get into a rotation on you, and you do nothing, yes, you're going to feel like I bent you over a barrel. I destroy Pyrotechs on my Juggernaut (Rages). I slow, LoS, and dispell incendiary missle when on my Sorcerer healer. I get E Z kills on my operative (rogue). I open up on them (because they're often turret standing idjits) with my Pyrotech, then sneak up on them and do a mid-close range burst to finish. I've never run into a Pyrotech that was 'godly' by any means. You're mad because they have top dps at the end of the warzone!? And they hit you hard when you allowed them the opportunity to hit you hard? Run FRAPS or something. I wanna see *** you're talking about.
  12. If I could cast while moving that may be all I need. I can speed burst, I can slow, I can knock back, I can stun, but all these are severely diminished when I have to stop to cast my heals (excluding barrier). To heal 8k hp (half someone's health), on average, that'd take me two casts, or about 5seconds. Nothing I have gives me 5 seconds of uninterrupted casting. Of course, I get slowed and rooted like crazy anyways, so while if I had the option to heal on the move, I wouldn't realistically have the opportunity a whole lot during the times I'd really want it. The resolve bar not accounting for roots and snares is a bit of a joke.
  13. My two nodes are double penetrating your shields. If you're good, you could triple, but that usually doesn't last long. The benefits are pretty good, but your team may get exhausted... sometimes having to go back to single shield penetration for a while.
  14. Three newb marauders fresh off the FotM bus all force leaped to me only to have my Juggernaut hit all three for 7k each. They all vanished on me. A few seconds later they all pop back up on me. They should have ran, because now my smash is off cooldown again. My only 3-in-1 kill not using a trap or bridge.
  15. For someone who is a member of the Dark Council I haven't done anything related to their business since joining. I haven't sent a murder squad after someone, or ordered a fleet to bomb tauntauns (If you could smell them you wouldn't think they're that cute.). It feels that once we hit 50 there is no more storyline to the game and it's back to the standard raid scheme.
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