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Daniel Erickson on Server Population.


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There is definitely way more North American servers than needed.


I believe their statements about people just playing less, over Easter I played a lot because I was on holidays, and now that I am back at work, I am forced to play less, OMG GAME MUST BE DYING.


There are certainly people that would've bought this game, played it for a little, then just decided quietly that this isn't the game for them, that is fine and normal.


People were probably on Christmas holidays when the game launched and played most of the day, and now they're back at work/school and play less, or they're just less addicted now than at the start, that is fine and normal.


The kids who come onto the forum raging that they hate the game and are quitting are too emotionally involved in the game and are not quitting like they say, Bioware should take no notice of them and only be concerned about players who leave quietly.


The 'I had friends playing and now they aren't so servers are dying' people are forgetting that new people probably sign up to this game everyday.


These forums are toxic and do way more damage to the game than anything inside the game, these forums should be removed.

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Dalborra (Aussie server) has had two instances of Tatooine pretty much constantly since the event, so it still happens, you can change instance from the map window.


Most server had this, but knowing that Tatooine would have high numbers of players farming stuff I have to think the servers were set to create instances (on Tatooine) at lower numbers for the event. Which is a good thing.

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Daniel help us!!!!!!! We want to play this game!!!!!!!! Transfer, Merge, Unity, anything but quick!!!!!!


This! Thousand times this!

I will pay 150 € to the first biodrone who contacts me and gets my toons out of this godforsaken server. I'll even come and mow your lawn and wash your car.

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These forums are toxic and do way more damage to the game than anything inside the game, these forums should be removed.


It certainly can be caustic at times. You can usually tell by the title which thread has been started by one of the Ragequit Trolls (sounds like a punk rock band). Those I always avoid.


But the forums are still a viable venue for submitting constructive feedback to the developers and sharing with the community. I've read read posts from some very thoughtful and respectful players that has made participation in the forums worthwhile.

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With the roll out of 1.2 not having ranked pvp matches, and no word on cross server queues, though populations are up those who pvp is way down. Furthermore, the situation on lower populations is getting much bleaker. I love the game and appreciate the plethora of new content being introduced but I think a triage mindset must be employed and the singularity of mergers or transfers must transcend all needs at this junction.


The game made a great move with the free month, in terms of player loyalties and apologies, but do not waste that goodwill by delaying for months something that was needed months ago. Legacy, and dual spec are noise when you have nobody to play with. The crux of what makes mmos so addicting is the community they foster!


I think I speak for everybody when I say no one wants to be the best of 10 people, or log on to raid without enough people to do it with...Sometimes queueing takes longer than the games themselves or cannot start at all until later in the day. We even get accused of hacking the queue system because we will have games of 8 of us or fighting ourselves, the reality is there is nobody else queueing! The purpose of designing content that cannot be played or used is as if it was not designed at all.


We must all voice our support to focus funding immediately to save the lives of tens of thousands of subscribers wallowing away with no hope in sight, if we do not we will lose many players who would gladly love to add value to whatever server will allow them to call it home, and most likely they will never to come back. In the hospitality field its far easier to retain a current customer than attract a new one, we must make good now! Even if it you take the lowest 5-10 servers and manually start moving them to other lower servers to bolster their populations while saving the closest to death, the numbers are not huge and it was given to Asia which should be numerically within scope.


it would be a great act of generosity this community would appreciate. We need this, I hope someone important reads this and realizes that to save the game we have no choice and we must act soon....nothing matters as much as this and early summer is too late....to save the game for many servers. Please sign if you agree!


-Grimaldi, leader of bloodpact (Hedarr Soongh)

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Transfers in early summer are too late. That's at least a month and a half away. Add in setbacks to the whole system, and we're looking realistically at a 2-3 month time frame to get an 'automated' system in place.


Treat the issue like you did the Oceanic server transfers, and get people off low pop servers asap, even if your team needs to copy each account individually. I understand it would be easier on the dev team to wait these few months for the 'automated' transfer service, but this problem is destroying the game's credibility.

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I have no real problems with population on the servers where I play, I only would like transfers, because my characters are spread thin and with legacy now I prefer not to play on more than two servers in the end. I don't mind if transfers are payed, because at least it makes people think about where to transfer and not change servers every week thus preventing from server communities to build.
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With the roll out of 1.2 not having ranked pvp matches, and no word on cross server queues, though populations are up those who pvp is way down. Furthermore, the situation on lower populations is getting much bleaker. I love the game and appreciate the plethora of new content being introduced but I think a triage mindset must be employed and the singularity of mergers or transfers must transcend all needs at this junction.



-Grimaldi, leader of bloodpact (Hedarr Soongh)


Check TorStatus, populations are at an all time low, with the biggest decline in the last few days being on the most populated servers.

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With the roll out of 1.2 not having ranked pvp matches, and no word on cross server queues, though populations are up those who pvp is way down. Furthermore, the situation on lower populations is getting much bleaker. I love the game and appreciate the plethora of new content being introduced but I think a triage mindset must be employed and the singularity of mergers or transfers must transcend all needs at this junction.


The game made a great move with the free month, in terms of player loyalties and apologies, but do not waste that goodwill by delaying for months something that was needed months ago. Legacy, and dual spec are noise when you have nobody to play with. The crux of what makes mmos so addicting is the community they foster!


I think I speak for everybody when I say no one wants to be the best of 10 people, or log on to raid without enough people to do it with...Sometimes queueing takes longer than the games themselves or cannot start at all until later in the day. We even get accused of hacking the queue system because we will have games of 8 of us or fighting ourselves, the reality is there is nobody else queueing! The purpose of designing content that cannot be played or used is as if it was not designed at all.


We must all voice our support to focus funding immediately to save the lives of tens of thousands of subscribers wallowing away with no hope in sight, if we do not we will lose many players who would gladly love to add value to whatever server will allow them to call it home, and most likely they will never to come back. In the hospitality field its far easier to retain a current customer than attract a new one, we must make good now! Even if it you take the lowest 5-10 servers and manually start moving them to other lower servers to bolster their populations while saving the closest to death, the numbers are not huge and it was given to Asia which should be numerically within scope.


it would be a great act of generosity this community would appreciate. We need this, I hope someone important reads this and realizes that to save the game we have no choice and we must act soon....nothing matters as much as this and early summer is too late....to save the game for many servers. Please sign if you agree!


-Grimaldi, leader of bloodpact (Hedarr Soongh)


I agree! I pretty much said the same thing on another thread. Hope they're reading this, or at the least someone's smart enough to read some data.

Edited by Dotro
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This game is 100% instanced. There is no reason that I can see to not just have 1 giant server. There would be enough instances of everything to keep lag down, but the population would be massive. Warzone queue pops would be constant all day every day, finding a group would be super easy, no reason for ranked warzones to be cross-server, etc. It would solve a number of far more complicated problems.


I just dont see the point of the extensive instancing in this game if the server pops are going to be kept so low. Unless this game is really written that poorly that it literally cannot handle NOT being instanced out the wazoo

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I will detract from the topics which most people are on about and explain in my own reasons why populations are down.


It is well known that a lot of social media have been running news reports of this game and its subscribers falling over 20% since the end of February. I can't confirm this but official statements from SWTOR do not deny it.


They also say this was expected however I think that was just some PR Spin to fob off the to much publicity of it all.


I have a character called Rose on Niman and I have been on playing since Day 1-


The first wave of people to leave began at the end of Jan/Feb as these people were the hardcore raiders who cleared through content and got bored. (this is expected by any game)


However its what happened next which has determined our predicament!


The developers thought that with a new content patch players will return and the steady growth of players will come through word of mouth/reviews and advertising about the game.


However over the period of time between Feb and the new content patch the servers populations began to decline. Also with a large amount of servers which SWTOR seem to have it means the amount of new players to join isn't high. New players joining the server faced planet with few people on them during leveling which can discourage people from the game as well.


The new Content patch came and gone and there was not a dramatic influx of players returning. Since then people have been leaving even more as they are not enjoying the game. They also start characters of Server Like tomb of freedon nad (which seem to get a lot of in game GM support).


The problem BW is facing is that they are developing new stuff which is great however there are too many servers and to few people on some of them to enjoy the game.


If you want a game for just leveling I am sure D3 will be good.


They need to ditch servers and merge! re allocate budgeted money for something to sustain its current subscribers or this will be a fail MMO.

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Im glad you have realised the server sizes were/are too small and you have too many servers. Its good to hear this is being worked on, just work on it faster :) Personally, my priority would be fixing the server population above all other enhancements. I enjoy the game and I want to play it but I want it to be an MMO, not a single player. Edited by Acutulus
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He really is living in fantasy land if he doesn't see a decline and is just chalking it up to people 'settling in'.


Doesn't he realize it starts with less people logging in 'despite' having time left on their subs and then dwindles into players cancelling.


Such as myself... I still log in and it isn't even to play anymore... Just to check my auctions on the same 20 items I've been trying to sell for months. I really don't even know why I bother anymore. Sometimes I'll get a wild hair and play a space mission or raise up my companions affection. But it is all just busy work...


I won't be around in 1.5 months when my sub ends and can see myself completely not logging in at all way before then. Sadly I'm not even leaving for another MMO or game. I'm just leaving due to boredom and misguided development.

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People need to stop knocking Dan. He said what he said when the company's official word on the topic was still 1.7 million.


Even if he knew people were canceling, a lot of employees at a lot of companies are not allowed to divulge company information until some sort of official release.


Yes, companies make their employees lie all the time. It's what adults do. You'll all understand someday when you grow up.

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Look on the bright side: dead server = lots of orokeet eggs all to yourself!


Then when the transfers come, WHAMMO, I have tons of them.


I'm stocking up on a bunch of stuff right now.


I hope this won't wreak the economy on the servers we transfer to.




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People need to stop knocking Dan. He said what he said when the company's official word on the topic was still 1.7 million.


Even if he knew people were canceling, a lot of employees at a lot of companies are not allowed to divulge company information until some sort of official release.


Yes, companies make their employees lie all the time. It's what adults do. You'll all understand someday when you grow up.


If what you say is correct, then you're implying that he lied. If that's the case how will you know if anything he says again is a truth or lie .


Help me understand how these large companies work o wise one.

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