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This game badly needs mods and macros.


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All I want is mouse over healing. If they implement that into the game, I don't even need macros. Nor do I need mods.


I agree 100%




I wanted to add, mods are not really needed. If they gave complete control over the ui and added basic macros like mouseover etc it would be a step in the right direction.


mods can hurt or make a game.

Edited by Dramion
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I wouldn't be so unhappy with the standard UI if it ACTUALLY WORKED. The raid frames have problems where they don't update, upon entering a new zone the cursor will disappear, buttons will fail to work, not every keyboard shortcut is alterable - \ just above enter is still the shortcut for a ticket and can't be moved as far as I have investigated. Just to name a few that I've found.


Now none of these are game breakers, but as I run into them I think to myself, "Really?" 3 years of production and they don't have the thing that people interact with first and the most nailed down so hard that people have to complain?!


Mods would be nice, but at the very least they need to fix their ****.

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Personally I wouldn't mind some mods, especially something for tracking the auction house, or other mods that enhance game play, I don't want to see the mods that in part ruined my experience in WOW when people became over obsessed with dps scores, and gear scores, they made the endgame content very elitist. I play pretty seriously, but it's to have fun, not to be ultra competitive. Macros and other mods that take away from the interactivity of the game, or dumb it down have no place IMO, might as well just phone it in.
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Why don't I see any problem with the UI?

Well heres why.


WoW has set the standards in MMO's now a days so everyone is going to expect it to be just like it.


Face it, this ISNT WoW.

Quit expecting it to be it.


Maybe an updated UI with DPS, Aggro and necessities, but other than it does everything properly.


Learn to play without.

Edited by PunisherAS
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While i agree we need macros (mainly for guild invites and group invite macros)... Macros take no skill.. You set up a macro and just click it and it does a bunch of stuff that you want all at once. There is no skill in that.


As for you saying we need a damage meter.. No we do not. WoW didn't even have a damage meter til everyone was around at least level 60 or w/e they actually allowed Add-ons.


And your argument about the chat being at the top? You can move it, you know that right? You aren't really that dumb are you?


Macros provide convenience. Damage meters provide a metric by which one can measure his effectiveness; add-ons like Recount showed a lot more than damage too. As to skill; the add-on doesn't make the player . . . it makes the player better if he uses it, learns from it, and adjusts to apparent deficiencies in his behavior.


However, when the add-ons do arrive, you are more than justified in not using them.

Edited by Limedust
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Why don't I see any problem with the UI?

Well heres why.


WoW has set the standards in MMO's now a days so everyone is going to expect it to be just like it.


Face it, this ISNT WoW.

Quit expecting it to be it.


Maybe an updated UI with DPS, Aggro and necessities, but other than it does everything properly.


Learn to play without.



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Hey, let's just go ahead and let the game play by itself while we are at it with requests like this.


Sit, auto attack, loot, rinse, repeat. Why do people like you even bother buying and getting into a game like this if all you want the game to do is play for you.


How about this instead: Accept a challenge, do things manually for once in your life, and work at being a good player, not take the easy way out of everything you do.


As far as the UI goes, yes I can see moving whats already built into the game around on your screen and whatnot.


You have no idea what Mouse over healing is do you? Its not some automated healbot crap, its a huge stress reliever for healers, which they badly need.

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Why don't I see any problem with the UI?

Well heres why.


WoW has set the standards in MMO's now a days so everyone is going to expect it to be just like it.


Face it, this ISNT WoW.

Quit expecting it to be it.



What? WoWs default UI is awful, but since that game allows mods it's not a problem.

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So tired of all these self entitled Obama-babies who just want everything done for them. Stop occupying this forum and start learning how to use the UI as it was meant to be.

The UI is meant to make game play better, not stand in the way. In my opinion, the current UI stands in the way.


And, as a life long Republican(almost Libertarian), I would appreciate it if you left politics out of my gaming. There's a reason I don't watch the Sunday talking heads anymore...

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I totally agree with a threat meter, i pull aggro without warning all the time. as far as a dps meter.....make it only visible to the individual player...problem solved. and we really do need a target of target option as well. macros....i have no position on those...i've seen good and bad. Edited by cyclonekillr
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I really could care less about actual addons. That said, We need a combat log, and at the very very least basic in game macros like /target and /stopcasting, especially since they weren't smart enough to have interrupt stop your current cast and interrupt the target, but instead queue up in the skill queue. The actual value health/resource text is also ridiculously bad.
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I have used macros in the past as a member of progression raiding guilds. I didn't use the macros because I wanted to, I used them because I had to.


The developers have to build the game around challenging the limits of the player base. Once macros become involved, that automated style of play forces developers to keep pushing until many fights are simplified to the level of global cooldowns.


I bring this up because many of you keep saying, "Don't play with macros if you don't want to". Be serious guys. Once macros are in the game, they become required tools for anyone that wants to raid, good, bad, or otherwise.


Macros for many players are a crutch, plain and simple. They want macros in the game, because they can't succeed at a high level with their own unaided relfexes and awareness.


My two credits.


PS Bioware, this game is insanely fun, just signed up for a 6 month membership. Keep up the good work.

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The game lacks features that they want and recognize as necessary for the game. They need to get them into the game in a timely manner before people decide to play a different game. How they do this is of no consequence, but addons are generally the quickest route and are perfectly fine if the developer is capable of creating and maintaining a good API and designing good content.


People who think a product can survive against its competition in a meaningful capacity without adopting the convenience features and improved UIs that are used in other games (however they do that) are delusional. People who think this game will never have mouseover targeting, parsed combat logs, more customizable frames, what have you are about to be disappointed (again, because they come around for every MMO's launch) when they come around. Bioware knows what these things do, and they're going to add them regardless of what uninformed people say.

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This opinion is not going to be popular but...


Mouse over healing is just going to dumb down the role. Mouse over healing had it's place when you were trying to heal 20/40 people, but it is not needed in this MMO at this time.


That being said the healing role(s) has/have an opportunity in this game to be unlike any other "healing class(es)" in any other MMO. I love playing my healer for both the challenge and the fact that I have options other than just healing; that over healing can be very detrimental so much so that it actually takes a degree of player skill over gear to heal a flashpoint (instance) successfully at higher levels.


I would like to see a GUI that allows for it's components to Unlock, Move, and Lock. I play on one screen at the moment and will be glad when I can chamnge back to playing across all three screens with a 5760x1080 resolution, but is impossible for me to do so and heal with the current setup.

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Let's have HUGE neon signs that scream "MOVE!" when I'm standing on the proverbial fire shall we?

Automated crowd control for as soon as one breaks - cuz paying attention to that is too easy, this way it just saves trouble.


Or, how about mouse-over healing? I mean selecting someone and then clicking on a healing skill is such an unnecessary step, and it takes time! What were these developers thinking? /facepalm


Damage meters are also very important, because noone can ever figure out how to better deal damage without them - I mean with weeks of researching, and hard training, you can learn that 1, 2, 1, 2, 1, 2 can deal 1337 DPS which is so much better than the 1336 DPS all the other noobs with their retarded pseudo rotations and skill trees who play this game can do - I wont even ever invite any of those into my groups!


Don't forget aggro meters - obviously being careful and having a feel for what you are doing, and how the tank is performing is just an unecessary concern - making sure my aggro bar is slightly below the tanks aggro bar is so much more challenging and fun!


Can't live without Gearscore either, cuz how else am I going to judge another players skill? Actually watching them play? lol! silly people



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100% spot on. This UI is terribad. I don't mean to be overly offensive to the people who created it but come on guys this sucks really bad. The auction house alone is enough to be stoned for. After creating a massive pile of dung like this UI the least they can do is put in addons so we can cover it up.


Its barely even functional and has more bugs in it then any other feature. It is like a heaping pile of trash you need to manipulate through to get to the golden goodness that is the game underneath. I love this game but whoever signed off on this UI..... I just can't believe it never got any better.

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Here's a good example of an ability that screams out for macros.


Acid Blade at the top of the Operative Tree.


It's off the GCD and will always be used with Hidden Strike or Backstab. Basically as a QoL thing it should be macro'd with those two skills. Yes I can save a Hot Bar space by using a Modifier key like ALT with the Keybind I use for those abilities but why should I?


I don't feel more leet hitting ALT 1 then 1 to do an Acid Blade Backstab combo I just feel annoyed TBH. As an Operative I already have almost 30 key binds. I'd say that's plenty.

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