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Everything posted by Percy

  1. Right now in order to have the best chance to get all of the items you want there are two options one within the rules and one that breaks the rules. The first way to get the items you want is to buy the packs and don't open them just sell them on the GTN. This is somewhat time consuming and inconvenient and just feels like it should be unnecessary. The second method that breaks the rules is straight up going and buying credits from a credit seller. You get a better credit per dollar exchange through a credit seller than you do through selling packs on the GTN. I feel like this is worse case scenario and is something that Bioware should be trying to prevent first and foremost. If a credit sellers service is more appealing than your own then you are doing something wrong. My dream option which will most likely never happen is that the collections interface becomes the cartel market. When you click a button on the item you want a box pops up and says buy this item then you can just buy the item. It goes in your inventory and you can equip it which unlocks it in collections or you can sell it on the gtn. If this ever happened I would work on 100% completing the collections groups. And I would feel completely happy ever time I made a purchase. If you know what you are buying and you get what you bought you are happy and being happy when you make a purchase makes you want to do it again. If you buy a item and you don't know what your going to get then you get something that you don't want and is worthless you are sad. If you are sad you do not want to do it again. You are conditioning us to feel sad when we think about buying packs. Alternatively I would like to see something that just gets rid of the some rng crap. I purchased two hypercrates from the last pack and still did not get all the possible items. I think you were on the right track with the cartel certificates. Maybe each pack should have a certificate that comes with it that is bind on pickup. These certificates could be used at a vendor to purchase any items from the pack. Maybe 10 for bronze 15 for silver and 20 for gold. As for the gold silver and bronze category packs no way am I buying any of those when the range of items you can get is so high. The cost is far far far too high to risk getting so many of the cheapo items from the past or something I already have.
  2. I am guessing that because of the cartel market we will never get legacy pets or mounts. With that thought in mind it really makes me sad that there is no way to move my mounts and pets over to another toon if i decide to change my main. What i would like to see is a cartel market item to somehow take a mount/pet from one toon and box it back up to send to another toon. Alliteratively i would pay lots of money for legacy pets/mounts.
  3. It would be nice if when multiple instances of a zone were opened the oldest one was the first one to close. Or when a new instance opened it became number one and number one shifted to number two. That way the old bugged quests and npcs would get thrown away when the zone instances went back down to 1. Maybe i'm just crazy and i certainly don't know enough about whats going on in the background but it seems like this would consistently keep the zone reset like the server resets do but much more often.
  4. Please please please. The white imperial trooper gear on Hoth.
  5. 1. Fix the gear so that it has a better rating system to more adequately gauge a players gear lvl. 2. Use the above system and finally give us a better operation finder. 3. Make more account wide unlocks Holocrons, Mounts, Pets, codex entries. This game was designed to be played with many alts why is this not in the game? 4. Addons. This adds a large amount to the community and allows us to fix stuff Bioware can never get right (GTN) 5. Just steal more stuff from Rift and WOW. Really in my personal opinion this game is better than either one of those games. It is just so much more fun. The problem is the feature sets in those game blow this one out of the water. Often times i find myself asking do i want to play this game that is much more fun but im bored a lot or do i want to go play the games that are not as fun but there is more to do. P.S. I miss Stephen Reid. At least with him we had some communication even if it had to be through twitter. With this group i feel like the only communication we get are big notes about how there is going to be more communication in the future. Take a look at the competitors. http://blue.mmo-champion.com/ these guys are lacking.
  6. I have been sitting back thinking about what is keeping me from playing SWTOR for some time and i have come up with the root of the problem. I no longer feel like i can advance in the game while having fun. As embarrassing as it is to admit a lot of this content just feels too difficult for me. I am a pretty casual player. Not casual because i do not put in a lot of time as i still play mmos 40+ hours per week. Casual in the sense that i do not play in a guild or like to have any kind of schedule for my playtime. For this reason all of the content i complete i do with pugs. It has been my experience that a lot of this content was not designed with my type of player in mind. My biggest examples are HM LI and story mode EC. HM LI is supposedly balanced for people in tionese gear and maybe this is true for guild groups or people who always play together but i can not currently agree. Story mode EC is not even in the raid finder and even if it was from what i hear it would be very hard for a pug to complete it. I hate that this is what it has come down to but i feel like a game such as WOW better caters to my playstyle. I can hit up the LFR and always be able to do the current raid content and i can hop in the cross realm dungeon finder and within a short amount of time be able to complete hard modes that are properly balanced for the groups that would be playing them. I can also always run those to be able to buy higher gear and eventually work my way into normal mode raids. I would really like to see a LFR type system and some of the hard mode dungeons balanced better for the people entering them. I would also really like us to be able to grind dungeon content to be able to buy raiding gear. For example why can't i grind HM's and eventually be able to buy Rakata and some black hole with tokens. I truly love this game and it makes me incredibly sad that i am not having fun anymore. I left WOW during cata for most of the reasons listed above (content was too hard for me) but in MOP it looks like they learned from their mistakes and are making more content for my type of player. I know i'm not the only type of player out there and im not a game developer so i don't presume i can tell you what you should do. But i am a player and potential customer so i guess i would just like to tell you what i am willing to pay for.
  7. Addons there is no possible way the Dev team can implement everything for everybody but addons can. Addons grow the community and help the playerbase better immerse themselves in the game. The decision to not have a dungeon finder was bad idea. Someday it will be recognized that not having addons was also a bad idea. Hopefully sooner than later.
  8. Planet: Odacer-Faustin The planet doesn't have much history so Bioware can play with the story a lot. This is the planet from the book Red Harvest where Darth Scabrous tries to achieve immortality and ends up creating a disease with zombie type symptoms. The events of Red Harvest also take place in 3641 bby which is at least ballpark to where we are now. There is a lot going on in the book with reasons for both sides to be there. There is also the book Death Troopers which takes place after Red Harvest the planet could be what happens in between.
  9. I'm guessing you are either very lucky and have never seen it or you haven't run very many flashpoints. Armor will drop for a class that is not in your party often. Most annoying when it happens with HM tokens. That being said i don't feel like swtors loot system is any worse than wows. Things that we do need though are need rolls only working for your classes armor so people are not rolling on gear they can't use for companions and a system where you can trade armor for the first two hours or so after it is looted. Luckily i think the second one is coming with in a future update. Not sure if they have plans to do anything about the first.
  10. Some skills are just there adding bloat to the bars if they are not going to add macros they need to start combining abilities to get rid of the skill bloat. Hitting more buttons does not make the game harder in a fun way. If the argument against macros is going to be it makes people lazy or makes the game harder then they can just make nightmare mode raids where you get 50 extra abilities you need to use and have to bind them all. Better yet lets get rid of keybinds while we are at it and make everyone have to click every ability from the bar. This makes sense because a more complicated and harder to interface with game equals a better game right?
  11. When they say they are not putting macros in the game that really only means that they are not making macros easily accessible to everyone. The people who really want to use macros are still going to use third party macros. With macros in game everyone can use them as much as they choose if at all. Without macros in game only the people who know how to set them up by other means are going to be able to use them. There is no way they are going to ever be able to stop people from using macros.
  12. That isnt really the fault of the LFD tool because what you and the one you quoting are describing is my current SWTOR experience. I rarely complete flash points have unskilled people and bossy party members. I don't blame the game or a tool though i blame people. There are always going to be people like this everywhere. At least with a flashpoint finder i dont have to sit on the fleet spamming for a group hating the game only to get a poor party and after a hour of trying to kill the first boss log out of the game for the night and do something else because i dont have the 2 hours it will take to find another party.
  13. Also what is the point of making a video saying your talking about new leaked information then putting in there you are not going to tell us about the new legacy features. /facepalm
  14. I haven't been very excited about swtor in awhile i mean i enjoy it still but i haven't really been excited. This makes me excited. I have wanted a flashpoint finder so badly. Early on i did not want a cross server finder thinking that players would be more honest inside their own server. Sadly that is not the case and i have had three columni pieces lost do to people rolling need on them even though they are not for their class and saying oops clicked wrong button. Now i've just come to realize that cross server finders do not make people screw others over. Some people always screw others over no matter what. So i say go all the way with a cross server finder. At least with that if i get screwed over 50% of the time i can still find groups a lot faster and do more flashpoints.
  15. No After leveling too 50 twice leveling my third toon is just painful. I'm only leveling more and more toons because endgame on my other toons consists of spamming general chat for a party and sitting on the fleet. Sitting on the fleet spamming is not fun. I don't think i can keep playing without a flashpoint finder so i can get back out in the world and still find a group.
  16. Champions online, Star trek, DC universe all games i was excited about all games everybody said just wait just wait. There is no reason to wait there are other games to play. When they are not even saying that they are working on these things then you just have to decide if you having fun if not don't waste your time waiting. A flashpoint finder wasn't something they just couldn't get in on time it was something they actively chose not to put into the game. Them making the choice to not put one in the game automatically makes me think that i may not agree with the development direction. That being said there is no reason to just wait or plead for features as soon as im not having fun I will play a mmo where i agree more with the developers. They can make the game however they want.
  17. I am sick to death of sitting on the fleet forever and spamming chat. Please bring in a LFD tool so i can get back out into the world.
  18. How much money was wasted and how big of a fiasco was created over something that would never have been a problem if we had addons.
  19. Also if we had a flashpoint finder people wouldnt have to sit there all day to find a party.
  20. Weird i didnt really think that would have too much of a effect when the mob you are fighting is that much lower than you. I really wish we had a combat log.
  21. Anyone else notice that their abilities never do as much damage as the tool tip states. I don't know if im just overlooking something or what. For example my Ambush tool tip states it does between 671-713 damage at lvl 20. I use it on a grey enemy with 800 hp and it will only hit for 550 to 620 damage. What am i missing? I really mean never the only time i ever reach the minimum stated damage on the tool tip is if i crit. Same thing with snipe.
  22. I might take a break till they put in a flashpoint finder and UI mods. Shouting in general chat for a party is archaic. There is nothing social about shouting for 3 hours to find a group while people start yelling at you to stop looking for a group. Then when you finally find a group still not saying anything the entire flashpoint except thanks at the end. In fact contrary to James Ohlens idea that shouting in general for a group increases community i would say that shouting in general makes me dislike more and more of the community.
  23. 100% spot on. This UI is terribad. I don't mean to be overly offensive to the people who created it but come on guys this sucks really bad. The auction house alone is enough to be stoned for. After creating a massive pile of dung like this UI the least they can do is put in addons so we can cover it up. Its barely even functional and has more bugs in it then any other feature. It is like a heaping pile of trash you need to manipulate through to get to the golden goodness that is the game underneath. I love this game but whoever signed off on this UI..... I just can't believe it never got any better.
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