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On Warzone Scoring and Rewards


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I'm glad the development team made it known that they plan on changing the awful rewarding system they unveiled in 1.2. Unfortunately, they still think the mental oatmeal that is the new dumbed down gibfest is great.


Honestly, if they get the reward system back closer to what it was pre-1.2, I'll be able to live with it, but mindless pvp without strategy is for 12 year olds and their intellectual adult equals.

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... taking a cue from another poster and adding a QFE to this post... the system has failed!




The biggest mistake the development team has made here is that they have tried to punish failure. Not only is punishing failure impossible to do without hurting some people, it breaks the Golden Rule of Gaming: Games are supposed to be FUN. You shouldn't have to worry about whether or not you "did enough" to get rewarded. MMO's are not mid-term exams; they're videogames, and we play them to enjoy ourselves.


Prior to these changes, I could drop into a Warzone, have some fun, and come away with some rewards. Now there's all this pressure to perform, this knowledge that if I fail to make some arbitrary mark of contribution I will get NOTHING.


Where this hurts the most...and this may cause permanent, long-lasting damage to the game's PvP base...is in the casual player. I am not a hardcore PvPer. I just like to drop in and have some lightsaber duels with the Sith every now and again. Though that's still fun, it's hard to justify doing that in this game when grinding mobs and repeating quests will not only allow me to do the same thing, but will give me some kind of tangible benefit for doing so.


Changing the medals down to one is a good start, but frankly it will not be good enough. For every one AFKer you successfully deny, there will be ten players who dropped in late, didn't know what they were doing, or are simply not very good at PvP, and they will get nothing. I would much, much rather see a couple of lazy players exploit the system for easy gain than hear about even one honest, fun-loving player getting turned off from PvP play in this game because there's a penalty for failure.


Punishing those who exploit the system is a noble goal, but if even one player is falsely affected by these rules, then the system as a whole fails. And that, unfortunately, is the case here.

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I think the posts in this thread really descreibes the problem with pvp since patch 1.2.


Since this patch I havent won one a single game. People on my team leaves the moment they see they cant win and I am left getting ganked together with a few brave ones who as me always stays to the end. The name calling has increased since now to loose is equall to not getting nothing at all when it comes to rewards.


As a lvl 50 fresh in pvp I understand that I will die alot and that is fine. But to get punished for it by not recciving any rewards is silly. I had this player who kept killing me as soon as I got back on the battlefield which ofc lead to me getting only 2 medals. But still I stayed, I thought I will hold out, that player has grinded his gear and I wont leave just cause he kills me, I will get my gear eventually and then the table turns. Then comes the blow: 0 of everything at the end screen. So not only did I stay for nothing, I also got killed for nothing by a full warhero player. So please remind me again, why should I even bother to pvp?? I cant win, therefor gearing up is extremely slow and punishing.


Just also to say I am a casual player. I dont know if I have missunderstood the game, that casuals in pvp are not welcome anymore?? That leads me to wonder against who are all these already geared players going to pvp against if no fresh blood is let it, for me I am happy to see diffrent players when I enter a warzone and not just the same old names. I stopped pvp on my 50 since I see it now as a lot of time put into warzones but no rewards what so ever to gain. Then I read this post about Bioware telling us the bad rewards for loosing is to make us fight harder...... Oh Bioware I wouldnt go pvp if it wasnt to try hard and kill other players while they kill me, that is what pvp is. So stop punishing me for all the afkers. There most be better systems for dealing with them.


Lastly please give us the rewards back. I got a score to settle with with this marauder :p who killed me at sight, and I need me som gear so I can go and whoop his little ***! If I along the way to meet my worthy FOE (read ganker :D ) die a thousand times in the warzones I couldnt care less, I am a female on a misson ! I just need some bettter gear since I barely made a dent in his armor!! So give me my rewards back so I can get to the gearing part and keep on pvping!

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The biggest mistake the development team has made here is that they have tried to punish failure. Not only is punishing failure impossible to do without hurting some people, it breaks the Golden Rule of Gaming: Games are supposed to be FUN. You shouldn't have to worry about whether or not you "did enough" to get rewarded. MMO's are not mid-term exams; they're videogames, and we play them to enjoy ourselves.


Prior to these changes, I could drop into a Warzone, have some fun, and come away with some rewards. Now there's all this pressure to perform, this knowledge that if I fail to make some arbitrary mark of contribution I will get NOTHING.


Where this hurts the most...and this may cause permanent, long-lasting damage to the game's PvP base...is in the casual player. I am not a hardcore PvPer. I just like to drop in and have some lightsaber duels with the Sith every now and again. Though that's still fun, it's hard to justify doing that in this game when grinding mobs and repeating quests will not only allow me to do the same thing, but will give me some kind of tangible benefit for doing so.


Changing the medals down to one is a good start, but frankly it will not be good enough. For every one AFKer you successfully deny, there will be ten players who dropped in late, didn't know what they were doing, or are simply not very good at PvP, and they will get nothing. I would much, much rather see a couple of lazy players exploit the system for easy gain than hear about even one honest, fun-loving player getting turned off from PvP play in this game because there's a penalty for failure.


Punishing those who exploit the system is a noble goal, but if even one player is falsely affected by these rules, then the system as a whole fails. And that, unfortunately, is the case here.


Very good post. Games should be fun, not work. I know some people all want a challenge and compeition and whatever, but that's what rated is for. Normal PvP zones should be fun for everyone involved, win or lose.


Increase the credit and comm rewards for losers and winners, so more people will pvp.

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Bioware, please read these people's posts and change the rewards system so people stop leaving my WZs the second anything goes wrong.


It's extremely difficult to want to stay in a game that three people ditch because you lose mid.

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I side with the vast majority(all? I admit I didn't read 41 pages of this thread) of the PvP playerbase in saying that the PvP reward and medal payoffs are a complete miss.


I'm not sure how other servers have been, but the one I play on did not appear to have the problems that this system attempts to avert in the first place. AFKers where simply non-existent in the first place. Not that I mind efforts to guarantee that it stays that way, of course. The way the old system worked seemed to weed them out well enough, since payout was not high unless you'd earned your place with it anyway(and if you did earn your place, it payed well).


Far worse than AFKers in the PvP world I live in right now are those that leave early. Y'all thought it was bad that a team "gave up" and sat at a node instead of trying on a lose? I agree, it sucks. but is sucks even worse when they leave before the match even starts, then re-try to get whatever it was they wanted again and again, leaving you in an infinite loop of unfilled PvP teams. A harsh penalty needs to be instated for this kind of behavior. If they don't want to play PuG with whatever a PuG will bring them, they shouldn't be queuing in the first place. My suggestion is a period of one year real time before allowing them re-entry into a match, though I'm reasonable enough to understand that ten minutes to a half hour may be more efficacious.


I do agree with doing something about the reward system that harshly penalizes the late comers. I've been the victim of this a few times myself, and it's just not a good situation. In one match today, literally half our team started late and ended below four medals. It's worth noting that none of us finished it with zero--the new single medal system seems worthwhile in that regard.


I rather wish that payout was linked to match length in this regard. A full length map(say, Huttball going the time limit) requires four medals to earn payout and regardless of length 4 medals will earn you award for the match. For each 25% of the match that the player was not involved in, or that the other team removed from time played by outclassing their opponent, the medal requirement drops by one.


If I didn't have the option to completely circumvent this hideous payout system by playing the 10-49 bracket, or the option to play my more reasonably geared Vanguard in the 50 bracket instead of playing my fresh in horrible recruit gear Scoundrel, I'd have likely cancelled my subscription. As it is, my poor Scoundrel(who I entertained as a future main, no less) will more or less sit until I can feel more assured that I'll be able to gear him to a level that renders Warzones enjoyable much more quickly. Overall payout is horrendous.


Credit payout is even worse. This horribly ugly scoundrel will remain that way without PvE intervention virtually infinitely because I will have to use every credit earned from literally hundreds of PvP matches in order to pull those mods out and put them in his existing orange gear, should I choose to do so. The cost to do this on the weapon alone is over 100k credits. At a rate of 1k credits per match(on average, win some/lose some), the weapon alone would take over 100 matches to swap into his neato pistol! While players that prefer PvP tend to be more utilitarian and the game does to a nice job of offering them their entire gearset independent of PvE play, it doesn't mean they are entirely disconnected from the desire to try out some of the neato goodies that the new patch offers, like the armor tokens ability to be moved to more aesthetically pleasing gear.

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I would be fine with the changes if I wasn't constantly seeing this:


1) Match Start

2) Other team gains advantage within first few minutes

3) 3 people drop the game

4) We're now 5v8. Other team gains even bigger advantage

5) New joiners see a sinking ship and immediately leave. We stay at 5v8 at the best.

6) Those 5 players work hard but ultimately have no chance, thus losing. By a lot.

7) Those 5 player get the same rewards as a team that lets the other guys steamroll them - ie, none - despite having done all they could and worked hard for the win.


Yes, this is a team game, but while you have stopped 'freeloaders' to a point, you've done so whilst punishing active players. Personally I'd rather accommodate the freeloaders if that's the choice we're facing.

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(~_^) thanks bioware dev for recognizing the pvp community's unhappiness on the rewards


i dont mind you making mistakes like this as long as you listen for feedback and act FAST like this. Since you implement these fixes in about a week from 1.2 then you restore my faith on SWTOR casual PvP OPTION.


just make sure you TEST any pvp changes on PTS and always use a fixed FEEDBACK FORM for getting survey data back in recognizable and easy to discern format. a WALL OF TEXT feed back input , no matter how good, still hard to compile if your sample tester are big.


Please next time, when you ask for FEEDBACK in PTS on in forum, give us a QESTIONAIRE format. Easy for us to input and easy for you to compile.



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I discovered..getting crappy medals for healing..it was better to reroll an assassin or vanguard and do some major killing..you get 3x's the amounts of medals it seems so you never have to fear about being punished with no comms or valor at the end.
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I haven't stepped foot in PVP in since patch day. I ran about 5 games, saw the payoff, that was that .....


I'm PVE, who happens to like PVP in ToR... hit Valor 61, but, I'll not participate in PVP any more with the rewards system now in place..... we still have some of those early Ilum people on our server (Imperials) who were full BM in weeks way back when......


The 'Metrics' they use are totally useless, when the PVP was never truly tested on the test server. LIVE testing is needed, not 'Metrics' .....this guy's using a spreadsheet to design PVP??!!!??

Edited by Rasticles
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No, thats not what I'm telling you at all, that's what you heard (ie what your brain made up) but its not what I said at all. It was a voidstar match, you can't not be defending/attacking mate, what planet are you from and show me where the bad Xenu touched you on this doll?


You, are bleedingly obviously, one of the players that this patch benefited. I bet you win most games, roll with premades, are probably in a full BM set already, with at least 2 pieces of war hero gear? I'd put money on it. Its like those people that say "money doesnt matter" but only people with money say that.

I personally play games to win them, that means taking points, and defending them. The healer I am talking about heals me, and another friend (and HoT's on everyone else) - so I know for a fact he was "contributing" to the attempt to defend or to attack a door. So your point is nullified, invalid, misguided, and outright wrong.


Medals are not rewarded for placing a bomb on a door, or attacking people near a door. You only get medals for stopping someone placing or trying to remove a bomb. In an outmatched game, either of these objectives are impossible. In an outmatched game, killing your oponents is near impossible. You are as short sighted with your comment as the patch was with its implementation. I dont need to change tactics, the rewards need to match actually achievable outcomes. 7 medals and a loss netting 25 commendations, vs 7 medals and a win netting 80+, there is just no comparison - and tell me then how getting 1/4 of the commendations over ever increasing periods of losing streaks doesn't create a gear gap? You are dillusional pal.


But here really, is the clincher (where you got your math from i'm not sure - because a perpetual loser could POTENTIALLY get 0 rewards, perpetually, meaning they never get a single piece of gear upgrade let alone a full set)

"after that you are looking at (for a perpetual loser) less than 2 months at 2 hours in pvp a day for the full gear...

the perpetual winner takes two weeks less... gear disparity is a bs claim. "


So you're telling me, that 2 weeks vs 8 weeks is an acceptable difference?

Thats 8 dollars, versus 32 dollars (in subscription price)

So...how does this become fair and balanced?

Again, your dellusions are taking control.


1. no, I do not have BM gear, none of it, I only cue solo or with my wife, so by all means keep your bias in check. How much you got? I will take all your money.

2. no I do not benefit from the system with the exception that I understand the system and use that understanding to my advantage.

3. Now he is someone you personally interact with, not just some guy you know... eyeroll...

4. I made it quite clear how to avoid getting 0 comms...

5. Math you are doing it wrong, 6 weeks compared to 8 (that is 2 weeks less than two months)


The fact is I am Joe Casual in pvp, I do it for fun because it is available, it is not the point and purpose of my game, especially since it is not open pvp, my preferred format. Aside from once I have NEVER received 0 comms, I have explained how and I have explained that in the instance of always losing it is not entirely true there will be some grand gear disparity. The perpetual winner will deck out a suit 2 weeks prior to the perpetual loser, so the disparity is what, 2 pieces, for 2 weeks? More or less my win loss is 50 50 in wz so no I don't always win, but I always try to win, and oddly enough it always works out that I gain comms for my effort.


All I get from your reply is another elitist piping in defending this broken system. You have already recieved your welfare gear pre 1.2 and now its OK that it will take others twice as long to get thier gear. The whole time you relish in farming them to upgrade your gear. Under this new system you can fight as hard as you can to win, but if your getting ganked by a premade the whole time you will get less that 3 medals and you will get 0000. All this for your best effort to win, which I thought was the goal. You win you get more of everything, isnt that how they said its supposed to work. How about every noob you meet you buy him a nice set of recruit geat that way you pay back the welfare you have already recieved. And que in pug every other WZ, then you can gain a little perspective.


P.S. If its not broken why are they changing it already?


Again with supposition...

PVP was broken, if you give a million $ to everyone then everyone is poor...

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You realize that the reason people just leave warzones entirely is because fighting an unwinnable match and receiving virtually nothing at the end is one of the worst experiences you can endure in this game. And if you think for one second that I'm going to keep rushing in like an idiot and get my brain matter continually smeared all over the field you're absolutely crazy, of course I'm going to quit. I don't care how much more of a reward I might get, I'm not going to play if our team gets repeatedly smacked down by another team with better gear.


And as for the whole 'letting the other team win faster' thing: once the event horizon is up, then thats it, it's done, the match IS over, you are not going to make a difference no matter what you do.


And don't act like we don't play our as*es off, because we sure as hell do.

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It's interesting how they pulled out "ranked warzones" at the last minute because there was too big a gap between haves and have-nots, but that same gap now exists in all warzones. We need a better solution.


I like the fact that winning gives more benefits than loosing (gives me a reason to try), but the current scale is excessive. Wins give me 80-100 commendations, while losses leave me at 20-40 commendations. If you adjust the scale so that a loss is worth about 60-70% of a win, I'd be happy.


I don't like the changes to the daily either. Eliminating the Ilum daily means that there's more incentive to "grind" warzones for gear. Back when we had Ilum, doing my warzone+ilum dailies would give me about the same benefit as doing 28 warzones (assuming 50% wins, ignoring the rewards from the actual warzones). Without the Ilum daily, my pvp "dailies" give me about the same benefit as 13 warzones (assuming 50% wins). I think that results in too much disparity between casual (just play enough to finish the dailies) vs hardcore (unemployed dudes living in their mothers' basements) players. Reintroducing a second daily of "play in 10 warzones" to replace the Ilum daily would be nice, and a daily like that would give more incentive not to run away from loosing warzones.

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Quote: Originally Posted by GeorgZoeller 3/23/2012 on the test server forums. Post has since been deleted.





We've changed the way rewards are given in Warzones (rewards are now based on participation - if you idle, you get nothing), and this has resulted in you seeing some odd values on PTS.


The current credit and XP numbers you are seeing are temporary. In a future patch to PTS, you will provide the necessary data for the system to allocate proper rewards.


Sorry for the confusion here, but it's the nature of the test server to sometimes receive incomplete systems. If we intended the current behavior to be final, you would have seen a patch note explaining this change.


TL;DR: Don't worry too much. You're looking at temporary data. Credit and XP rewards for Warzones, while changed to take participation into account, are not significantly changed from the numbers you've seen before. We expect some changes (as you are more likely to lose games early in your career, so we want to compensate for that), but nothing is finalized yet.

End quote.


Are we ever going to get something saying this has been fixed or just that it will be fixed soon ?


Yeah, I’m beating my “Metrics” hobby horse again. Zoeller states,


“We've changed the way rewards are given in Warzones (rewards are now based on participation - if you idle, you get nothing), and this has resulted in you seeing some odd values on PTS. The current credit and XP numbers you are seeing are temporary. In a future patch to PTS, you will provide the necessary data[/u] for the system to allocate proper rewards.

Note those words, “Values” and “Data.” In other words, Zoeller and the PvP team are essentially looking at spreadsheets of data from PvP and basing their PvP decisions on their interpretation of this data - Like they’re accountants calculating the end of fiscal quarter numbers.


This “Metrics” based approach divorced from actual player experience doesn’t work, it’s why BW continually pushes changes that are nonsensical to people who actually play the game. Metrics won’t tell you what fun is, or how incentive structures influence player behavior in negative ways. Either some things won’t show up in a spreadsheet (i.e., people camping Nodes after getting rolled by full BM PUGS), or they show up in a way that’s difficult to identify and interpret in a spreadsheet. That’s why you need to TEST CHANGES BEFORE LIVE and LISTEN TO PLAYER FEEDBACK. If your only purpose of testing changes is to compile data on a spreadsheet, then you’re not really testing at all and these disasters will continue to happen. .

Edited by Torcer
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The mail problem is - i get more medals while def than trying to attack.

Before patch i get 4 medals and i was trying to win no maater what , coz i get my reward, now if i simply def i could get 6 medals and if i went to attack - only 3.

So the point is - give to 8 medals 80 comms, and for winning team 20 more. Simply this will fix warzones.

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First of all, rest assured we are keeping a close watch on the results of our reward changes to Warzones in 1.2 and we will continue to pull constant metrics to make sure they are going in the right direction as players get used to the new rules.


I think BW gave us all a free month for a reason.. because frankly, the changes in 1.2 merit quitting--across the board.:mad:

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The mail problem is - i get more medals while def than trying to attack.

Before patch i get 4 medals and i was trying to win no maater what , coz i get my reward, now if i simply def i could get 6 medals and if i went to attack - only 3.

So the point is - give to 8 medals 80 comms, and for winning team 20 more. Simply this will fix warzones.


20 comms for winning is lame.


Give 40 comms for medals, and 20 for participation, so losers still walk w/ 60 (maybe 75 total would be better) and winners can take up to 100, imo.

Edited by Varicite
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IMO there's nothing wrong with the system as it is. If you aren't earning at least 3 medals in a warzone, you're doing something seriously wrong. Hell you can earn one by just doing a single heal, or a single aoe effect that deals at least 2.5k damage. Sitting at a control point gaining defender points will net you a medal.


3 was fine, 1 is just silly. Might as well make it none, or hell, don't make the noobs improve at all. Just send them gear in the mail. It'll save time.




Anyway. I'm sitting in mostly champion gear and having no trouble getting at least 8 medals, even if my team is getting rolled, so if you can't do it you might want to watch a tutorial video about pvping your class or something.

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- I'm going to bail on the Warzone the instant the 1st door in Voidstar falls before the 1min remaining mark.

- I'm going to bail the instant a team caps 2/3 points ahead of mine in Novare/Alderaan.

- I'm going to bail the instant we fall down 0-1 in Huttball.


You sir, have just described my 1.2 PvP "strategy." If you get only 1 node in Civil War, why would you waste 15 minutes when you know you will get next to nothing? The best is when you are in a que for 5 minutes to only get dropped into a Civil War WZ that is down 200-600. There is no reason to not just leave that WZ.


Also, the easy answer to fixing this is simply to provide more rewards. But, this is so simple that BW will come up with something more complex that will probably fix one thing and just break another.


What was wrong with rewards before 1.2?! Why was anything even changed?!

Edited by Seydis
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IMO there's nothing wrong with the system as it is. If you aren't earning at least 3 medals in a warzone, you're doing something seriously wrong. Hell you can earn one by just doing a single heal, or a single aoe effect that deals at least 2.5k damage. Sitting at a control point gaining defender points will net you a medal.


3 was fine, 1 is just silly. Might as well make it none, or hell, don't make the noobs improve at all. Just send them gear in the mail. It'll save time.




Anyway. I'm sitting in mostly champion gear and having no trouble getting at least 8 medals, even if my team is getting rolled, so if you can't do it you might want to watch a tutorial video about pvping your class or something.


No offence but im sick of the "If you dont get 3 medals your doing something wrong/or suck" argument.


There's enough posts in this thread that highlight why earning the 3 medals can be problamatic since the patch.

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You sir, have just described my 1.2 PvP "strategy." If you get only 1 node in Civil War, why would you waste 15 minutes when you know you will get next to nothing? The best is when you are in a que for 5 minutes to only get dropped into a Civil War WZ that is down 200-600. There is no reason to not just leave that WZ.


Also, the easy answer to fixing this is simply to provide more rewards. But, this is so simple that BW will come up with something more complex that will probably fix one thing and just break another.


What was wrong with rewards before 1.2?! Why was anything even changed?!


This! no one was complaining about it, everyone was happy with the way it was less people going afk.

Edited by hypershadowcat
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I guess the first thing I would like to point out is that the introduction paragraph to this thread is a lie. My PVP team won a match last night, I won 4 medals and I was rewarded all zeros at the end of the match.


The bottom line is that the new 1.2 PVP reward system is completely terrible. Only one type of player and gameplay is designed to be rewarded. I think that's a bunch of garbage and would argue that it is sometimes very difficult to judge how much impact an individual player had on a match from just looking at the score.


I get pigeon-holed into playing roles in PVP matches that are more beneficial to the team than to my score.


The saddest thing is that the players who give the PVP performance bioware is encouraging are most heavily rewarded, which allows them the best gear, which gives them a distinct advantage over players who are not as skilled, geared or lucky.


Think about it, by rewarding players who do not perform as well in PVP you allow them to buy more gear and become more competitive. What was the goal with the change? Is this just a way to grow the gear-gap between super-players and normal-players? That way everyone is divided into super players who always get rewarded and crappy players who never get rewarded?


What is the fear in allowing lesser PVP players to get good gear? They'll still be crappy but with better gear, which makes the match more even.


Another thing bioware, you make the teams. When I am on a team that's getting blown out the entire match and I stay logged in and play my role on a losing team, screw you for thinking that's not worth anything. Also, my team won a match where i killed one and died 17 times but it was an awesome match and I played a winning strategy, only to be rewarded with zeros.


Maybe this would be easier if you gave me a detailed explanation of your expectation of how I should play my toon during PVP? You clearly don't think the PVP choices I make are valid or valuable so why don't you make them for me? Maybe you could add a button that will just auto-pilot my toon during PVP, that way you automatically get what you want, which is better for me than grinding PVP for nothing.


Lastly, your new battleground sucks too.

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After reading this thread, one thing is for sure, I will be logging out of any PVP match that doesn't go my team's way in the first 1-2 minutes, until this PVP idiocy is fixed. I've wasted all the time I'm going to on 0 rewards.


Do game developers even play the game?

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I agree with the first few replies 100%. Strictly on-topic, yes why nerf Warzone Credit Gain? If anything it needed buffing. In 15 mins you can do 3 dailies maybe = 30k + Credits. Why does the same time period for WZ's not grant similar Credit gain. I HATE PvE after playing it for so long in WoW and I must say forcing me to PvE to earn Credits will quickly make me lose interest with the game in 1.2. Why bother even changing it in the first place? Its not like even pre 1.2 it gave that many credits.


Now with the Legacy introducted (which btw I think is very poorly designed...most items costing 1mil Creds or more. What were they on when it was decided that those would be the prices for Legacy unlocks, for PvE players Raiding is expensive, people need creds for staying on top of gear and repairs etc, for PvP you get hardly any credits anyway). Where are we supposed to magic these Creds from to waste on Legacy? I only know a very small amount of people with millions of credits and guess what, they are PvE crazy...Poor design!


The game now feels like its punishing people who PvP only. Which I can tell you is a LOT of players. As for the first 4-5 months of release you had 2 Ops to do that were SOOOOO easy. People quickly got bored of PvE content and played WZ's a lot. Now you release some new PvE and expect everyone to jump on the bandwagon...Cater for your PvP only players of your going to lose even more of your playerbase. Oh yeh an having 20-30 End-Game dailies yet removing Ilum, leaving >>> 1 <<< PvP daily and killing World PvP...smooth moves.


Cant say i've had any problems with gaining WZ comms tho. FInd a Guild, Get a group and play your class to the best of your ability. All the time your probably spending typing in WZ's is time that is costing you medals, think about that


P.S Weekly offered more rewards pre-1.2 why not now? 99 Ranked & 99 WZ for a WEEKYL quest...joke!

Edited by vibenode
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I just want to say I'm extremely frustrated with current PvP rewards. I'm also disappointed in the direction PvP has moved since 1.2. Decreased TTK has really sucked the fun out of PvP. I have been trying to keep queuing, but as PvP rewards have been decreased and I'm not enjoying earning those rewards as much...well, I just don't want to PvP anymore.


This isn't game-breaking, as there's plenty more to do, but I really enjoyed PvP before 1.2. I'd like it to continue to be something I enjoy in the future, and I hope it can be updated in the (near) future to be fun again. As it stands, I'll just be PvEing my way from here on out.

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