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thoughts on 1.2?


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I agree w all that, except u forgot my favorite new thing- the new power that takes 4 rage and 1 per second to heal u. When i respecced, i put points in the spot in immortal that lets u generate rage in soresu faster to compensate for trhe rage loss, which has worked beatuifully so far, and the new power is nice and gives u 4 strong defensive powers. I love it, and yes i love the ravage buff too. Ravage is a skill that's hard to pull off in pvp, but if u time it right, and do it after stuns, it can be really devastating
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I agree w all that, except u forgot my favorite new thing- the new power that takes 4 rage and 1 per second to heal u. When i respecced, i put points in the spot in immortal that lets u generate rage in soresu faster to compensate for trhe rage loss, which has worked beatuifully so far, and the new power is nice and gives u 4 strong defensive powers. I love it, and yes i love the ravage buff too. Ravage is a skill that's hard to pull off in pvp, but if u time it right, and do it after stuns, it can be really devastating


nice, sounds amazing ill look into that

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I absolutely hate the new defensive cooldown. Useless for tanking because of the threat drop, crap for dps so to the loss of dps. Even as vengeance, unless you get a stream of procs, you will find yourself constantly short for you attacks.
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I absolutely hate the new defensive cooldown. Useless for tanking because of the threat drop, crap for dps so to the loss of dps. Even as vengeance, unless you get a stream of procs, you will find yourself constantly short for you attacks.


Pretty much this. The boost to Ravage is nice, but my survivability as Vengeance is still crap. Enraged Defense is DUMB. Leveling my Jugg still feels like punching a brick wall compared to my Sorc, although they nerfed them pretty badly so perhaps they're equally painful now.

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I hate 1.2 as a Hybrid PvP tank, I am now dieing 11-12 times a game when i was deing 2-3 times a game. I am getting less than 3 medals a game as to the 8-10 i was getting before.


Maybe i just can't adapt or maybe there is to much DPS now or the 22-25% Pvp damage is to high.


I know ill get you suck l2p but what ever, I dont go from being a good player pre 1.2 to a baddie over night.

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I think its a valiant effort, and Ravage is nasty, but so far its meh for me. The new heal I actually laughed it was so bad and my damage seems to be down (so does everyones). I was able to get close to topping damage a few times but nothing spectacular. The real kicker is I hit 50 on my Marauder on Tuesday and in Recruit gear he seems to outshine the Jugg in everything but huttball.


This is as Vengeance, I'll probably try rage in a few days.

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i was upset at the loss of huddle with no patch notes, but with sonic barrier and force grip at a lower tier im a better immort/venge pvp tank, because i have two peels now in instant cast, and enraged defense + any defensive cd = pretty awesome, my healer is still unkillable with me guarding him even after bh nerfs so im just glad i found a pvp tank niche, considering dropping sonic barrier to get the fs crits off impale to boost DPS but still unsure if i can support the rage even with free smashes
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I feel confident about the changes. I'm not just pinching mobs while tanking anymore, I'm pinching with ENTHUSIASM now.


Could use a bit more but, maybe that is me being greedy. Could be worse I guess. We could be Sorc's or Operatives. :eek:

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i like 1.2 even though there are a lot of people whinning and crying but thats normal... I like the new ravage and still doing 5k+ crits with my smash. I love the fact to be able to solo the healer classes with more ease now. Someone earlier said only about getting 2-3 medals. Maybe if u focus on objectives you will see more.


aside form jugg.... the new WZ is also ok. Just a diff alderaan kind of sorta. I would like another huttball map in the future. That is still my fav WZ.

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I only played a couple of warzones yesterday night, using roughly the same full Vengeance spec as before 1.2 ( 7/32/2, before 1.2 I used 7/31/3)


Had to make some tough choices (6% crit on smash, choke & scream vs the 8% damage buff to ravage) but other than that a pretty straightforward spec.


In any case, my gear is rather poor. Orange items filled with blue (and 2 purple) level 22 armoring/mods/enhancements. Other than that the only pvp items I have are the champion helmet and the centurion gloves.


Before 1.2 in the exact same gear I did really low damage as Vengeance. Often only 70-90k in a match where the top damage dealers did over 300k.


So I did 5 warzones yesterday night to get my 3 wins. All matches where with and vs mainly battlemaster geared players in the health range of 16k - 20k. (by comparisson, I have barely 14k).


Result: In 3 matches I was top 3 damage. And in 2 matches I was roughly in the middle. Damage in all matches was hovering around the 150k mark, with the top damage dealers doing 300k. Considering my crappy gear I was very pleasantly surprised. I noticed opponents dropping noticeable faster when I was on them, and I ended all the matches with much more killing blows than I was used to before the patch, probably for a great deal thanks to the nearly auto-critting Vicious Throw for Vengeance now being usable at 30%.


Survivability as Vengeance remains fairly high, with the new defensive ability being helpful, but only because it gives Vengeance players a 15% damage reduction which is more useful than the terrible heal. If not for that and the good rage generation with the reworked Rampage talent I doubt I'd use it on a regular basis.

I have found the ability to be an excellent counter to survive dots though. You know those situations where you have used Endure Pain and your medpack, managed to get away from hostiles but have dots slowly ticking away? Pop the new defensive cooldown and if needed Enrage to give you rage and see the dots completely negated.:)


In any case, overall survivability was about equal as before, but I did notice getting killed much faster in 1 on 1 situations, especially vs sentinels & marauders. Had a good chuckle as I charged a Marauder and we both used Ravage on eachother. At the end of the channel I had chipped 15% off his healthpool, while he had removed around 50% of mine. Crap lol :D


Anyhow, a very positive experience overall, and I'm looking forward to seeing how well I'll do when I have some decent gear.

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i like 1.2 even though there are a lot of people whinning and crying but thats normal... I like the new ravage and still doing 5k+ crits with my smash. I love the fact to be able to solo the healer classes with more ease now. Someone earlier said only about getting 2-3 medals. Maybe if u focus on objectives you will see more.


aside form jugg.... the new WZ is also ok. Just a diff alderaan kind of sorta. I would like another huttball map in the future. That is still my fav WZ.


yeah, i kind of like the new wz, i frequently seem to get between 15 and 20 medals. i could PROBABLY get more, but we always win too fast

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I only played a couple of warzones yesterday night, using roughly the same full Vengeance spec as before 1.2 ( 7/32/2, before 1.2 I used 7/31/3)


Had to make some tough choices (6% crit on smash, choke & scream vs the 8% damage buff to ravage) but other than that a pretty straightforward spec.


In any case, my gear is rather poor. Orange items filled with blue (and 2 purple) level 22 armoring/mods/enhancements. Other than that the only pvp items I have are the champion helmet and the centurion gloves.


Before 1.2 in the exact same gear I did really low damage as Vengeance. Often only 70-90k in a match where the top damage dealers did over 300k.


So I did 5 warzones yesterday night to get my 3 wins. All matches where with and vs mainly battlemaster geared players in the health range of 16k - 20k. (by comparisson, I have barely 14k).


Result: In 3 matches I was top 3 damage. And in 2 matches I was roughly in the middle. Damage in all matches was hovering around the 150k mark, with the top damage dealers doing 300k. Considering my crappy gear I was very pleasantly surprised. I noticed opponents dropping noticeable faster when I was on them, and I ended all the matches with much more killing blows than I was used to before the patch, probably for a great deal thanks to the nearly auto-critting Vicious Throw for Vengeance now being usable at 30%.


Survivability as Vengeance remains fairly high, with the new defensive ability being helpful, but only because it gives Vengeance players a 15% damage reduction which is more useful than the terrible heal. If not for that and the good rage generation with the reworked Rampage talent I doubt I'd use it on a regular basis.

I have found the ability to be an excellent counter to survive dots though. You know those situations where you have used Endure Pain and your medpack, managed to get away from hostiles but have dots slowly ticking away? Pop the new defensive cooldown and if needed Enrage to give you rage and see the dots completely negated.:)


In any case, overall survivability was about equal as before, but I did notice getting killed much faster in 1 on 1 situations, especially vs sentinels & marauders. Had a good chuckle as I charged a Marauder and we both used Ravage on eachother. At the end of the channel I had chipped 15% off his healthpool, while he had removed around 50% of mine. Crap lol :D


Anyhow, a very positive experience overall, and I'm looking forward to seeing how well I'll do when I have some decent gear.


yeah that gore/ravage combo is kinda stupid haha. good to hear positive thinking, i get alot of people saying they broke rage, i think its either better or ~ the same, 3 sec longer cd on smash and a 10% nerf = another slash or 2 for 2k+

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As vengeance in pvp, it's a pretty nice buff, saber throw sunder armor lets you use shatter right away after a force charge instead of having to wait for sundering assault if you need to get your best dot rolling right away. By far the biggest change to me though is the 30% health almost always crit vicious throws, people get taken down MUCH faster.
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We're strong and we're certainly not as healer-dependent as we once were (as immortal and vengeance at least). We absolutely SHRED almost anything between ravage and our other abilities.


The only concerns I have is how debilitating the CD can be as Rage, which really hurts it's effective usage.

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Ive only had a chance to play about 10 wz on my rage jug. Since I min/maxed I was really screwed out of gear. So I'm in the process of swapping everything back/getting the bm gear again. Can still smash for 6k+ and I've tried ravage a few times with my relic / adrenal and its through the roof.
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Doing Belsavis dalies I feel squishier, had a few iffy moments doing Kaon with some guidies that needed to unlock Lost Island. I was 31/10/0 before now 32/7/2, basically the same build as before.


Also ravage tooltip says 2037-3115 damage now? That's a bit overbuffed isn't it? I did warzones on my operative last night and lost count to how many marauder/jugg sent/guard rooted me with ravage and took 60% my health off. lol

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