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10 Good
  1. FF xiv has no loading.... just saying.... Loading is annoying just like OP said...
  2. Are there any plans on lowering the cost that it takes to removes mods from an item? Removing mods from a Battlemaster gear cost like 130k... thats a little too extreme.
  3. what about STR vs PWR Augments for Veng Jugg (not Rage)??
  4. they need to do all the above to have game fix. - Server Transfer - Server Merges - Cross server PVP all in one patch to save this game. Note: Also they need to make server able to handle/support more people. Servers are weak. The Lag on Ilum back in the days was insane.
  5. i agree with the OP. then again i understand why BW did this move. If they didnt do this we would be on Que forever and even then we are still are at some point during the day... Now in order to fix this they just need to merge server (which they cant do atm since these servers are weak and cant handle too many ppl on them) or do the cross server wz. Until then my friend we will have to kill each other... another mistake bioware made was giving 3 kills/anments for every WZ for those daily and weekly from Ilum.... Once they did that Ilum pretty much died.....
  6. Im not sure if this has been suggested or not, but it would be nice to have a kind of player search engine like in others MMO's. Where you can browse and search people characters outside the game, by searching by name and server. With like features saying guild name, the tree spec they are currently using, and current gear.
  7. me personally. at least from weapon... i removed the +41 power for +41 expertise.
  8. http://www.torhead.com/skill-calc#101ZcMRZGMRrzfRrfz.1 this is what i use. I have the points in interceptor for huttball purposes.
  9. how about this? feedbacks welcome http://www.torhead.com/skill-calc#101RrG0u0MZcRrMrhzzM.1
  10. I have a sith jugg rank 50. So force choke should be unlock. Yet i cant seem to find the way to use it on my lv 14 sith inquisitor. Do i req a specific level to use Force choke?
  11. i like 1.2 even though there are a lot of people whinning and crying but thats normal... I like the new ravage and still doing 5k+ crits with my smash. I love the fact to be able to solo the healer classes with more ease now. Someone earlier said only about getting 2-3 medals. Maybe if u focus on objectives you will see more. aside form jugg.... the new WZ is also ok. Just a diff alderaan kind of sorta. I would like another huttball map in the future. That is still my fav WZ.
  12. she is not the jelaous type. When u do vette affection after jaessa vette asks about her. Jaessa then walks in and says "she doesnt mind sharing".
  13. Not having a Harvard Masters degree... awww LOL marauder aint hard to play. the more u play it the more proficient you will get at it. Plain and simple.
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