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DFA hitting for 500?


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I think you're actually more likely to get damage in with this current setup since damage happens sooner and the time between animation and damage was key for enemy players to avoid/interupt/stun you.


HOLY CRAP!!!!!!!!!! someone who is smart on the official forums, the world is truly ending.

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It's not a ninja nerf. It was listed in the notes. It hits more times for less damage... Same overall. If the radius wasnt smaller, it'd be a buff. Stop crying while uninformed.





DFA and Flame-Thrower was BOTH supposedly moved from beeing a 1 sec. tick to a 0.5 sec. tick HOWEVER it does not proc TWICE even tho the damage on those ticks where cut in half. So when people say that they got nerfed they actually got bugged.


So in short you havent got a clue, you should leave the forum instead of trolling around. Get informed and comeback and to the forum and hand out appologies to the people you are insulting with remarks as "Stop crying while uninformed".


Best regards




Ps. You think I need to learn how to play, goto the calypso board and find my name there.

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DFA is pretty bloody usless now, the range is just terrible now, im lucky to get 1-2 from a pack of 4 with it now, and even when i do manage to get more they just fall down out of range so only suffer 1 tick of damage...
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DFA's total damage was not changed in patch 1.2, but it ticks more frequently and deals less damage per tick. The overall damage and DPS dealt by DFA has not changed.


The only balance adjustments made to DFA are the ones you see in the patch notes (starts faster and has a smaller radius).


so now you have brought OUR aoe damage range in to line, did you not think to do sorcerers range at the same time? the range on DFA is rubbish now, yet my sorcerers was not touched....gj

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If you use DFA/Mortar Volley for anything besides padding damage meters, it's still fine. Still keeps people from capping objectives, still messes up a tank and the healer he's guarding if they're sticking close, still puts pressures on healers when the opposing team is clumped.


Being inclined to use it less often will probably make for better play all around.

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Maybe the damage is spread out over one more tick? I havent got a chance to test it yet.


Yep, lot of dfa whiners. It hit like 3-4 times pre patch and hits more like 7-8 in 1.2.


The radius is still an issue though.

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I logged in yesterday, first group of thrash mobs ... DFA ... and I was asking myself "Whoa, did they nerf it in the patch?".


a) The group of mobs definitely did not lose as much health as before ... and all of them were standing in the (smaller) radius.


b) I did not notice DFA ticking more often


c) I noticed that some mobs were knocked out of the radius of DFA so the following ticks (no matter how many) did not do damage to them


All in all, this is either a (serious) nerf or a bug ...

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Yeah my DFA is hitting 800-1k, and 1.3k crits. About 6 times per. Which is 2x before 1.2. So to me it's same damage. I was hitting 1.6-1.8 and 2.7k crits pre.


Radius is still an issue. I mean the Radius is a huge issue.


Most other classes AOE"s have a HUGE radius. Really sux.

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Group of weak mobs with 4.9k health, pre 1.2 they all died at the end of DFA channeling. Post 1.2 they all died at the end of DFA channeling.


Same dmg, radius is a bit smaller, still a very good ability, even in PvP.

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Myself (PT) and a guildmate (Merc) were discussing this and we initially felt it was a nerf. However, when testing it on clumped mobs doing the dailies on Ilum I noticed that mobs that normally died did die if and only if they weren't knocked back out of the radius.


I remember when the broke DFA horribly in Beta and then fixed it, it was awesome. This is similar to that, they "fixed" it, but it's somewhat broken. The radius is the main issue. All AoE abilities should have the same radius, period, and the reticle you put on the ground should show what that radius is.


Case in point, Orbital Strike seems to have a larger radius now on both my sniper and my guildmates were reporting similar findings.



That said, I find DFA to be more situational, and I lead targets, much like I did when I was a gunner in the Air Force. If you drop DFA where people are, it's useless, but if you drop it where they're going to be or want to go to, it is much more useful.

Edited by Jekan
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That said, I find DFA to be more situational, and I lead targets, much like I did when I was a gunner in the Air Force. If you drop DFA where people are, it's useless, but if you drop it where they're going to be or want to go to, it is much more useful.

This is the key to tactically using DFA with success in warzones. Further, similar to a Sniper's Orbital Strike, using DFA to box in, or redirect the flow of the enemy engagement is quite useful.


The fact that it begins to deal damage quicker means that with good leads, you can get an early 'punch' in, and anyone dumb enough to stand around begins to see just what happens.


It doesn't WTFPWN everything in a 10 meter radius any more. Work with a mate who can snare/slow and then lead the lambs to slaughter. If it's too hard for you roll sorc.

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BW didnt think this thru at all.


Ok so now, we have to look for mobs that our pratically sandwiched togehter for them to all be hit at once... ok, thats what i look for now...


Second problem, as soon as you hit an area, you endup with a PUSHBACK effect moving mobs away from original hit area and since radious is so so so small now, we endup pushing 99% of the time the mobs out of that tiny radious.... So again, we endup not hitting more then 1 mob at a time


I can see some times that i will initially hit all the mobs at least 1 time, then the knowbck accures and the 2 other volleys fall onto an area stricken of mobs, so it gives illusion that DFA isnt hiting anything anymore..


Kinda week fix for something i can only assume was intended to balance out a PvP issue.

Now DFA doesnt do squat in PvE :(


i will work with it more tonight, but im pretty sure i wont be able to come up with something worth while in how to use DFA now.. me sad :(

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Kinda week fix for something i can only assume was intended to balance out a PvP issue.

Now DFA doesnt do squat in PvE :(

You sir, are really, really doing it wrong if you can't DFA to be effective in PvE.

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dont like the new one, cant use DFA while tanking anymore, you get like 1 sec of channeling now. so to me it is a nerf, but these things are expected in mmos. an ability thats OP in few situations gets nerfed so it becomes useless in others, they should have lowered flame sweep's heat to make up for the loss of DFA in PVE aoe tanking. but thats just my opinion.
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DFA's total damage was not changed in patch 1.2, but it ticks more frequently and deals less damage per tick. The overall damage and DPS dealt by DFA has not changed.


The only balance adjustments made to DFA are the ones you see in the patch notes (starts faster and has a smaller radius).


It ticks twice as fast, and the damage per tick is half as much, did you double the number of ticks?


Did you account for the fact that the knockback tosses mobs out of the damage radius with the first tick?

Edited by Cobb
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Sorcs/sages quake and lightning storm seem to have radius's 2x the size of DFA; yes apples to oranages, but when the targetting reticle is the same size it leads to a little frustration.


This is the only thing that seems messed up. Why only nerf the trooper/BH AoE? It's not like the CD is amazingly short that it's making up most of our damage.


Other than the damage loss due to radius reduction, I haven't seen any drop in damage.


If one dude stands in the center of the reticule, I crit for about 1k - 1.5k and it ticks 6 times. Before the patch I'd crit for 1700 - 2.5k with 3 ticks. So the damage is roughly the same. I'd rather have 6 ticks since people don't have to move as far to get out of the area. better to get 3/6 ticks off than only 1/3.


The size reduction is pretty massive though. The nerf reduces the area DFA covers by about 61%.


A 6m radius would be a 44% area loss.


IF they had made it 6.5m radius instead, then it'd only be a 34% area loss.


The change from 8m to 5m is a huge difference. They should have buffed the damage 5-10% in exchange for the 61% area nerf they handed out.


Here's a little illustration showing the difference between the 8m radius and the 5m radius.



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There logic with the DFA nerf to this day makes no sense. They need to remove the knockback component to make this more affective. I have been testing this quite a bit and the comment about the dps not being changed is complete garbage. Yes the waves come closer together but its still 3 waves. People have commented its 6 waves. I have counted it and it maybe 6 waves but not every wave is recording dmg to mobs. Prior to patch I was seeing crits of 2k a wave guess what the crits are now. Max of 1k crits a wave and about 3 waves if it does crit for 1k. Trying to say the dps is the same because the waves are coming faster doesnt make any sense at all when its obvious that dfa isnt doing as much dps as it was so please stop feeding us information we know is false.


Normal mobs that do stay in the radius that used to die outright prior to 1.2 are not dying . They are ending up with about 5-9 % of there hitpoints left consistantly. That is proof enough there that the statement dps was not touched is just not consistant with testing. Then you figure in the fact that knockback on groups of 5 are knocking out mobs so that only one wave is hitting and this abilty has become a joke to use. Most of us are now spamming our blaster aoe over using DFA.


I also find it completely funny how the aoe of sorcs lightning is the same huge radius as before and was not touched at all. Neither was porbital strike. To alot of people it looks like they are not liking the fact alot of people play bounty hunters so they are doing everything possible to make the class less atractive. But all they are doing is peaving off people to unsub. Lets have alittle equality across the board with aoes then if our biggest and most important aoe was nerfed do to some idealism in game mechanics then lighting storm and oribtal strike should be also to make them in line with other aoes like the reasoning you guys gave bounty hunters for the change. But I can already tell the response. it will be another 180 on the reasoning let me guess the next reason it was not what we intended as the role for the bounty hunter. /shakes head. Just disable the class if your trying to balance out them on the servers instead of lying about the reasons behind the changes.

Edited by taloros
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DFA is pretty bloody usless now, the range is just terrible now, im lucky to get 1-2 from a pack of 4 with it now, and even when i do manage to get more they just fall down out of range so only suffer 1 tick of damage...


That's pretty much the problem I have with it. The amount of damage is fine really, but the radius is so small it's practically a single target skill- especially when the knockback just tosses them right out of range.

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