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Everything posted by taloros

  1. While I fully understand the need for world events and for some they are fun I would like to give a few comments about the right way to do an event. First events should be voluntary and not affect anyone who does not want to participate in the event. I have seen people say QQ much on these forums because people are angry about the fact they are being forced into it. Sorry but if you were forced into something you didnt want anything to do with you would be cranky also. The problem is people are being inconsiderate about the event. Bank areas, quest turn areas should be off limits for people messing with that infect other quest. I personally have a alot of credits and putting in a credit sink into an event to mess with people not interested in the event is plain and simple low down tactic. It especially hurts lower lvl players who cannot afford to keep blowing 2k a pop on a cure potion. I personally even though I have plenty of credits dont like to waste 1 credit on something as stupid as this event. Bioware you need to think about your events before you put stuff like this in. Take into account human nature and the fact that people will not be considerate enough to stay away from well trafficed areas like banks and quest hubs and not infect people who dont want to participate in the quest. I have personally spent over 10k of potions already do to deaths and other issues clearing this garbage buff off me when I dont want to participate. The response we get from devs involving this issue of harrassment in my book is buy the potion or keep zoning because it will reset. How about this instead do something orginal like any other MMO owner and fix the event so that those who do not want to participate dont get the buff in the first place. You guys should have never made that abilty for the quest usable on the fleet near the banks and GTN and that in the first place. If people are going to say then how are we supposed to finish the quest. Here is an original idea find people who want to participate on tat and use it there where it belongs. I am getting the distinct impression they do not ever think anything through and just thrw it out there. 1.2 already has cost this game quite a few subs. Sure it looks busy because of the free month they through out there but as soon as that is done I have a bad feeling alot of people are going to be bailing this game to the competition. Especially when some fairly decent replacements are releasing very shortly. I like this game alot and it took me alittle to adjust from 1.2 changes but I personally am starting to loose patience of the lack of thought involved in there customers feelings. If I dont want to participate in a world event that event should not involve me in any way. Please get your act together soon BW. Little things like this might not seem like much but can eventually end the popularity of a MMO and send people fleeing in droves.
  2. There logic with the DFA nerf to this day makes no sense. They need to remove the knockback component to make this more affective. I have been testing this quite a bit and the comment about the dps not being changed is complete garbage. Yes the waves come closer together but its still 3 waves. People have commented its 6 waves. I have counted it and it maybe 6 waves but not every wave is recording dmg to mobs. Prior to patch I was seeing crits of 2k a wave guess what the crits are now. Max of 1k crits a wave and about 3 waves if it does crit for 1k. Trying to say the dps is the same because the waves are coming faster doesnt make any sense at all when its obvious that dfa isnt doing as much dps as it was so please stop feeding us information we know is false. Normal mobs that do stay in the radius that used to die outright prior to 1.2 are not dying . They are ending up with about 5-9 % of there hitpoints left consistantly. That is proof enough there that the statement dps was not touched is just not consistant with testing. Then you figure in the fact that knockback on groups of 5 are knocking out mobs so that only one wave is hitting and this abilty has become a joke to use. Most of us are now spamming our blaster aoe over using DFA. I also find it completely funny how the aoe of sorcs lightning is the same huge radius as before and was not touched at all. Neither was porbital strike. To alot of people it looks like they are not liking the fact alot of people play bounty hunters so they are doing everything possible to make the class less atractive. But all they are doing is peaving off people to unsub. Lets have alittle equality across the board with aoes then if our biggest and most important aoe was nerfed do to some idealism in game mechanics then lighting storm and oribtal strike should be also to make them in line with other aoes like the reasoning you guys gave bounty hunters for the change. But I can already tell the response. it will be another 180 on the reasoning let me guess the next reason it was not what we intended as the role for the bounty hunter. /shakes head. Just disable the class if your trying to balance out them on the servers instead of lying about the reasons behind the changes.
  3. You have alot of arguments about raid gear being given out via daily quests but the fact is its been in game since day 1. Tech Rakata before 1.2 was the top end armor and the only way to get the Rakata earpiece and implants was to do the daily quests. Another thing I bet almost everyone of the people who are complaining about this will be the first people jumping on those quests when 1.2 goes live. If you say no then your full of it . Because if your a hardcore raider you will take advantage of every means possible to give you an advantage in the raids and getting extra tokens a week means getting geared fasters and clearing the raids in a smoother manner. I have been the leader of casual and hardcore raid guilds and what I have said just now would be entirely true like some guilds forced there members to go full biochem for raiding. They will force them to do the dailies to get the tokens to get geared faster. So while you maybe complaining you dont like and that solo people should not get access to the tokens without killing raid bosses I can almost bet my life savings that those same guilds complaining now will be the first ones jumping out the gate on dailies after the servers come back up.
  4. I think people are seriously starting to forget who this game was designed for. This game was designed for the casual player NOT the 1 % elite guilds. Reality is about 99% of the population of this game are casual players you keep screwing with that and guess what your going to have a ghost town. I understand that the operations are too easy for elite hardcore raid guilds and that BW did attempt to tackle this with the stages. The problem arose with the elite guilds always expect to get some sort of reward better then the other modes for there troubles. That is a constant problem in any MMO you have a small % who think somehow they are superior to everyone else and deserve to be treated that way. Honestly those people are what are causing most MMO's to tank recently. I have been guilty of this in the past also unfortunately.they constantly hound the devs to change things so the devs copy there guilds over to the test server and base all the changes to end game content on the top elite guilds which tightens the learning curve so tightly that a large % of the casual raiding guilds give up and quit the game. Thus in turn a few months later comes the server combines and then shortly after that comes the free to play models. Im not saying that is going to happen here but take a look who is testing end game of 1.2 there is not one casual raiding guild testing that content. Everyone testing it has been doing nightmare modes easily and completing it. Where is a guild that is doing just hardmodes? Which is about 99% of your current player base. See that is why BW is putting in that weekly blackhole quest they realize that a majority of there casual guilds are going to have serious issues in the raid zones and they are giving them a means to get a few pieces to help cushion the blow. Those guilds will use the daily quests as a means to obtain a few pieces of tiered armor so they can buffer the upgraded 1.2 ops and be able to still compete. I am a raider and have been a hardcore raider in the past so I know both sides but this game is a casual players game not a hardcore raiders game and I really wish people would stop trying to turn it into a hardcore raiders game. if that is what you want go look for another MMO that is more suited for that.
  5. I have read both sides of the comments on this subject and quite frankly the logic some of the people are comming up with show nothing but epeen syndrome mentality. I personally have been on both sides an elite raider who has completed everything in a game and also one who has relaxed and just enjoyed a game. Honestly in this game if you think you are somehow more entitled and more deserving then someone who spends everday doing the dailies in this game then you are sadly mistaken. It takes on average 45 mins to 2 hrs to complete a raid on hard mode compair that to doing the average dailies which is aproximately 4hrs + and now they are adding in more with 1.2. Yes there is a quest to get tokens for the last tier of armor from dailies but what you people fail to realize is that you must complete every daily for a week to complete the weekly quest for the blackhole tokens and then you get a very minimal amount of tokens not enough to obtain a piece of raid armor until you have completed multiple weeks of the quest. DO THE MATH PEOPLE. The people who atttempt to get geared this way have to enjoy being tortured. This is a time sync and a half. If you raiders think this is still unfair then you people need your head examined. I am a raider and I have no problems with this because not alot of people are going to be doing this . You realize how boring this is going to get over time. They will start going stir crazy before they get a full set. Besides by the time they get maybe 1 piece us raiders will most likely be fully equipped so if you think spending 4+ hrs a day doing boring dailies weekly to complete a weekly quest in which if you miss 1 quest during the week you fail the weekly for the tokens and then add on top of that you get minimum amount of tokens and the smallest amount of tokens for a piece is 20 which I think would be 4 weeks then I think that is fair. If you dont then go and quit and make the game a less toxic place for us.
  6. Ok a few this people are getting major wrong here in there posts. 1. Rakata stims are NOT the best stims in game anymore. Exotect are. Even though Rakata are reuseable. The thing people are failing to realize is that the Rakata stims were nerfed in a previous patch just the tool tip has not been updated yet. Your not getting what it says on that rakata. The exotecs on the other hand were not nerfed in stat and do give you the buff on them which is alittle higher then rakata now not much. I know it doesnt make sence but that is the way it is. 2. Yes biochems have alot of utiltiy at end game but if your paying attention there is a huge overpopulation of them on every server and therefore this whole money thing is quite bs. I dont know what servers you guys are on but on my server stuff doesnt sell for crap on AH because almost every guild has a few dedicated bichems making there medipacs and stims. 3. Every craft has extremely viable end game recipes especially in 1.2 while biochem basically get crapped on yet again. I understand the need to buff the other crafts but not at the expense of biochems. All this is doing is reversing the diagram now in 1.2 your going to have the other crafts being more desirable then biochem. One thing I truely wish would return from the days of the first MMO'S and that is the fact there was alot less people with epeen envy. Most of todays games are being ruined because of a certain MMO which basically bottle fed everything to there base and changed there diapers everytime they cried about something.
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