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Update on Ranked Warzones in Game Update 1.2


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I'm going to quote this as it reflects my thoughts as well. My guild was gutted with the Illum screw ups. I've been solo PvPing, after a 2 month PvP break, and I'm a sliver from rank 59. I was looking forward to the rank system. I know everyone has to learn but, there are some (a lot actually) that just don't get it. It frustrating to watch my team ignore the ball or enemy ball carrier to mindlessly kill. Watching them throw out random stuns that fill the resolve bar and basically give them the score. To watch them get drawn away from the door or, watch an ungaurded door not get bomb planted as I draw away the enemy that is supposed to be gaurding it.


It's tough for me to just join up on a different guild. My play time is extremely randomized and I have to get up constantly becuase of the kids. Ranked WZs would have put me with others that actually coordinate.


Well, at least I have the crafting changes to look forward to...unless we get a "it's not in, deal with it, post for that also...


I'm pretty much exactly the same. I never know when I will have time to play in advance - that's also why I don't raid anymore. Solo PVP with other people of my mind makes MMOs with a random timeframe extremely enjoyable.


If they implement ranked warzones without soloqueues I'm off to Guild Wars.

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This a hundred times.


I'm actually not that sad that we won't get ranked warzones tomorrow. If they weren't ready for prime time it's better to develop them longer. I will still enjoy highlevel pvp.


But Bioware, as soon as you remove the option to soloqueue for highlevel pvp (i.e. ranked warzones without the solo queue) I'm out and I imagine a lot of other players too.


I simply don't enjoy having to be in teamspeak all the time, talking to some guys I barely know. I have that all day in my job, when playing I simply want to PVP with other likeminded people, using chat as the good tactics option that it is.




I do hope that they dont start the season without both queue´s. All players should start together, else those that played in 8v8 will have a too big advantage.


As Stephen said, first the 8v8 after the solo. To start a season with only 8v8 or only solo doesnt make much sense so I am guessing the seasons start is on hold until both queue´s are added.


What I still dont understand is, why solo cant come together with 8v8. From my point of view a solo queue system doesnt seem to need more time / is harder to add than a 8v8.



Guess time will tell, maybe we can get some more informations soon why it is not "ready" yet or why the 8v8 first.


Goodnight :p

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I'm going to try and express my frustrations without to much ranting.


For them to have the PTS running for that long and just now figure out that it won't work is Incompetence. I understand the point about looking forward, but after all the PVP issues they have had and now this, it's very difficult to believe they are going to do better anytime soon. People said "They tested it saw the flaws, etc..." Why did they wait until the weekend before they planned to launch to test? There were so many ways this could've been avoided. So either they were so Incompetent that they waited until the weekend before they planned to launch to actually test or PVP is an after thought so they just didn't focus on it until right before they planned to launch.


Communication also seems to be an area where they are really lacking. How the heck can you announce the patch is coming out and not say anything about this right then? Then they do announce the delay and don't say anything about if gear or 8 man queuing is affected. They take another few hours to respond to what everyone knows would be obvious questions people would ask. If PVP is an after thought, that's fine just tell us PVP is just a side item like space battles and then everyone will know and can decide what to do based on that information.



I know posting here doesn't change anything but it does help to get it out since I've spent so many hours with this game. Hopefully if enough people complain they will do better. I have generally enjoyed the game but stuff like this just sours me on it.

Edited by idonotdonot
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Regarding the timing of this announcement, the decision was made late in our testing for Game Update 1.2, after the team had examined the data and done additional internal testing. There was no deliberate delay. As soon as the decision was made, we communicated that to you. We realize it's a late announcement, but we felt it was only fair to communicate the change before Game Update 1.2 was pushed live.


You are such a *********** liar. Get real, you guys made the tactical decision to release this information AS LATE AS POSSIBLE before 1.2 came, the reason for this???? we all know it was to give as much time as possible for people resubbing for 8 man subs to resub.


And THEN you announce this change. Give us some credit BW and EA.

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This whole thread summed up in a few words:


Bioware: Hey, the PTS did its job and we've decided to hold back ranked warzones because it's not ready for primetime. It'll come when it's good enough for the community.


The SWTOR Community (on the forums): *Cries and throws a tantrum like a baby*


Seriously, releasing buggy features and content is miles more unprofessional than holding back something that isn't ready, even with a short notice. Besides, there are a lot of players looking forward to what IS coming with 1.2, namely UI changes, Legacy, and the new Operation.


Not unsubbed.


Its the fact that everyone was looking forward to ranked now in the last 12 hours we hear delayed. Besides buggy things aren't new to this game they'd fit nicely on the huge list of bugs to fix that i'm sure is collecting dust in some developers desk

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Everyone needs to unsub so they get the hint that this isn't okay, rather than just QQ on this thread.


but wouldnt unsubbing be the same thing?


you know the sw tor cant just unsub and walk away.they gotta post there "heres my reason for unsubbing"post like they think the majority of people really care

Edited by Meluna
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This whole thread summed up in a few words:


Bioware: Hey, the PTS did its job and we've decided to hold back ranked warzones because it's not ready for primetime. It'll come when it's good enough for the community.


The SWTOR Community (on the forums): *Cries and throws a tantrum like a baby*


Seriously, releasing buggy features and content is miles more unprofessional than holding back something that isn't ready, even with a short notice. Besides, there are a lot of players looking forward to what IS coming with 1.2, namely UI changes, Legacy, and the new Operation.


Not unsubbed.

more like bioware had the 1.2 PTR up for a month, didnt invite any high end pvp guilds or players to help test it, and then claim rateds arent ready yet - and then they will release rated warzones in a week or two and it will still be buggy as hell.


people are complaining because tons of people resubbed because they were told rateds would be in 1.2, and then bioware said "rofl jk" which makes it seem like they were just baiting people along for the extra $$$, because if their coders and programmers had any idea what they were doing, they would have known that rated warzones werent "ready" a long time ago.


bioware basically screwed themselves with this one, tons of people are going to quit

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Disappointed but not really unexpected. It's a good thing that they don't want to release a buggy feature but it's also a bad thing to announce it with like 10+ hours to patch when there are tens of thousands of players who paid last month's sub just to "hang on" to the game. I guess they don't want another Ilum turret-farming debacle but this is a pure bait-and-switch.
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Either way it is what it is. Crying and whining is useless and makes our community look like a bunch of whining brats.


You don't hear me carrying on whining and complaining do you? NO


I do that in private.


so the community of this game isnt a bunch of whining brats?


theres a suprise

Edited by CrunkShizzle
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more like bioware had the 1.2 ptr up for a month, didnt invite any high end pvp guilds or players to help test it, and then claim rateds arent ready yet - and then they will release rated warzones in a week or two and it will still be buggy as hell.


People are complaining because tons of people resubbed because they were told rateds would be in 1.2, and then bioware said "rofl jk" which makes it seem like they were just baiting people along for the extra $$$, because if their coders and programmers had any idea what they were doing, they would have known that rated warzones werent "ready" a long time ago.


Bioware basically screwed themselves with this one, tons of people are going to quit


this a thousand times over.

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