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Update on Ranked Warzones in Game Update 1.2


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Wow, Bioware. Epic failure on your part. Unbelievable.


Edit to add: this reminds me very much of SWG's money grab with the NGE. You knew this was not going to go live well before this. Why are you only announcing it now?


This is NOWHERE near the level of money-grab SOE did. Stop overreacting.

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well there goes any chance of me pvping until ranked. i aint gonna be cannon fodder to war hero geared people. while im not gonna rage bout this late decision lets face it who couldnt see it coming. first dual spec was in 1.2 then it wasnt. alot of the things in this game already have been delayed, or broken by a patch but reading test server comments on ranked warzones i fail to see how they waited til now to remove them, there seemed to be realy problems last week.


bioware i think are fast becoming known for broken patches and promises broken. but hey it will come eventually but i wouldnt count on it being soon. probs 1.3 at earliest would be my guess but the queue issues were lack of people at 50 into pvp. they were advitizing ages back about looking for end game raiding guilds to test new operation so thats where msot people were. also i fail to see how ranked warzones will work with some servers with really low population and agree with a post earlier from some1 who said ranked may probs come when there is cross server queuing.


cant say im surprised by the news jsut the timing off it. but oh well new operation for me to do. aint touching pvp just to be cannon fodder

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This decision is, very literally, robbing people of time and money. People have spent weeks preparing for ranked warzones, investing money into guilds, websites, etc to get things up and running.


And hundreds, if not thousands or more, of people were drawn back to resub PRIMARILY for ranked warzones and now they get nothing.

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All these people unsubbing because it's not going to be put in with 1.2...


That's why it was in testing, they tested it, it wasn't ready. So, they're going to wait a little while and work on it so it's ready for all the people who wanted it to enjoy


if that was even true a little bit, they would have known about it for a while.


they should have done thorough internal testing before it even made it onto PTS.


on PTS, they tried to focus last week on getting a lot of data from it.


so there are two scenarios: they found out during internal testing there was a problem and did nothing, or they didnt do proper internal testing and a red flag was raised in the data from last weeks PTS test.


i think that proper testing did not take place on this feature until last week, and now there is not enough time to fix the problem

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Everybody I know went from "waiting for 1.2, excited" to "unsubbed", so I will be joining them in d3 -> MOP Beta.


Final nail in the coffin. The players left in the SWTOR community will be mostly casual sci-fi fans. Majority of the serious MMO community will go elsewhere. Those who were seeking an alternative to WoW will see that the grass is not always greener on the other side.


D3, GW2, Tera, MoP, our choices go on.


Taking our money elsewhere to a company that will listen to its paying customers instead of disappointing them at every turn.


If server merges don't happen, then this game will meet its demise even faster.

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Work on re-instating Ranked Warzones has already begun, and is the highest priority for the PvP team right now. They all want to bring the feature to you as soon as possible. However, we will not compromise on quality by rushing it to launch. As Daniel said, once we are satisfied Ranked Warzones work well and are fun for all who want to take part in them, we'll launch them.


Mr. Reid, please have your PvP Dev Team read this thread, every single post. These guys have been steadily underperforming since launch and are a blight on an otherwise great game.


They need to see the reactions of the players that pay their bills and they need to have it really sink in. Hopefully, it will encourage them to step up their performance. Your community team shouldn't have to take all the flack for the PvP team's continued failure to perform effectively.

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I'll preface this by saying I rarely post on the forums.


I'm coming out of hiding for this thread, though, because someone needs to represent the viewpoint of the non-casual PvPer.


The PvE players will of course line up to say we're the minority- they always do. They'll continue to say we're vocal, and that our impact on a game is minimal, ect. Because, well, somewhere along the line, they got led to believe that all PvPers hate PvEers, and the forum troll wars started where everyone picked a faction and yelled and screamed until it became standard behavior.


I don't hate PvE. I am a PvP focused player, but I don't want to change your raids, or the itemization of your gear, or make you PvP to get a BiS belt or a set of bracers to max your stats for raiding. For the most part- I want you guys to have your focus untouched, and not have to do things you hate in order to do the things you enjoy.


But on the other hand, the PvPer has been handed the worst development in the game over and over since this game's launch, the worst itemization of stats, forced PvE for BiS/stat itemization, and a completely broken World PvP setup.


You made valor changes that made the ranks meaningless, you put in interim systems for commendations that essentially handed out free gear to everyone who put in minimal effort after tons of people had a merciless grind to get both their ranks/gear.


It's clear that PvE is the focus of this game. That's fine- most games focus this way, and I get it- but it doesn't give your development teams an excuse to completely half-*** one part of the game, and that's exactly what has happened with PvP.


World PvP was terrible from launch, and you've essentially admitted defeat until you can completely re-work it.


You changed methods of commendations twice with these "temporary" fixes until more permanent systems could go in, and now, we get no rated warzones, but another temporary way to aquire gear. When does the PvP community get a finished product? How many temporary changes and re-works do we get before we get what the PvEers had at launch- finished content?


You made it clear what the focus for 1.2 was in who you invited to test/copy, and that was PvE guilds to test your new T2 raid. No PvP guilds to test your rated warzones? Really. And the day prior to launching the patch, you have to pull the plug on it. You probably had an entire throng of PvEers testing PvP content for one, and for two, just the lack of focus on it overall reflects poorly on your PvP team, and Bioware as a whole.


If PvP isn't a major focus, you need to say so, rather than keeping the charade of it mattering, yet proving again and again with shoddy development that it doesn't.


Nothing more needs to be said. I think you represent a vast majority of the pvp'rs with your post, I'm one of them.


Very well spoken - can't wait for BW to respond...



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I wasnt expecting the 1.2 patch this week so no love lost there. but I dont get how it can get so close to going live and be pulled. That to me seems like the testing phase wasnt very well structured. I think BIOWARE does need to explain to the community exactly what happened.


Stop being so PR orientated and start calling it like it is.


While I dont agree with all the ragers, I would agree with the comments around server merging. There are simply too many servers. Creating a higher population will mean more people will be playing the available content together instead of focusing on ranting. It will mean quicker PVP queuing so people will be able to tolerate not having this content in the meantime.


BIOWARE needs to really listen to it's community around server transfers and shift this functionality to a higher priority.


And I'm proudly a SWTOR fanboy :)

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Give in to your anger, let your hate turn you. The dark side will make you stronger and more powerful than ever before.


But in all seriousness i get some people are angry about the 11th hour announcement, but stop acting all entitled and get over it. The feature is not ready to be rolled out yet then fine, i would rather it works as intended than badly.


This is a new MMO there are going to be bugs and there is going to be some evolution in how things work, if you can't wait for the amount of time it takes for them to fix it (it could only be a matter of days before some features start rolling out) go back and play WoW or some other game that has been out for SEVERAL YEARS.


you really think it will be ready in a matter of days? I think if it were that minor of a problem they would roll it out and just hotfix it. No, I think there may more of a problem here than something that can be fixed in a couple days. Rated WZ's are not going to work properly until cross server queing is in place, and it wouldn't surprise me to see rated WZ's put on hold until then. Hope I'm wrong though, because I don't see myself waiting that long tbh.

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And there would be just as much rage on the pve side if the new raids were not put in due to bugs. And imagine if they did this and still let you get the gear, but it would just take 3 times longer than previously expected. Then imagine all the PVP features being added and only the PvE stuff was delayed.


Don't pretend for a moment that the tears from that would somehow be less than what you are seeing here.


It's funny how you think someone who pokes fun at pvpers isn't a pvper themselves.


To be honest, I don't raid. My work schedule doesn't allow me to set up consistent raid times with anyone. My only enjoyment in this game at this point is pvp, crafting, and leveling alts.

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i'm not going to quit--even though all i do is pvp, but this is pretty darn disappointing news. get rateds in quick please--many were looking forward to it and even though the sky is ALWAYS falling in an mmo community, this one scares me for our server populations.
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Well done Bioware. The right decision , you may be taking flak now but mixing ranked/unranked/solo /8 man groups was a recipe for disaster.


Over 50% of players participate in at least 1 wz daily , if you had gone ahead with ranked warzones mixing all the queues i would hazard a guess that this precentage would drop off rather drastically.


8 man premades should only fight gainst other 8 man premades , and this was never going to happen with the current build. Do the job properly or don't do it at all .

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I would like people to think about this below.



Gabe anounces at last years pax 100vs100 on ilum youll be amazed

Here comes launch 1.1 major exploit patched the next day (i bugged the turret problem in beta 6 months ago) tons of imp in bm armor in 1 day

Major valor farming going on ilum

Ilum becomes instanced to accomadate lag 20vs20 is barely possible

Ilum goes downhil from here

Gabe saying in interviews he wants to try 40vs40 (after anouncing 100vs100 at pax pre launch)

Gabe guild summit anouncing ilum revamp back to drawing board

Gabe does another interview saying hed like to do rvr


Do you notice anything here? Extreme inconsistency to say the least. You cant take anything worth a grain of salt with bioware ive learned sadly. What i notice is a HUGE amount of PR and lies on a regular basis.


Maybe theyll learn from this to keep gabes mouth shut and everyone elses until they have an actual working game feature. It seems to work for gw2 i notice.....


Ill give them credit for bug fixes and small fixes an adressing things in a timely manner. It would be nice to get an apology about ilum from gabe personally would be nice. As of know i hope people give gw2 a try and let bioware fix their mess while we do REAL pvp elswehere sadly

Edited by hargrave
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This decision is, very literally, robbing people of time and money. People have spent weeks preparing for ranked warzones, investing money into guilds, websites, etc to get things up and running.


And hundreds, if not thousands or more, of people were drawn back to resub PRIMARILY for ranked warzones and now they get nothing.


Um Bioware isn't breaking into people's houses and stealing their money and years off their lives, so no, it is not literal.

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Poor show indeed and a very underhand way to get people to resub up until the very last moment if they were doing so in order to play ranked pvp.


At the very least the option to queue as a full group should be available.


Utterly dissappointed.

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I'm sorry but by the time they deliver on broken promises the game is going to be a ghost town. Already too many dead servers and broken promises.


GG Bioware guess you kinda tried at an MMO... Unsubbed.

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You have 10+ posts on solo queues... if you like playing by yourself go play a singleplayer


Intresting that a solo queue puts a player alone in a BG.... intresting view, really intresting!



Solo queue does only mean you can actually pvp with 7 others that did solo queue. That makes a team of 8 players, not hard to figure out but I was glad to assist you there.

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