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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Update on Ranked Warzones in Game Update 1.2


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I think we can call this...


The EA Effect


Worst company in 2012 and deserving of the title. Too bad Bioware, which had a great rep before, became a victim of it.


Bad a move as this is, it truly sickens me that anyone could think that EA is anywhere near worthy of that title given the companies that exist there.

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Theirs a certain double standard that exists on the internet. Several weeks ago that other big company had announced that pvp was not going to be implemented in their game. They were lauded for their commitment to their customer base to not rush a unfinished game system to their wanting public. BW has done the same but instead gets **** on. While I agree the timing of this was poor and more information could be released to the public, I think we should all take a deep breath and take some note of the fact that they're attempting to do the right thing by not releasing something before it's ready.
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Unfortunately I find this to be extremely disheartening Bioware and my faith in the game is really rocky with this news. Having played several MMOs this is really the first time that i've seen a "core" product of an MMO being left out. Ranked Warzones were highly looked forward to by many people. This news only helps to reaffirm the belief of some that SWTOR is a rocky MMO game.


Being perfectly honest I think that it would have been best to actually cancel 1.2 outright waiting until ranked warzones were ready. At the moment this action goes beyond a simple problem to a huge blunder that needs immediate attention.


Giving a lot of leeway as the game has promise, but with this sort of debacle what can we expect to look forward to as far as future updates go? This incident will cast heavy doubt on the capabilities to deliver powerfully engaging content to keep players entertained and coming back for more.

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Just the latest in the comedy of errors that has been SWTOR's existence since launch. Some compensation is owed to everyone in this game at this point. A free month is about the only way I can see that BW can apologize and save some face with what is left of their player base.


I honestly wondered how ranked WZs were going to work since there are only about 20 people from each faction on my server that pvp. Its clear that server mergers or cross server WZs need to be implemented before ranked WZs will be viable. The question is, if I could see that, why couldn't BW see that until now?

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I'll preface this by saying I rarely post on the forums.


I'm coming out of hiding for this thread, though, because someone needs to represent the viewpoint of the non-casual PvPer.


The PvE players will of course line up to say we're the minority- they always do. They'll continue to say we're vocal, and that our impact on a game is minimal, ect. Because, well, somewhere along the line, they got led to believe that all PvPers hate PvEers, and the forum troll wars started where everyone picked a faction and yelled and screamed until it became standard behavior.


I don't hate PvE. I am a PvP focused player, but I don't want to change your raids, or the itemization of your gear, or make you PvP to get a BiS belt or a set of bracers to max your stats for raiding. For the most part- I want you guys to have your focus untouched, and not have to do things you hate in order to do the things you enjoy.


But on the other hand, the PvPer has been handed the worst development in the game over and over since this game's launch, the worst itemization of stats, forced PvE for BiS/stat itemization, and a completely broken World PvP setup.


You made valor changes that made the ranks meaningless, you put in interim systems for commendations that essentially handed out free gear to everyone who put in minimal effort after tons of people had a merciless grind to get both their ranks/gear.


It's clear that PvE is the focus of this game. That's fine- most games focus this way, and I get it- but it doesn't give your development teams an excuse to completely half-*** one part of the game, and that's exactly what has happened with PvP.


World PvP was terrible from launch, and you've essentially admitted defeat until you can completely re-work it.


You changed methods of commendations twice with these "temporary" fixes until more permanent systems could go in, and now, we get no rated warzones, but another temporary way to aquire gear. When does the PvP community get a finished product? How many temporary changes and re-works do we get before we get what the PvEers had at launch- finished content?


You made it clear what the focus for 1.2 was in who you invited to test/copy, and that was PvE guilds to test your new T2 raid. No PvP guilds to test your rated warzones? Really. And the day prior to launching the patch, you have to pull the plug on it. You probably had an entire throng of PvEers testing PvP content for one, and for two, just the lack of focus on it overall reflects poorly on your PvP team, and Bioware as a whole.


If PvP isn't a major focus, you need to say so, rather than keeping the charade of it mattering, yet proving again and again with shoddy development that it doesn't.


I nominate this man for lead game designer!

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I'll preface this by saying I rarely post on the forums.


I'm coming out of hiding for this thread, though, because someone needs to represent the viewpoint of the non-casual PvPer.


The PvE players will of course line up to say we're the minority- they always do. They'll continue to say we're vocal, and that our impact on a game is minimal, ect. Because, well, somewhere along the line, they got led to believe that all PvPers hate PvEers, and the forum troll wars started where everyone picked a faction and yelled and screamed until it became standard behavior.


I don't hate PvE. I am a PvP focused player, but I don't want to change your raids, or the itemization of your gear, or make you PvP to get a BiS belt or a set of bracers to max your stats for raiding. For the most part- I want you guys to have your focus untouched, and not have to do things you hate in order to do the things you enjoy.


But on the other hand, the PvPer has been handed the worst development in the game over and over since this game's launch, the worst itemization of stats, forced PvE for BiS/stat itemization, and a completely broken World PvP setup.


You made valor changes that made the ranks meaningless, you put in interim systems for commendations that essentially handed out free gear to everyone who put in minimal effort after tons of people had a merciless grind to get both their ranks/gear.


It's clear that PvE is the focus of this game. That's fine- most games focus this way, and I get it- but it doesn't give your development teams an excuse to completely half-*** one part of the game, and that's exactly what has happened with PvP.


World PvP was terrible from launch, and you've essentially admitted defeat until you can completely re-work it.


You changed methods of commendations twice with these "temporary" fixes until more permanent systems could go in, and now, we get no rated warzones, but another temporary way to aquire gear. When does the PvP community get a finished product? How many temporary changes and re-works do we get before we get what the PvEers had at launch- finished content?


You made it clear what the focus for 1.2 was in who you invited to test/copy, and that was PvE guilds to test your new T2 raid. No PvP guilds to test your rated warzones? Really. And the day prior to launching the patch, you have to pull the plug on it. You probably had an entire throng of PvEers testing PvP content for one, and for two, just the lack of focus on it overall reflects poorly on your PvP team, and Bioware as a whole.


If PvP isn't a major focus, you need to say so, rather than keeping the charade of it mattering, yet proving again and again with shoddy development that it doesn't.


Long.. Slow.. Clap.

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Does anyone know of a good PvP MMO i can play?


im looking for a new game gimme some ideas and tell me whats good besides WoW and Fail TOR.


Warhammer Online - it's still the best RvR game out there (have to see about GW2). :)

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How the hell could they wait until today to announce this? This is RIDICULOUS! I only play to PVP and the main motivation to PVPing will not be in the game. I never complain about stuff but this is just stupid they would wait until the day before the patch to inform us that it wont have the #1 feature some of us have been waiting for.
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Dude I'm a pvp player... But all those rage unsubs are acting like spoiled children, sure it's disappointing, but don't you think they've given it the best they had? For such a late cancel something most really have went wrong and that stuff happens. We shouldn't kill them for having high ambitious.


This forum thread is making me sick, I can't believe it!


No, i dont, by any means, i believe they cant figure a damn thing out at all when it comes to pvp design. Their Mythic (Warhammer Online) guys are definately showing through in this cluster****.

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The only reason I subscribed last month was that I thought I had a shot at no longer being forced to queue with four random bad players in WarZones. PvP in this game has already been handled poorly and the amount of PvP game-play in SWTOR is pathetically limited.


As a PVP'er, I do not see any good reasons to continue subscribing for SWTOR.

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Dude I'm a pvp player... But all those rage unsubs are acting like spoiled children, sure it's disappointing, but don't you think they've given it the best they had? For such a late cancel something most really have went wrong and that stuff happens. We shouldn't kill them for having high ambitious.


This forum thread is making me sick, I can't believe it!


Losing customers should make you sick, because that's what will happen, you know it, I know it, they know it, everyone knows it.


The have just made a massive fail, that will be remembered for a long long time in

Other games far far away.

Edited by Pvpingwithnoobs
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Ok, this isn't a "I quit, you suck Bioware" post. I have a legit question:


Does this mean Champion gear and such stay? Will we still be able to buy the bags now and collect the same as we have in the past few months?


Also, what is this "alternate method" to obtain war hero gear?


All of the other changes to gear and commendations (currently listed in the PTS 1.2 Patch Notes) will still be going into the game. The only change we're making at this time is that players won't be able to queue for Ranked Warzones.


You will, however, be able to trade Warzone Commendations for Ranked Warzone Commendations in order to purchase War Hero gear.

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I can't say I'm happy about this, but I can understand why.


- A "preseason" on a production product is kinda a bad idea. They should polish it before they release it.

- The "8 man teams only" thing sounds bad to me, given that my guild doesn't even have eight human players (lots of guys quite already).


I'm hoping that they get cross-server warzones figured out soon though. I've spent more than 2 hours in queue only to give up.

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simply a scam they know the new raid content and everything else like the BS legacy wont hold any attention because lets face it should of been out in the first release so they do this.

just like how there not releasing nightmare mode because you know people will steam role the content and to keep them playing they will wait.

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i'm fine with them not releasing a broken system... my problem is that you announce it now!? few hours away from the patch deployment?


you know what they say.. Hype's a bitc*!! expecially when you keep on pumpin it up and then don't deliver... look at your fans now...


this is really a lol situation

Edited by Zarbak
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And this is when I cancelled my account.


Bioware had the best PVP setting in the world, the Star Wars universe, Republics vs Imperials.


They screwed that up with a non pvp play, no shared quest areas, one pvp zone that sucked arse to be honest. ( I mean, I have lvl'd 2 chars to 50 and I have ganked/been ganked less than 10 times in quest areas.... This is not a PVP game, even if playing on PVP servers.).


Now, the only good thing about 1.2 is ranked PVP, they take that away.


I wonder if they waited this long to mention this "setback" just to get enough re-subs or if they do not give a **** about the PVP community. I mean, removing valor requirement was **** enougn. why even bother gathering BM commendations for months when they are now useless.


Screw you guys, I'm leaving this sinking ship of poo.

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Wouldnt it make sense to lower the conversion rate on Warzone Comms to ranked comms from 3 to 1 to 1 to 1 for the time being?


Early PVPers are gonna be punished by the lack of bioware getting a feature ready. So later on people can get their war hero stuff nice and easy with ranked comms flowing like water while early players have to get gear by doing insane amounts of warzone comm conversions.


What are you talking about? BW would never do something like that. Like they have a history of making the first group of people work hard for something and then make it easy for future groups.



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