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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

When will there be a SERVER MERGE?


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The main reason why i might cancel subscription is not because of bugs or lack of content, but because if feels like i`m playing single player KOTOR most of the time. 25ppl in an instance at most is not what MMO should look like. It`s just KOTOR with few ppl multiplayer. Heroics are useless, because you cannot get a group together.


IMO this is the biggest issue with the game right now and BW is just ignoring it. Maybe because they cannot fix it technically yet or for some other reason, but they really should give some more info about this, what is going on and what they are doing about it.


Their explanation that, less people are playing at a same time is just ridiculous. Put your smart heads together BW and come up with a solution. I don`t want to pay 15$/month for a single player game for much longer. If there are thousands of ppl playing, please show it in the game. Haven`t seen 100+ ppl in an instance since february. :(


Make a cross-planet chat. Or if there are multiple instances on each planet, merge them. Anything that may put more ppl than 10 together. Or server merge if everything else does not work.

Edited by tomaaac
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I saw something about people think Bioware is going slow on this to avoid bad PR. To that I can only say the following. How is it bad PR when a game company addresses a big problem for its active clientel. It would be much worse PR to announce a large quantity of subscriptions lost vs. closing some inactive servers that were started to handle the large but forseeably temporary influx of players from launch.
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I'm on HegaarSoongh, currently playing republic side 50 and have a 50 imp as well, the factions are way unbalanced, there are more imps than reps, but the main concern in this server is that during the mornings or late night one cannot get a single queue until at least 1pm est, due to lack of players on both factions, and then after its a 30+ usually least 1hour queues for a single game. Imps are over geared over reps so its almost 1h to get steamrolled, so now queues have pretty much stopped.... from rep side, our guild cant get a full group to do a world boss or even sometimes operations.... in my interest since i mostly PVP is Please set a cross server PVP queues, also they waste time and their money in changing their website looks etc, who cares about that when the actual game is a mess right now.........................I'm playing the free month and have already prepaid like 6 months; if by the end of the free month i will just take my loss and quit MMO's all together until the new blizzard mmo comes out. I'm sick of the guys running this MMO and marketing - cant lie that i have fun playing WZ but they have completely killed the service of entertainment that i paid for... i don't like my money being wasted while being offered false promises - its just plain highway robbery.
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Check the dev tracker. Stephen Reid has stated several times how APAC is the beginning of server transfers for everyone.

Fanboy, I have a question: Will we get to choose the servers to which we can transfer (recognizing that high volume servers will be excluded)? How is it working for those people who live in the few selected countries in AP for which this has been implemented?

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Reroll to Fatman or go play GW2. These chumps arent going to merge or offer transfers for at least another 3-6 months. Also if your going to cancel your sub, you should first dispute your cc charge for the sub fee since they failed to deliver what you paid for. I know they don't like to refund money or dispute these claims. Hit them where it hurts.
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Reroll to Fatman or go play GW2. These chumps arent going to merge or offer transfers for at least another 3-6 months. Also if your going to cancel your sub, you should first dispute your cc charge for the sub fee since they failed to deliver what you paid for. I know they don't like to refund money or dispute these claims. Hit them where it hurts.


If its 3-6 months they are taking one massive risk.

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Been on haitus a week, it's good to be back.


I see that this thread is still going. So let's reiterate since no one seems to get it: THERE WILL BE NO SERVER MERGE.


You will get transfers, probably free at first, then for a charge later. The most Bioware will do is offer free transfers from dead realms, then close those realms.


No merger incoming. But, by all means, keep crying for one. Incessant crying is all that every takes place on this forum anyway.

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Reroll to Fatman or go play GW2. These chumps arent going to merge or offer transfers for at least another 3-6 months. Also if your going to cancel your sub, you should first dispute your cc charge for the sub fee since they failed to deliver what you paid for. I know they don't like to refund money or dispute these claims. Hit them where it hurts.


GW2. What a joke. With all the people who say they are going to play that game and are, coincidently, the loudest and most obnoxious people on this forum, I weep for their playerbase when it does launch.


I hope they never open a forum there. It'll make these forums look tame by comparison.

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I'd just like to point out THIS thread:




To those of you who are demanding immediate server mergers. Look at the issues that are cropping up from just letting a subset of users transfer to a tiny selection of destination servers.


Now imagine cramming two or more servers together, and forcing all three to somehow duke it out over whose name gets priority, because if you're merging 3 servers together, odds are 3 out of 3 of those people on different servers will want (perhaps even DEMAND) their original toon's name.


They're working on it... and there are a lot more kinks in the system (that have absolutely NOTHING to do with the coding or development, but instead are a direct result of the basic process) that need to be worked out.


So, I know this is going to be ignored by most of the people posting here, but stay patient and let them do what they need to do. You all have already made yourselves heard, and Ohlen's comments at PAX about the server transfer system, as well as Erickson's comments about server mergers being on the table, should reinforce that fact.


But I guarantee they're going to want to let the character transfer system work for a little while before they just go ahead and merge servers. I imagine they'd much rather have the users who are demanding a transfer being hassled with potentially losing several original names than arbitrarily forcing entire servers full of players to do it against their will.


There are options available to you in the mean time if you truly enjoy the game, of course, but you know that already.

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They'll open up transfers.

It's just that they'll provide the service once there is nobody left to transfer sadly.


As mentioned before, screw content, give me ppl to play with, content will come overtime, I'm willing to wait for that, but being on planets with max 15 people during prime-time..is not sexy.


What I want to really want to know is what the max capacity of a server is. Reason I ask is that the server status. When a server is labeled as heavy/medium/light, what do those numbers represent.


I can run a server, set the max concurrent connects to 20 and call that number "high". 10 people access my host, it's medium...less than 5, it's light.


So everything is relative


But here we are talking about an enterprise software, behind which is a relatively successful software giant..then how in the world can they call a pop of ~700 concurrent connections "medium"....especially for a new game around which was so much excitement and hype.


The software is also flimsy if you ask me...I've been in enough Ilium raids to realize that >20 players in a group..used to be a bloody lagfest. You couldn't get a cast off without a massive lag.

I mean, simple actions, such as opening a bag while you are running/jumping impacts game performance. Give it a shot, while you are running or jumping, open your bags with the B button...though this goes more into the physics of the engine the game is built on.


It's sorta surprising that they even released a product stamped as a MMO when there's nothing MMO'ish about it.

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Can i just point out i am IN FAVOUR OF A SERVER MERGE.


Now....i must also point out taht a lot of players i have spoken to about this are quite mis-informed when it comes to server population.


Firstly, just because there are only 10 people on fleet at peak times does NOT mean that a server has low populaion, it means just simply that there are only 10 people on FLEET.


Swtor has over 40 areas in the game per faction (planets, ships, pvp, flashpoints, etc) and at any one time there may be a lot more people in one of those other areas than there are on fleet.


Every day on each of the 3 European servers i am on a see 200+ republic people on them adding up the population on all the areas. Now if there was a proper LFG tool or flashpoint queuing similar to pvp (click a button and it puts you in a queue until you have enough to start a flashpoint - obviously have options in place to state whether you want other players to be dps, healer or tank). If we have this put in, then this will solve a lot of the issues on most of the servers (NOT ALL) as players who are then doing class quests on whatever planet can then be notified that there is now enough people to run that one particular flashpoint that they have been trying to do for over a month (MAELSTROM PRISON - i can NEVER get a group for that FP).


Ok, this doesnt solve the issue with low pvp numbers but that could simply be down to some people not wanting to pvp as my EU server with 200+ repubs i still struggle for a full pvp group yet on my sith server ( think had over 500 [people on) i could be constantly pvping all day.


I end my post with saying that i do believe there are srevers out there that NEED merging, thats fine, but there are a lot of other servers where people just arent rolling republic and only rolling empire, so then it looks like that server is low populated, it ISNT, its just people on that server dont want to play republic, so a server merge would simply just mean 2 servers with loads of sith and few republic merging into one massive servere with thousands of sith and just a few hundred repubs, so still pretty much a same issue.


The EU servers i mainly play on are Nightmare Lands (empire chars), and Rogue Moon (Republic chars)

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What I want to really want to know is what the max capacity of a server is. Reason I ask is that the server status. When a server is labeled as heavy/medium/light, what do those numbers represent.


Except in the case of "Full", why does it matter what the thresholds for the server caps are? It doesn't affect the number of people playing, which is what you are complaining about. You're not complaining about the cap being too low and therefore being unable to play due to server queues.

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Except in the case of "Full", why does it matter what the thresholds for the server caps are? It doesn't affect the number of people playing, which is what you are complaining about. You're not complaining about the cap being too low and therefore being unable to play due to server queues.


Maybe if I summarize it for you, you'll get the point.


Here it goes since it was hard to understand it the first time around:

Server populations are currently very deceiving. For example you roll on a medium pop server .

You expect to find groups for flashpoints etc. relatively easy, I mean common sense dictates that on a server that is marked as "medium", it'll take some amount of patience...I can live with that.


As a healer, I've had to wait for practically hours to find a single group to do a HM, sadly this includes BT.


The gist of the discussion here(and as voiced by majority of the people) is that, server populations are at a decline. For people who are unwilling to accept that, first they will deny it, then they will resort to asking for numbers, and once numbers are presented they will resort to saying silly **** like "go back and play WOW". That's typical of fanboys, I accept that.


But for people like me, who have been part of raiding progression, completed all the HM raids and seeing the guild and raid attendance wither away, it's almost ignorant to deny that people are are not leaving. A lot of these people are not "rerolling", they are straight up quitting.


As I said, if you are unable accept that, there is no amount of proof one can present to make you believe anything.

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I dont care if they have to reset my legacy or delete or whatever. I dont care if i have to change names. What i do care is the fact that the game needs people to work properly . Everything else is secondary if you transfer you do it at your own risk knowing that your name might be taken.


Server transfers need to happens.

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Oh good, time to relax with Swtor after a weeks work in a friday evening. Guess I'll log my main first and do the pvp daily. Oh crap, after 2 hours of sitting in the que i got one warzone. Hmm. maybe I'll do some flashpoints just for some fun? Oh wait, 8 people at empire fleet at 7pm cet, 2 of them level 50s. Guess ill log my low levels alts. Nah, no pvp ques in here either.

logoff /wrist


God's sake, i love this game and want it to do well but what exactly is the point really to pay monthly for an mmo when there is no one to play with. I can't understand why the server merges are such a big no no. On low population servers you are basicly dividing your subscription to half every month since people are fed up while BW does nothing about it.



Edited by Helistin
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If the marketing bozos continue to defy the logic of server merges they are all gonna be working for another game soon because the populations will hit a critical point of no return. Then merges will be unable to salvage what is left of the player base.


They bite the bullet soon or they lose the whole enchilada.


You would think the any members of the team that came from WarHammer would know this intimately.

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Okay this is my very first rant on the forums. I usually don't have anything to complain about I think bioware Austin does a very good job for the most part of finding out what the community is complaining about and trying to fix either with large patches or suttle fixes. There server down times have been minimal and they tend to fix things at a somewhat quick pace. But this is crazy Im on the Naddist Rebels server and on the Republic side we dont even have enough people to get thogether for flashpoints god forbid we need a operation pug. My guild as well as my other friends guilds have become less active as well as most guilds on my server. So last night 3 of us were forced to goto the dark side which is not what I wanted to do. Just because of the off balance of sides. The republic fleet had 62 at max during my time on the republic fleet and on Coruscant had 8. On the imp side there were 90+ on fleet and on Dromund Kass there were 65. Really....Really I know there is in the making for a LFG option. But if this is not done to search over multiple servers then it will be for nothing. I think we active and loyal players need to be given server statistics and a chance to move out character to other active servers for free. Sometimes I feel like no one has ever watched star wars and went over to the dark side for the apperance or better artwork and seeming OP characters but who knows, or because the played horde. But to me Ive loved Star Wars since the first came out and the Imperial side has no appeal. But we seeming seem to be almost have to play Imps to win consistently at PVP or do any Flashpoints or OPS.


Dart Level 50 Jedi Knight Guardian

The New Jedi Council

Naddist Rebels

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I've just travelled from fleet to Tatooine and Alderaan LFG'ing for Cademimu, Mandalorian and heroics appliccable to each planet. No response. Please consolidate the servers and let the game be enjoyed the way it should be. I feel that i'm missing out on relevant content and MMO style gaming, which frankly should be a staple in a game such as this.
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Bioware messed up caving into the QQ'ers about having to wait in a Que when the game first came out, because of this they opened up way to many servers and now the players who stayed with the game have to pay for that with low populations and nobody to do stuff with.


Server merges should of went in BEFORE the legacy update, because now your going to have some serious issues with peoples legacy names.... Anyone who has any knowledge of MMO's should of known to built in a transfer system when they designed the game at the beginning. It was foolish of Bioware to believe they would not need such a system and now they have to try and cobble one together before even more people leave the game out of frustration of low server populations.

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The people who are on low level servers put a lot of time, effort, and money (real and ingame) into their toons. Why do the people loyal to those servers have to suffer because other people bailed early in the game for a different high population servers. I do not want to start my guild, legacy, and toons all over on a another server. I will not be switching servers, I will just quit. I can't keep playing the same people in pvp (this is if I get a que pop with in the hour or two I play). Let's put the massive back into massive multiplayer online shall we?
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My guess is that for PR reasons, there will not be server merges.


I can see the headlines now. "SWTOR merging servers due to poor subscription rates."


Given that, I can just about guarantee that there will just be transfers.


- P

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My guess is that for PR reasons, there will not be server merges.


I can see the headlines now. "SWTOR merging servers due to poor subscription rates."


Given that, I can just about guarantee that there will just be transfers.


- P


Merging servers has become a norm in MMOs. What we are waiting for in TOR is new hardware so the devs can combine the servers.

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The whiners whined at launch when lots of servers had queues. Bioware responded by raising server caps and adding servers. But, as always, the whining doesn't stop, it just finds a new direction.


AMEN! I remember when the game launched and all the servers were full and everyone had to wait HOURS to get on. Everyone held their breath and stamped their feet demanding that caps be raised or new servers opened! They had the same crap to say that "Bioware doesn't listen to it's customers! There's too many people on my server!" and they pouted and threatened to go back to Warcraft and play Pandas if Bioware didn't bow to their demands.


Bioware, along with most ANY experienced MMO gamer, KNEW that after the game launches, a lot of people leave for one reason or another and the populations on the servers DROP! They even told the people complaining that this was their concern and why they didn't want to open up so many servers. But the whiners demanded it, they got it and what happened? The server populations dropped and many servers became ghost towns.


Now the same babies that were crying that they couldn't get on, now want to play on a server that has a queue time so they can find people to play with. And once again, it's ALL Bioware's fault! And they aren't l;istening to their customers because they want server mergers and character transfers! YEESH!


Server mergers aren't as simple as just copying characters from one server to another. Some players will have the same names as characters on other servers and would have to rename their characters, Cue the whining that they shouldn't have to lose their character name because it wasn't THEIR fault the server slowed down, etc. There are many factors to take into consideration when merging servers, so relax, take a breath and roll a new character on a populated server until they get all the details hashed out.


It's fine to want it. It's fine to ask for it. It's fine to state that you may consider leaving because it's not fun enough without other players to play with. But let's stop all this "Bioware isn't jumping for my every demand or personally responding to my every question!". The fact is they did what we asked, against their better judgment, and now we're suffering for it. They will fix the problem as best they can, but there are hundreds of other requests to fix hundreds of other problems. Work around your problem until the fix is ready.


I personally have a level 50 character and a level 30 that I love playing that are sitting on a dead server until i can transfer them. I started new characters and am working on them in the meantime.

Edited by Jaavik
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AMEN! I remember when the game launched and all the servers were full and everyone had to wait HOURS to get on. Everyone held their breath and stamped their feet demanding that caps be raised or new servers opened! They had the same crap to say that "Bioware doesn't listen to it's customers! There's too many people on my server!" and they pouted and threatened to go back to Warcraft and play Pandas if Bioware didn't bow to their demands.


So it's the customers fault that we are stuck on dead server?

Sigh... Think i will chance my career choice and start doing games, seems to a good place where i can blame my customers for my own shortcomings.

Edited by Helistin
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