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Unbeatable comp 1.2 because of neglegeant balancing


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5 marauders

3 sorc healers




you will never beat this team with any other setup then mirror if they are even closely competent at there class


you will see this team #1 id put my mortgage on it


good luck winning alderaan (or novare) with that setup.

Edited by Orangerascal
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good luck winning alderaan (or novare) with that setup.


near infinite speed boost alderaan and novaire np they will out zerg you any where you go, they will never die and anything they focus is dead in seconds GG


huttball will be easy with 3 pulls and 5 jumps 5 invulnerabilities and infinite speed boost you dont stand a chance at getting the ball and if you do ball carrier dead in seconds no one can heal through the dmg and you wont be able to kill any of the sorcs or marauders unless you MAYBE catch 1 out of position or if he suicide scores in huttball

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5 marauders

3 sorc healers




you will never beat this team with any other setup then mirror if they are even closely competent at there class


you will see this team #1 id put my mortgage on it


lol most likely


you know how the min maxer scrubs are the ones that ruin mmo's :p

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lol most likely


you know how the min maxer scrubs are the ones that ruin mmo's :p


No they dont. All they do is highlight game breaking flaws in the design first. So really its the devs and lack of testing that ruin MMOs (generally the fault of the publisher desperate to get it released). Lets get the blame on the right people.

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Thanks for your mortgage, I'll PM you where to send the cheque.


This. Not only are players bad, now they own homes???


(I guess not anymore!)


No they dont. All they do is highlight game breaking flaws in the design first. So really its the devs and lack of testing that ruin MMOs (generally the fault of the publisher desperate to get it released). Lets get the blame on the right people.



absolutely. To date, Bioware's testing process fails to meet even mediocre levels of quality. Until they allow anyone with a level 50 to auto-transfer, and give them a little motivation to do so, all level 50 content will likely continue to be bug ridden and exploited for weeks after release.


Novare Coast will be no different. Just wait...

Edited by islander
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This comp sounds absolutely devestating if all 8 players are coordinated.


The infinite speed boost and undeniable damage output is useful on every single map, but in Huttball particularly this comp cannot be beaten without having a similar amount of marauders.


I used to queue up with 2 marauders a lot and between their 2 speed boosts Huttball was a joke to us. Anyone think merc healers have poor mobility? Run with some marauders and you'll have to slow yourself down at points because you're just running way too fast to effectively stay in LOS of your heal targets unless they're keeping up with you.


This will definately be the deciding factor in future "nerfs" that will be demanded when rated rankings start to hit 2k and above.


I believe that a debuff needs to be placed on sprinters after the sprint buff wears off. Something like "for 2 minutes after the speed buff, you cannot gain the benefit of another speed buff"


Someone mentioned that it'll be useful in Civil War/Novare coast but it's also going to be insane for voidstar as well. Being able to jump the gap at the 2nd set of doors is something only these classes can do and when you have a team full of players doing it, they will destroy Voidstar as well.


The only composition that I think might be a bit better, is switching out one sorc for a tank assassin just for the ability to guard when needed. Even then... the damage output of 5 marauders focus-targeting with alt-T or clicking on the focus target's target with the new UI would make the guard pretty useless for the most part.

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5 marauders

3 sorc healers




you will never beat this team with any other setup then mirror if they are even closely competent at there class


you will see this team #1 id put my mortgage on it


Nobody wants your debt...

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They have a definite lack of CC and not all that utility. Also we still can't queue with 8 person premades yet.


Facing a coordinated team with say a Merc Healer, PT DPS, Sniper, Juggy Tank, Mauarder, and some sins/sorcs


your maurader/sorc team will get destroyed. Snipers destroy Marauders especially combat/carnage ones that have to be in range all the time to do any dmg. The PT, Juggy, and Sins all have the ability to guard and taunt, as well as pulls, kds, and numerous other stuns.

Edited by Anishor
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I've seen threads like this before, but i dont get it...IMO, any cheese comp will be beaten by a more balanced team if all other things are things are equal (gear, skill, etc).


While you have great burst and decent heals w/aoe, the utility and other hard-counters are blatantly missing (gaurd anyone? lol). Your 5 mara's still aren't going to kill that merc healer if he has gaurd, bubble, his shield up, and cross healing. Meanwhile, your ALL MELEE dps will be aoe'd to kingdom come while trying. I think it will be a good Huttball comp next patch, but not for rateds overall.

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anyone that thinks comps full of one or two classes are going to succeed are delusional.


what you're doing to pugs is not exactly going to hold water against actual premades. im sure that comp will steamroll a few bad teams, maybe even rule your server in preseason. but I would love to have that comp come against our team in cross server ranked wzs :p We'll eat you alive, don't worry.


the game will change in 1.2 - but it'll change even more for pvp in 1.3 cross servers (assuming 1.3) A lot of the myths and stereotypes will slowly be debunked by good players playing against good players. Honestly the density of quality opponents on most servers is so low that testing anything for actual play is pretty difficult.

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near infinite speed boost alderaan and novaire np they will out zerg you any where you go, they will never die and anything they focus is dead in seconds GG


huttball will be easy with 3 pulls and 5 jumps 5 invulnerabilities and infinite speed boost you dont stand a chance at getting the ball and if you do ball carrier dead in seconds no one can heal through the dmg and you wont be able to kill any of the sorcs or marauders unless you MAYBE catch 1 out of position or if he suicide scores in huttball


You suffer from the common fallacy of only looking at the positive attributes of the class and not the negatives. Marauders are easily kited and Sorcs are very squishie.


You won't win an alderaan because your sorcs are not guarded. In a 4v4 for example when you're trying to take the middle. Your marauders will be kited around the top balcony and killed by the aoe. If you send 1 sorc and 1 marauder to the right, they will just die to the burst scoundrel/marauder comp because again the sorc is too squishie.


Good luck with this setup ... don't expect it to go very far. You will lose every alderaan and novare coast.

Edited by Orangerascal
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Throw in some snipers on the oposing team with the huge amount of cc they can get if specced right and your combo is history.


Specially since those snipers eat the unguarded sorces for breakfast without being taunted even more so.


Wellbalanced setups will be far far stronger. You can melt the faces of bad opponents with a team like the OP has said, nothing more.

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near infinite speed boost alderaan and novaire np they will out zerg you any where you go, they will never die and anything they focus is dead in seconds GG


huttball will be easy with 3 pulls and 5 jumps 5 invulnerabilities and infinite speed boost you dont stand a chance at getting the ball and if you do ball carrier dead in seconds no one can heal through the dmg and you wont be able to kill any of the sorcs or marauders unless you MAYBE catch 1 out of position or if he suicide scores in huttball




you clearly do not understand about Mara's and Sent's... Your first line alone is false... Thats like saying assassins and sorcs have near infinate speed boost. 5 invunerabilites is 25 seconds at best and has a cool down (assuming you have 5 mara/sents), and the "jumps" are dependent on the opposing team being in place to jump too.


TBH, the best team make ups that I have been on so far are the ones that are diverse with 2 or 3 healer types.

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This comp sounds absolutely devestating if all 8 players are coordinated.


Really? So 5 mercs hitting one person with TM wouldn't be? That's 15k damage every GCD, good luck healing through that.


Or 5 PTs getting off a rail shot, rocket punch, rail shot with thermal in there- that's about 60k damage in 4.5 seconds.... good luck healing through that.



If we're talking an extremely well coordinated group with focusing- just about any comp is going to devestate a group that isn't ready.


Five marauders of course would dominate- but, throw in an op and merc healer and a sin tank instead of 3 sorcs and you'll dominate civil war, novare and VS more than 3 sorcs. Sorcs have one thing now- utility, and that utility comes down to extricate (which is only useful in huttball offense), and bubbles- outside of that they do every other function, particularly in the WZ that aren't huttball- far worse than any other class.

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